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47.29% Star Wars: Senator / Chapter 35: Leaving Coruscant

Chapter 35: Leaving Coruscant

Later that day I sat down and contacted Admiral Jaime, after all, I needed to get the status of my Valiant.


"Greetings, Your Grace!" An energetic voice came over my Holotransmitter, and the view of the now 40-year-old Admiral came over. He had grey hair, brown eyes, and a slight bump on his stomach.


He was outfitted in the usual Naval equipment. A grey suit, and grey pants. With 3 red bricks and 2 blue bricks, as rank insignia. Representing his rank as an Admiral.


He was overly happy, likely reflecting on the completion of his first-ever major naval craft. This one was likely the strongest single naval warship to currently exist. As the Lucrehulks couldn't match it, nor the Munificent. As most warships were kept from being built.


"How's the progress on the Valiant?" I asked him and he smiled.


"Your Grace! The Valiant was finished just 6 hours ago, we have prepped it and tested the guns, and everything is functional, we are currently getting supplies and we'll then head for Thyferra." He said, I could see he was happy about the circumstances of his new ship.


"That's good to hear. Order to rest of the fleet to join you as well." I said and he nodded.


"To confirm, the 1st Fleet Force shall be equipped with 1 Valiant-Class Star Destroyer, 2 Gladiator-Class Star Destroyers, 4 Munificent-Class Star Destroyers, 10 Cumulus-Class Corsairs, 5 CR-90 Corvettes, 16 DP20's and 14 Carrack's." He said and I nodded.


"Aye, 1 Flagship/Large Capital Ship representing the Valiant, 6 Medium-Capital Ships representing the 2 Gladiators and 4 Munificents, 15 Small-Capital ships representing the 10 Cumulus Corsairs and 5 CR90 Corvettes and lastly 30 Support ships, 16 DP20's and 14 Carracks," I said and he nodded.


"Leaving, 1 Munificent, 4 Cumulus Corsairs, 5 CR90 Corvettes, and 12 DP20s to defend Thyferra." I said and he nodded.


I took a break as I began thinking. Now, this battle will not be easy. We had the equal of 2 Task Forces within our fleet in terms of power, while they had about the entire strength of a fleet. 3 times stronger than ours.


But that's not the worst part. One thing is the naval battle. Where they have 6 large capital ships and we have 1, although they only have 6 large and no capital ships. It doesn't matter as they have 9000 fucking fighters. Sure, they're droid brains and not as strong, but we don't even have close to their numbers.


The Valiant represents 240 Alpha-V Starfighters and 60 H6 Bombers, the Munificent each has 40 fighters, representing a total of 160 Alpha-V fighters, each of the Gladiators has about 60 Alpha-V Wings, together they have 120, then the 10 Cumulus Corsairs have 10 each, a total of 100. So in total, we have about 680 Starfighters, not even close.


"How many starfighters do we have?" I asked Jaime.


"We put down production a bit to perfectly meet the 10-year military buildup to manage about 4000 V-wings, which would require about 30 every single month, however this month we piped it up and managed to build a whopping 100 of them, we would usually have 615, but now we have 685 Alpha-V Wings and 80 H6 Bombers." He said and I nodded, perfect.


"And what about the Z-95 Headhunters?" I asked and he continued on.


"We haven't built any recently so we still have 250." He said and I nodded.


"Include 200 Z-95 Headhunters and 20 H6 Bombers, they should have hyperdrive and therefore capable of getting there themselves?" I said and he nodded.


"Yes, Your Grace. It can and will be done." He said.


"Great, you're dismissed. Make sure to complete it perfectly and prepare for the logistics. We still have to feed them." I said while chuckling, he however didn't and simply saluted me before cutting the transmission.


No humor, eh. Well, now it would be about 620 Alpha-V Wings, 200 Z-95 Headhunters, and 80 H6 Bombers, a total of 820 fighters, and 80 bombers. So 900 space crafts. Wow, we're perfectly outnumbered 10-1. If the clones managed even worse then we can do this.


Well, I don't see us winning the battle as we have a lot of greenies, but we should be able to defend properly and make a few penetrations in their swarm. Maybe a few bomb runs.


We would need to rely on our naval firepower to win this, and a few boarding missions. Though they would be dangerous with the swarm, but it'll work.


And with that, I began working again. Organizing our allies, contacting lawyers for the eventual suitcase the Trade Federation will make.


Without knowing it, it soon became dark as the sun went on the other side of the planet. Although I never understood how that would work as the entire planet is one city, will half a city work and the next day the other half? That might be very efficient actually.


As I was about to sleep I heard a knock.


"Your Grace! It's Representative Davis." Robb said, who stood guard outside my door.


"Let him in." I said as I shut down my Holopicture, where I worked, like a laptop.


"Your Grace! I have dire and great news." He said. A slight sweat ran down his face.


"Let's hear it then." I said and he nodded.


"Firstly, Senator Palpatine has been nominated for Supreme Chancellor, his competition is the delegation from Malastare and Bail Antilles." He said and I nodded. Antilles would be a problem but I knew who was winning.


"I see, and what is the dire news?" I asked and he began sweating even more.


"My Senate Guard contacts inform me that Queen Amidala is heading to her yacht to travel back to Naboo." He said and I looked puzzled, although inside I was overjoyed.


Great, it's still following Cannon. Well, this might be the only time I can use the canon to my advantage.


"I see, so she's finally given up on the Senate." I said out loud and he nodded, having come to the same conclusion.


"Robb, Jon! Get in here!" I shouted, but still quite silent.


"Yes, Your Grace?"


"My Lord?"


They said as they ran in before bowing.


"I have tasks for both of you." I said and they stood up.


"Davis, you won't have a problem with us borrowing your Lamba Shuttle?" I asked and he shook his head, well he better not. It's mine. "Jon, go and prepare the ship and its pilots. We're leaving immediately." I said and he nodded, before running off.


"Robb, contact the bounty hunters and tell them to meet us on the shuttle or inform us if they're traveling there alone. If they are then have them get to Yag'Dhul." I said and he nodded before running off.


"Continue supporting Palpatine. We'll be leaving. And continue preparing for the backlash of the battle." I said and he nodded, before walking out.


Alright, so it's finally happening….


I then pressed a few buttons and called Jaime.


I met him standing on his twin bridge. The exact same bridge as on the Venators.


"Change of plans Admiral, head straight to Yag'Dhul and have the rest of the fleet meet you there. We'll be arriving in a bit under 2 days." I said and he nodded.


"It will be done, Your Grace." And with that, I cut the transmission.


I then took out a map of the galaxy. Every logical and time factor pointed towards the fact that Padme would take the Corellian Run to Denon, before switching to the Hydian Way to Pax, where she would switch to the Enarc Run, for under an hour to Kira, and then furthermore switch to the Kira run to Naboo. Which would take a bit over 3 and a half days.


Meanwhile, I needed to take the Corellian Run to Corellia, and then the Corellian Trade Spine to Yag'Dhul, then take the Rimma Trade Route to Wroona and switch to the Kira Run, which would take me all the way to Naboo.


The trip itself would take about 3 hours longer than Padme. But I would still take extra time to meet my fleet, take control, and plot a new route. A whole fleet was always slower than one ship.


Just in time for me to get a call, from none other than Queen Amidala herself.


"Greetings, Queen Amidala." I said as I accepted the connection.


"Greetings, Count Veridian." She said, oh wow. No fun eh.


"I heard you're leaving Coruscant?" I asked in a playful tone, which she didn't appreciate.


"Yes. You are correct. I cannot trust the Republic anymore, so I will take action myself. Will you join us?" She said while looking at me with narrowed eyes.


"Hmm, yeah. I will. However, I need to regroup with my fleet and then travel to Naboo. So, if my prediction of your route is correct then we'll arrive 3-5 hours later than you." I said and she nodded.


I then began thinking of my ground troops. 5000 in the Valiant, 5000 in each Munificent. Totaling 25,000 troops, each Corvette can take 200 and each Cumulus can take 250. So 10 Munificent is 2500 and 5 Corvettes means 1000. So a total of 28 500 troops.


"We can only suffice with 28,500 reinforcements, and that is after we defeat their naval blockade. If we do at all. And we need a few on our ships so, 25 000 soldiers can be granted to your cause." I said and she looked shocked.


Don't think she anticipated us sending soldiers.


"Thank you so much, Your Grace! We cannot thank you enough." She said.


"I'll also send you a single commander, to lead your ground troops. If I'm correct you don't have a commander capable of commanding?" I asked and she nodded, agreeing that they had nobody taught how to fight.


"Very good, I'll send you one of my Senior Commanders named Caelan Thorne. He's newly graduated from the Academy, but he's been top of his scores and won every single inter-battle exercise." I said and she nodded.


"I thank you again, Count Thalron. We will do everything to pay back this help." She said and I nodded.


"Always happy to help, My Queen." I said as I cut to connection.


I can't have anything of the Gungans being fucking idiots by standing in the middle of their shield and not utilizing it correctly, it's legit asking for death. Well because it is a movie it might be different, but one can never be sure, especially with the Gungans.


If I'm correct, then Caelan Thorne is one of the new commanders. Caelan and Lux are the shining stars of our Military Academy. Caelan and Lux are at the same age of 22. Caelan was taken under General Tyr's wing and taught how to lead grand armies, while Lux was put in charge of our special forces.


Oh well, I'll talk more to Caelan when I get to the fleet, now I gotta get dressed.


I stood up, and pressed a button on my table, locking the door.


I then walked up to my closet. I began packing all my shit, and lastly, I took on some formal clothing.


After taking it on, I went to look myself in the mirror.


The clothing started with an overcoat, not quite a jacket but not a shirt either. A bit under the tips of my shoulder there were buttons, one on each side. Above that was a small hood, although it was a kind of hood it would not go over my head. Instead, it looked like a large collar. It was white with blue under the cloth, facing my body. It then went a bit over my shoulder and onto my back.


At the button, it then went down alongside my arm covering the entirety of it, which happened on both sides.


Then from my right button a sash, being blue with white markings went down to my waist or belt. Under the coat I had a shirt, being formed similar to that of a Kimono in old Japan on Earth. The Kimono was purely white with blue stripes on it.


Under that I had a shirt with a high collar, the collar was white with a black outline, and a black tie connected to it. The shirt itself was white.


I had white dress pants and a black belt with silver decorations, the black belt was also outfitted with a hand communicator, a hand Hologram, and a Commando Pistol, being hidden by my coat due to being strapped to my back.


Lastly, I wore black boots and gloves.


My hair was simply silver, being split in the middle to form a center part. I had blue eyes and silver eyebrows, my natural color.


[ Picture in comments ]


And with that, I headed out to my ship, with the help of a pair of senate guards guarding me and a pair of Senate Assistants taking my bags. Why would I bother holding them…


i = e on (patrion)

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It really helps me stay motivated by getting a few donation. And maybe if we all are lucky i get grammarly premium and we get some better grammar :) 

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