/ Urbano / Stay next to me

Stay next to me Original

Stay next to me

Urbano 11 Chapters 11.3K Views
Author: lazy_shix

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Raven, Zenji, and Clayden have been the closest friends since they were kids. Clayden strives to be an actor and model while Raven only wanted to support Clayden with his dreams, and Zenji who also strives in his singing career. Raven had already began to develop feelings for Clayden ever since but as Clayden became blinded with the fame he was gaining. Raven had decided to move on from her one-sided love and Zenji who witness it all, decided to take action. Would she meet someone better? Will they both realize that they were born to be together? A very close, yet so distant love between a girl and her childhood friends!

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Author lazy_shix