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28.57% Starting a New Life in Another World! / Chapter 6: The Kingdom of Weiss

Chapter 6: The Kingdom of Weiss

Their faces so filled with delight... Clinking their wooden beer mugs then passing out... While I, sat in contemplation from the olden pub counter. Doing the usual 'recounting-my-experiences-thus-far-tactic to assess my current capabilities and how to further better them.

"Tomorrow's the day... So I'll do just that and that..."

"What're you mumbling about Shuma? Bwu-ah"

'Ugh, Tsuki-san, you reek'

"C'mon Shuma, have a sip."

Tsuki-san asked the barkeep for a mug, filled it with beer and placed it at the counter, producing a thudding sound.

"Here, have a drink..."


"Ahah, I'll... Have to pass"

Giving me a slap to the back, he shoved the mug into me and laughed.

"Aww, c'mon, here, just one. It's your party after all..."

'Ah, here goes nothing'


"Hahahah, there you go! How's it, Shuma?"

Hic "Iz-'Hic' nosh, badth"


"Woah, woah, Shuma. you still sober?"

"— Ofkorsh! You darned peashant! Hic - Mineshelf, am nosh, drunk!"

"Shuma, you might be formidable but... Man, you're pathetic at holding your drink. Ahahahahah!"

He was way too blunt to a fault. And that awakened the Chuunibyou inside me to its highest point.

"Yuu, yuu, shu-shuddup. Mineshelf am... Omni-fowerful! I! haff cleared... Mine own, in-ven-shaun! Da, 3D Fantashi, Virs-chuwal realishy!"

"Ahahahaha!, Shuma, calm down. You're talking non-sense."

"Shush! Yuu, fooooool... I, am... ish Chalking abhout, hic... about dat prakchikal Invenshaun.."


"Now, now..."

"Shadduppp! Hic - I haff ekshtremely... senshitive reflekshes becosh of dat - Hic"

As I continued my nonsense, Tsuki-san was kind enough, trying to make me sober

"— Here have some water"

"Shank you — Not! Hic - Chuki-shan... You - Hic - are a good, pershon..."


"Ahhh, he's down... Well... Folks! Our guest is knocked up. Continue it without us."

And I fell flat asleep... Tsuki-san lifted me up.

"I will be returning Shuma to his lodgings... How bout you, Shuma's slime? Rimu, was it? You coming?"


"Ahahaha, I see... Make sure not to lose me."

Tsuki-san assisted me. With my arms across his shoulders, we walked the village roads and eventually, reached my room.

"Shank you. Chuki-shan - Hic"

Tsuki-san gently lay me down on my bed... I felt comfortable.

"There, alright then, see you, Shuma."


"To you, too Lil' Rimu"

"Yesh. Shanks a lot Chuki-shan..."

And so, 'Chuki-shan' left... I saw his wide back, as he was leaving. It made me realize how incapable of a person I was.

"Damn... I wash... Pashethic back, der... ZzzzZzzzZzzz"

Shuma, knock down...

Yes, I was indeed, pathetic back then... And I agree with my own remarks. Which is why, after I fell fast asleep, I was already certain... That I needed to work harder. Not just for my sake, but for the sake of every good people out there...

"People like Tsuki-san." I mumbled in my sleep

Alas! Time has come!


"Ugh... What happened? — Ohhhh, yeah... I remember..."

Recalling the events yesterday... Disappointed, I facepalmed

'Right... What a pathetic display...'

"Ughhhh... How embarrassing..."

'Come to think of it, today's my departure... And, Ugh, I forgot to change clothes. Tsuki-san just dragged me along yesterday...'

Before anything else, I changed to my old lab coat. After that, follows.

"Rimu, we gotta pack."

'Bang!' The door opened...

"— Shuma! Sob-Sob... You're leaving right?"

"— Wha- Eh? Ehhhh? Tsuki-san? I'm still packing..."

"Sob-sob... Let me help you."

'Who knew. Tsuki-san, is sensitive as hell...'

"Calm down first. First off, I'm leaving. But that doesn't mean I won't return... Alright? Calm down..."

'It's hard to imagine you crying... I'm barely holding back my laughs...'

He wiped his tears off and regained composure...


'Ah, that was close... It's just hilarious... This is so unexpected...'

"Okay, I'm calmed now..."

"Alright. Well, let's get packing!"

Hence, we packed. It wasn't much of a hassle to do so as I never had much baggage to begin with. All I had was a few Materials and that was it.

"Shuma, this..."

'Ah, my tattered robe'

"I'll just buy a new one on Weiss..."

"I'll buy you some from that store. I've got a lot of savings ever since you've clea—"

"— I'm fine. The sentiment is enough..."


"— Nah, I really am good. But if you really insist, I'd rather have a souvenir. Or something to remind me of this Place"

"If that's the case."

Tsuki-san took off the accessory from his neck.

"Here. It's from Gramps. Said it was from that researcher in the lore. Passed from one generation to the other"

'Cool necklace...'

Its shape was very simple. An Astronomical Sphere necklace.

"You sure it's alright?"

'I mean, I was the one that insisted but, this is valuable...'

"It's valuable right?"

"I would, say so... But I'm sure that Researcher would be happy to give it to you. I'm sure gramps would consent"

'It would be rude to decline. So'

"Alright, I humbly accept"


'Man, his slaps in my back kinda hurts. I know it's not intentional though. — Still hurts.'

"Shuma... Let's escort you"

As we walked past the roads, everyone was staring... Some, applauding. I was pretty sure, that they were astounded, by the feat I managed to accomplish.

And there lies, the exit... Trees stretching as far as the eye sees. Grass, expanding far and wide.

Someone approached me... It was the clothing store clerk.

"Uhm, Sir Shuma, if you would please accept this..."

He handed me clothes.

'This... The robe that I bought back then.'

"Thanks! I appreciate this!"

"It's way too little for what you've done in the village. It's out of courtesy so please accept it. Do be careful in your travels."

"I will... Thanks!"

Someone, once again, stepped forward. This time, it's that 'guy' who calls me 'Cheeky Shuma.' Handling a horse behind him, he spoke

"Brat — No, Shuma. Use this horse."

"—Darwin-san, no fair..." The clerk interrupted

"Shut it, brat. He deserves it."

"I mean. Yes, but if you were gonna give that, I would've gifted something more special."

'Ahahah, so he calls everyone a brat... And his name was Darwin, huh... Never would've known...'

"Well, I have to go. Thank you, all of you..."

'Glad I trained horse-riding in that Virtual World'

I hopped on the horse. Took Rimu from my head and placed her in front of me.

"Now, Shuma, departs!"

I waved my hands towards the villagers, as the horse galloped, they waved back. The smiles in their faces left me no regrets. And so, with Rimu, a new adventure, begins!

"'Til I return, Village of Arche. To the Kingdom of Weiss, we tread!"


Traversing the plains by horse, we immediately reached the Whispering Deadlands, engulfing the whole village.

"Well... Those guys're definitely gonna flourish. Taking into account that this place is no longer monster-inhabited"

Subsequently, we moved on. After a few hours...

"Waahh, that's one hell of a Kingdom... I expected less"

Appeared... A civilization. With bustling people, of different races. I saw Elves, Dwarves, sentient goblins, semi-dragons — The usual fantasy breeds.

Out of amazement, my jaws dropped. Eyes, opened wide. I was at a loss for words... I then crossed the extending stone path. With Rimu,

atop my head, the crowd's attention were on us

"This is amazing."

'—Not minding the curious stares'

"— Don't you agree, Rimu?"


"I'll just ask someone for something..."

'That guy from the sidelines seems nice...'

I approached him, and then asked plentiful questions

"Excuse me. Mind I ask?"

His eyes set on me, I proceeded.

"Where can I get a map of the Kingdom?"

"Turn that way, go left, then right. After that, you'd see a store. They sell a variety of items there... By the way, cute hat"

'She's not a hat but I'll let you go for the fact that you called her cute'

"Thanks! And she's a Slime, not a hat"

I then said my goodbyes to Mr. Stranger... Heeding his directions, I found myself in the shop. Its exterior were of wood, coupled with diverse items, hanged, and shelved on two separate stalls.

'Fancy... Ah, there's the shop-worker'

With the passage in between, I went inside. It was more spacious than I had originally thought.

"'Scuse me, I'd like to buy a map of the Kingdom"

He looked at Rimu, then me.

'That just proves how cute she is.'

"Oh, alright. Right this way, Sir."

I followed him. He took a piece of paper from one of the shelves. and handed it

"How much is it"

"25 Silver coins"

'Ugh, that's pricey.'

"I'll take it"

I took off... Went outside... There, I saw a bench. Approached it, sat, and then placed Rimu besides me.

"Les see, les see... Hmmm. From here... Goes there... So there is that place... From that area, Mhmm. A Hotel for me to stay in..."

'Well... The map's routes seems fairly easy to remember.'

As I analyzed every route, and the establishments visible on the paper, I deduced that this is, indeed, a Fantasy world.

'I was still doubtful at Arche Village but...'

Slapped myself in the cheeks, I uttered

"This proves it... I sure hope I'm not dreaming..."

And so, I continued. Resting at the bench with Rimu, I thought to myself

'That's right! There's no time to fool around!"

I need to look for a Library of some sorts.'

"Stated that this place is the most advanced Kingdom..."

'Their libraries ought to contain valuable information'

Checking the map, I noticed an establishment different from the rest. It encircled the Palace exterior at its center.

'Gotta hand it to Weiss.'

"That place is definitely the Library."

'I can tell... My researcher instincts tell me so.'

I took a stand and stretched "Alriiiiight" Picked up Rimu and this time, carried her in my arms "For a change of pace..."


"You like this?"


"Heehee... I see"

Joyfully treading the paths, people, again, were having curious stares.

"Weird guy"

'—Oi, I hear you'

"Man, they just don't get it"

Enduring their painfully irking stares, I walked the path without paying them heed... And so, after my tiresome strides, we arrived at the Library.

'Finally, that was a long way but... As expected'

From the outside, were pillars supporting the building. Inside, I saw...

"That's a hell lotta books"

Scriptures, Tomes, anything literary. spread far across the whole building. And from then, I thought to myself.

'This place... Truly, can be called, the most civilized Kingdom...'

Appalled by the seemingly infinite sources of data, I stood, paralyzed for a few more seconds.

"Ah, right. I have to enter"

I was halted...

"Your adventure pass, please"

'It's a... Knight? He does wear armor... so... could be'


"In that case, I'm gonna need your traveller's pass"

'The hell's a traveller's pass? I'm really gonna hammer everything into my head once I get in there'

"— I lost it... Probably..."

"I'm sorry sir, but you're not allowed to enter"

Scratching my head, I replied "Ahh, Figures... I'll return when I get one" I then went someplace peaceful... Quiet.

"What even is a Traveller's pass."

'I don't have that'

"Very well"

'Let's get ourself one'

I, again, went back to the library and asked the guard for something.

"Please show me your Traveller's pass"

"I'm not here for that... I just wanna ask. Where can I get a new pass? See, I lost mine. I couldn't seem to find it"

"—That would be at the City hall. From there, you need to pass on a form of your birthplace and"

"— On second thought, I might've just lost it in my baggage"

I left without further inquiring.

'That was a crap-ton of useless data and menial tasks.'

"I'm gonna need a less conspicuous yet easy-to-access means"

'One that that grants permissible entry to the Library'

And thus, I remembered something

"Ah, right... He said something about Adventurer's pass back there."

'That might work'

I placed Rimu back to my head. Grabbed the map from my pocket and checked it.

Then, I pinpointed the spot that possibly, could be the guild house.

"This might be it"


"Yeahhh, Rimu... Heehee-Heheh"

'It's relatively, far... Might take me... Yup. 20. — No, roughly 30 minutes.'


And so I arrived

Ting — I opened the medieval double gate.

"'Scuse me..."

'Ah, Nvm. There's the register'

"Uhm, excuse me. I'd want to register as an Adventurer"

She turned back and checked some files from the drawers behind her.

"Wait a sec... Ah, here it is. Please fill in this form"

'Form... This word constantly pops up today — I hate long processes'


I took the paper, looked for an empty seat and then reviewed what was written.

'Oh, it's just a survey...'

Fill out the Following:

"Can I use Magic? — Yes. Swordpla — Also yes... These are just basic questions"

'Fill em up'

Consequently, I finished. Returning to the register, I passed it to the lady

"Yes, this would do. Please await for when I call you"

I came back to the seat, placed Rimu on the table and did my usual contemplation.


Couple of moments later, the lady approached me.

"Please follow me"


"... Here we are. Place your hands on this device, if you would"


And a number projected itself from the marble.

"100 is your Magia capacity"

'Magia capacity, 100...'

I felt despondent

"—Now, for our Physical test, you would be assigned to fight off Illusionary beasts. They can harm you but you won't die so rest assured"

'That doesn't change the fact that there's pain. Ahhhh, these guys are really inconsiderate.

"When does the test start?"

"It begins now"

Suddenly, I was warped to a different spatial existence.

I was at a grassland. Looking similar as to the one from where I woke.

'Now what'

There, abruptly appeared from behind me, a feral goblin. I perceived it with my Skill. Subsequently, conjured my Magical Sword and slashed it

"No blood... It just, faded after a slash?"

Shortly after, a variety of monsters revealed themselves. There were witches, goblins, bugs such as centipedes, bees, the likes of those with no sense of self...

'This is nothing compared to Strauss' Forest or Whispering Deadlands'

Nevertheless, I slashed them without batting an eye.

Bzzzt-zzzt Tssss

'Did I finish the test?'

"Congratulations, you're now officially an R-Ranked Adventurer. Do work hard in raising your rank"

'R? Rated, R? In any case, the ranking is weird'

"— I will. thanks"

I went outside. "Maaaaan" Stretched my arms upwards and talked to Rimu "That took quite a long while, huh? Look at the sky. It's already past daybreak. Why don't we find ourselves a place to stay in."


I looked at the map again and deduced the closest hotel to the Library... Following that, I got Rimu and myself a nice room

"Waaaaah, it's spacious."

Boing — Rimu jumped from my head

"I think I'll stay here for a week. Give or take"


"Hahah, don't worry, I'll be taking you out with me all the time. For now, let's take our goodnight's rest... Tomorrow's gonna be my first day at the Library"

Boing-Boing. As I was lying in bed, Rimu leapt into my arms. Wobble

"Hehe, you wanna sleep together? Alright. Sleep tight..."


Thus, the night is ever so tranquil.

~End of Chapter~

Shuma Shuma

Did you find Drunken Shuma to be Cute? Adorable? — Perhaps, Cringeworthy? — Well, I found it to be cringe... So Have fun!

On another note, mayhaps, you've been enjoying my work? Add it to Library for more Updates!

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