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71.42% Star Wars: That One Word...Ordo / Chapter 10: Chapter VII: Tresspass

Chapter 10: Chapter VII: Tresspass

(Orto Plutonia, Pantora System, Sujimis Sector, Outer Rim Territories)


(Kellian Ordo POV)


Kellian and Tallisibeth had arrived on Orto Plutonia and made Landfall at the base ahead of Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the 501st.

The Bad Batch and Nulls were waiting with him as the gunships carrying Kenobi, Skywalker, Rex and the Pantorans landed.

''And this is the planet's tropical Zone.'' Kellian heard Obi-wan tell Anakin as they exited.

''It's certainly not Tatooine, that's for sure. Captain Rex, have your men survey the area, and place as many sensor beacons as you can before dark.'' Anakin says, before giving orders to his men.

''Right away Sir! Unload that Gear! Move!'' Rex says, before relaying the orders to the clones.

''Kellian? Aren't you cold?'' Anakin asks as Kellian is actually shirtless here.

''Hardly, you forget Anakin, I'm a skilled survivalist and scout. We might not have snowstorms on Concord Dawn, but I've had more than my fair share of experience in winter environments. The Force provides me with heat. This is my new Padawan, Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy, and Lieutenant Ordo and Sergeant Hunter, they're in charge of my best two commando teams. Decided we needed the extra help to figure out what happened here.'' Says Kellian as Obi-Wan noticed Kellian's new Cybernetics.

''What happened to your hand?'' Obi-Wan asks.

''Had a run-in with Dooku before I arrived, son of Hutt broke His own rules of engagement and tried taking my arm…with Trakata. Used my own tactics on me.'' Says Kellian.

''We'll have to debrief you on Coruscant, for now, though let's secure the base.

''Respectfully General, my brothers are already seeing to it. The regs will only get in the way.'' Says Ordo.

''Easy, Ordo. We've got bigger problems, the Senate decided it was a fantastic idea to send a warmonger and an inexperienced Senator to hamstring us.'' Says Kellian.

''Easy Kellian, this is their protectorate, they have a right to be here.'' Says Obi-Wan.

''I'll make it very simple for you Obi-Wan, my men won't be taking orders from that idiot under any circumstances. He even tries, they've been ordered to detail him.'' Says Kellian.

''I thought you would get along, you're both Militant.'' Anakin says.

''Not the same. I'm militant because decommissioning the entire military barring a small judicial navy was the stupidest idea since not executing the first Dark Jedi. The Chairman is a known warmonger. Keep him in line Obi-Wan, or I'll do it for you. And neither you nor the High Council will like how I do that.'' Says Kellian.

''Like it or not, this is the Pantorans moon. They have a right to send someone. If you can't play nice then wait on the ship.'' Obi-Wan.

''I don't take orders from you Kenobi. Council you may be, but I answer to Master Windu. In any case, keep that old bastard in line, I'm going in to check on the teams.'' Says Kellian as he nods to both Ordo and Hunter, before leading Talisibeth into the base.

''You can ignore his orders regarding the chairman.'' Obi-Wan tells them.

''We take our orders from General Ordo…not you or any other Jedi.'' Hunter replies.

''We don't know you, General, we know of you, but we don't know you. Kellian has led us since the start of this war. He leads his men from the front and has led strikes against countless fleets, as a result, the Separatists call him the Fleet-Killer. They call you the negotiator. We're commandos, and we ain't following the orders of no negotiator or political buffoon.'' Ordo explains as he and Hunter depart for the base.

''Say what you want about the chain of command, but you can't deny their loyalty to their Commander.'' Says Anakin.


(POV Shift: Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora)


Why was she even here?

Chairman Cho was more than enough to represent Pantora's interests. He had the experience, both politically and militarily. She was only recently elected to the Senate's pantoran seat, and not by any great margin.

''General Kenobi.'' She heard Chairman Cho say as they left the Gunship.

''Chairman Cho, Senator Chuchi. I suggest you wait here until we can secure the area, and the Clones can secure the base.'' Kenobi advises them.

''I respect your judgment, General Kenobi, but I will go where I choose. This is Sovereign Pantoran territory.'' The Chairman tells the Jedi Council member.

Not how she would have put it when in the presence of such an esteemed member of the Jedi Council.

''I thought this planet was uninhabited, and therefore it's not aligned.'' General Skywalker said.

''Our moon of Pantora is the only civilization in this system. I'm the one who asked the Senate to protect this planet. This wasteland belongs to us.'' Chairman Cho said.

''With all due respect, Chairman, that is for the Senate to decide, not us.'' Says Kenobi.

''Ah, but the Jedi report to the Senate, which is Senator Chuchi of Pantora.'' Says Chairman Cho, and not for the first time, Riyo feels she is merely here to make the Chairman's words less antagonistic.

''Technically speaking, Master Jedi, the Chairman is correct. Since the planet is uninhabited, the moon of Pantora reserves the right to continue as its protectorate.'' Riyo replied with practice ease.

''Point taken, Senator.'' Kenobi said, before turning to Master Skywalker. ''Anakin, stay here with the droids, Kellian and his commandos should have secured the base by now.'' Says Kenobi catching the attention of both her and Chairman Cho.

''General Ordo is here? I was not informed that the Special Operations Brigade had taken an interest in this matter.'' Chairman Cho said surprised.

''He was on his way when he had a run-in with Count Dooku. He's in the base right now with his two best squads of Commandos. The council wasn't aware he'd be bringing commandos, so the work should go a bit quicker.'' Kenobi said.

''It'd be a pleasure to greet another Master of the Sacred Echani Arts.'' One of their bodyguards said, the rest voicing their own agreement.

''Indeed, Captain. A rare pleasure at that. We of Pantora hold the Echani in high regard, and those rare few outside of the Echani home system to be recognized as Master's in the Echani Arts higher still.'' The Chairman said in agreement.

''Then we shouldn't we not keep him waiting for any longer Chairman?'' Asks Riyo.

''Quite true Senator, lead the way, General Kenobi.'' Chairman Cho says.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


''It's ironic you know.'' He heard Crosshair say beside him.

''What is?'' He asked the sniper.

''Like us, and every Clone in the Grand Army, you have Mandalorian heritage. You hate pacifists with a passion, and you're a staunch proponent of improving the army. So by all accounts, you should like this chairman's politics.'' Crosshair says.

''I'm militant, but I'm not political. I'm militant because having a strong and unified military is a natural deterrent against unnecessary conflict, and when conflict does break out it can be used to save lives rather than end them. I've read the Chairman's dossier, he has my respect because of his military service. But it's his policies and his prejudice that concern me. He's a zealot, and he's a known warmonger. I'm not against War, but I don't seek it out either. I seek a decisive and definitive end to any conflict. Failing that, I lay the groundwork so that others can finish what I tried to do.'' Says Kellian as Kom'rk stands beside him.

''Ordo sent word, that the politicians and General Skywalker are in the base and on their way up.'' He informs.

''Tech, we get anything from the bases records of the base? We need to know if anything else was taken.'' Kellian asks, as Chairman Cho, his guards, the Senator, and Kenobi enter the command center of the base.

''Kellian, this is Chairman Chi Cho and Senator Chuchi of Pantora.'' Says Kenobi, a noticeable edge in hid voice.

Kellian saw the hint for what it was, a warning to play nice. He'd abide by it for the moment, but Kellian wouldn't allow his best men to take orders from a prejudiced warmonger.

As someone who was an achievement hunter if SWTOR in his last life, he was somewhat familiar with Talz history. The Talz had served the Republic long before Pantora had.

''Greetings Master Ordo, it's a pleasure to meet a master of the Echani Arts.'' Says Cho.

''Hello Chairman, Senator. Forgive me, but I'm afraid I don't have time to talk right now. We've got a serious problem here. Some items were taken from the sub-level supply area, we need to know if anything else was taken.'' Says Kellian.

''A sub-level? That's not in the blueprints.'' Says Kenobi.

''Unsurprising, it's a protocol General Ordo put in place, emergency supplies and equipment are to be placed in a secret sub-level To which only the base commander, Quartermaster, and First officer are to have access to and direct knowledge of.'' Tech says.

''This is Sergeant Tech, Clone Force 99's resident tech specialist and Hunter's first officer.'' Says Kellian.

''Do you think the Separatists are building a forward base to attack Pantora?'' Cho asks.

''I don't think we're dealing with Separatists. These computers haven't been touched.'' Says Kenobi.

''Agreed, recent Intel suggests a Separatist base is here, but we don't know where it is.'' Kellian says.

''Sir, scout reports confirm General Ordo's Intel. The scouts have spotted a Droid base on the other side of the ice ridge.'' Rex informs.

''Tech?'' Kellian asks.

''Nothing on sensor data or internal monitoring.'' Says Tech.

''Then our mission is clear. We investigate the Confederacy base. Kom'rk, you and your brothers will hold down the base, Hunter you and Clone Force 99 will join me, Kenobi, Skywalker, Rex and a small platoon of the 501st to the base.'' Says Kellian.

''Agreed, we need to know if the Separatists had anything to do with this.'' Says Cho.

''Doubtful. Chatter says their base went quiet before ours. Hopefully we can recover something from their data banks.'' Kom'rk says.

''Let's head out.'' Kellian says.


(POV Shift: Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora)


When She saw General Ordo, she immediately felt her face heat up.

He was handsome, and he wore minimal clothing, showing off his muscled and scarred chest.

His Padawan didn't seem to be much better off than her.

But he was a Jedi, so any attraction would never go anywhere.


(POV Shift: Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy)


It was difficult to remain indifferent to her Master's change in attire. A Jedi she might be, but she was still a girl who liked what she'd seen.

And that bothered her.

She was not only a Jedi, but it was her master she was ogling. Nevertheless, he seemed unbothered by the Cold, even reveling in it.

She wish she knew how to be unbothered by the Cold. It bothered her greatly.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


The trip to the Separatists base wasn't a long one, but it wasn't a quick one by any stretch. The ice ridge was a treacherous area for travel, even by speeder. It made strategic sense to put a base here.

Just not logical.

''By the look of things, I'd say whoever attacked our base, took out the droids also.'' Says Anakin as he examines a Droid head mounted on a spear.

''This screams isolationist hermits to me. Is it possible, we're dealing with a reclusive species who just wishes to be left alone?'' Says Kellian.

''What do you mean?'' Asks Obi-Wan.

''The spear is bone, it's been made by hand into a spear, no sign of anything but handmade tools or perhaps claws being used to sharpen it. And it's not just one spear, it's a whole lot of them. This feels tribal to me. It's possible that the perpetrators are a tribal society who want to be left alone. Droids could have trespassed into the natives territory. Naturally they responded with a show of Force, our troops would in turn have investigated. Possibly further exasperating the situation.'' Says Kellian.

''That is q very distinct possibility. Kellian what was taken by the perpetrators from sub-level storage?'' Kenobi admits.

''Troopers on ice balls like this tend to get superstitious, so it's standard procedure to give outposts like this a number of totems to plant on the perimeter to keep them focused. They vary in origin, but the purpose remains the same, ward of evil, spirits, and Mark territory to native tribal races. It's possible our attackers saw the marking of territory as a declaration of war or a challenge.'' Says Kellian.

''If that's true, then why attack the droids first?'' Asks Anakin.

''I'm not sure, but it could be seen as a battle rite. Before facing their enemies, several societies have been known to blood themselves against weaker enemies, especially if those weaker enemies are opponents of the ones their taking the battle rite to face. It's possible that they saw the totems, and believed that our troopers had traditions similar to their own, and sought to honor both us and them by attacking the droids first. If true it would mean we're dealing with a society that values honor and integrity.'' Says Kellian.

After a few moments of thought, Obi-Wan turns to Rex.

''Rex, help Anakin place the Sensor beacons, you four come with me.'' Obi-Wan says as he turns to Kellian.

''Hunter, you, Tallisibeth, and Wrecker cover Anakin and the 501st. Tech and Hunter, come with me. We'll try and salvage computer logs while Obi-Wan secures the base.'' Kellian says.


Kellian was waiting for Obi-Wan and Anakin in the command tower of the Separatists base.

He had sent Tallisibeth to help with the sensor beacons because it gave her a chance to form bonds with both Wrecker and Hunter. As far as the Bad Batch went, before Omega, Wrecker could be seen as the best of the Bad Batch as a person. Followed closely by Hunter. Hopefully, Wrecker and Tallisibeth would be fast friends.

It would make befriending the Nulls less of a challenge for her since she'd eventually have to befriend Crosshair, who was probably Closest in personality to the Nulls overall.

Wrecker and Hunter would be the easiest for his Padawan to befriend and would help bring around Tech and Crosshair.

Actually, speaking of Wrecker, the man seemed unusually quiet so far. He'd have to check on Wrecker when the skirmish was over and they were back at the barracks.

''Did you find anything?'' He heard Obi-wan ask.

''Tech?'' Kellian prompts.

''Here's what I've found. It's not much, but it shows who attacked the base.'' Says Tech.

''Anything helps at this point.'' Anakin says as the recording plays and shows the Talz attacking. ''What was that?'' Asks Anakin.

''Whatever it was, it's a good warrior.'' Obi-Wan says and Kellian starts to laugh.

''You have no idea how right you are, Obi-Wan. That was a Talz, over a thousand years past they served in the Old Republic's military during the Great Galactic through to the end of the Cold War as the army's most elite cold-weather commandos. Until every commando was hunted down and murdered by the fearsome rogue Talz Commander Broonmark.'' Says Kellian. ''After their best and brightest soldiers were wiped out, the Talz withdrew from the Republic and turned inward. If this is a lost colony that was created after their withdrawal from the Republic, then Pantora has no legal claim on this world. The Talz were here first, the fact their isolationist has no bearing on the matter.'' Kellian argues.

''Do we know where these creatures are?'' Asks Obi-Wan.

''According to the data, the Droids suspected the southern canyon.'' Says Tech.

''Sounds like a good place to start.'' Obi-Wan decides.

''Go on ahead, I'll pull some more data and compare it to the Temple Archives.'' Kellian tells them.

Once everyone except Kellian himself, Tallisibeth, and the bad Batch have left, Kellian turns to the recording.

''There'll be a battle, Chairman Cho will demand an attack. Because we are outside of The normal chain of command, we will not support the attack. You have my leave to return to the barracks. What comes next could get you court-martialed and that can't happen.'' Says Kellian as his resolve hardens in the face of what he is planning to do.

''Sir, what are you planning to do?'' Crosshair asks.

''If Chairman Cho orders an attack, I will support the Talz…even if that means becoming a traitor. But for now, let us sew what the Pantoran says.


(POV Shift: Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora)


She - not for the first time - had begun to doubt the Chairman's objectivity. He was so certain that whoever was responsible for the attack was an enemy.

Yet she was not.

Whoever attacked the base made no means to hold it, or steal any data. And according to Lieutenant Ordo, the only thing stolen from sub-level storage was a totem for when the troopers got superstitious.

''Senator Chuchi, might I have a word?'' Asks Lieutenant Ordo.

''Certainly Lieutenant.'' She replies.

''General Ordo has…concerns about the chairman. He'd like to speak to you privately when he arrives.'' Says Ordo.

''I'd be more than happy to talk about any issues he fairs may arise.'' She told the Lieutenant, because perhaps she was not the only one who had misgivings about what the Chairman may plan on doing.

''He'll be here momentarily.'' The Lieutenant informs her.


(POV Shift: Crosshair)


They watched as the General moved to speak with the Senator.

''We can't let him fight alone. The regs might be our brothers, but they will be forced to fight according to the Chairman's orders. They try and stop him, they'll die. It'll be a mess.'' Hunter argues.

''So maybe…we join him?'' Wrecker offers up.

''Not a bad idea actually. Our skills should be enough to help the General prevent a massacre.'' Says Tech.

''What do you think Crosshair?'' Hunter asks him.

''I'm in.'' He tells them, it's been a while since they've shown up a prestigious outfit. ''What about the Null's? They'll fight for him if he asks.'' He adds.

''But he won't will he? I mean, that's not his way isn't it?'' Wrecker asks.

''I'll speak to Ordo.'' Hunter decides.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


Senator Chuchi was quite beautiful, enough that he could freely admit he'd reconsider his stance in relationships an attachments.

He'd been far more careful since he found out about Mara. Hadn't actually laid with anyone since that. Chuchi was pretty enough for him to break that rule, but beauty was not what attracted him. He favored a woman who was either strong-willed or remarkably intelligent. Being brave and compassionate certainly helped a woman's chances.

Aside from her beauty, Chuchi had a hint if the strength of will and character Kellian valued in her.

But the moment of truth was upon them.

''Tallisibeth, you have my permission to leave if you wish. What comes next won't be pretty.'' He tells his Padawan.

''What did you find?'' Chairman Cho asks if Obi-Wan.

''It seems we've stumbled onto an inhabited planet.'' Obi-Wan says.

''Impossible! Our explorers have spent much time here over the long history of Pantora. No one lives here! They're tresspassers.'' Chairman Cho says strongly.

''With respect Chairman Cho, these creatures - the Talz - have been here longer than Pantora has been a part of the Republic. They are a lost colony.'' Says Obi-Wan.

''Whoever they are, they belong to us! This whole system belongs to us!'' Says Chairman Cho.

''Your Majesty, if there are lifeforms here. Then the Senate must decide jurisdiction.'' Chuchi says delicately.

''They are Savages. Look what they've done! They've slaughtered your troops!'' Cho argues back.

''They only want to be left alone. The droids attacked them, and I'm afraid our outpost simply got caught in the middle.'' Says Obi-Wan.

''They must be subdued, are dangerous. Captain Rex, prepare your troops for battle.'' Cho orders.

''Belay that! If you are so set on a Military response Chairman, then you and any troops who follow you will have to go through me.'' Says Kellian.

''You speak of treason General Ordo.'' Chairman Cho says with a clear threat in his tone.

''Look around, you really think my boys will let you call me traitor and just stand there. Captain Rex, if the Chairman shows even a hint of trying to detain me, I would have you and your men reminded of article seven, subsection 15, paragraph 8, lines two through to six in the Grand Army of the Republic's command code, most importantly the line: No member of any allied or member planetary government may give orders that run counter to the orders of a ranking officer attached to special operations. You accuse me of treason Chairman, go through with this attack, and I'll have you brought before a tribunal for war crimes.'' Says Kellian as he walks away.

''Arrest him!'' Cho orders with a sneer, but none of the troopers move. With a Glare his bodyguards move to do so instead.

''Go quietly, Master.'' They say in resignation.

''I'm a Mandalorian, we don't go quietly.'' He says before unleashing a flurry of strikes on the guards that leaves them on the ground in pain after around ten seconds.

''Captain Rex, place these men in custody. And if the Chairman ever does that again, arrest him.'' Kellian orders before walking away.


(POV Shift: Clone Null-Commando Ordo)


A line in the sand was drawn as it were, the Chairman had not allowed a peaceful resolution, and together with the defects, there was only one option.

''Are we absolutely sure about this? We could be court-martialed for this?'' Kom'rk asked.

''The General made his position clear. And only the Supreme Chancellor and Jedi Council can remove him from his position. He's still our Commander, we follow his lead.'' Says Hunter.

''They took all the bikes though, and I don't know of a ship that can get through the snowstorm.'' Ordo said.

''What about the Star Eagle? General Ordo's R5 unit claims its shields can withstand just about anything.'' Tech offers up.

The only person remotely familiar with the controls would be the Padawan. Even then I doubt the General has had time to properly show her how.'' Hunter says.

''We have no choice. If we hope to stand beside him now, we need that ship.'' Says Crosshair.

''Let's get going then.'' Ordo decided.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


Kellian was by no means a specialist in winter terrain, survivalist he might be, but he specialized in forest, jungle, mountainous, and wetlands terrain.

He'd found the Talz easily enough and told them he would stand with them. They'd given him a Narglatch to ride into battle.

He'd not kill any troopers, and he told the chieftain as much.

Sat atop the Narglatch, Kellian slides from its back to stand beside it.

''Easy girl, this will be a tough battle.'' He tells the Narglatch, patting it's side and conveying reassurance through the Force.

As the first Freco Bikes appear he hears a line through the communications he never thought he'd hear from Chairman Cho.

''It's treason then.''

Chuckling to himself he ignites his Lightsaber Blade as the Pantorans open fire on him and Kellian promptly uses Soresu to begin redirecting their shots back at them, hitting themselves in the shoulder and thus losing control.

He charges forward, swapping his Lightsaber for his Spear as soon as the clones are boxed in leaping over the barricade and using the hard flat base as well as the spear shaft to non-lethally dispatch the Clones, before watching as Rex hauls the wounded Chairman away.

The Chief rides up beside him speaking something or other, and Kellian calls back his mount before joining the chase.

''What the fuck?'' Kellian said as he heard the sound of engines he knows all to well ring out in the valley as they approached the Ravine and were promptly blocked by his ship.


Never mind, that explains it.

''Sorry Captain, we stand with the General!'' He heard Ordo say.

''I owe you boys a round of promotions.'' Kellian calls out as he walks forward only for the Gunships to get in his way.

''Stay here for now.'' He tells the chieftain.

Walking forwards, Kellian waits for Senator Chuchi.

''You don't have to fight anymore Master Jedi, I've been asked by the speaker for the Pantoran assembly to thank you  for being brave enough to stand against the Chairman, and to ask that you stand aside so that I might negotiate a peace agreement with the Talz.'' She says, resolute in her decision.

''Hehe, Congratulations Senator, you found your resolve. Try not to lose it. When you're done here, let's get a drink on Coruscant.'' Says Kellian, turning to the chieftain and nodding his head before placing a hand on Chuchi's shoulder, and giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before standing aside for her.


Peace had been struck, and Kellian moved to leave, before the Chieftain called for him to stop, holding something out for him, he offered it to Kellian.

''The Chieftain wishes to thank you for standing by his people when your own would not.'' Says Threepio.

Pulling his Beskad he offers it to Thi Sen.

''Tell him that this Beskad has been in my family for thirteen generations. If he is entrusting me with such a valuable gift as this, then I too must entrust to him a memento.'' Says Kellian as Threepio translates.

This Sen says something.

''He says he cannot accept such a thing, as it carries the soul of your family within it.'' Says Threepio.

''Tell him if he cannot accept it, then I ask him to keep it safe. One day, one of my heirs will come for it, and  I ask he gives them a good scare and a better test.'' Says Kellian as Threepio translates.

Thi Sen laughs, and takes the Beskad before motioning the Narglatch that Kellian rode forward.

''Thi Sen says this Narglatch has bonded itself to you. To separate you both now would be cruel. He asks you to take her with you.'' Threepio says.



(POV Shift: Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora)


Moving to her dresser, Riyo withdrew a robe. She'd had an eventful few days, and an exhausting night.

She still thought it was a dream until she sat back on her bed and she felt arms around her.

''Was that everything you hoped it would be?'' Asks her lover.

''Indeed it was…Kellian.'' She said, with a satisfied voice.


(Author's Note:)


Well shit! Kellian really is a little gluttonous when it comes to women ain't he? I'll be honest and say that chuchi will be the last one for a while as far as lovers go.

Kellian's indiscretions are a small part of the story. Chiefly because they're less than ten, actually with Chuchi in the mix That puts them at five.

Anyways, this is the last chapter I've written prior to my P-atreon rebranding. I rebrand same day every year to reflect my new age. Starting May 15th, I'm TheRagFromTheCragCorner23. 

See you guys at next chapter.


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Thanks to Lewis Wilson, Mitchell Howard, David Martinez, Ken Harris, ROGUE505 Saver, Morgan Sinn, Mathew T Linderman, Luck George, Kyle Diano, and Zeldris Wrath for their support on P-atreon.

And also a big thank you to Cody, Luci Alarra, TJ Cruz, Beastmode2003, Kunta, Availon90, Gavin Barclay, Dragonslayer29, Jacarya Robinson, Nathan Just, Francisco J Guzman, Axlii, and  Reece Hutton for their past support on Patreon.

The next Chapter is currently available on my relaunched and rebuilt P-atreon, to access simply search the following link, but without the dash between the P and A, Two tiers with the same benefits but different contexts. The chapters on P-atreon will be published when the chapters following them are done and dusted and ready to publish over here on this site.


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Two things: First landmark chapter reached and hopefully a serious relationship that provides Kellian some stability.


So, I've been sick for the last couple of days. Today, I had trouble getting outta bed. Which is not really a bad thing, but it's a little frustrating. Just means I'm doing work in bed and the dinner table. I can make it that far. I probably shouldn't be working while I'm sick, but I like to take advantage of opportunities while I have them.

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