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77.77% Star Wars: Fan Fiction / Chapter 6: Bounties!

Chapter 6: Bounties!

(Hello all! Not sure how everyone will feel about this chapter there is a bit of action but not much! Still on leave from work currently due to personnel issues but tell you what! This bottle of Dalmore is going down mighty fine!)

Not long after all the Blaster fire ended, all the patrons that were in before expecting to see dead Mandalorians but just to find them sitting at the bar like nothing happened. Drex then shouted "Well what the fuck was that about!?"

All the patrons froze on the spot as the rest of Drex's men entered the guild and locked the door behind them. Drex then looked at all the patrons and said "I am going to say it again! What the fuck was all that about?" The biggest patron took a step forward and said "The guy you killed outside earlier was the boss of this place!"

Drex was in shock and then said "Well why the fuck was he shooting at the Jedi i was with then? I came here to work! not get shot at Ahahahah!" The partron then again said "Well i think they put a little hit on you!" Drex just shook his head and then said "Well who wants to run this bar for me from now on? Shadow get this bar under my name pronto!" Shadow nodded his head and jumped on the terminal and not even 5 minutes later all the deeds and funds were transfered over to Drex!

Shadow said "Mandalore the task is complete, i even emptied all there bank accounts to you also!" Drex laughed and said "Good Job Shadow!" Drex then pointed to the man who had been speaking to him and said "Whats your name fella? and what race are you?" The man was taken back from his questions and said with pride "I am a Devaronian and my name is Brezer!"

Drex laughed at this and said "Do you want to work for me and run this bar? You will get some protection in the bar also! Gold point two commandos and 2 heavies to protect the bar. Shadow have two of your men stay in the back also!" Shadow and Gold pointed to some men and agreed and 6 men went and stood behind the bar.

Brezer seeing this grinned with his crooked teeth and said "Yes i will work for you Mandalore but we need to fix this place up!" Drex nodded and laughed and shouted "Everyone else! If you want to work for me stay here if not! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BAR, WERE CLOSED FOR TODAY!"

Brezer seeing this instantly jumped over the bar and started to clean up the mess from the fight, He had always dreamed of running a bar and his dream has finally came true!. Drex seeing him smile ignored him for now and said "Men clean up all these bodies, i don't want any remains to be found! Wipe the cameras also and 5 of you go and collect some of our spare Auto-Matic turrets and Camera systems were going to imbed them around the bar for protection!" 5 of the droids walk off and go to collect as the rest are cleaning the bar at breakneck speed.

Brezer was stunned at the speed these men are going at! Drex walked up to Brezer and told him "Alright you are going to be the Manager for the bar. Also i want you to order extra bottles of Eromlad and keep it in the office for me! I love that whiskey!" Brezer nodded and said "You got some good taste there boss!" Drex then laughed and passed him one of the stronger blasters from on of the assassins that tried to take out Drex and his men.

Brezer looked at the blaster and looked over it, He was stunned by this gester as it was worth 10X more than the blaster he uses and it packs more of a punch! Drex laughed and told him "You will use this to protect yourself and the bar from now on! You can change it up how you want just tell my men and ill transfer credits to you!"

From the attack inside the bar, Drex had recieved over 180 thousand credits! He transfered 50K worth to Brezer for him to get the bar up and running. Brezer was shocked at the amount of credits that had arrived his bank account. He had never seen that amount before!. Drex then looked at him and said "Use that amount to remodel and get better alcohol in the bar! Get a live band going in here also!" Brezer nodded and got straight to work. Drex seen this and smiled and turned to his men that are still working for him and said "Alright men lets go and see the cartel next, Shadow lead the way to them!"

Shadow nodded and led the way out, as soon as they opened the bar door to the outside, There were hundreds of bounty hunters aiming at them. Drex noticed this and used his force powers to bend the enemie's weapons barrels internally so there weapons would explode if they fired. Drex and all his men aimed at there bounty hunters.

Drex noticed the street was really quite and there was no one around not even Republic soldiers that should be partrolling. Drex spoke up and asked "So.. Is this about that guy that tried to kill me or that shite sniper?" As soon as Drex said sniper they all tensed up a bit more remembering the sight of Drex punching a blaster shot like it was nothing.

A Muun stepped forward ( bows and said "Mandalore, the great Golga Besadii Fir has requested you at the Valorum Tower!" (For those who don't know Golga Besadii Fir is the Hutt ambassador to Coruscant from the Hutt Grand Council) Drex hearing this put his weapons back in there holsters and said with glee "So what would the Hutt Grand Council like with me? and is all this really neccesary?" Pointing to all the men aiming at him.

The Muun smiled as he never expected this Mandalore to know about the Hutt Grand Council, the Muun then said "Everyone stand down and follow me Mandalore" Drex nodded and said "Everyone stay here apart from Gold, Shadow and Twinkle you guys follow me" The Muun led the way as all the HK's went into the bar to continue working and all the Bounty Hunter's that were origionally aiming had all dispersed back into the streets and all the bars that they had been spending there credits in.

After following the Muun for over an hour to the Valorum Tower. As he entered the Tower the Republican soldiers told him "Sir, You must disarm before going in further or we can't grant you access!" Drex laughed and said "Gold, Hold my guns and the rest of you wait here!" Gold came forward as Drex threw his massive heavy blaster pistol at Gold. The republic soldiers finally let him through after several minutes.

The Muun led the way through the hallways till they came before a massive door and several guards standing outside. Drex laughed and said "First day on Coruscant and i get attacked twice, and have been in one too many meetings!" Muun hearing this grimaced and then still replayed the video through his mind of this Mandalore punching a bolt like it was nothing and the rifle the sniper used was meant to blast through most armours easily but couldn't even put a scratch on his armour!

The Muun finally said "Mandalore, you are to enter from here by yourself to meet the honerable Golga Besadii Fir" Drex nodded and walked through as the doors closed behind him. He entered into a dark smokey room too see a Large Slug like creature which he recognised as a B'omarr Monk. Golga seen the mandalore she had requested to see and said "Mandalore, It is lovely to meet you! but what clan are you from? I have never seen that many mandalorians to ever arrive on coruscant and we have a deal with clan Death Watch and they were never to set foot on here!"

Drex was taken back as he hadn't thought about other mandalorian clans and if they were to hear of him taking the mantle as a mandalore and let alone a new clan with advance tech he will probally be attacked if they found out about him!. Drex said "Greetings honerable Golga Besadii Fir of the Hutt Grand Council, I am the Mandalore Drex of the clan known as Reapers, We are a hidden clan and are more advanced than the other Mandalorians clans. We don't normally leave survivors so no one ever hears of us"

Golga stared at him trying to find out more but was getting nothing out of her stare but said "Well Mandalore Drex, our agreement with the Death Watch is that they will always respond to our aid if we ever get attacked. So what say you? will you help us also?" Drex stared back thinking of what he should do as he doesn't want to work with the Hutts as they will work with the CIS evetually and he doesn't want to be involved with them and he doesn't like the Death Watch as they always betray people.

Drex looked up to Golga and said "Unfortunately i can't agree to an alliance but i can agree to a non-violence treatie. This way i won't ever attack you and you won't attack me. So unless you directly attack me the Hutt clan is safe and we don't need credits as my clan don't care for anything as simple as that" Golga said "Well i am saddened by the fact we won't have an alliance but a peace treatie will do! But if we get attacked can we still ask you for help?"

Drex reluctantly said "Yes you can always ask for help but doesn't mean we will always accept to help you as we still have our own problems and also as soon as Death Watch hears of us, there is no doubt in my mind that they will try to take over us" Drex laughes manicaly and then says "I'd love to see them try, they wont even make it a second near us before there eliminated AHAHA" Drex decided to put on act to sound like he has a powerful army at his side and show of his power so the Hutts don't try to attack him in the Inner Rim but thats only if they find out where he is keeping his forces.

Drex gave Golga his holonet number and walked off back to his Gold and his men. As soon as he walked past the republic soldiers Gold threw his weapons back to him and he caught it fluently and put them back into his holsters. Drex said loudly "I am starting to get pissed off with all these people disturbing my day!"

Drex slowly made his way back to his new bar to see how the work is going on in there. When he arrived he noticed a crowd at the door screaming and shouting as he noticed a guy in black Mandalorian armour trying to barge in to the bar. Drex sees his men not even budging to this mandalorians shoved and shouting so he shouted over at the man "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY MEN YOU PUNY MANDALORIAN!"

The Black armoured mandalorian noticed this and shouted at Drex saying "I AM PART OF THE DEATH WATCH CLAN! YOU SHOULD BOW BEFORE US!!" Drex got angry and told his men "Show this fool a lesson and make sure he never walks again!" The Black armoured Mando pulled his blaster and shot at Drex when he said this. Drex just took the shot from the Mando's blaster rifle and it didn't even scratch his armour. Drex acted like it was nothing and dusted his armour as he watch the mandalorian have his arms and legs broken like he was made of paper listening to him screaming.

Drex then said in a cold and threatining voice "I'm taking this that you have the Death Watch Clans permission to declare war on us or is this your own personnel reason to attack us!?" The black mandalorian got dragged away by some other bounty hunters in a rush after this and the crowd all started at Drex. Drex always hated public speeches but he was going have to get used to this, He didn't mind with his men since they were all droids and they had a program inside them to always respect him.

Drex straightened up and walked to the front of the crowd and shouted "AT THIS MOMENT I AM DECLARING, THAT THE REAPERS CLAN ARE AN INDEPENDANT MANDALORIAN CLAN!" The bounty hunters stirred hearing this as that meant that a war was gonna kick off between Mandalorians. Drex laughed hearing this and also said "My new bar is getting rennovated and will be re-open tomorrow! So if you all want to come! The first drink is free!" Everyone hearing this screamed in glee as free alcohol isn't something you get everyday!

Drex smiled and finally entered his new bar too see all the renovations! It was emaculate inside and all the CCTV he had put around the place was crazy! He even had a VIP Section installed near his office door. All the Automated turrets had been hidden to pop out at a moments notice and they were hidden so no one can know where they are!

Drex set off for the Docking pad his ship had landed at to pay for the docking fees by the time he got there it was already night and wasn't hoping for much else to happen! especially in a Republic military owned area! When he arrived he could see DD shouting at some Republic Officer and engineer who kept wanting to take apart the ship to find out about the material and engine used on the ship!

Drex arrived and asked "So who is the highest ranking officer here?!" A young captain walked forward and said "I am!, Have you come to pay for your docking fees and transponder replacement?" Drex nodded and then pointed over to DD and the two people he is arguing with and asked "What's going on over there and here is the credits" Drex passed the young officer the credits and said "The officer is some big wig scientist who wants to find how your ship ticks as he has never seen that technology before and the engineer works for him also"

Drex laughed and said "Unfortunately that is my clans secret technology and he will never be able to replicate it without the power of my clan" the young officer laughed and stared at the three having an argument. Drex asked "So how long have they been arguing?" The young officer looked at him and smiled and said "Over 2 hours now but your pilot won't even let them near the ship. Its hilarious!"

Drex started to laugh loudly with the young officer. DD noticed this and so did the other two, DD shouted over and said "Boss they want to take apart your ship and they wont leave till they do is what they said!" The officer then retorted and said "I need to see how this ship ticks. Its amazingly advanced, with this technology we could advance our ships by hundreds of years!" he stared at drex with litteral stars in his eyes!

Drex then laughed and said "Even if you brought your whole engineering company. It would take you decades to take it apart and i don't have that time to do that!" The officer stared at him angrily and said "Ill have to get the senates backing on this to get you to help me!" Drex just laughed and said "how are they going to enforce me to do this when i am the ruler for my clan? and i am yet to go to the senate to offer my services?"

The officer just stared at him and said "You are not part of the Death Watch clan?" Drex just shook his head and said "My clan has never met other clans, We have always stayed in the shadows, it was only when i took over that i decided to change that! but depending on what the senate says to me i might share some technological secrets with you especially since we have hundreds of advanced star ships" he chuckled at the end just to watch this officer smile with glee and then he ran off with the engineer in tow.

The young captain looked at him and shook his head saying "Well that was new, i have never seen him smile like that before and he actually left you also. ahahah. So your part of a different clan then? that would explain why the Jedi came and picked you up and didn't hide" Drex shook his head saying "That was for something more secret, they also learn't that today so i won't be suprised if i get a senate summons in a few days" he chuckled and walked towards his ship.

He made sure to swap his men out with some other men to guard the outside of the ship for a night shift so they don't try to take advantage of some sleepy men. Though they don't know there robots, DD also walked into the ship and said to Drex "Boss, new transponder fitted and thanks for getting rid of those annoying bastards ahhaa" Drex just laughed and went to the chef bot on board and got his usual 100oZ Rancor steak and enjoyed the tenderness of the meat as usual.

Drex finally got into his Cabin on his ship and locked the door and finally felt relaxed. He kept feeling like someone has been watching constantly from a distance all day since he took that sniper shot to the fist. He has also been thinking on how to deal with the Death Watch clan since he kinda broken one of his men. Drex eventually fell asleep after an eventfull day....

Jango_Dett Jango_Dett

Hello Everyone!!

Someone asked why Drex was getting so little XP but don't forget he has a party in his system so all his XP gets shared between every single droid he owns. If i was to add level's to every single droid 98% of all chapters would be doing there levels.

Everytime a droid gains XP they start to gain a personallity and that way they stop acting like normal droids and start to have more fluid movements but they will always have the direct order to protect and to listen to Drex.

I think that makes sense if not sorry ahah just ask and ill do my best.

Best Regards, Jango :)

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