/ Fantasía / Started with Truth Within

Started with Truth Within Original

Started with Truth Within

Fantasía 70 Chapters 30.7K Views
Author: LunaFire18

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This story is a sequel to my first story, Secret Powers Within and my other story Started With a Mission. In this story however; Kelsey has to leave her home to find where she comes from and who she is, but she also has to fight a new enemy and finds someone she was certain she was never going to see again. Along with a new person she's never even heard of. Who is she? Where is she from? And what is in store for her now? As for Skye, she further goes on a journey of self reflection and is still learning what it means to have others care about her. All while fighting both internal and physical battles, one battle of which requires both at once... what is she truly capable of?

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Author LunaFire18