/ Ficção Científica / Star Wars the Old Republic. Darth Malak's apprentice.

Star Wars the Old Republic. Darth Malak's apprentice. Original

Star Wars the Old Republic. Darth Malak's apprentice.

Ficção Científica 14 Chapters 36.4K Views

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Bastila Shan, hero; savior, conqueror, villain, traitor. A female Jedi who left Coruscant to join Darth Malak and returned a disciple of the dark side bent on destroying the Republic. The Jedi Council is all but destroyed, but the price of destroying them is very high. As her and her new Master Darth Malak uses the power of the Star Forge, and Bastila's= Battle Meditation to destroy the Republic and the Jedi Order.

As Bastila Shan becomes Darth Venus she and her new Master Darth Malak will wreck havoc across the galaxy.

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