/ Fantasi / Stone Kraken

Stone Kraken Original

Stone Kraken

Fantasi 22 Chapters 14.2K Views

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Pirate, raider, killer, reaper—once a fearsome gargoyle who terrorized the seas, he now awakens from his stone slumber in search of redemption.

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Hello, everyone! This is the author speaking. I would love to have your feedback during this glorious process! I'm writing a chapter every day and uploading it at the end of the day. This is the first time I'm doing this (it's not my first book, but the method is new to me). It is risky but also exciting. There are many risks involved ( like going back and changing something that has already been written/uploaded, which hopefully won't occur). However, so far, I'm having a lot of fun, and the story flows easily and without resistance. It is fair to say that I know where the story is going. However, I'm always surprised by little glimpses of inspiration that appear during the process, making it better and better. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Wish me luck, fingers crossed!

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