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6.66% Stare of the Basilisk King / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Effects part 2

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Effects part 2

( With Harry)

Now He and Fleur Delacour were being Escorted by a handful of Aurors of both England and French as they reached their destination.

"Harry!" The said boy whipped his head around hearing a familiar voice as he grinned seeing Ron and Hermione along with the rest of the Weasley's run towards him

"Harry thank goodness your safe!" Said Hermione as she was relieved that her friend is alive as she turned her attention from him towards the girl he was with frowning slightly.

"Harry who is this?" Hermione asked with her attention on Fleur as Ron and the twins started drooling at the Quarter Veela, Ginny eyed the girl who was holding her crush's hand.

"Oh umm Fleur, these are my best friends, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger and behind them is Ron's family" Harry Introduced as she smiled looking at them.

"Ze name is Fleur Delacour, you all are from Hogwarts are you not? I'm from Beauxbatons, pleasure meeting you."Fleur introduced kindly in English as she shook hands with Hermione.

"Harry, I'm glad you're safe" Said Arthur Weasley who just arrived with Mr. Diggory Cedric's father along with the French Minister who is flanked by his Aurors Fleur perked her head up seeing it was her father as she ran to him leaving Harry's side as she was embraced by her father's hug.

"Fleur I'm so glad you're safe! you've had me and your mother both worried!" Her father spoke in French holding on to his daughter

"I am fine father, if it weren't for 'Arry Potter i wouldn't be in your arms again, he saved my life from those horrible death eaters" Fleur replied back in her french accent as her father looked in shock as he turned from his glance on her towards Harry Potter in his sights who looked startled seeing her Father now coming towards him.

"Are you Harry Potter?" Her Father spoke in English as the boy nodded.

"Yes Sir, are you-" He spoke but Mr. Delacour cut him off.

"Mr. Delacour, Magic Minister of France Mr. Potter is it true that you saved my daughter's life from those death eaters?" He asked watching the boy closely as everyone looked on in amazement did Harry Potter save the French Minister's daughter!?

"Yes, Sir, i was separated from my friends and the Weasley's during the attack was trying to find my way back to my friends but happened to find Fleur injured and that the death eaters were going to attack her i couldn't just leave her alone to die so i did the right thing" Harry responded looking at her father who raised a brow at the boy.

"And what happened to the death Eaters? that you encountered when you saved my daughter?" Her father asked as everybody else wanted to know the exact same thing as all eyes went to Harry who froze.

He froze not expecting that question, just how exactly was he going to tell them that he actually killed three Death Eaters with just a simple stare, Nobody was going to believe he actually done it, No 4th-year student from Gryffindor actually took on three death eaters and live to tell the tale. Taking a deep breath he decided to tell the truth hoping they would at least believe him.

"They died" He whispered but everybody heard him as you could hear their jaws drop staring at him as if he grew two heads.

"You killed three Death Eaters!?" Spoke Hermione who couldn't believe what she heard as everyone else still looked shocked staring at Harry in silence who nodded as gasps were heard.

"How did you do it?" Mr. Delacour asked sternly as Harry was about to respond but Fleur beat him to it.

"He killed them with a simple stare, i saw it happen" She spoke with everyone turning to her in shock then back at Harry, in truth she saw him do it but didn't look into his eyes because her Veela magic had warned her not to look into them.

"No bloody way! Harry couldn't possibly have done it!" Said Ron who couldn't believe his best mate had actually killed three death eaters with a stare it was unheard of!

"Lord Minister!" Said a French Auror who is a prefect flanked by a few other Aurors using their wands to levitate the bodies of the three death eaters, as Mr. Delacour and everyone except Harry turned to them and widened their eyes.

"We've investigated the area of where we found Mr. Potter and your daughter, we've found three death eaters they are actually dead!" Reported the French Prefect Auror as the French Minister of Magic looked surprised seeing that Harry was indeed telling the truth as he looked at Mr. Potter in a new light and respect. The Weasley's, Hermione, along with Cedric and his father looked speechless.

Harry had remained silent the whole time looking down not wanting to meet everybody's eyes.

"Mr. Potter" Spoke Mr. Delacour causing the teen to look up at him seeing Fleur's father have a small smile on his face looking at the boy who lived with brand new respect.

"You have done a great service for me and my country, you rescued my daughter and took on three death eaters, with your kindness i will repay it forward. You are a Hero if there is anything, anything at all that you need i will be glad to help give you what you need" Said Mr. Delacour as Harry had the courage to shake hands with Fleur's father with a smile.

"Your very much welcome Mr. Delacour" Harry spoke back looking at the French Minister who nodded.

"Are any of you hurt?" Asked Arthur Weasley who is very proud of Harry along with The Weasley twins, Hermione and Ginny, Ron, on the other hand, had a look of Envy on his face staring at his best mate with slight jealousy.

"I've only hurt my leg, but 'Arry is hurt he suffered from an unforgivable curse when he saved me from the Death Eaters" Answered Fleur as Ginny, Hermione and the rest looked at Harry in concern to see if he was hurt.

"It's nothing, I'm fine," Harry responded

"Harry i think you should get checked out still," Hermione said but he protested saying he was fine but they didn't believe him.

"Come Mr. Potter I'm taking you and Fleur to get healed," Mr. Delacour said holding his daughter's hand as Harry sighed seeing he'd have no choice so he went with them.

( Hospital Ward)..

Indeed Harry was being checked out by the healers as they saw no wounds on the boy which baffled them he looked completely fine but when they checked his temperature they looked at him with slight worry His body temperature was surprisingly very hot for some reason. He didn't seem to be under a fever and he looked completely normal, seeing that he looked completely fine they decided to let him go with the Weasley's.

Meanwhile with Fleur and her father.

"Are you certain of this?" Asked Mr. Delacour looking at his daughter with a surprised expression in his french accent seeing her nod.

"Yes Father I'm very certain 'Arry isn't affected by my allure he hasn't drooled at me not once when he saved me, he's practically immune to my Veela allure!" She replied back in her own french accent as her father looked even more surprised by this action normally many boys at her school would always look at his daughter with lust and drool at the sight of her. This caught him off guard the famous Harry Potter isn't affected by his daughter's Veela allure? which is a good thing and very surprising and on the look on his daughter's face it didn't take him long to know what she was thinking, Harry Potter could be a potential Mate for his daughter.

Mr. Delacour stroked his chin in deep thought about Harry Potter. The boy is only 14 years old and his daughter is only 17, He thought deeply on the subject, the boy rescued his daughter tonight and now his daughter tells him that Mr. Potter is immune to her Veela allure.

"Father?" Fleur asked looking at her father who is broken from his thoughts.

"Yes, dear?" He replied looking at her.

"Is it possible for me to see 'Arry again?" She asked with a light blush as her father chuckled.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure you will since i hear your school is having the Tri-Wizard Tournament this year and it will be hosted at Hogwarts" He replied as her blush lightened at this and that she was going to see her future potential mate.

"Thank goodness!, because I would like to get to know him more!" She said with excitement she couldn't wait to get to Hogwarts and see her 'Arry

"I'm pretty sure you will, and I'm looking forward to that. Rest up your leg is getting better the healers say you'll be better by morning and maybe if you're up you might be able to catch Mr. Potter before he leaves" He said seeing her nod and look away with a blush, oh yeah he could tell just by looking into her sapphire eyes that she was definitely interested in Harry Potter and if push comes to shove he was going to have a long talk with his wife that their Fleur had found a potential future mate.

That is if Mr. Potter accepts a marriage proposal.

Yeah, he was going to have a very long talk with his wife.

( With Harry)

Weasleys and Hermione had decided to stay at a motel for the night when it's morning they return to the Burrow.

By the time he returned to the Weasley's he couldn't help but feel the questioning looks everyone was giving him, Yes They were proud that Harry had saved The french Minister's daughter but what got them speechless was that he killed three death eaters with a just a simple stare? which is very unheard of.

He had no clue how he did it himself, it wasn't like he used the unforgivable curses to kill them, now that he thought about it his eyes felt strange when he looked at the death eaters he didn't know what it was, then the healers when they checked him out they stated he was mildly hot his body temperature was mildly hot and that he didn't look to be in a Fever from it, it was very odd and disturbing was something wrong with him? he didn't know what was going on but for some reason, he had a feeling he was going to find out eventually if anything else strange happens to him.

Deciding to hit the hay going to sleep off his thoughts and these mysterious problems before he could fall asleep he thought about Fleur.

He had to admit she was very beautiful, he liked her sapphire eyes they were beautiful.

As he closed his eyes going to sleep.

Moments later.

Harry was sleep, he was slightly sweating as he twisted and turned in his sleep, The Tattoo reappeared on his right arm glowing dimly, he let out a soft hiss from his mouth in his sleep it was Snake like after that came out his mouth he let out a whisper of a trill of that of a phoenix. Deep within him, his internal organs grew very hot, his whole body started steaming, he clutched the blanket gripping it with his nails that grew an inch and pointy like claws.

He hissed softly again in his sleep, he was having those dreams again.

In the dream, he was being coiled by the Basilisk as the Phoenix landed on his shoulder like a cloak of fire coated Harry without Harming him or the Basilisk. She spoke to him in parseltongue flicking her forked tongue and started licking Harry.

"Soon potteerrr youuu will become ssomething vvery eextraordinary" Spoke the Basilisk locking her Golden iris eyes upon Harry's very own Golden Iris eyes.

"His transformation will take a while to evolve" Spoke the Crimson Red Phoenix looking at the Basilisk of Salazar Slytherin

"Indeedd, We will help him learn ccontrol of his traits and abilities" Replied the Basilisk in agreement as she kept Harry in her coils.

( Scene break)

It was morning, Harry cracked opened his eyes as he groggily grabbed his glasses putting them on as he noticed something odd frowning in confusion his vision was blurry through the glasses were the lens dirty or something? he took off his glasses rubbing the blanket on the lens to clean them after putting back on his glasses and his vision was still blurry through the glasses? he took off his glasses and felt the realization hit him, he could actually see! his vision is perfect! he instantly got up out of the bed and went to the bathroom to look at the mirror.

He looked in surprise again at what he was seeing in the mirror, his eyes were still green but that wasn't what surprised him, what surprised him was that he felt a little taller, he wasn't short? he took off his top and noticed another big change, his whole upper body was athlete build and has a six-pack. flexing his arms showing his muscles, he didn't know whether to feel overjoyed in this change or not! it looked like he no longer needed to wear his glasses again because for the first time in his life he could actually see without glasses! he didn't know how everybody was going to take his changed appearance.

Before he could look anymore into the mirror he heard a knock at the door.

"Oi Harry, you alright in there?" Asked Ron in concern

"Yeah, I'm alright" He spoke looking, even more, shocked his voice was calm and collected, yet more mature.

"Okay just checking, hurry up will you, we're going to eat breakfast before we head back to the burrow I'm starving!" Ron said as he walked away from the door.

Harry's stomach indeed growl as he felt the need to eat too, he decided to freshen up and get to breakfast asap very happy with his new change he wonders will everybody recognize him?

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