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58.33% Steven Universe: What's your favorite color? / Chapter 7: 7. No more potatoes!

Chapter 7: 7. No more potatoes!

-Well, what if.....


-Mm-hmm, okay. So even one finger is enough to do significant damage. But it's better to use a whole fist, as it does a lot more damage and has more destructive power.

So what exactly am I doing now? Quite simply, I was crushing a huge boulder with my bare hands, without slipping anything, just my flesh and the strength of my body. It's just amazing.

-The force of my blow is at least capable of destroying the rock. - I looked at the chunks of boulder around me. - But it takes several blows, one is not enough, which is pathetic. But I think on the other stuff, one hit should be enough.

I turned and looked at the many trees, oaks if right, with holes in their trunk. These were my first test subjects, in which I poked holes adjusting my strength. I tried to control my new power as best I could, trying to find the right consistency of control and freedom.

"If I hit with all my strength, the tree will fly away with the stump, at half strength, the trunk will fly away leaving the stump. Using a quarter strength, I was able to cut the tree down like using an axe. A third of the force and the tree already has a hole in it. Below a third of the force, it's useless to use, you still get holes.

Since I couldn't sleep and didn't want to, I decided to find the nearest forest from Beach City and experiment there already, so as not to blow up my new hotel room. I found a small wilderness clearing where I began to test my strength.

And I spent the whoooooole night there, using my powers nonstop. In a clearing ten meters around there were no more trees, many boulders had just crumbled to dust, the ground around had been corrupted by my blows.

Anyway, I played as hard as I could and wanted to.

I even crushed rocks into the sand, though small and with enough force. My strength did not cross the line to ..... I don't know who, there was no example! My only example was those gems, only I don't even know what they can do!

"I never figured out how I got it all, but I'm more concerned about the consequences of what I got. Nothing just happens, everything has a price. I wonder what my price is and when I'll have to pay the bill.... if I don't pay it already." -I touched an area of skin on my chest, I was practising without outerwear by the way.

Where there was a slight redness and a dark patch of skin, there was more and the colour became more intense. There were black spots on the red skin that very slowly, just imperceptibly if you didn't look, moved towards the centre, getting closer together.

"There was more red as well as black. I don't know what it means and it worries me....".


"I'm also worried about an empty stomach that needs to be fed. I think it's time for me to get out of here, it's getting lighter already." - I looked up at the rising sun with squinting eyes. - "Another night without sleep, another night without a nightmare."

I put on my T-shirt and headed towards town. I walked, not wanting to repeat my previous experience with running. I could not control it yet and had not tried, concentrated on strength for the time being.

It was better to give up running for now.

For the safety and integrity of those around me.

And their homes..... as well as my mental peace.

I don't want to see that picture any more, it's terrifying when I think of it.



After a bad adventure with his friends, Stephen was sad. Because the whole mission was derailed because of him! He managed to forget the most important item for the mission, even though he put all sorts of junk in his bag! Like his plush toy or his inflatable boat, he even put sandwiches, but not the statue!

Because of this, the Spire of the Moon was destroyed, as was the teleporter that brought them there. They had to take an earlier inflatable boat to get back home, several hours! They started the mission during the day and got home at night! Stephen's arms were still sore from the constant paddling, although he had volunteered to make it up to them.

His sleep was restless, he had been up all night and only fell into a blissful sleep almost in the morning.... only to wake up a few hours later, remembering his shame again!

To cheer himself up somehow, he once again decided to eat some delicious .fatty and delightful scraps! And this time, he was sure that he would be the first to come, so that the Potato Snatcher would never set foot on his turf again!

There was just one problem, though.....

-Pearl, have you seen my trousers? - Steven was standing there in his underwear, looking for his pants. - I can't find them anywhere. I looked all over the house.

-Did you look in your locker? You might as well look under the bed, you're always throwing your stuff under there. - Pearl wasn't paying attention to him, she was looking intently for something.

-They're not there either! I looked in all the available places. But they aren't! - N crossed his arms and pouted.

-Sorry, Stephen, but I can't help you. I'm in the middle of something very important right now..... where is it, I remember exactly eight splinters. I couldn't be wrong, I'm never wrong!

-What are you looking for? Maybe if I help you find yours, you can help me with my trousers!

-Oh Steven, I'm looking for an extremely dangerous and evil..... thing. - Pearl turned to him and showed him the bubble.

There were seven bright blue shards in her bubble, floating in the bubble in her hands. Usually the bubbles are used to store dangerous artefacts, things or just the rubbish from Amethyst's room.....

-This is very important, remember. These splinters could at one time c...- Pearl immediately began to tell another long story.

"Where could my trousers be? I've looked under the sofa, in the washing machine too..... maybe they're in the kitchen, but unlikely....". - Stephen naturally wasn't listening and was thinking about finding his trousers quickly.

-.... and that's why they shouldn't touch any, repeat, ANY clothing. Be it armour, socks, T-shirt, underwear and all other clothing. Do you understand me Steven? - she leaned over to him and looked him in the eye.

-Ehhhh.... yes! Roger that! - he stood up at attention.

-Good. - she nodded contentedly. - You take another look around the house and I'll go into town. When we find the shard I'll help you with your pants... hope you haven't lost them, this will be the sixth pair this week.

Pearl sighed dejectedly and left the house, running into town. Stephen was left alone, with no trousers and no idea what to do next, for once again he wasn't listening to Pearl.

"Where could they be..."


While Stephen was thinking, his trousers just ran past him....self, without anyone's help, Amethyst, they moved of their own accord. The blue jeans ran around the house, crashing into every corner and dropping things.

-А! My trousers! Stop right there!" Stephen saw them and ran after them. - You can't get away from me! I am your master, obey me!

Stephen jumped on the trousers and pressed them to the ground with his body. Although Stephen was completely right in his words, the trousers didn't think so. They tried with all their might to break free from the 12-year-old's grasp, but where would they go? Simple trousers, with all the power of Stephen's Universe!

-Come on! Get in! - Steven picked up the trousers and started to put them on, the trousers resisted. - This can't go on forever! One of us will fall back and it won't be me!

With those words, he zipped up his fly and marked his victory over his trousers! Those kept kicking at his legs, but there was nothing more they could do, the body of the 12th Steven Universes, were too big and fat to fight back in any way.

-Ha-ha! And that's my win...ow! What's that? - Something jabbed Steven in the side. - What is it?

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small blue shard, with sharp edges and facets. The shard resonated in his hand, attracting like a magnet to his T-shirt! Stephen quickly put the shard away started to remember.....

-Pearls! - he looked at the shard and remembered. - We have to tell her! So that's where it's been all this time! Just have to first...

Stephen looked around and his gaze quickly caught his sock..... which was lying under the sofa. It was scary to imagine all the pain the shard was in. When it was stuffed into that old, smelly, patched and mouldy sock! Oh, it was horrible and disgusting! But the half-coloured one didn't care.

-Now you have to give it to Pearl. She said she went into town, hope I find her quickly, don't want to miss out on....ay! Ow, ow, ow!

Determined to get back at his tormentor, the shard made the sock move and hit Stephen's face with it, so that he could feel the stench and disgustingness of his current vessel.

-Ay! Stop it!" Steven pushed the sock away from him.... and it stopped. - А? Wow, thanks. .... But Pearl still needs you, so let's go and find her...


-Hehehehe. - Stephen stroked his belly. - After a little snack, of course.


-Snip, snip, snip.... snip! I want Snip!

Stephen paced happily along the pier, waving a dirty sock in his hands. the trimmings!He was glad, because when he approached the Jarkinsons' diner, he didn't see the Potato Snatcher! Which meant... Snip!

Stephen paced happily along the pier, waving a dirty sock in his hands. He was glad, because when he approached the Jarkinsons' diner, he didn't see the Potato Snatcher! Which meant...

-I won, I won, I....won? - he stopped and tilted his head to the side. - Ermmm.....Peedy?

-Aaaaah! Get these seagulls away from me! Get away! Kash! Get off! Get off!

Right now, the youngest member of the Jarkins family, Peedie, was bravely fighting against the gulls' onslaught on him, dressed in a costume...a giant potato! The costume was a huge white cup, with a red apron, yellow gloves and a ridiculous face, even frightening if you looked closely.

On his head, instead of hair, he had a lot of fried potatoes, on which seagulls eagerly flocked

-Peedi! I'm coming! - Stephen quickly ran towards his friend.

-Steven! Help me get this stupid suit off! - Pidy was fighting off the seagulls when Stephen arrived.

With Stephen's help, Pidy still managed to get the suit off and fought off the gulls' invasion of the suit, then quickly hid it, lest it be pecked off or stolen.

-Peedy, are you all right?

-Yeah...yeah, I'm fine, thanks Stephen. - Peedie sat down on the feast and started breathing fast. - I hate this suit! When I asked Daddy what I could do to help, that's not what I was counting on!

-So you're helping Daddy with his work? That's awesome! - Steven sat down next to me.

-No! -It's not "coooool", Steven! It's not cool at all! - Piddy snapped and grabbed his head. - It's awful! The costume is terrible! Daddy's horrible! This suit stinks, it's hot, I can't move properly and my arms, my hands are always in the same position!

-Why don't you tell Dad?

-Because he gave me this suit! According to him it's a family heirloom, ha! All the Jarkins before me, even Ronaldo! I just can't not walk around in it, it would ruin the family fabric, aaah! -Pidi covered his face with his hands.

- I wish things were like they used to be. When my only problem was scraping together a few quarters for a toy horse, not this. I wish this suit was doing all the work for me.....

Stephen patted him on the shoulder, reassuring his friend. He didn't realise how hard it was for him, so all he could do was morally support him.....though, wait a minute!

Stephen looked at the sock in his hand. He stood up quickly and Peedie looked at him perplexed.

-Peedy. - Stephen smiled and held the sock up to his face. - I've got an idea!


After covering a few kilometres on foot, Isaac wondered how deep into the forest he had gone. He must have gone too far from the city to walk back for nearly an hour.

"Strange, I thought I'd gone just a few paces, I must have gotten carried away again.... that happens to me." - he scratched his head and continued walking.

After walking literally a couple of metres, he could see Beach City unfolding in the rising sun.


-Yes, yes, I know. Hang in there a little longer and you'll have your breakfast. - he patted his stomach.

Isaac wasn't surprised that he was hungry. Yes, he had a strong body and everything now, but that didn't take away from the fact that every living thing had to eat, no matter how strong it was.

"I wonder what the gems feed on? Do they even feed at all.....certainly do. If you take the purple one, Amethyst, as an example. I've caught her eating a few times, so maybe they are eating....or just mimicking eating."


-With all these thoughts of food, he got even hungrier himself. - Isaac reached into his pocket. - Yeah. I don't have a lot of cash. Don't expect anything good tomorrow. Then I'll go eat some of their potatoes, they're cheap.

Once he made his decision, he headed for that diner. The last time he bought fries from them, he liked them. The main quality of course was cheapness, money was getting less and less.

-Wait..... what is it?


-Stop! -Stop! I command you!


-Why won't he listen?!

-He's out of control!


-Oh, my God! He's gonna kill us!

At first Stephen thought it was a good idea to stick a shard in his suit and have him perform in Pidy's place, selling potatoes to people. He and Pidy had a fun time talking, after which Pidy realised that he had grown out of the carousel and it was time for him to do serious things.

He thanked Stephen and decided to wear a suit himself and sell potatoes.

But when they got back.... there was horror waiting for them. The suit, gone mad. He was forcibly shoving fried potatoes into people's mouths, lavishly coating it all with different sauces. His body changed.

Veins appeared all over his torso and throbbed. The potatoes on his head lengthened to resemble the tentacles he used to grab people and feed them potatoes. His face was still silly, with a scary smile that frightened them even more.

They tried to stop him.... and of course they failed. The suit was out of control, it no longer obeyed them, it had the beginnings of consciousness and was no longer, just a frightening mascot of fried potatoes.

But luckily, they managed to save the rest of the people by shifting his attention to themselves!

-Steven, what do we do?! Where are your gem friends?! - they both took cover behind the counter and avoided the tentacles.

-I don't know! Amethyst and Garnet are on a mission, and Pearl is somewhere in town, she should be here soon!

-When?! - Peedie looked out from behind the counter and immediately ducked back in. - We don't even have a few minutes!


An ice cream cart flew past them and crashed into the wall of the diner.

-We need to hold on! She'll be here soon... aaaaaaah!

-Steven! Let him go you pathetic parody of me!

The tentacle did get to them. The suit pulled them towards him, he already had fried potatoes in his hands. He gave them and they didn't really give it to him.

-Sorry Pidy! I didn't know it would come out like that!

-It's OK! Just close your eyes and don't look, at least we'll die beautifully!

They both closed their eyes and waited for the worst. The suit slowly approached them and swung his arm. He quickly lowered it, aiming it at their mouths...


Something hit the suit hard in the back, causing it to fly forward and release the children from its tentacles. They fell to the floor and opened their eyes. Having come to his senses Stephen immediately began to look around, looking for his friends.

-Pearl! You came! Oh thank goodness, I thought that potato was going to kill me..... - Stephen stopped talking when he saw who had saved them.

Peedy, also coming to his senses, saw his saviour.

In front of them stood Isaac, who was holding some old iron in his hand and with his arm outstretched, after a punch. He watched intently as this walking problem stood up and turned in their direction.

-This is no place for children's games, hide somewhere! - he looked at them and twirled the armature in his hand. - Daddy will take care of that thing.

-HYYYYY! - the suit's mouth opened and there were a lot of teeth inside.

-Come on, get in here. I'm gonna fuck you up so bad. .....

Isaac stood in a stance and waited. The suit didn't have that quality.


Screaming and waving its arms, it ran towards Isaac. It continued to stand, waving the armature a little.

-What is it doing! - whispered Peedy. - It won't even make a scratch on him!

-Go away! Get out of there! You won't be able to do anything to him....

-Shut up! - Isaac turned in their direction. - Just the kids I didn't ask what I was doing....



While Isaac was distracted, the suit rammed into him and he flew away. In flight, he managed to flip over and grab onto the boards of the pier, getting up on three limbs.

"Whoa! What a hit! ". - Isaac marvelled in his head. - "I felt it! It's even stronger than hitting a brick wall! ".

-My turn!

Isaac stood up and tossed the rebar. He immediately caught it and bent down, throwing it at the suit with all his might. He tried to defend himself with his tentacles, but the rebar went through them and hit him, right in the eye!

-HYYYYYYY! - The creature grabbed its eye and fell to the ground. - HYYYYYYYY!

A liquid began to gush out of its eye, like blood, with something yellow and white mixed in.

-It ain't over yet, asshole! You think I'm just gonna let you go?! - Isaac ran over to the fallen suit and jumped on top of it.

Once on top, he grabbed the rebar and began to slowly plunge it deeper into the creature's eye! The deeper the rebar ended up in the eye. The more profusely fluids flowed from his eye. Isaac's whole body was already covered in these fluids, but he only smiled furiously and drove the rod in harder and harder.

-AND THIS IS FOR YOU, TO MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER! - Isaac swung his second hand and brought it down.



With his second hand, Isaac pierced through the creature's rib cage. Finished pushing the rebar into his eye, the one went through the body and stuck into the boards of the pier, Isaac took up the rib cage. He began ripping it with his hands, bursting inside the suit. Inside, instead of a void, there was meat and veins, and a huge and transparent piece of meat, inside which there was liquid and in it floated the very shrapnel.

-THERE YOU GO, MOTHERFUCKER! - Isaac swung with both hands, flexed his fingers into a claw shape and brought them down. - NO MORE POTATOES, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!


He ripped his heart open and removed it from his body, poking out a splinter. The suit immediately stopped showing signs of life and no more fluid flowed from it. Isaac caught his breath and threw the empty shell of the heart away before wiping the liquid covering his view with his hand.

-HAH! And this booger here, was it capable of that? Interesting.....

Isaac sat right on top of the body of the former shard vessel. His entire body was covered in various fluids, with only his eyes and mouth visible from his entire body, which was smiling merrily. And instead of reacting to it in any way, he was smiling as he stared at the shard.

-Interesting.... very interesting.


-And you mean you left that thing behind, knowing the possible consequences? What are you, like, 12, 13 years old? You're all big boys and you couldn't even think about what was going to happen!

I sat on the bench and wiped the remains of that thing on me. I didn't want my body to be soaked in the smell of ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard. True, before that I jumped into the ocean a couple of times to clean myself, no towel would be enough for so many sauces.

The towel was provided to me by this kid, the son of the diner owner. Right now he and this kid, Stephen, sat in front of me and tried not to look. In the distance lay the body of the suit.

-I don't know how it is. - I waved the shard in my hand. - Turned out to be in your hands, but the first thing you should have done was to show it to some understanding adult. Not playing with it like it was some kind of toy.

I shook my head and sighed, leaning back on the bench. This little potato-monster incident had brought me two things.

One, I definitely won't be eating potatoes, in any form, for the next few months.

Two, I was able to try out my powers. And I will say this.... I loved it! Feeling invulnerable and feeling no pain is.... beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

-Whose idea was that, huh? Which one of you thought of it? I want to know...

-Steven? What's going on here?

A woman's voice distracted us from my tirade. Turning to it, I saw one of the gems, named Pearl. In one hand she was holding some kind of bubble with shards similar to mine, and in the other a spear.

-Good, at least someone responsible seems to have arrived. - I got up from the bench and approached her. - I take it this is yours?

As I held out the shard, I saw the shock and recognition in her eyes. She immediately grabbed it and pulled the bubble in. The bubble disappeared from her hands and she looked at me with a squinted look.

-Where did you get it from? -I could see her hand on the spear tense.

-That's a question I'd like to ask regarding these children. - I pointed at a couple of the guilty ones. - Because they had this, before they got to that, and then to me.

I pointed at them, then the suit, then myself.

-I hope you'll have a talk with them about not taking other people's things. - I stopped her with my hand. - Before you say anything, I'll answer, no. It's not my concern, I've been here too long as it is. I'm hungry, tired, smelly and sweaty. Sort it out yourselves, your kids, your problems. Bye.

Without turning around, I walked towards my hotel. The mood and the desire to eat disappeared on its own, but the desire to fall into a warm and soft bed, after a cold shower, appeared just now.

And I didn't care about the look on that stone woman's face. All I wanted now was to rest.

Rest and think about what to do next with what happened today.

I need to think.

Think hard.

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