( With Fleur)
She ran and ran with tears in her eyes heading back to the carriage as before she could get inside a voice stopped her.
"Fleur wait!" Harry Said with Hermione and Ginny begins him.
"Arry..." she sobbed now turning her sad sapphire eyes at his green emerald eyes
"Fleur please wait, don't go I apologize for what Ron has said Back there," He apologized Seeing her look away as he walked closer to her.
"Arry.." She Said softy as Hermione and Ginny could only feel sorry for the French girl.
"What he says is true... I am a Veela Slut, it's not my fault that every man falls for my Allure... do you think I wanted this gift? Of course not! I wanted to be just a normal girl... my own class mates in my school look at me so much with disdain thinking I would seduce their boyfriends which is not my intention! I just want someone who would see me as just a normal girl and not look at me for my looks!"She Said balling her fists in anger and sorrow
This made both Hermione and Ginny feel very bad, at first they thought Fleur was going to take away Harry from them, they felt so wrong to judge her they should have gotten to know Fleur before judging her.
Hermione could understand what Fleur was coming from. During her first year at Hogwarts she hardly had any friends that was until Harry and Ron became her best friends and the three of them became the Golden Trio. They were always together through adventures but now the Trio has been divided due to Ron making a Arse of himself and a foul git towards Harry because Harry was put in the dangerous tournament which was not his intentions and she knew Ron knew Harry would never do such a thing. But the idiot would never believe it or admit it he was blinded by his jealousy and pride, she may have been saddened that the Golden trio may never connect again but she couldn't just ignore Harry and forsaken him siding with Ron she would have been an idiot for doing that! She loves and cares for Harry! Even after saving her from the troll in her first year, she developed a somewhat crush on him, he saved her again when she was pretrified by the Basilisk she was truly indebted to him and would always remain at his side even if it meant throwing away Ron then so be it because she loved Harry.
She felt a magical pull burn brightly in her heart,
Ginny for her part was ashamed now understanding Fleur's pain, in her first year at Hogwarts she didn't hardly have no one as friends with the exception of Luna Lovegood. Her brothers always ignored her during her first year when she was under the trance of Voldemort's diary, and the one who saved her was Harry Potter who she was indebted too and still loves him...
She felt a magical pull in her heart too,
Hermione and Ginny both exchanged glances at each other as they both nodded.
"Fleur look at me.." Harry Said grabbing her hands feeling a magical pull connecting to him, Fleur, Ginny and Hermione, his instincts were telling him to bond with them now
Fleur felt her heart thump looking into Harry's eyes, Harry looked at Fleur, Hermione and Ginny with his heart thumping loudly his instincts were urging him to mark them as his wives but he couldn't do it here he needed to do it somewhere private where no one could witness it!
A ring of Fire enveloped around them as they vanished in bright flames.
(Chamber of secrets)
In a flare of fire Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Fleur we're now in the chamber of secrets inside Salazar Slytherin's statue in his bedroom. Harry wasn't sure how he got them here or how did he teleport? But he'll worry about that later talking with Blaze right now he needs to comfort and mark his mates he knew the consequences of marking them they will become like him.
"Fleur look at me, your not a Veela Slut or Veela Whore. Your Fleur Potter my mate, my Soul mate, you Hermione and Ginny are my mates" Harry Said looking at the other two girls who smiled at him as Fleur turned towards them.
"We've agreed to share him with you, Fleur... even you deserve to be Happy" Hermione Said with Ginny nodding as Fleur smiled at her bride sisters, then turned back towards Harry.
"Before I officially make all three of you my mates, there's something you need know in order for me to mark you as my mates, I have to bite you with my fangs.. once that happens you three will become like me.. you will inherit being a Basilisk and Phoenix so will our children... are you sure you three want to accept this perk once you're bitten because you won't be able to turn human it will be permanent." Harry warned with the three looking at each other
"Don't worry I'll help you control it so you don't harm anyone. We will have to tell your families" Harry Said as Fleur Hermione and Ginny took it in Thought.
Once he's bitten Them they could never revert back to human, with a sigh they agreed.
"Arry I would like nothing more than to be your wife and mate for eternity. I'll inform my family about this I'm sure they would understand" Fleur Said with determination
"I would love staying by your side Harry no matter what, I'll try to get my parents to understand if they don't then that's fine" Hermione Said turning to Ginny
"I'll talk to mum and dad, I'm not sure how my brothers will take this but I don't care as long as I am with you Harry all the way" Ginny Spoken Making Harry smile as Fleur stared at him lovingly so did Hermione and Ginny.
"I'll mark you first Fleur," He Said looking at her as he drew Fleur to him and they leaned forward, tilting their heads slightly and shared their first kiss.
It was everything that they both anticipated and so much more. Feelings like electric shocks ran through them from the contact of their lips and quite soon they had deepened the kiss and were kissing very passionately, Harry's arms wrapped about Fleur's waist, her hands locked about his neck and running through his hair. They finally, grudgingly, broke apart as Harry opened his mouth wide revealing his now large Basilisk fangs and bit down on Fleur's neck, marking her without injecting venom into her as a bright blinding light had surrounded them, Fleur gasped feeling the fangs sink into her as he pulled out retracted his fangs she touched her neck feeling the bite mark now replaced with a tattoo of a Basilisk with flaming wings.
He pulled Hermione into his arms and kissed her deeply on the lips as she held him and cling to him not letting him go he broke apart from the kiss and proceeded to bite her on the neck as she moaned feeling the fangs sink in her a bright blinding light had surrounded them too but much brighter as Harry pulled out of her going towards Ginny, she suddenly felt her bite mark go away now replaced with the same tattoo as Fleur. Now having tears of joy in her eyes she felt happy to be a Wife Of Harry
Harry presses his lips on Ginny's lips as they held each other with her hands roaming all over his hair, while his hands roamed around her waist, breaking the kiss he sinked his fangs into her neck as she winced a bit and the same bright light illuminated around them as he took his mouth off her as her bite mark was now replaced with a tattoo just like Fleur's and Hermione's.
Now he finally marked his wives, they are officially married.
"Ha! Told you he would get Delacour! Pay up Toxine!" Said Blaze happily Causing her to grumble
"At least he bonded with Weasley and Granger" She Said bitterly giving him her gold.
"Now that's done we await for three more wives of his.." She Said ignoring Blaze who was dancing with joy.
Harry led them out the chamber of secrets now that he claimed them as his mates he saw Rachnera approach to him
"Master Potter, I have received word from Father" She Said Seeing him turn towards her
"What did he say?" He Asked
"He was unable to try and talk with the fellow creatures of the forbidden forest he says you might need to talk with the Centaurs" Rachnera replied as Harry thought about it.
"Very well, later on meet me at the entrance of the forbidden forest near hagrid's hut, We're going to have a talk with the Centaurs and possibly all creatures of the dark forest" He told her as she hissed softly in response and crawled away.
Now that he has his first three mates, now it was time to unify the Forbidden Forest creatures to serve under the Basilisk king,
His current allies are the Arcomantrula's and Kardia the Hungarian Horntail.
Now he needed to talk to the Centaurs, Unicorns.. and of course werewolves and others creatures out there.
Now that he is trying to unify the creatures he would have to abolish the Corruption within the magic ministry since he is a supporter of Magical creatures and half breeds.
Would this mean he would have to seek out trolls and Giants and have them join him too? That will have to wait.
Turning towards the corpse of Toxine it would seem he needs to meet with the goblins and see could they make him a set of Basilisk armor, along with a Basilisk dagger.
He decides to head to class and meet up with his wives feeling very happy maybe this wasn't so bad he could finally have a family of his own and leave the Dursley's
( With Ron at the moment)
"Um... Professor where are we going?" He Asked with fear at his head of the house as McGonagall glared at him that made him shrink at her look. His right face is bandaged up Madam Pomfrey has done what she could on healing his scars he received from Harry but it seems those scars are going to remain on his face for the rest of his life. He still couldn't get the fact out of his head of what Harry was and how did he get claws!? Was Harry some sort of creature!?
Going towards her fireplace holding a handful of floo powder bringing Ron with her she spoke.
"The Burrow!" She Said with Ron looking very horrified he knew he was in Trouble now.
( At the Burrow)
Molly Weasley is currently doing housework as her husband is reading the newspaper, he took a day off from the ministry their fireplace lit up in flames Revealing Professor McGonagall and their son Ron Weasley Molly looked bewildered at her son's half bandaged face.
"Minivera What brings you here and what happened to Ron?" Asked Arthur Weasley with his wife looking at her son then McGonagall.
Suddenly Dumbledore appears with Fawkes at his side.
"Albus why are you here?" Questioned Molly Weasley
"Arthur and Molly, me and Minivera are here to discuss about your son's behavior along with something else" Dumbledore Said with both parents now frowning looking at their son who looked away.
"What did Ron do?" Asked Arthur Weasley looking concerned.
"You're Aware of the Tri-wizard tournament right?" He Asked as Both parents nodded they felt amazed when Charlie Weasley told them of what he witnessed at the tournament with Harry bonding with a Dragon which made them proud.
"Your son has insulted a champion... and her name was Fleur Delacour, I believe he called her a Veela Slut and was giving Harry trouble along with his sister" Dumbledore Spoken in a displeased voice as Arthur could only look shocked as Molly gave Ron a look of death that promised pain.
"RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU GIVE HARRY POTTER TROUBLE!? AND HOW DARE YOU CALL A GIRL THAT WORD!" Boomed Molly Weasley's voice as she whipped out her wand glaring daggers at her son who flinched
"Molly before you decide to dish out whatever punishment you may give Mr. Weasley there's something else that needs to be discussed which is why we are here" McGonagall Said as Molly turned to her.
"What has to be discussed?" Asked Arthur
"Send Young Mr. Weasley to his room, we can't speak of it here while he's in the room" Said Dumbledore as Molly narrowed her eyes at her son.
"Go to your room and don't come out until we call you!" She hissed as he instantly went upstairs to his room.
"Now Albus what's this about? What more has Ron done? And why is his face half bandaged?" Asked Molly turning back to the two.
"This discussion is about Harry Potter... and I wish for you two not to speak of this to your sons... I believe your daughter already knows" Dumbledore Said
"What about Harry?" Asked Arthur
"Harry has recently become a magical creature" Answered Dumbledore while Molly and Arthur blinked their eyes looking at Dumbledore like he grew two heads.
"Your not joking are you Albus?" Asked Arthur in a calm voice
"This indeed is no joke, Arthur... Harry is a hybrid of a dark creature and a light creature" Dumbledore Said Making both of them shocked to the core.
Unbeknownst to the group from the stairs Ron himself heard as his eyes grew wide as well.
"WHAAAAAAT!?" Thought Ron in horror