( Dumbledore's Office)
Now in his office looking at some paperwork it was then, Harry Potter just so happen to come to his office.
"Ah. Harry. Welcome my boy. What brings you here lemon drop?" He asked seeing the boy shake his head.
"No. Professor I came to tell you something urgent." Harry said with Dumbledore raising a brow with Fawkes looking at Harry.
"Oh? What troubles you my boy?" The headmaster asked.
"Sir. I just had another dream. A dream of Voldemort." Harry said with Dumbledore having his full attention on the boy.
"Go on?" Dumbledore continued
"This whole thing about me being put in the tournament was all a ploy and trap. In my dream Voldemort was talking to wormtail along with another man who goes by Crouch. Is he a relative of Mr. Crouch?" Harry asked with Dumbledore now looking serious.
"Are you certain that you saw a man who goes by Crouch in your dream?" Dumbledore asked with Harry nodding
"Yes. He is the one who probably put me in the tournament." Harry says with Dumbledore now thinking on this.
He thought of some theories on who put Harry's name into the goblet of fire and put him into this tournament. He knew the boy wouldn't do it because he wasn't 17. He thought about Igor Kakaroff. Believing him to be the culprit that could have done it. Since after all Igor was still a death eater and probably wanted Harry killed in this tournament. He already has Serverus to keep an eye on Igor. Harry said Crouch... was in his dream. It can't be Senior Barty Crouch. Unless...
His eyes narrowed. It can't be possible that Barty Crouch Junior has escaped Azkaban? It just wasn't possible. There's no way.
"Sir?" Harry spoke breaking him out of his thoughts.
"Oh sorry. My boy what else did you see in this dream of yours." Dumbledore asks
"A ritual. A ritual that wormtail is supposed to do. It needs my blood." Harry says as Toxine spoke in his mind.
"Harry. There is something you need to ask your headmaster." She says
"What is it?" He replied back to her.
"Ask him did he knew that you are a horcrux" She asks with him frowning
"A Horcrux? What's that? And how am I a Horcrux?" Harry replied with both tenants in his mind going silent for a bit.
"Ask your headmaster Harry. He'll tell you." Blaze world answer. As Harry mentally frowned.
"Professor Dumbledore. What is a Horcrux?" Harry asked with Dumbledore now widening his eyes at the mention of that word.
"How and where did you hear that word?" Dumbledore asked in a low whisper
"My tentants. What exactly is a Horcrux? and how am I one?" Harry asked with Dumbledore sighing.
"Take a seat Harry." The Headmaster says knowing this was going to be a long talk.
"Harry. A Horcrux is a object of a dark wizard or witch that keeps a hidden fragment of their soul. In order to stay on the world of the living and of course a dark way to stay immortal. As long as the object remained intact, so did the soul fragment inside it. Even if their body suffered fatal damage. Making a Horcrux is the most terrible of dark magic." Dumbledore explained with Harry listening
"So what does that make me?" Harry asked still unsure as how he's a Horcrux.
"Let me finish. Horcruxes could only be created after committing murder, the supreme act of evil, as a means to tear the soul out of one's body. Horcruxes could be made from anything at all, including a living being, creating a Horcrux out of an inanimate object decreased the chances of it being destroyed." Dumbledore would continue and explain as Harry processed all of this information... it was then he suddenly realized something.
Back in second year. During the chamber of secrets incident. Voldemort's diary... could that have been...?
Then he remembered when he stabbed the diary with Toxine's fang.
"Voldemort's diary... it was a Horcrux?" He uttered then realized if he is one... then why isn't he...Of course! Fawkes saved his life at the last minute when Toxine bit him.
"So.. all this time... I was Voldemort's horcrux? And you knew?" Harry said visibly upset.
"Harry. Let's not be hasty now. I had suspected Voldemort did make you one but at the time I wasn't sure." Dumbledore assured.
"So... how do I get rid of a piece of his soul in me?" Harry asked while Dumbledore looked away slightly
"You would have to die... in order for it to be destroyed..." He answered
"Yes there is a way!" Toxine intervened having heard the conversation in Harry's mind.
"We can find a way to get rid of it Harry." Blaze would add.
"How?" Harry replied.
"We'll tell you in the chamber of secrets." Toxine replied
"All right." Harry replied while looking at Dumbledore
"So the only way for his soul to go away is I die correct?" Harry says with Dumbledore slightly nodding.
"Unless there is a way... but I am unsure..." The Headmaster would say with Harry frowning.
"I see. Then see you later Headmaster." He says getting ready to leave
Dumbledore was about to stop him but a chirp from Fawkes told him to let the boy go.
"I guess you're right. He probably has a lot on his mind..." He says to Fawkes who trilled in agreement.
Dumbledore wondered should he tell Harry the prophecy since he knows about horcruxes. Perhaps later on or another time. Right now he needs to see if what Harry saying is true about Crouch. Barty Crouch Jr. he needs to take a visit to Azkaban to find out if what Harry is saying is true.
( With Harry)
Having to process what he had been told. He unknowingly walked into someone.
"Watch it Mr. Potter!" Says a grumpy voice infront of Harry was Alastor Moody.
"Oh sorry Professor Moody. I didn't mean to bump into you." Harry says politely with Alastor grunting.
"Be mindful of what you walk into boy. Could get yourself in trouble. Where you come from?" Moody asked.
"I came from Professor Dumbledore's office." Harry answered
"Ah I see. And where you off to now lad?" Moody asked grabbing his flask opening it.
"To meet with my friends." The boy answered
"And your girlfriends?" Moody asked with a coy smile Making Harry blush.
"Ummm yes." Harry said with moody laughing
"Ha! I'm just playing with ya potter! Just remember one thing." Moody says now drinking his flash as Harry watched him and suddenly caught a whiff from the flask.
"That smell again..." Harry thought he has smelled this smell many times in potions class with Professor Snape. And it's coming from the flask that moody is drinking.
"Harry..." Toxine says with her voice tense and her eyes narrowed into slits.
Blaze also glared.
"Yeah?" Harry replied to moody.
"Constant Vigilance! Always remember that boy!" Moody says walking off.
As Harry watched his form and narrowed his own eyes.
That smell, smells awfully familiar...
Meaning... that person infront of him just now is not the REAL Alastor Moody.
"Professor?" Harry begins Causing Moody to stop.
"Yes boy?" Moody asked
"What is that your drinking?" He asked with Moody frowning
"Pumpkin juice of course boy." Moody said.
"Really? Cause if I didn't know any better. It smells like Polyjuice." Harry says narrowing his eyes.
"Oh? And what gives you that idea? Boy?" Moody says slowly drawing out his wand.
"Because. I know your not the real Alastor Moody. You're an imposter." Harry says coldly.
"I suggest you stop making assumptions boy. It could get you killed." Moody says narrowing his eyes.
"Who said I was making assumptions. Why not tell me who you really are!" Harry says with Moody growling and aimed his wand at Harry but Harry raised his hand to blast a wave of Wind knocking "Moody" into a wall.
Moody tried to grab his wand but Harry snatched it away and glared at Moody.
"Tell me who you are?" Harry glared.
"I'll never tell you boy!" Moody hissed.
Harry whipped around and saw Professor Snape appear.
"What are you doing!?" Snape asked
"The boy Attacked me Severus!" Moody says
"Wrong! Professor Snape. This man is not moody!" Harry declared.
"And how can you be certain Mr. Potter?"Snape asked as Harry picked up Moody's flask and gave it to Snape.
"Smell this sir. It smells like Polyjuice." Harry says with Snape taking a whiff and smelled it too then narrowed his eyes at this imposter.
"I see. Let's take him to the headmaster-" Snape says.
"Harry? Serverus? What's going on?" Dumbledore says who now appeared just when he was on his way to Azkaban.
"Headmaster. It seems we have an imposter among us." Snape says pointing at Moody.
"What do you mean? That's Alas-" Dumbledore says but Harry cut in
"No it's not. His flask smells like Polyjuice." Harry says with Dumbledore widening his eyes then turned to Snape who nodded.
"Bring him to my office so we can question him." Dumbledore says glaring at "Moody"
As Snape forced moody on his legs and pointed his wand to his back.
"Move." Snape says coldly as "Moody" walked with Dumbledore and Harry following.