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18.42% Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: 1 vs 30, No Problem!

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: 1 vs 30, No Problem!

Adrian: "So be it."

And fires all his weapons at them and a ship vs the 30 Jedi on ground, the battle had begun.

He fired his Sleeper Simulent weaponry to scatter and spread in all sorts of directions to ensure the Jedi couldn't dodge or deflect them, or at least most of them.

He used Ion Pulses to created large shockwaves to throw them off balence.

A stun mode of his Plasmacasters, since he didn't want to kill the Jedi and be hunted down by more than 10,000 Jedi. There is a limit he can handle as of now and he didn't need to fight an army on a daily basis. That would just be an annoyance to his plans then an actual threat.

His Concussion-Missle Launchers caused an effect like a shock wave.

Weapon Targeting Systems allowed him to track them and home in with his various weaponry, but mainly his non Lethal version of his Seeker Swarms and Sleeper Simulent.

Ion Cannons can be used since they are meant for other ships and crafts. Complete destruction is met by these weapons of Chaos.

Seeker Swarm (Mass Effect). It split into multiple energy shots that hommed in on the targets. He had it as a non Lethal version. He also had a Seeker Swarm grenade on him at all times. It acted simular to a Whistling Bird attachment on any Mandalorian Vambraces. Although many don't get this attachment since it is very costly fir the ammunition. But that isn't a problem for him and his unlimited ammo wish.

Turrets, he had toggled non Lethal mode on his console which replace the energy elemental bullets with Rubber ones.

He doesn't want to kill anyone that is innocent. The jedi are definitely innocent. Well...most of them. He is definitely going to kill Pong Krell though.

The Jedi all scattered in every direction trulying to avoid my weaponry. They would block or deflect most of it, bit the shockwaves produced by the Concussion Missles and the Plasmacasters made sure they were knocked to their sides.

I had Kara operate most of my weapons systems as I specifically targeted Mace Windu and Yoda.

I focused on them as I took aim with my tracker beam to catch them off guard.

It worked since Windu who was a bigger target and thus a much easier one, had gotten caught in the beam and was being pulled up towards my ship.

I quickly fired a Plasmacaster directly at him, he blocked with his Lightsaber and dispelled the discharge.

Yoda seemed to use the Force on the the point of my Tracker Beam that was the origin.

He was crushing it with the Force, but was unable to, all he did was cause it to partially deactivate.

I fired cables of my ship at Windu attempting to catch him.

He slashed at the cables, but was surprised that it did not cut through, or at all.

He used Force Push to repell them away, Yoda began to run and climb up the cables up towards my ship.

I had my cables twist and turn to ensnare him, but it had barely worked due to how nimble he was.

Kara: "A Jedi is on the rear of your ship trying to force open the hanger bay!"

Adrian: "Caoture Mace Windu and any Human Male Jedi of a high Midichlorian Count and take a blood sample from them."

He has a plan for later if everything works out perfectly. If not then he doesn't mind. He always has Plan A which he was going to do anyway. This was measly Plan B.

As for why he wanted their blood specifically...that is for another time as he had just reached the Hanger Bay.

Plo Koon had almost forced the platform open just enough for him to roll in.

That's when he got the perfect idea.

Adrian: "Kara! Open the Hanger Bay door and turn the ship 180 degrees around. Do not let Yoda board my ship!"

He wasn't worried about fighting Yoda. Although, he does want to avoid it if possible. He can beat Yoda if he actually wanted to, but his main priority was getting the blood.

Plo Koon and Adi Gallia along with two other Jedi boarded the ship.

The duo of unnamed Jedi charged at Adrian with their Lightsabers drawn. They naturally didn't want to hurt him and so they tried only to maime him.

They had foolishly thought that he was an easy opening since he was a non-Force User. How wrong they were...

Adrian took out his Hawkmoom and fired at the two with non Lethal shots.

They blocked a few shots, but then the effect of the Hawkmoon had activated.

He fired one shot at one of the Jedi and quickly to the other.

These two shots were more powerful then before and as a result, it caught the Jedi unaware, causing their grip on their Lightsabers to lossen.

He then did another double shot but to the head. This had knocked both of them out cold.

Adrian: "Pathetic. I didn't even have to use my fists."

He took out his Vibroblade in his right and Vibroknife in his left.

Adrian: "Maybe you'll be different."

Why did Adrian say fists?

It's because he normally uses guns. If the opponent is strong enough then he will use his blades. But if he has no other choice left, then he will use his fists to beat them into oblivion.

He had actually thought that these Jedi could make him go a little serious since he had to fight multiple masters at once. He seemed to have over estimated them.

He dashed at the duo of Jedi who had helped Mace Windu onto the platform.

As he charged them in an instant he slashed at Adi Gallia at her arms, he wanted to maimed her to be unable to fight.

Mace Windu had climbed aboard and had blocked the swing, he quickly went to press Adrian with a multitude of his Vepaad Form 8 style.

It seemed he had made Windu mad with his Tracker Beam move earlier, since he was stronger and faster then he would be.

Adrian knew this since he had actually spied on Many of the Jedi of the Jedi Order when they went on their assigned Missions.

He had Kara collect the footage of them since he was curious what they did all the time, additionally during on Missions. He watched all this back when he was still on Mandalore, in his spare time when he was bored.

Adrian did a backflip to get away from Windu's Lightsaber swings, and the unexpected attack from Plo Koon, on his right side.

As he backfliped he had simultaneously throw several Flashbangs.

It worked on Adi Gallia who was about to follow up on Adrian, the result was her being countered and in turn, blinded.

He used his Biotic Stasis imitation to freeze still in place, long enough for him to shot her with his Hawkmoom, rendering her unconscious with a rubber bullet.

Thanks to the Hawkmoon's perks of being able to fire rapidly and had an insane draw speed, he dealt with the Jedi Master effortlessly.

He had other weaponry for better than the Hawkmoon...but when you are as strong as Adrian Hawke is, you don't need good weapons when you can beat them blindfolded with a spoon.

Plo Koon used Force Push in a attempt to unbalance his footing.

Adrian stumbled a few steps and fell to one knee. Plo Koon took advantage of this and leaped at Adrian, lunging with his Lightsaber.

Mace Windu: "It's A Trap!"

Adrian had pretended to be affected by Force Push. He turned around and grabbed the Lightsaber of the spinning and airborne Plo Koon. He had then bashed the face of Plo Koon into the ground.

He was careful enough to not damage his face mask, but at the same time knock him out cold.

He turned to Mace Windu. He held his Vibroblades, ready to duel the Grandmaster of the Jedi Council.


Jinx Pov:

Jinx had awoken after what felt like an eternity. She felt that her head was slightly dizzy like mist had entered and then thereafter, left her mind.

All she could remember of the recent events was fighting that Devil of a Mandalorian.

But she felt no fear fur some reason, even though in her memories she clearly remembered she was acting hysterically.

That had never happened to her in her life. She had more than enough training and discipline to stay calm no matter the circumstances.

Then why did she act with fear in the memories. She can't feel any fear when she thinks back on it.

She naturally assumed that he had done something to her, through the Poison from his Shurikens, that had entered her bloodstream.

Jinx was half right and half wrong. The Joker Gas was what caused her abnormal behaviour, it had entered through her lungs. The Poison from the Shurikens only allowed for intense Nausea and Tiredness.

The emotion of fear had been completely removed from Jinx's memories so that Adrian can talk to her and have a restart to their relationship. Which dud nit start well as you may have realised.

Jinx then noticed she was strapped down and restrained in a weird machine. (The Animus)

Her limbs were bound by a strange metal that seemed to negate her Force Abilities.

She tried to break free, but her efforts were fruitless.

When she had seemingly given up, the bonds she had were suddenly unlocked.

She wondered why this had happened.

Instead of pondering over this, she decided that she had to leave immediately. If she was bound, that meant she was a captive.

If the Mandalorian Devil learns she had escaped, then she will have o chance against him while inside his ship that was outfitted with all sorts of tarps and weaponry.

Just as she grabbed her Lightsaber and was going to escape down a corridor, she had heard a echoing voice of a female resound in her head.

???: "Jinx...Jinx..."

She zipped around the room and tried to locate the source of the voice. When she had turned back around to continue her escape.

She saw an alien being. It had a strange ivory mask that had an neutral expression on its surface.

The alien was levitating only a few feet of the ground. Its feet were exposed and had two toes and a heel.

The alien being looked at Jinx. For the first time she had felt inferior to such an individual. The only ones that were her superiors in the Force were the ones ranked 1 to 5 of her race. She was 6th Rank herself.

But she felt as if this individual could end her in a moments notice.

Jinx: "W-who are you?"

Her voice betrayed her as she was too focused on the Being to pay attention to anything else. She needed to know who this individual is and wants by confronting her.

Serenity: "I am Serenity. I have freed you of your bindings so that you can help aid he who would end Chaos."

Jinx: "Who is 'he'? Why me?"

Serenity: "He will need you in the future to aid him in his endeavours. Just as he needs you now. You must hurry. Chaos will come for him soon. It wishes to destroy him. You must help him. Every second wasted is precious time gone. Other dangers await the both of you down your journey, but also great achievements in the Force. He is down below...on the surface...he needs allies, ones he can trust. He walks a Dark Path to achievement his goals. You must ensure he stays on a Neutral one. Farewell, Jinx, Star Wind. Go now...and May the Force be with you."

Jinx did nit know what to make of the encounter, but she knew now that things are far greater then they seem. She has an idea who 'he' might be. Although she didn't like being associated with him so soon, she has little choice.

Based on Serenity's words. He isn't such a bad guy and would help the Galaxy. She will have to confirm these things for herself when she has a talk with him.

That was when she remembered what Serenity had said.

She doubted he would be struggling against anyone in the Galaxy, other then the Being (Aboleth) that had almost killed him.

Nonetheless, she went to his aide.

(A/n The Whills are made up of five emotions. The leader is Serenity, you may recognise her as the One who had tested Yoda in order to teach him to become a Force Ghost in the Clone Wars series. They used to be a singular entity who was a Shaman, but one day she learned how to become a Force Ghost and as such, you know the rest. She..or they? Are also known as the Force Priestesses.)


Adrian had fought an amazing battle. He even had to use his fists!

He had pinched Mace Windu in the face at one point in their duel when he had 16 Jedi as his reinforcements help him on the ship, once they boarded.

Adrian could handle 29 Jedi, but if he had to fight both Yoda or Mace Windu, then it would be a problem.

He can easily beat any one of them in a 1vs1 battle, vut the both if them will cause him a little trouble for a time.

This situation was different. He had finally achieved his objective to obtain Mace Windu's blood from the puch he dealt.

As to why he needed the blood.

He needed the blood of a highly Force Sensitive Human being since he himself was a Human.


Because he was going to analyse the Midichlorians in the Blood of a very powerful Jedi of the same species, so that he can create and inject in himself an artificial version of Midichlorian Blood to become a Force User!

This was his Plan C of becoming a Froce User.

Plan A was something he very much wanted to do. It was easier and far more effective.

Plan B was with the Tools of Kagranac he has. He will only do this plan as a last resort. Although it may be possible at one point in particular. The Mortis Arc. He would need to wait until he goes to either Mortis or Abeloth's Prison World/Original HomeWorld of The Ones that was located in The Maw. This was the most dangerous plan due to Abeloth protecting what he wanted. The other option was to kill The Ones and do something special one he did. This is also difficult to accomplish, bit not as impossible as confronting least for now.

Plan C was simple, but had a low success rate, even with alk his knowledge. It didn't matter much as he could just create his own Jedi clone army. Just like how Darth Vader made clones of Galen Marek, aka Starkiller.

Yoda: "Surrender now, you must. Surrounded, you are."

Just as he was going to retort back with his own words...along with a Superior Blizzard, he heard the voice of someone unexpected.

Jinx: "Come on! Jump!"

At that moment he felt his mind go hazzy...

In the next moment he saw himself in a place he thought would be impossible to get to unless he was a Force User.

This was the The Wellspring of Life also known simply as the Force planet, was one of many such nexuses of power that manifested in the depths of the galaxy.

The Wellspring was powerful in the light side of the Force and was speculated to be the source of all life.

It was not marked on any star map and had no official name. The planet was surrounded by a bright nebula.

Upon reaching the surface, it appeared barren, save for luminescent geysers that released energy from inside the planet.

Below the surface, however, were floating islands that were covered in plant life and immersed in the Force.

He appeared before one entity he knew with absolute certainty. He wasn't afraid if this being as he knew full well that he would not be harmed unless he does something far worse then Sidious did. If he threatened a life in the Galaxy, then this being would take action

Thus, he had instantly concluded with his accelerated thought process, that they must have had a Force Vision about him and wish to tell him about it or something along those lines.

Yes, I did say 'they'.

Right now Adrian could only see one person, but he knew that four others was inside this person or entity.

He was kind of happy that he was being talked to by such a being. Since he knew full well they wish to aide him. Otherwise he would be dead by now.

Before him was the Whills. Or more accurately, the leader/representative known as Serenity.

Adrian: "So what you want with me. I got things to do so can we hurry this along. I don't want to talk to the others thank you. Just you I want to speak with, is that okay, Serenity?"

Serenity: "So you know of us? We have not told anyone of us for a very, very long time."

Adrian: "Don't worry about it. Taht isn't important is it. So can we get to it? I got things to do and prepare."

Serenity: "Indeed you do...but you walk a Dark Path. Why do wish to ise the Dark Side of the Force to achieve your goals? Surely there are other methods."

Adrian: "I need it as the power source. 'It' had no other that I am aware of. The Light Side of the Force can't do it, but the Dark Side can. Unless you wish to help me by providing an alternative to 'It'?"

Serenity: "We do not agree with you choice...but neither will we interfere. Trust in the girl Jinx. She will be your ally to help you in the things to come. As for the alternative. Go to the Jefi Temple on Lothal when you can. We will protect you for a time, but not indefinitely as we remain neutral in the Force. For we are both Light and Dark and cannot lean to one side. Balence is our way. Chaos will soon come after you again. At least younwill be protected by us until you have done what is needed on Lothal. There is something there as well...from us, waiting for you there...maybe it might change your mind of using the Dark Side. May the Force Be with you, Adrian Hawke."

With that, he had felt his hazziness fade away almost as quickly as it had came. He found himself surrounded by the Jedi once again.

Jinx: "Come on! Jump!"

Having returned back to the same moment the Whills had taken him from, he immediately acted as if Time had not just stopped for everyone apart from himself.

He immediately jumped and did not resist the Force, as he felt the only person it could be, Jinx, use Force Grab on him.

He was lifted up high at very fast speeds and landed on his hanger bay door which was still open.

Beside him was Jinx.

Adrian: "Yo. How's your sleep been?"

Jinx: "Terrible! No thanks to you! Let's get going, we can talk later."

Whether it was good timing, good luck or the will of the Force.

But rigjt at that moment, the Ord Mantell City spaceships arrived and tried attacking all those on sight, including Adrian's ship.

Adrian finally had the chance to flee in the ensuing chaos.

The Jedi knew if they stopped his ship from leaving with the Force, he would die by the Black Sun's ships.

And so they had no choice but to let him escape. The Jedi quickly retreated to their own crafts in order to leave.

This wasn't true, but a thought that was forcibly placed in their minds by the very being who had spoken to Adrian moments ago, The Whills.

The Jeci did not pursue Adrian since they saw the speed of his ship, and he would be long gone before they could even attempt to take off in their ships.

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