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58.3% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 151: Interval Forty-Two: Casting Couch

Chapter 151: Interval Forty-Two: Casting Couch

I don't own star wars.

"Good morning fuck-dolls." Said Bella'Dune immediately as she entered the room to three fresh-faced girls on the casting couch. She eyed them quickly. "Let's get this out of the way. If you're offended. Leave." She said abruptly, nobody moved. So she smirked and continued. "Alright then. You'd be surprised how many girls would leave after that. If they didn't want to be objectified why are they here?" she added with an eye roll, sitting behind the desk. "So. You want to be holo-girls, fine."

She then took a good moment to actually look them over. A twi'lek, a human, and a mirialan.

The light pink Twi'lek looked like a dancer, no exaggerated work done like enhanced breasts, they were averaged sized, little less than a handful. And her ass was good, firm, she obviously worked to keep her figure. And as all twi'leks were she had a beautiful face. Northern continent; so she had exotic angled eyes and high cheekbones. Twi'leks were always welcomed in Torga's studio, everyone loved twi'leks; but straight up dancers were a risk. Just because they could dance doesn't mean they can perform.

The human was a straight up streetwalker judging by the way she dressed. A mess shirt that did nothing to hide the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra over her big round fake breasts. A leather jacket over it to attempt some sort of decency should officers try to detain her, a short skirt that barely went to her mid-thigh and long mesh stockings that ended in matching black heels. She certainly looked the part, and she was pretty. With raven black hair and heavy make-up that men liked to see in their Nar Shadda streetwalkers. Mentally Bella-Dune hired her on the spot, after all she was experienced.

The mirialan looked liked a high-priced escort, with a bright red one piece dress and a smug look. An 'Order in' girl from the look of her; they made house calls and charged exponentially for privacy. She clearly had some work done on her, more than the streetwalker's breasts. Her ass had an obvious fake jiggle to it and her breasts stuck out a little straight, and her face was just a little too touched up. Bella wasn't sure about her; pricey girls often had high opinions of themselves and wouldn't follow orders. But she'd still give her a shot.

"You think you have what it takes to fuck for credits? Have assholes with no lives follow you around and expect freebies? Can you TAKE ORDERS?" she asked firmly as they seemed unimpressed. "…Then okay." She said simply, much more calmly as she pressed a few buttons on her datapad. "Come in." she said abruptly as the door she came through opened. And in entered Dolly, her camera woman rhodian, and Cocaca. A big, freshly hired, black furred wookiee.

The couch girls eyed him hesitantly as Dolly grinned sweetly at all of them. Her tight short shorts practically biting into her big round ass as it threatened to burst from the seams, and her huge fake breasts stretching the tight corset she wore to capacity, you could practically hear the screaming bindings.

"This is Dolly." At her introduction Dolly waved happily to them, the human girl hesitantly waved back. Looking confused. "Dolly is quickly becoming one of our most popular girls. Which means she gets a lot of work, and she fucks a lot of guys." Bella-Dune said, standing up. "She's in demand." She added dismissively, "Now. Dolly greatly enjoys her work, don't you Dolly?"

"Yep!" she smiled happily.

"So it's not a problem, but what is a problem is when you meet a guy like Cocaca. Dolly?" at this Dolly reached between the big wookiee crotch and her hand disappeared in his fur for a moment, before it returned to view wrapped a thick, nearly foot long, wookiee dick. The casting couch girls' eyes widened intensely with shock. The human girl however only seemed interested more than surprised. Dolly absently stroked Cocaca as the thick foot-long erection became 11 inches. "If I tell you to suck this." Bella-Dune said flatly, pointing absently to the big dick "Then you suck it." she then turned to the blonde peppy Dolly. "Dolly. Suck it."

Without hesitation Dolly lips suddenly slipped over Cocaca's big bulbous cock head and easily slid halfway down his length as she moaned excitedly, suckling on the massive member, her lips stretching almost comically as it slid up and down. The twi'lek and the Mirialan shivered in amazement as Dolly pulled up nosily, slurping loudly and sucking air between her vacuum tight lips before she promptly went DEEPER on the woman crippling cock. The human girl leaned forward, watching expectantly… maybe even excitedly. She was definitely hired. The camera woman aimed at the connection, no sense in wasting a good blowjob. They could post it on the net as an exclusive clip.

Dolly's hands moved like pistons on Cocaca's length sliding easily up his lubricated shaft and rubbing his sack gently as he carefully rested his paw on her head, growling in pleasure as Dolly's shorts covered rear wagged happily before the newbies. They were riding up, biting into her wet pussy as it drooled down her leg. Obviously, or perhaps naturally, she wasn't wearing underwear.

"You see girls." Bella-Dune continued, caressing Dolly's ass as she watched their expressions carefully. Squeezing it to hear Dolly's cock hardening moans of pleasure as she giggled around the wookiee's length. "We cater to interracial mostly. It's easier and honestly, hotter to do so. So if you have an issue performing with furry guys, scaly guys, and definitely humans. Then you might as well get out now." When none of them left, including the dancer (she was betting on her) she smirked to herself. "And not only that. But if someone pays the company, or Torga enough, you might be called upon to entertain very prospective customers.

That wasn't entirely true. The thing about Torga was you were always given a choice and he didn't really whore out girls who didn't want to do it. But they were only hiring serious entertainers. None of that Twi'light Moons shit, thank you very much.

"Alright then… you girls have strong stomachs… good because-" she felt her hand suddenly vibrate on Dolly's ass, she blinked at one of the tight pockets as Dolly looked over her shoulder surprised… and still with a mouthful. She looked at Bella-Dune, and wagged her rear against her hip as she rolled her eyes. Slipping into Dolly's tight vibrating pocket and pulling out a datapad.

"…Whose Nike? It's from her." Dolly squeaked delightedly and suddenly slurped off Cocaca's twitching length.

"Oh! That's right I forgot!" she cooed sweetly, taking the datapad back. "Sorry Bella I got to go meet my friend."

Bella-Dune stared at her incredulously as Cocaca's length throbbed painfully and he gave out an indignant wookiee groan. "I know! I'm sorry." Dolly replied, "But this is important, I'll be right back." She said, kissing Bella-Dune's, and Cocaca's cheeks before bouncing out of the room.

"Wait Dolly don't-!" Bella began before slapping her face and rubbing down in frustration. "…Don't leave a coworker with blue balls…" she grunted annoyed as the said coworker roared. "Shut up." She said coldly as the wookiee whimpered into intimidated silence. "Don't blame me." When the young wookiee looked at her piteously she added, "And don't look at me! I don't do that anymore." She said coolly, "Not since- anyway." She said dismissively before turning to the girls on the couch, and getting a rather practical idea.

"…Alright Ladies. Time to see your stuff." Almost immediately the human girl got to her feet but Bella-Dune held up a hand. "Not you." She said flatly, and the human looked offended but Bella-Dune waved a red hand, "You're hired already. You two I'm not sure off. So come over here and kneel."

The escort and the dancer hesitated for a moment but slowly approached the quickly becoming impatient wookiee. They stared up at him hesitantly as his firm paws rested on their heads. "He won't hurt you. But be careful with your teeth."

"He's so big." The dancer said nervously, looking up at him she suddenly shivered as his cock bounced towards her. He liked that innocent look in her eyes.

"He is a big boy…" Bella-Dune nodded as the escort's hand carefully brushed against his sleek, lubed skin. "Our biggest actually." She then carefully stroked the dancer's lekku, and she moaned softly. Bella-Dune liked the sound, so that was a point for her. "Pleasure him." She whispered into the dancer's hearing organ, "Or leave."

Staring at the thick piece of meat as the escort stroked him with her talented green hands, the dancer's lips parted, and she suckled gently on his cock head. He moaned in satisfaction as a pair of lips returned to servicing him. "That's it." Bella praised, sitting on her desk and watching patiently as her amateur lips serviced the massive cock. "Touch yourself, enjoy it." she added as the dancer hesitantly slipped her hand onto her crotch, gently rubbing the cloth as she shivered on her knees before him. "You can have as much fun as he does.

Soon her hesitation gave way to autonomy, moving her head up and down the tip of his length as best she could as the escort kept stroking him. Bella-Dune watched her extensively, she had good hand work true, but she could be using her mouth more. Handjobs weren't big sells in the company and if that's all she was going to do she could do that on the street. Speaking of street, Bella's eyes briefly glanced at the streetwalker. She was splayed out on the couch, watching intensely at the service session with her hand up her skirt, openly masturbating and uncaring who saw. Luckily Bella's Rhodian camera woman caught Bella's eye and subtly recorded her a little before returning to Cocaca and the other two.

The streetwalker was definitely hired. Bella glanced at the resumes on the desk. Ava was her name, and she nodded. And returned her glance to the Dancer and the Escort, just to left to fully examine.

"Rggh… ROOOOOOOOAR!!!!" the wookiee suddenly cried, as the two before him looked up surprised.

"Don't run from it." Bella whispered to herself, watching to see what the two girls would do.

The escort shifted away slightly, knowing what/who was cumming before it hit. The dancer wasn't so observant. Her cheeks bulged as a thick burst of come flowed into her mouth, she pulled away. lips firmly together as the escort flinched back, Cocaca's load bursting onto the dancer now. Groaning as he gripped her shivering head, and stroking out the last drops.

Covered in a thick load and a mouth stuffed with cum Bella watched the dancer expectantly… she flinched… shivered… and… GULP. She coughed as the thick mouthful slid down her throat, but amazingly she looked up at the wookiee, covered in his spunk and opened her mouth.

Cocaca couldn't contain his praise. Stroking her head proudly as if to say, (and actually saying it in wookiee) 'good job.' She gave him a weak feeble smile, and coughed slightly, looking disgusted at the load staining her clothes.

"Don't worry we have a good laundry service." Bella smiled, checking the resumes again. "Classia…" she said smile at the dancer. "Good job." She added as Classia smiled sweetly. "Iguia could you go clean her up?"

The camera woman stopped recording, placed the camera on the desk, and kindly led the dancer out of the room to clean up as Bella eyed the two remaining girls, but especially the escort. "Out." She said finally, staring at her, jerking her thumb towards the exit as the escort glared indignantly at her.


"I don't need or want cum dodgers. You don't want to do the job? Leave." Bella replied flatly. The escort, apparently too thinned skin to prove Bella wrong, wiped her hand on the wookiee's leg fur before yanking her purse from the couch and stomping out. "…She's in the wrong business." Bella snorted, eying Ava on the couch as she moaned, rubbing herself harder as she licked her lips.

Bella-Dune rolled her eyes, "….Want to play with the wookiee?" she asked as Ava nodded her head excitedly.

"Uh huh…" she moaned with, surprisingly for her look, a high-pitched girlish voice. Spreading her legs wider and opening her jacket to rub the mesh covering her nipples. "I want to play too…" her pussy drooled excitedly as Cocaca stroked himself back to attention. "Gimmie…" she whimpered as his thick member rubbed the outside of her wet crotch. He gripped her legs, pushing her apparently flexible body to its limps as he pinned them to the back of the couch, almost folding her in half as he pushed her pussy open. "Yeah. Gimmie that cock…" she moaned, her eyes already rolling as he stretched her. "Yeah…" her back arched in pleasure as inch by inch he pushed, "YEAH…"

Bella-Dune watched as her whole body shook at just his penetration, her mouth drooled happily as he hilted himself inside her. "Oh my fucking force yes!" she squealed as he began pulling out, stretching her to capacity before suddenly hilting himself again. "SHIT!" Cocaca rode her, slam slam slam went his hips as her screams of pleasure raised higher and higher. A new expletive with each firm pound into the couch.

"FUCK! FORCE! SHIT! OH! GOD!" she moaned incoherently as the couch shook beneath them, orgasms ravaging violently through her body as she shook and trembled. Her legs, pinned by firm wookiee muscle thrashed uselessly in his grip, her hands clawing at the couch as she drooled in pleasure. Soon enough Cocaca's noisily wet slapping was joined by a loan moan.

"Oh fuck he's so big…" Ava cooed excitedly, "I can feel him twitching! He's twitching!" she praised excitedly as the wookiee growled.

"That mean's he's going to cum." Bella said lazily, taking the camera and aiming at them.

"Cum? Cum! Gimmie! Gimmie Cum!" Ava squealed manically, sticking out her tongue as she pressed her big fake breasts together.

Cocaca glanced at Bella but she merely shrugged, "Oh don't look at me." She said flatly, before whispering in a well-practiced, enticingly seductive voice. (she still had it) "Do whatever you want with her."

As if the dam burst the wookiee slammed against Ava's hips she squealed delightedly as she shivered. Bella-Dune could practically hear the cum flooding into her even over the screaming moans of the performers as she aimed the camera at their connection. Ava's pussy convulsed around the thick monstrous cock of Cocaca. Then he pulled out, almost uncaringly as her pussy erupted with a thick white load, sliding down her ass and pooling on the couch as he placed a paw on her stomach, and gently pushed.

"Oooh…" Ava whimpered, spreading her legs and her pussy with her fingers as her pussy vomited cum. "I haven't felt this stuffed with cum since that senator's bachelor party…" she suddenly shivered, her cum stuffed pussy convulsing as if the memory was sensual enough to make her cum just from the thought. "Oh fuck, it feels so good…" she rubbed herself, spreading and rubbing in the cum as she pulled her fingers to her lips and licked.

Bella-Dune stopped recording. "Well. I think we're done here. You start tomorrow." She added as Ava licked her fingers.

"…Can I start now?" she asked almost innocently. Scooping up more cum from her body to eat like she was eating stuffing from a turkey.

Bella-Dune eyed her for a moment then sighed good-naturedly. "Well… considering my 'Next Milky Way' had another thing to take care off." She said, remembering to ask Dolly very firmly what that call was about, before adding. "Clean up the couch and you can help me vette the guys I'm about to interview." Bella-Dune, knowing exactly how Ava was going to clean the couch, turned the camera back on and aimed it at the woman as, with her dripping pussy high in the air, she promptly licked the cum off.

However, Cocaca, still in the room and enjoying the view, suddenly climbed behind Ava, spreading her ass cheeks and pressing his slick cock against her ass. She cooed but kept licking, even as he rammed his cock up her ass, gripping her hips tightly and using her as a fleshlight.

"Force damn it." Bella-Dune mumbled, watching the wookiee anally destroy the excitedly happy human slut. She sighed, "Guess they'll have to wait." and focused the camera.

End of Chapter.

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