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Chapter 202: Chapter 6

Once harry had, with much difficulty, loaded what he deemed a substantial amount of money into his pockets (it was, in fact much more than substantial) it was time to depart once again in the hellish cart that had taken them to the first of the three vaults. It drove deeper into the depths of the building at startling speeds that were on a constant incline. They came to yet another jolting stop, nearly throwing harry onto the tracks ahead of him as the speed stopped entirely so suddenly. Hagrid lumbered out, looking greener by the minute, knees knocking together alarmingly. The vault was labelled as number 713, the vault that they had visited at Hagrid's request.

After hearing all that he had about Dumbledore harry was expecting something grand, something incredible, something befitting of the wonder of the magical world. He received something rather different.

There was a single item in the huge metal vault. A tiny object of mundane appearance sitting on the metal in a way that was almost pitiful. It was wrapped in old paper, stained and torn – though not enough to allow him a glimpse of the object that it was concealing.

Edward, also, was confused by the object. It was bot of the grandiose he was expecting either. However, should he wish to continue addressing himself by the title of Alchemist, he had to acknowledge the unbalance of the object in Hagrid's hands. He could practically feel the energy pulsating off it, steady and vital like a pulse. He gripped his hands together, forcing himself not to transmute anything in the surroundings.

Hagrid stowed the object securely into one of his many pockets – one on the inside of his long coat – as Ed continued to stare at the area where it had disappeared to. Subconsciously, harry felt his own hand drifting to the inner pocket of the coat that he had yet to return. It came into contact with a hard, oblong object. A pocket notebook. He resisted the urge to retrieve it and read it, choosing instead to clamber reluctantly back into the cart. Edward tapped his shoulder and smiled awkwardly again – he wondered how the other by was not affected by the rapid movements of the cart – "Took you long enough, Potter." His tone was kind but the smile threw him for a loop again.

The track spiralled into a descent for a final time, travelling at a speed that pulled at all of their skin. They yelled – Hagrid's bellows drowning them all out entirely. Edward's vault was very low into the underneath of the building. Harry could have sworn that he saw a dragon, white and haggard looking yet still vicious. They stopped again, departing at the largest vault yet. Edward opened it with a touch of his hand after being instructed to do so by Griphook.

Mounds of riches were piled haphazardly on top of one another, a sizeable amount of research journals were stacked against the sides. If this was his father's vault Edward's obsessive study habits had suddenly been explained. There was a single photo sitting on top of a stack of journals that stood tall before the door. Edward seemed to be purposely ignoring the photograph. Harry dared to sneak a glimpse.

There was an infant who looked a lot like Edward, a baby who must have been a younger sibling as well as two adults that he assumed to be parents. The woman who held the baby close to her chest looked very content – where was she? – but the man looked grim. His mouth was turned down and his eyes were mourning. The little Ed was smiling in the man's arms, dangling his legs and waving his pudgy baby hands as the man held him at an arms lengths away – as though he couldn't stand the family that was very clearly his (his colouring was shared by the children).

He looked between his new acquaintance – no, his new friend – and the photo taken in his infancy. He couldn't help but wonder about the other people in the photo – the woman looked so motherly that she could imagine her as his own – but the man allowed him to see why Edward rejected his name.

They left after Edward – as well – had stocked up on a beyond – necessary amount of money. As the boy was leaving his vault with quick moving legs he picked up a seemingly random selections of journals and picked up the photo, scrunching it carelessly in angered fists and shoving it roughly into his trouser pocket.

He stormed out, a flurry of black and gold – seeming detached and distant as though his family photo had affected his disposition entirely. Harry followed hurriedly and jumped back into the cart, uncomfortably settling next to the brooding boy as his aura turned black with an amalgamation of negtie emotions.

The ascent wasn't exciting or sickening – it was slow, depressing and dizzying. Edward's eyes disappeared into the shadow of his bangs as he tilted his head downwards, his hands were clenched tightly together – it must have hurt – and the ever-present metallic clicking grew louder and more haunting.

As they clambered out of the cart for the final time the dark cloud settled over them. Edward's family was probably as broken as his own, harry was forced to realise as the boy sulked in such a way that he appeared scary. He walked with a series of clicks, directly to the bookstore. His pace was frightening and he had disappeared into the depths of the shop before harry could comprehend what was happening. the door slammed with a resounding bang and swung a great many time as the bell rang and his boots disappeared.

Harry pulled the comfortable coat tighter around himself, catching the distinctive scents of motor oil, pine wood, fire and electricity. there was something strange about that combination but it didn't seem wrong. However, something very much did. Something was wrong, something was awful. Something was hurting his head, playing at his mind violently...

The Elric's, Hohenheim – what had happened?

A/N So I've noticed that there hasn't been a disclaimer in this story yet so I'll write one now - I own absolutely none of the subject material that I am writing about in this fic and do not claim to - it is called fanfiction for a reason.

Also, someone commented on liking the story but pointed out that a few names weren't capitalized and I couldn't reply as they were not signed in so I'll address that now. the positivity is great and I know about the capitalization, my autocorrect is weird and doesn't always pick things up. I'm sorry about things like that but I do try and I have to proof read things myself.

As always, constructive criticism is welcome.


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