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51.35% Star Wars: Senator / Chapter 38: Naval Battle of Naboo(2)

Chapter 38: Naval Battle of Naboo(2)

"Get me the situation of the boarding parties. Scan the two Lucrehulks for heat signatures, they should be the only ones on the ship." I said and I got a response.


"Precise scanning at 25%, but showing there are about 250 life forms onboard the first Lurehulk!" He said. Alright, so if we deduce that there are about 30 Neimodians on every ship, there should be about 230 of our troops onboard, meaning we've suffered about 10 casualties. Or more so 4 due to the fact the bounty hunters refused to share a pod with anyone.


The reason for our low casualties is likely due to Dengar, Bossk, and Embo. Embo should be the perfect shield, and the combined assault from Dengar and Bossk should be sufficient. Bossk has some insane instincts, and natural bonuses such as increased hearing. At the same time, Dengar has pinpoint accuracy and a lot of firepower.


About 30 seconds after the first report I got the second.


"My Lord! They've split up. A team led by the bounty hunters and 50 Marines are heading to the command center, while the other 190 are holding positions at the entry of the core ship." He said and I nodded. The Lucrehulks were split into the left wing, right-wing, and core. The core was the big ball in the middle. The right wing was the thing surrounding the ball but on their right, and our left. And the left wing was the same but on our right.


"What about the second Lucrehulk?" I asked. Those on that Lucrehulk were the Sovereign Guards, I honestly hoped they suffered few casualties, it is always a pain to train them. But considering that the Lucrehulks sent basically every droid and it was hard to surround 200 men using fake lightsabers, I didn't expect any.


"Reports state that there are 260 Lifeforms, so casualties are expected in the thirties." He said and I nodded. I really hoped most of them were General Tyr's men. Nothing against the army but the Royal Guards were just more important.


"Alright, notify me when you get a full scan." I said as I looked at the Hologram of the first Lucrehulk.


It seems Aurra was doing her job, I thought as I looked at the Hologram.


The Neimodians were dying, a red signature disappearing every 5th second. And the bounty hunters were still 4 corridors away.


I took out my communications and contacted Dengar.


"Dengar, report!" I said and a sound came out, mimicking the blaster bolt sounds. Signaling that he activated his mic.


"Ye?" He said in his usual deep tone.


"Aurra has reached the Command Centre, deal with the droids in your position but send the slicers and your support guys to the command center." I said and my acknowledgement was him shouting out orders. I made him the leader as he has a somewhat intact logic. Bossk wouldn't even respond, and if he did I just don't have the patience to hear him slithering with his tongue. And Embo couldn't talk Galactic Basic so no use there too.


"Contact me when the droids shut down." I said as I cut off the communication.


I turned to one of the guys standing inside a small wall part, besides the windows. He had a headset on one of his ears and he stood behind the chair, where someone else sat.


"Tell Senior Commander Thorne that we're about to shut down one of the Lucrehulks," I said and he nodded, he couldn't speak while he was detecting the codes from Thornes CR-90.


Now, let's talk about our jamming.


I knew that the Trade Federation likely had support ships nearby, and therefore I jammed the Lucrehulks.


A testament to the Munificent's communications technology.


Since I got those 5 I have heavily customized them, putting in new jamming technology, slicing, and other advanced prototypes that would help them become superpowers within the network battle.


I had also started recruiting hackers from all over the world. The Trade Federation held a solid hold over all the best hackers, due to the vulnerability of the droid forces. And honestly, all factions have heavily underestimated the technological advancements made by the general public.


Sure the CIS had a solid defense, but that's all they used it for. They overlooked the slicing and hacking potential of the Munificents to focus on securing their comms. Like what the fuck. None of their high command ever went deep into Republic Space, making their comms secure.


Except for Grievous, and he got sliced no matter what. Like the Jedi found like 15 of his communications before, completely wack.


But I knew what my old world knew, that technology is power. Like, look at the fucking Russians. You can't tell me their cyberhacking isn't next level. They've hacked into multiple government accounts and communications. And USA is struggling to stop them.


This alongside nuclear power is why an all-out war with the Russians isn't safe, nobody can fully protect themselves.


And I intend to learn from them.


The CIS launched a terrorist attack on Coruscant, cutting the power for 4 seconds. And the whole fucking planet was outraged, and the Senators were scared.


Like imagine if I can shut down Coruscant's planetary shields, there are few things they can do to stop me.


After all, a planetary shield doesn't have a switch connected to it. No, it's sent through digital signals, either through cables or wireless, but they can be hacked, and we can then fake a turn-off signal.


Cyberhacking is the strongest ace one can get, and you cannot prove me wrong. And it's the one place you can gain total superiority.


Either way, our 4 Munificents in one system, ensured that we had a singular communications frequency that could not be determined due to the random frequencies the Munificent sent out, the disturbance is just too good and unless you've got godly luck you can't discern the correct one from billions of fake ones.


However, communications from the planet are different as our fake frequencies are not yet advanced enough to penetrate the atmosphere. Like how the atmosphere on Earth defends some electromagnetic waves, the atmosphere in Star Wars discerns fake electromagnetic frequencies and disrupts them.


( Essentially, for those who don't know. Electromagnetic waves are invisible radiations that fly through the air. It's what allows you to listen to the radio, TV, phone, satellites. Everything, is also what gives us information, though that's a bit advanced and I'm not a teacher )


"Sir! The picture is through!" The guy on the scanner said as a new hologram appeared in front of me.


It showed 244 red signals.


30 of them were in the main command center. Another 14 were standing outside the command room, apparently slicing it. While another 200 were split into 2 groups, each standing around a corner facing the 14 guys outside the command room.


"Alright, great they should be done soon." I said as the picture of the 1st Lucrehulk appeared beside them.


"How far out from the forward Lucrehulks are we?" I asked Jaime.


"Your Grace, we're about 70 kilometers out." He said.


"Great, full speed ahead. Order the Munificent's to spread out." I said as I turned to Jaime.


"Prepare for the Veridian Killzone!" I shouted and he looked shocked. That was a dangerous move!


"My Lord! We can't! The Dauntless won't hold!" He shouted, it was indeed extremely dangerous and risky.


"We need to end this quick before the Gungans are completely slaughtered." I said and he retreated, he knew he couldn't change my mind when I made it up.


"How long until our tip reaches their first line?" I asked one of the guys standing beside me.


"My Lord, we're headed about 800 kilometers an hour, so precisely 13.5 kilometers every minute. So about 5 minutes and 15 seconds." He said and I nodded.


"How's our deflector shields?" I asked. We had received little damage, and only from the 2 forward ones, and they didn't have the brain to focus all fire on our ship. And the Neimodian at the capital ship was probably too busy with the—


"BOMB RUN!" One of the naval officers said as he ran up to me and pointed.


"Fuck, all cannons aim at that bombing squadron! Order the Carracks to do the same." I said as the guns turned towards the bomber squadron, they were less than 5 kilometers out and heading towards us. A total of 24 Hydra bombers, the equivalent of 2 droid squadrons.


"Do we have any squadrons nearby?" I exclaimed, but I got no response. Saying it all.


Shit! But I knew this was the cost of my risky maneuvers, it was bound to happen.


"Send the 4 Carracks forward! We'll sacrifice them. And order the CR-90's to head straight at the bombing squadrons." I shouted as the crewmen ran around.


"What's the status of their capital ship?" I asked the guy beside me.


"Their shields are recuperating, hull at 35%, it will collapse at 15%" He said.


"Fuck, order Commodore Flint to get that ship down immediately then retreat." I said, but out of the corner of my eyes, I saw another swarm heading for us.


"SCAN THAT ATTACK!" I shouted at the scanners guy and he quickly got to work.


"60 Signatures! 4-4-48 Bombers and 1-12 fighters!" He said with a stutter.


Fuck that's bad.


"How far out?" I asked.


"30 kilometers sir, traveling at 19 kilometers a minute, will reach us in 1 minute and 30 seconds" He said and I began sweating. If they hit us I have to cancel the attack and retreat the Dauntless.


"Order Commodore Flint to call back the 3 squadrons closest to us. The Alpha-3s are faster and might reach us. However make sure they're Alpha-3 V-wings, the Z-95 aren't fast enough." I said and the order was immediately sent. This would be way too close.


"Stop the engines and order the Gladiators to head in front of us! Same with the 4 carracks responsible for us and the 2 responsible for each Gladiator." I said and Jaime nodded, passing it along.


That meant there were 8 carracks and 2 Gladiators between us and that bombing run. But it wouldn't be enough, they would head straight through them and towards us, if even a single squadron passed then we're fucked.


"FIRST BOMBING RUN INCOMING!" Admiral Jaime shouted as he bent his knees slightly, to prepare for the hit.


I leaned onto the control in front of the window as I saw the previous squadron heading towards us.


Our 4 carracks were just slightly in front of us, and they were unleashing fire, but it was enough enough. 3 CR-90s were also headed straight upwards as they tried to cut the bombers off, but it wouldn't be enough.


However, I saw them cut down about 8 bombers, as the remaining 4 flew across our forward deck.


The point defense cannons shot all the way, shooting down 2 of them, however they crashed straight into our hull, and one of them almost hit our forward DBY-827 Turbolaser.


As I saw a slight blue glint come out of the 2 remaining Hydra bombers I cursed.


"Fuck. It's a fucking ion bomb!" I shouted as unbelief crossed everyone's face.


I turned on my comms as the bombers flew straight toward the middle, intending to short-circuit the reactor.


"All ships, speed ahead and protect the capital ship while we're ouuut-" Was all I got to say as the bomb hit our deck and the entire ship's electric currents and communications shut down.


"Damage report!" I shouted to a guy who had to fling back his hands as they got shocked.


"All systems offline, they hit our main reactor. The backup reactor is damaged but is keeping us steady for now." He said as he got reports from a hand commlink.


Likely from the engineers.


"Tell me when the engineers can fix it." I said as I turned to Jaime.


"This is bad, form a swarm of carracks in front of us. Let's form a proper inverted wedge with a swarm in the middle and the gladiators at the end. Hold off any attacks and order all fighters to launch a last ditch effort, if it fails return, if it succeeds return." I said and he nodded, taking out his communications device.


Out of all those 12 bombers, of course, we had to miss those with Ion cannons….


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