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28.88% Stare of the Basilisk King / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: A meeting with Aragog

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: A meeting with Aragog

(Acromantula Hollow)

Aragog couldn't understand why he was shaking in fear staring at Harry, his Many sons and daughters were all terrified of Harry even the smaller baby acromantula's.

"Just what is he...? Why do I fear him?!" The Massive Spider Said still keeping his attention on Harry, it was then he heard another few loud steps and figured it was his wife Mosag who came behind Aragog.

"Aragog, What's wrong-" His wife said but froze in fear when she saw Harry too.

"Don't be alarmed, I'm not here for trouble I'm only here to talk" Harry said seeing the Acromantula's and their parents still feel on edge with Harry

"What do you want friend of Hagrid? Why are you here in my hollow and more importantly what are you? I feel a dangerous vibe coming from you and that you are something related to the ancient creature we spiders fear above all others" Aragog Demanded trying not to look to fearful he hoped he was wrong it just wasn't possible the boy he tried to kill two years ago is much different than before he didn't honestly want to think that Harry is possibly related to the ancient creature his kind had feared.

"Aragog what are you talking about? Your not saying this boy can't possibly be related to that creature" Mosag whispered she was frightened of Harry too and Couldn't understand why as she saw all of her spiderlings refuse to come down off the trees or in their holes she could tell they were all afraid of Harry.

Harry Could see how every Acromantula is truly afraid of him, because he's a Basilisk spiders fear him.

Within his mindscape Toxine smirked in a smug way watching the acromantula's fear Harry, Blaze had a pokerface looking at the spiders.

"My name is Harry James Potter. 4th year student of hogwarts my house is Gryffindor, yes I am a friend of Hagrid, I've come in peace to talk to you Aragog I promise I won't harm any of your family I will explain what am I..." Harry Introduced seeing both Aragog and Mosag since at the last part they prayed that they were wrong it was just impossible for a human to be related to that monster

"Do tell us Mr. Potter... tell us exactly what you are and what are your intentions with us?" Spoke Mosag with a worried look with Aragog beside her trembling.

"I'm a hybrid of a Phoenix and a Basilisk" He answered as Mosag and Aragog paled instantly and widened their eyes in fear, as for the younger acromantula's they squealed and stayed up in the trees in fear as they heard what Harry Said.

A Phoenix didn't scare them but a Basilisk did.

"How!? It's impossible! Just how!?" Aragog Spoken in fear in his voice

"Remember when I asked you about the chamber of secrets incident and that Hagrid was in trouble after you tried to kill me? Let's just say I went to the chamber of secrets and fought a Basilisk, The snake bit my arm injecting me with venom but my Headmaster's Phoenix came and healed me with it's tears." Harry explained as Aragog and Mosag looked a bit relieved that he slain their natural enemy but were absolutely afraid of Harry having the traits of a Basilisk.

Harry kept on telling them everything that he's experienced of becoming the first of a new magical creature's race he even told them that the Basilisk he slain is in his mind along with a Phoenix

"So what is it you want Harry?" Aragog asked with edge on his voice

"I want a alliance, With you and the acromantula's you're colony side with me in the future against Voldemort. But I don't need just your kind I need all creatures of the dark forest to side with me against Voldemort. Aside from that I have some requests I'd like to make" Harry Spoke seeing Aragog and his wife frown.

"And what requests are those Mr. Potter?" Aragog asked

"My first request is that I want one Acromantula, I don't need any of the big ones I want the smaller ones, my 2nd request is that I want your kind to spread the word that the Basilisk King wishes to meet them some day this following 4th year, my 3rd and final request is that this day forward we will be allies I would like a peace treaty between magical creatures and other wizards and witches. Someday soon I will put a stop to the corruption in the magic ministry of their hate for magical creatures." Harry Said as he looked at the two giant spiders as they looked at one another before looking at Harry as Aragog had Spoken

"Very well Mr. Potter I will let you pick one of our new born Acromantula's as your companion. And we will accept your requests I will try speaking with some of the dark creatures they don't fully trust us especially the Centaurs" Aragog as Said considering on following Harry

"Don't worry about the Centaurs I will talk to them when the time comes, " Harry Said as he looked towards the very smaller Acromantula's who were all newborns a very few of them crawled away from Harry in fear as one newborn Acromantula didn't look very afraid of Harry as it crawled towards him he picked it up letting it crawl on his arm.

"It seems our newborn daughter has chosen you Harry, she wishes to be your companion" Mosag Said looking down at the boy holding her daughter

"What's her name?" Harry asked staring st his new companion

"Her name is Rachnera" Mosag answered

(Monster Musume Verse)

A certain bondage loving Arachne Sneezed.

"You got a cold Rachnera-san?" Asked Miia the Lamia trying to cook breakfast for her darling

"I'm fine just felt a disturbance... can't somehow explain it" Rachnera answered sipping her coffee

( Back to Harry)

"Alright then Rachnera it is, we will meet again Aragog" Harry Said as he walked away with Rachnera now crawling on his shoulder leaving the Acromantula Hollow heading back to the chamber of secrets.

( With Hermione)

She and Ginny Weasley were at the great hall for dinner with Neville in tow, Ron was far down the table away from Hermione and Ginny glaring at them before going back to eat his food.

As she was eating a bit of her food she couldn't wait what Harry had to tell her, Ginny was still eating while Hermione thought back about what Harry had said. He said everyone will know what he is becoming something very soon, then she was starting to put pieces together.

His change in appearance

His abnormal behavior in eating much more ,since Harry Hardly eats a lot.

His skin looked shiny and smooth

Then there was those snake like eyes of his.

Was Harry becoming some sort of Magical creature? As her suspicions began to grow the more she thought about it before looking over at the Ravenclaw table seeing Fleur eating with her fellow students, it wasn't fair that Fleur knew about what Harry was becoming as she turned her attention back on her food she wondered would Harry come?

Fleur who was at the ravenclaw table saw the look she got from Hermione she ignored the girl's look and kept eating as she sent a quick glance at the door she hasn't seen Harry yet and hoped he would come to dinner.

(Meanwhile With Harry)

Leaving the chamber of secrets as he left Rachnera there to her new home he knew there was rats down there she could eat so he wasn't worried as he was heading to the great hall feeling very hungry. Stopping at the great hall he took a deep breath and sighed as he entered inside everyone stopped and instantly turned to him as murmurs were heard.

Hermione smiled about time Harry had got here, Ginny looked happy too and was blushing.

Fleur looked happy to see him too.

Dumbledore along with Snape and Minerva watched Harry.

On the slytherin table Malfoy sneered at his arch nemesis as he put on a smug look that would make his father proud.

Ron was glaring at his former best friend in hate as he watched Harry walk over to the Gryffindor table and was going to sit by his little sister Ginny as he scowled.

"Harry how are you?" Asked Hermione looking relieved that he was here, then she noticed another change in his appearance his nails looked sharp and pointy, she took her eyes off his hands then looked up at his face.

"I'm doing fine Mione" He Said eating his dinner

Ron at the table was boiling with anger watching Hermione interact with Harry as his jealousy began to spike.

Ginny leaned against Harry while giving him a piece of her roast chicken.

"Thanks Ginny" as he leaned over whispering to the girls making sure no one heard him.

"Remember meet me at the chamber of secrets at 1 in the morning" he whispered as they nodded.

Ron scowled deeply he couldn't hear or read what they were saying but whatever it was he didn't want his little sister around Harry and he didn't want Hermione going for Harry either and that was another thing that boiled him why did Hermione always stay by Harry's side.

(Ron's POV)

Ron glared heavily at Harry not only he bagged a Veela, and became a champion of Hogwarts along with Cedric, but was taking Hermione from him too? No way he was going to let that happen.

It just wasn't fair why is Hermione always taking Harry's side when she should be taking his! The scarhead git is a lying cheat and has been avoiding both her and him probably talking with Fleur. Not to mention his little sister should be angry at Fleur for stealing Harry from her and he really didn't want his own sister around Harry either for that matter, Looking how Harry leaned towards Ginny and Hermione it looked like he was whispering to them but couldn't hear what they were saying but he had a feeling in his gut that there was something fishy going around here with Harry and Ron needed to find out what exactly Harry told them.

( Gryffindor common room 12: 57Am)

Hermione and Ginny waited until everyone was sleep as they silently left their room with Neville who followed behind them he too left his room as they made it down stairs going to leave until a voice stopped them.

"Going somewhere Ginny and Hermione? Didn't expect you to join them either Neville"

They turned around and saw Ron in the shadows which shocked them.

"Ron... Do us a favor and go back to bed" Hermione said with a slight glare at her former friend

"No, I know where you three going, your going to see scarhead are you?" Ron questioned as Ginny narrowed her eyes at the insult her brother said towards Harry, Hermione was getting a bit angry too

"Ron, I won't ask again let us by now and forget you saw us leaving" Hermione Said with her teeth gritting

"No. Either you three go to bed or I'll tell Professor McGonagall you're sneaking out." He threatened with anger at Hermione and Ginny as Neville glared at him.

"Goodbye Ron, Pertrificus Totalus" Hermione whipped out her wand and preformed the spell as Ron stood stiff and fell flat on the ground paralyzed.

"Let's go before anyone notices" She whispered with them nodding as they left quickly.

( Chamber of secrets)

True enough Ginny showed them the way to the chamber and made sure no one followed them as they walked down the hall, Hermione and Neville were shocked to see the corpse of the Basilisk, The Basilisk that attacked her, she found it hard to believe that Harry actually slain this monster and saved her once again. Her affection and love for Harry was increasing he not only saved Ginny but her as well.

"Amazing isn't it?" Ginny Spoke seeing the shocked expressions on their faces

"Yes... I can't believe Harry took the Basilisk down... he is truly amazing.." Hermione Spoke with pride for Harry

"Hey, I'm over here come inside Salazar Slytherin's Mouth" They heard Harry's voice they saw the mouth opened and went inside it they found Harry sitting on a chair by the fireplace the room looked like a slytherin common room However none of them were aware Rachnera was in the corner of the ceiling on her webs watching from above.

"Welcome to my new room and living area for the whole year, sit" Harry Said as Ginny Hermione and Neville sat down looking at their friend.

"So? What's this secret you want to tell us?" Hermione Asked hoping her suspicions were confirmed as Ginny and Neville leaned in listening

"Okay what I'm going to tell you stays a secret, but it will be revealed soon... Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall knows of this secret" Harry Said with a sigh dreading their reaction

"Go on" Hermione Said waiting for what he was going to say

"I'm a magical creature..." He Spoke seeing them look surprised

"What kind of Magical creature?" Neville Asked wanting to know exactly what Harry is.

"I'm a Basilisk mixed with Phoenix within me.." Harry Said lowly but the three heard him and gasped in horror especially Ginny and Hermione

"A Basilisk how!?" Hermione exclaimed

"I was bitten by it... after I slain it I was supposed to die but Fawkes saved my life healing me with his tears.. but the tears caused a reaction with the Basilisk venom within me and it did a change in my blood and Dna... it turned me into a magical creature with Basilisk traits and Phoenix traits" Harry explains as Ginny widened her eyes at this

"That makes perfect sense..." Ginny Said looking at Harry in amazement as Neville and Hermione looked to her then back at Harry

"Do you have full control of your abilities?" Hermione Asked her friend shaking his head.

"No, the Phoenix And Basilisk are training me, their names are Toxine and Blaze... I might use some of my abilities for the tournament I need to know which is the first task coming up... need to figure what I'm up against" Harry Said wondering if Fleur knows which task is coming up.

"They trained you? Where are they?" Asked Neville looking confused

"They are in my mind..." He Said as he started explaining how the Basilisk and Phoenix were bound to his soul. He left out the part about the oath gaining potential mates he decided to tell Ginny and Hermione that privately when given the chance and he would tell Fleur.

"You guys should get back to bed I'll be fine see you tomorrow" Said Harry as They groaned a bit but knew he was right it was almost 2 in the morning so they left the chamber as Harry just sat there in his chair thinking what he should do how will he prepare himself for the first task. He wondered how was Sirius and is still waiting for the man's letter from hedwig.

( Elsewhere)

Remus is currently reading Harry's letter that he received from Hedwig as the Snow White owl had left since Remus told her to return to Harry.

Still reading the letter his eyes began to widen in shock and horror

"Padfoot! You may want to come look at this!" Remus shouted as Sirius black made his appearance coming towards his friend.

"What is it?" Sirius asked looking at his friend

"It's a letter from Harry you may want to read it.." Remus Said with edge on his voice as Sirius grabbed the letter and read his godson's letter reading each sentence as his eyes grew wide as well and horror as he dropped the letter

"We need to go to Hogwarts now Moony..." Sirius Said with Remus having a look of concern

"Are you sure that's a good idea you're still a wanted man Sirius I don't think going there is a good idea" Remus Said as Sirius frowned

"I don't care, we need to be there for Harry Moony get yours and my stuff packed we're stay at hogsmede" The Dog Animagus Said as he shifted into his dog for, Remus sighed and went to go pack his and Sirius's bags so they could go to Hogwarts.

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