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2.91% Star Wars: Skywalker / Chapter 8: V.1-C.8│Deal with the Devil III│

Chapter 8: V.1-C.8│Deal with the Devil III│


A small ship departs from the cruiser type Starliner above Dantooine headed for the planet. Going at a fast pace, the ship hastily lands in an area covered and hidden away from the locals and anyone potentially looking for a landing ship.

The ship was akin to an escape pod only meant to be used in emergencies and within the ship contained a passenger of some importance. Raith Sienar, the young, intelligent and independently wealthy child and next in line to lead the shipbuilding corporation known as Santhe or Sienar Technologies.

Raith Sienar is a human male born on the planet and is his homeworld of Coruscant. He stood at 1.8 meters tall, black hair, blue eyes and has a fair and pale skin complexion and he is also quite being only twenty two years of age.

Born into a wealthy, longstanding Core Worlds family and grew up as a member of the Core aristocracy, with all the expectations of luxury and culture that came attached to such a background.

He was a highly competitive youth, but over time he began to concentrate his efforts only in those areas for which he knew he was suited, minimizing his chances of disappointment.

He developed a highly inquisitive mind that quickly turned to engineering; he had a constant wish to innovate and fine-tune, and constantly thought up new designs.

Raith followed no moral code, instead approaching issues dispassionately; he considered excessive emotion a weakness.

He considered all life's challenges engineering problems and worked to solve them for his own benefit. His goal was power; the ability to do and build as he wished.

Which is what most people desire, true freedom to do what one wants to their hearts desires but his desire may very well corrupt him, and he worries as such. Worries that he would become complacent, lack the ability to change and adapt to anything, but his worries may just be excessive.

Not tempted by physical luxuries such as food, drink, or sex; only those of the mind appealed to him. Raith also approached friendship merely as another tool; he preferred friends he could manipulate and turn to his own advantage, rather than companions.

In fact, he preferred his own company and spent much of his time alone with only droid systems around him.

Raith preferred a more elegant and aristocratic design philosophy in which ships were designed for maximum performance and beauty, pushing the envelope and delivering force with precision and finesse.

He also preferred small, customized orders rather than mass-produced ships, and in his first decade with the company, he devoted his energies to that ideal and argued for it, complaining of what he perceived to be a coarsening of design ideals and, most importantly, lack of imagination.

He was not entirely averse to mass-production, however, but merely left that aspect of the business to others as he innovated and produced custom work or more specifically, currently left that to his father.

Often he drew inspiration from the mistakes of others and would invest heavily in the failed schemes of competitors, particularly in projects that were unsuccessful due to simple reasons, so that he could fix any design flaws and then use the failed projects for purposes of his own.

Despite his nature of no morals with little care in the world, he knew that keeping ones subordinates happy was productive for his plans and future. Especially when it came to his line of work, where espionage was commonplace.

He made sure his engineers were kept comfortable and happy and paid all his employees well; it was only the bureaucrats and accountants working for him that he disdained and did not pamper.

While professional products created by him consisted mostly of spaceships, his personal engineering skills were versatile, and he designed many products, from droids and droid-neutralizing systems to security systems to chairs, both for personal and corporate use.

Overall he could be considered a somewhat normal person with an extraordinary background and set of skills that would be beneficial to any whom would employ him, but it would also be prudent to keep an eye out because of his disposition and history.


The small vessel housing Raith finally makes a landing on the remote planet of Dantooine in a sparse lush forested terrain below. It was currently the night cycle of the planet he was on and Raith could view the two moons with the setting sun as a backdrop.

A terrestrial planet in the Raioballo sector's Dantooine system of the northern New Territories region of the Outer Rim Territories, located near both the Sinsang and Angor systems, Dantooine was the fourth planet in orbit of its star Dina, and was orbited by two moons.

The principal moon shone a light purple, while the lesser had a greenish cast.

What really was the main points of interest on this remote planet was its Jedi temple that had very recently been abandoned with little no operations still taking place.

Just outside the view of Dantooine's major city simply known as Dantoo Town Raith had settled down. Unsure of what his next course of action, he ponders.

If he wanted to escape and get off of this planet and head to the core worlds, possibly Coruscant he would need to take the hyperspace lanes but he does not know whether or not the threat of the explosive device was even real. It could all be faked, and his father was taking it too seriously.

Considering his options though he remembers the basic information from this sector, in particular Dantooine's hyperspace lanes.

Two hyperspace lanes ran near Dantooine, the long, winding Veragi Trade Route, and the smaller Myto's Arrow, a backwater route from Dantooine to Jaemus offered a faster trip. Despite being close to both lanes, Dantooine was not easily accessible.

From what species mainly lived on Dantooine were humans even if they were not native they were the only known inhabitants with no other sentient species originating from this planet and no others wishing to settle here.

'I may need to wait out the results of what my father had informed of me. Only then will I know truly if the Xi Char have successfully pinpointed the coordinates of where I am. If this is true I may need to consider the possibility of someone betraying me from the inside.'

'Most of my researchers were selected through a official selection on merit based process, but that does not mean that the testing period is infallible and it is entirely possible one of the members of my division gave up the information. Or more likely is apart of the Xi Char.'

Going from that line of thought, Raith decides to at least get a better idea of his surrounding area while remaining hidden to make sure he was not followed. So he puts on display his amazing intellect and talent in regards to mechanics and programming and uses a small droid he personally designed and be used in scout type missions.

Ahead of its time most would say, but he believes it could still be improved upon especially since he did not originally designed it and was currently within its prototype phase but he had modified it to work better.

Obviously what he means by not by his design is that it was not originally created by him, where he had acquired most of his ideas by commandeering it through his otherwise grey moral jobs through espionage.

He gets to work and not twenty minutes later he has completed enough to where it could function and allow him to view the area through a limited function.

What he did not know was that this little droid would be what was needed work another party to make itself known and give him a deal him could not refuse.



Throughout the past two months nothing much has changed or developed all too much. The business was going nicely, his mother had become more accepting of his mature attitude and outlook despite his actual age.

Given him more freedoms and his army of droids were coming along nicely.

'Even if they had thoughts of going against our verbal agreement, in the end it wouldn't matter much since I had direct control over all of their current droids and weaponry through the use of Mechu-Deru.'

'Progress has been slow on the front of developing my Force powers and/or abilities.'

It would seem Anakin would need to take on a master or several and he could do that by going to the Jedi. It is apart of his plan anyway to infiltrate and take as much valuable information from the Jedi archives on Coruscant within their sacred temple.

'With my created Force techniques I had hit a plateau with my telepathic based abilities and couldn't develop it further, and with mental intrusions I suspect will take some time, a lot of people and harder mental barriers to either break or sneak through.'

'Mechu-Deru has also slowly started to come to a halt. It seems unfortunately that without proper guidance I would not be able to make it too far.'

Despite the seemingly limitless supply of space junk he could reassemble into something somewhat of a standing army the droid he currently has, or the quality of the parts for his droids are quite low and old going by galactic standards.

Watto's junkyard really was a junkyard.

Repurposing medic and communication based droids into working proper combat droids was tough work at least at first. It had gotten better over time as his Mechu-Deru skill increased in combination with his talent in mechanics inherited from the original Anakin.

'Another factor to take into account was my mothers well being, how she had been doing and what she was doing and for now she had been and is content with what she has now, leaving most decision making to me.'

That's right, Shmi Skywalker his mother, has left most decisions whether they be major on him. He wouldn't have it any other way, as it gives him all freedoms and liberties needed with her as a stand in for him until he is old enough to legitimately take control of the business.

Talking about the development of the business, some interesting things have come to Anakin's attention. A message that had a holographic recording sent to him from his droid team set up on Dantooine.

He wanted to rope in the Sienar before Sidious did and he knows the Sith Lord did not gain access or persuade them yet and would do it sometime during the clone wars. If they could be made his it would not only cripple Sidious and whatever machinations he has for the future, but would also benefit me greatly.

'Either as some form of financial support or otherwise through some blackmailing and persuasive seduction, not of the sexual kind as Raith Sienar is not swayed by that, I mean the sway of power I would gain an ally that would help me build up my technology.'

'The reason as to why I did not meet either Raith or Narro was because I am one a child and two have no backing whatsoever, meaning there is little chance they would take me seriously or see me as any kind of threat to them.'

'So through droid proxy I am able to get my point across whilst at the same time maintain my anonymity.'

'What I had coerced out of saving their assess was not something petty but would be of major help to my cause. My cause being the freedom of the slaves on my homeworld planet, Tatooine. Of course I have more reasons other then this but I also dislike the idea of slavery and it wouldn't do well for my character and psyche if I just ignored it.'

Overthrowing the ruling power will take some time, and will most likely not happen until around the clone wars is in progress.

Through Anakin's anonymity he bypasses a lot of the hassle most would go through when trying to execute some shady deal as intimidation factor is key and if the heavily modified droids despite their age did not work he would have to find another route to explore.

Through the Sienar father-son duo it would be easier and much more possibly to register the business currently shadow owned by himself to become legitimate.

'There was another task that would be worthwhile investigating, but for now it could be put on hold. The potential behind the dark side magicks of the Dathomirian Zabrak on Dathomir.'

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