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30.88% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 80: Watch Out, He Bites

Chapter 80: Watch Out, He Bites

I don't own star wars.

This one is… different… fair warning

Juggalo II is jungle moon orbiting a massive gas giant in the middle of hutt space. It wasn't a place of leisure it was a place to hunt. It was a hunting preserve where the best of the best come to kill the strongest of the strong… There was one massive city on Juggalo near a great salty sea lake that flooded the planet making it look like a giant blue pupil in a green eye from space, and in the center of this city was a massive carved stone arena that was here before the city rose up.

It was claimed, retrofitted and soon it was a popular tourist spot for some of the blood-thirstiest mercenaries wandering the galaxy, then thugs, degenerates… and then pretty much everyone who would thrive on a bloody circus of death, with creatures collected all over the galaxy…

The Killer Carnival. But to be more specific… 'Crazy Candi's Killer Carnival'. I hated thinking about that name, it was degrading.

The Geonosian shrieked in terror as the Nexu's wide mouth jaws clamped through his spear and sunk its teeth deep into his body. Then the screaming stopped, and the crunching began as it tore the slave warrior in half.

"Ooh looks like our poor slave will be staying after all…" said the hostess with the air of denying a child a treat as her hover stage moved around the arena, high above the danger. A massive double-sided holoscreen letting everyone in the massive arena get a damn good look at her and her 'clowns'. Scantly cladded white-faced painted whores wearing barely concealing clothing resembling bikinis but, tighter and smaller. They were essentially ring girls, or backup dancers for the hostess. Today was a bald black human female and a green Twi'lek.

The hostess, the titular Crazy Candi: Real name Candrix, but Candi was 'sexier', was the owner of the whole city. Starting with the arena, she owned the slaves, the crops, and the whole hunting preserve and she worked the crowd like a master. She was a platinum blonde human with shoulder-length hair, dressed as a sort of slutty ringmaster: with a purple jacket with long coattails, long black mesh stockings that went all the way up her legs, long thigh-high boots over those, and a tight form-fitting corset that put her large round breasted cleavage on display for the crowd.

Her face was painted white like her clown assistants, with voluminous red blush painting her cheeks and mascara around her eyes with long eyelashes topped with, as she put it, a 'jaunty' bowler hat. I imagine she would have been considered attractive or appealing by normal sentient standards, but personally, I couldn't stand the smell of her perfume so her appeal with me was nonexistent

"Well we better take care of that…" she continued lazily, grinning to the crowd as trainer droids began herding the hungry Nexu back into one of the many cells surrounding the arena circle. "Well!" she said with finality, her wide hourglass hips swaying and strutting across the stage. "I'm sorry to say, my dear patrons, that it's time for the final game of the week." She pouted with her bright ruby-colored red lips, "But fear not. We will return in two weeks after we…" she eyed the bloody mess of the dead Geonosian disdainfully. "Restock." Then she smiled as the crowd faintly laughed.

You may be wondering what sane sentient would willingly enter this arena. They wouldn't. But the promise of freedom, fame, money, and even a night with a hard-earned woman were promised. It was all based on the game, the opponent, and the victor…

"Well let's see what's the final game!" she said, waving her hand as a large holo wheel rose from the middle of the platform. "Titties give it a spin!" she smiled, and the Twi'lek, who also had very large mammaries placed her hand on the wheel smiling for the crowd and spun it hard. It whirled and flashed rapidly almost looking like a cartoon as various stick figures representing the games appeared… then slowed. Blinking in and out until what looked like a rancor looming over a woman stick figure and a man with a vibrosword appeared.

The cheering erupted as Candi roared over the crowd, strutting across the stage and letting her hips swing as if in utter delight. "It's everyone's favorite game! Save the Damsel!" then pointing to a strange tube leading into the arena she added, "Let's have a 'volunteer!'

The was hooting and hollering as a fur bikini-clad human woman rolled out of the tube and into the dirt. Almost immediately she ran towards the closet gate and tried to open it only for a collection of shock lances to prod her away as she ran for another gate only to have a thick bony protrusion slam against the bars trying to pierce her nubile flesh. She shrieked terrified and backed away, shaking in terror as the crowd continued to mock and laugh at her misfortune.

"Now we all know the rules." Candi continued, " But for the new boys and girls I'll give you a recap. The 'damsel' gets attacked by one of our many untrained killing machines and it's the player's or players' job to save her!" she grinned, "…Assuming, of course, she gets a player…" she added with a dark smile, "Booty… let's see if she's a damsel… or a schutta." She spat darkly, her bright blue eyes glinting under her hat.

Booty, the human with a large bouncy posterior that was barely covered by her bottom clothing approached the holo-wheel from the other side of Titties which had changed to show six separate wedges, four were the same size, but at the top and bottom were wedges at least an 8th​ of the size pointing up and down. The four larger wedgies had pictures of warriors with varying degrees of armed state. Full: which was a fully armed soldier or warrior volunteer who had entered. Half: which was usually a bounty hunter of moderate riches making a name for themselves. None: Essentially a slave or prisoner with a vibroweapon like the Geonosian. And Group: a group of nones, essentially a collection of slaves… with barely anything you'd call weapons.

The bottom wedge had a skull and crossbones… implying that she wouldn't get ANY protection… and its game over for her. Just because no-one was 'playing' doesn't mean the crowd doesn't get its blood. And finally, the top wedge had a golden crown… and as 'Booty' spun the wheel.

It ticked excitedly slower, and slower and stopped on the crown. The crowed erupted unanimously and fireworks shot high into the air exploding over the arena and informing everyone outside of the arena that they were about to miss a rare event.

"We have a winner!" Candi danced, suddenly orgasmic with delight as she rubbed her inner thighs for the arena. "She's a lucky, lucky damsel! Ladies and gentleman! He's a fickle man and needs to be… encouraged!" she moaned softly, letting her head roll on her neck as many in the crowd focus on her large breasts. "Call him out!" she pleaded, panting as the crowd… began to chant, stomp clap in a rhythmic one-two pattern… "Let him HEAR YOU!"

Then… the crowd on mass formed words that roared over the planet.


Over and over the words carried on the wind as I approached my door…

Then the gilded doors of the champion's entrance flung open and I entered to ludicrously deafening cheers. Women screamed for me, men cheered, and Candi moaned as she continued to rub her legs in arousal for the crowd, shaking her coattails as the large screen over her platform showed her off.

I was armed with an electro javelin and a gamorrean clever and one shot in my signature double barrel blaster… no armor, no tech. Practically unarmored as I showed my blackened, scarred trandoshan torso. I wanted this to be thrilling! I wanted a CHALLENGE!! I roared to the crowd and they returned my fury with cheers!

The slave girl didn't know whether to run towards me or to stay where she was… then the gates opposite me began to open and the vicious beast, an Acklay, skittered out of the darkness towards her its razor-sharp teeth dripping with hunger as it shrieked moving quickly towards her; making her decision for her. She screamed in terror and scrambled desperately to me.

I didn't care about her or giving these bloodthirsty cowards a show. I wanted to fight! And they bring me a beast instead! I roared and charged toward the oncoming creature as the slave scampered past me. I hurled the javelin at the beast, hitting its neck with enough force to pierce through its carapace then shocked the monster as it shrieked through the anger-filled pain turning its rage on me.

Gripping the cleaver in both hands I swing it into one of its legs, it screamed as it bit through the carapace armor as I ripped it out, its warm green blood spewing onto me as I spun, dodging its counterattack and slammed the axe into the same leg, opposite my first cut.

Then like a lightsaber it cleaved through the legs as the beast lost its balance and the crowd cheered, its severed limb crashing to the ground as it stumbled on its limbs to adjust. Raising one to impale me as I leaped to the javelin still stuck in its neck. Ripping it out and spearing another leg. Its cries were drowned out by the cheering, as I was covered in yet more blood.


…Their cheers only fueled my fury… and I moved in a berserk rage, striking the beast down again and again as it tried to skewer me, bite me, swallow me. I had become bored… and it had gone on long enough, I leaped onto the creature's back as it thrashed desperately around, I drew my blaster and aimed at the back of its head…

Its eyes exploded from its face, and I stepped casually off its collapsing body as the crowd roared their approval.

"Oh yeah!" Candi moaned. "Still Champion! BLACKJAAAAAAW GRYST!"

Like a puppet, I raised my fist and the roars increased as I approached my 'prize' and lifted her onto my shoulder as she thrashed and kicked. When the 'damsel' was won, she was given to the victor as a reward to do with as they saw fit. It was a stupid game.

"Thank you ALL for cumming!... wooo especially me…" Candi waving her hand beside her face said to the crowd as I continued to go back to my chambers. "I hope to see you all again when CRAZY CANDI'S KILLER CARNIVAL RETURNS!" the arena exploded in cheers and fireworks…

I drowned it all out.

I tossed my newest slave girl into the corner of my massive room, adorned with the skulls of my kills or trophies of my hunts, a massive fireplace with a holo-screen above it, a fine selection of liquor at a bar, and a bed made of furs of various… animals… I reached over to my bar and grabbed a bottle with a long neck. I bit it off with my teeth impatiently spitting the shards into the fire and drinking.

The slave watched me tentatively and slowly stood up, resigned to her fate she began to remove what little clothing she had…

"Keep it on." I spat angrily, "You're too… soft for me for that…" I hissed, looking her fleshy body up and down. "…Get back to the slave quarters… tell Boella I want to see her." I snarled impatiently, but she didn't move. "GO." I hissed angrily as she scrambled away. Officially she could now leave the arena, or the planet, she was my property now, but I had no use for a soft skin sex slave. I wasn't that kind of trandoshan… I didn't like fucking a corpse. No matter how warm they were before it happened…

I drained the bottle… staring angrily at it and tossing it into the fire letting shatter against the stone. I'll need to remember to have a slave clean that out later that was the eighth bottle.

It felt… empty… after Ozjin 'retired' or whatever he was doing. When Babayaga hired me to be her exclusive hunter I had no idea how... boring it would be. I was hardly used at all, merely as a threat, or a deterrent! This place might not have been a 'glorious mansion' like Ozjin's but at least I was still active… I took the occasional job she would send me, but I spent all my time here in luxury and comfort with slaves tending to my every need. Granted my every desire, my belly filled with meat my morning hunts from the jungle…

…And I wanted to kill everyone. I wasn't having… fun anymore. There were no challenges… no opponents. No…

I sighed, "…No goal…" I stared into the roaring flame in silence until I was interrupted by my door opening.

There was one thing about this place that fully held my interest… Boella... and Albino trandoshan slave girl. She was younger than I was, perhaps at least twenty or more years younger than me and just a few years past her adolescent life stage. Born here into slavery and smooth scaled she was beautiful by trandoshan standards.

She kept me here. Not because I loved her and wanted to free her. But because I'm a bored old man, and she a damn good fuck.

"You summoned me, Champion?" she asked carefully, her tongue slithering in and out as I smelled her arousal, she knew the routine.

"Come." I demanded coolly, "Tend to my aches." I ordered, and she approached, her slave rags dropping carelessly to the ground as she approached me, her body on display and her womanhood preparing herself for my penetration as my ragged hands began stroking her smoothed scales at her slender hips. Letting my claws clack on her smooth scales as they ran up and down her body.

Her hands slowly moved down my own scarred blackened body to my pants, loosening them as she has done so many times before and freeing my erection from my body to stand proudly to meet her as her hands carefully stroked up my massive trandoshan pride. I was becoming impatient. I wanted to relieve my unsatisfied stress… I lifted her up easily as she reflexively stretched her flexible legs apart, and I penetrated her tight womanhood. There was little resistance, physical or emotional, I soon began lifting her light body slowly up and down my length her eyes closed and she hissed softly feeling me stretch her wide once more. Her pussy clasping desperately to my length, becoming a tighter fit than many other trandoshan females.

Trandoshan females were always tight, so much so that their bodies would adjust to the shape of their mate at the time no matter how big they were. Because of this, they were always a pleasurable experience and while soft-skinned sentients would've been 'worn out' long before now, she would remain a tight fit given enough time to recover…

I made her ride me slowly, then long. Enjoying her youthful white body as I focused on my own pleasure rather than hers. I felt her tremble, she often did when we were at it long enough. Her long tongue flickered in and out of her mouth as it opened in a gasp.

I stood up and carried her easily towards my bed. She was light as a feather to me… I tossed her onto my bed of furs, she looked at me surprised as I throbbed before her. I grabbed her hips again and put her on all fours, violently taking what was mine by conquest. She panted and yelped like a mammal, I grunted my thickness deep into her as I moved her steadily back and forth with my thrust…

Then came my final moments… and one of the reasons why I don't fuck smooth skins. I was a biter, 1 in 5 trandoshan males are. When I was close I bit into my lovers. It's very difficult to release when they're screaming for their lives or passing out from blood loss.

But a trandoshan female? They had scales… and they loved it when we did it: 4 in 5 females did. I opened my jaw and sunk my teeth onto her shoulder, scraping her smooth scales with them as she hissed in delight.

"M-my champion…" she hissed, well used to her work as my pleasure slave. "Please enjoy my body!" she whined, tightening as she screamed her release… and I filled her, tightening my jaw like a vice onto her scales, "Yes…" she moaned, collapsing with me on top of her, pinning her to my bed as the furs brushed softly against her scales…

I left her there panting in satisfaction as I made sure I was fully drained. My teeth still scraping her scales as she whined softly. Finally, I released her, getting off her still body and returning to my chair, deep in thought. There was a soft, annoying humming sound and I scowled. Glaring at my holo-screen. "…Answer." I snarled, and a face appeared. It was a painted mask with dark green lenses. "…Take that off." I ordered.

"My Champion. I am already naked…" Boella mumbled softly on my bed.

I ignored Boella. I hated that damn mask, it felt like it was cheating with its advanced lenses. Plus she would be more effective with it off.

Her modulated voice echoed in my room, "Am I-" her hand gripped her mask, her voice crackling before it changed to her normal silky self. "-interrupting?" her beautiful green face was marred only by two light diagonal scars, one her upper lip and the other over her right eye; intersecting together on her cheek. her green eyes glowed with an almost radioactive emerald glow, and her angled elflike cheekbones could cut glass…

"No." I noted as Boella shifted absentmindedly on my bed. "What is it?"

"…I went on the hunt the other day." She said coolly, "…I wanted to surprise you." I scoffed bitterly, what did I care what she did? The last time she wanted to 'surprise' me she tried to put her gauntlet claw through my chest. Although I admit it was a fun fight. "It was for a relative of an old friend of yours. I wasn't impressed myself."

I snorted, I had no interest in 'old friends' "You call me for this nonsense, Killa? You're lucky I fought in the arena today, or my mood might have been less welcoming."

"I know I saw… it's why I called. I wanted to catch you in a good mood." Then she smirked at me, "It was the Son of Aiden Kane…"

I froze… slowly giving her my attention. "…Really?"

She smirked again, "…Indeed. The contract is off the table now… but he's now out there now. IN THE WILD." She aided a little smugly, knowing how to pull my heartstrings "Are you sure its nonsense?" she added, still smirking.

…I felt it… I felt the itch again… my face stretched into a smile, my first one in a long while. "…What are your terms?" I grinned at my favorite, and only protégé.

"How about…" she said teasingly, coyly, her 'charming' Ryl accent flavoring her words. I always told her to use her feminine wiles, but I don't know why she tried them on me. I imagine she thinks if they'll will work on me they'll work on anyone. "…We both try to get him to Juggalo. And we work it out from there?"

I laughed, I felt it. It was back! My heart was beating again! Finally, a challenge! "I accept! We'll let him get a head start and begin in a week's time."

Green-eyed Killa grinned beautifully, "Good luck." She said and turned off the screen.

I felt invigorated! Thrilled! Aiden Kane's spawn had a bounty! He must be a worthy hunt! I felt rejuvenated! Joyous!

My eyes turned onto Boella as she blearily recovered and pushed off the furs to look at me over her shoulder confused, and shivered as she saw my face… I don't think she's ever seen me truly HAPPY before… I quickly approached her, she lay on her back trying to scramble away only to hit her back against the headboard as I climbed onto the bed. "M-my champion!?" she declared horrified as I spread her legs and roughly pulled her back towards me..

"I am Blackjaw Gryst." I snarled wildly in manic delight, my arousal returning as she stared amazed as if seeing the size for the first time, "And I claim your clutch as my own!"

"Scorekeeper. Show mercy!" she prayed and shrieked as I penetrated her, claiming her tunnel for my exclusive use once again, stretching her to pleasurable heights as I went at her with an unknown desire. "Scorekeeper!" she screamed, her body trembling in pleasure as I satisfied her base lusts and mine.

She called out for our goddess. But she was imprisoned and enslaved, she was worthless as a warrior. She will be PREY.

"I told you." I hissed coolly, "MY NAME IS BLACKJAW GRYST." I glared into her wild, trembling eyes as I exerted my natural male dominance over her. "The Scorekeeper won't hear you while you're being conquered!" I assaulted her body, raking my claws on her smoothed scaled chest and she trembled and quivered in pleasure at the feeling. Releasing shrieking hisses as I bit into her shoulder again, her screams of pleasure a symphony of joy to my ears as her hands clutched tightly at the furs of my bed.

"Your clutch is mine!" I roared and released deep into her youthful fertile body. She screamed as my seed rushed into her clutch, searching like true warriors for her eggs. I raked my claws across her scales, watching her tremble more at the feeling as she felt me fertilize her. Her body went limp from the pleasure as I utterly dominated her, feeling her womanhood pulse around my pride as her body instinctively squeezed to provide me more pleasure. I laughed and reached to grab a marker on my bedside.

"M-my… my champion…" she moaned exhausted, her eyes watching me nervously as I slowly took the marker and made a tally on her smooth scaled stomach. She was a score now… my score. It was different now, and it will be until the feeling of bliss left once more. But until then, I will mark my score with pride once again. I throbbed inside her… I liked the idea of her being my new tally board. I let my claws flow firmly down her flat scaled chest again, and I grinned… making a preemptive tally on her stomach, perfectly set next to the first.

She whimpered as she understood, mewling out a feeble "My champion, have mercy on me please…" as I began again, rougher and deeper than ever claiming her clutch soon after once more as she writhed in pleasure… she had a lot of space to fill, and I had a good week to get a head start.

End of Chapter.

Crazy Candi is a Mad Moxxxi expy because who doesn't like sexy bouncy 'southern gal' wet dreams like her?

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