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6.17% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 16: Interval Five: Sibling Bond

Chapter 16: Interval Five: Sibling Bond

I don't own star wars

This is a non-canon/what if interval chapter, and answers the question. How much do Aiden sisters love him?

Take a fucking guess…

I groaned… my head hurt like hell… my arms couldn't move. I opened my eyes and blinked around. This wasn't my academy room, it was too nice. It smelled distinctly of fresh air strangely a hint of vanilla, not the stank of a teenage cadet…

The bed I was lying in was huge. Clearly, it was made for two people but was massive enough to hold four at least. Who the hell needed a bed like that? Checking my arms I found that I had been bound with some kind of cord and tied together with a bow knot… l looked and felt like a slave dressed up like a present… I was only in my tight-fitting imperial-issue boxers. Then, I realized on the massive holo-screen on the wall at the foot of the bed was on but clearly muted as my favorite holo-girl of all time Milky Way lay on her back taking a massive wookie dick up her ass…

"Good morning Aiden…"

My blood ran cold… I recognized the voice instantly…

I turned and saw Tolara sitting comfortably in an armchair absently reading through a collection of reports… as always when I saw her she was in her Imperial uniform, but her cap rested on the nightstand letting her red shoulder-length hair hanging around her face like a silky open curtain

"…T-tolara…" She glanced at me, I gulped nervously, "G-good morning…" I replied returning her greeting, and then she promptly returned her back to her reports. On the screen Milky came hard, and instantly I recognized that not only was it a holo-vid I've seen before but it was my holo-vid… this meant I was in deep shit…

"…Tolara why am I tied up and watching Holo-girl porn?" I asked, actually afraid of the answer…

She didn't give me one; she just banged hard on the wall with a fist twice. It took half a moment but the door to the room opened and I almost pissed myself…

With her hair shaved away on the sides and leaving only a slight braided mohawk my other sister, Kavilla entered the room. Except for the haircut, she was exactly the same as Tolara; large bust, curved waist, and wide hips. Green eyes, red hair, long legs… but a significant difference was that while Tolara was a tactical genius, Kavilla was a leadership prodigy; at home on the front lines a little more than command deck… She would've fit right in as a trooper if she wasn't going places.

"Oh what the fuck…" I mumbled as she stood imposingly beside the screen of Milky Way as a busty green twi'lek entered the scene to join her kneeling in front of the wookie.

"That is something we should be saying…" Kavilla snarled, her Dromund Kaas accent echoing around the room. "What is this… filth?" she snarled angrily pointing at a close-up of Milky Way.

"… It's porn." I said sheepishly, not meeting her eyes.

"It's porn!" she repeated angrily, firmly like a drill sergeant. "But it's alien whore porn!" she added looking just a little hurt, "What would mother say?"

"I… don't care?" I replied simply, but I didn't meet her eyes. I didn't care what mother thought about my fetish for alien girls, or how it would look to her anti-alien positions but seeing the disappointed looks on my beloved sisters' faces hurt a hell of a lot more.

"Well you better care!" she shouted.

"Kavilla…" Tolara said softly, "We talked about this…"

Kavilla angrily stared at our oldest sister, "How can you be so calm Tolara? He's going to go out into the world, find some alien whore and let her sink her teeth into him!"

Tolara held out her hands placating, "I know… that's why we talked for a very long time now didn't we? I'm just saying don't lose your temper you're going to scare him."

Kavilla breathed heavily through her nose, "…Okay…" she said softly, watching me intently as I sat there nervously tied up on the bed. "…Okay…" she repeated, sounding much calmer.

"Aiden…" Tolara began getting my attention with her silky voiced accent. "…Why do you even like alien girls?"

Well that was an odd question… I really didn't know. I just liked… different. So I said it.

"I like different…" I replied sheepishly, "I mean… we live in a galaxy with dozens of erotic sentients… why wouldn't I like alien girls? Where's the fun in our own species when an alien girl…" I watched as Milky Way and the Twi'lek took a massive load of cum on their faces. "…Well, is just so exotic…"

"You have a taste for the exotic…" Tolara said nodding thoughtfully as if she knew all along, "As I expected… but you know Aiden. What you might actually have is a desire for the unknown… perhaps if you actually experienced another human you would find that you… liked it." she finished flatly standing up and joining Kavilla on the other side of the screen.

Was it the lighting of the room or were they blushing?… It was probably the light.

"So what? Am I going to go out and find a human escort and bang away?" I replied dryly, "No thanks… you two might not care but I'm still a virgin, and I want my first time to be special… I'm not just going to bang a random person I don't love…"

They took a quick glance at each other; I always thought they had a sort of 'twin connection' as they always seemed to have conversations without words. But finally they turned back to me and Kavilla spoke as the holo-vid changed to a completely different scene with a Mirialan woman and the twi'lek caressing each other.

"We thought about that… we were planning on ordering you a well-recommended professional…"

"But then we realized exactly what you just said…" Tolara added, "You're far too much of a romantic my darling little brother…"

The way she said that, the looks on their faces… something was telling me that this was going to get weird really quick.

"So we decided that your first time should be with someone you love…" Kavilla added completely stone-faced.

"But then we couldn't really remember any of the little whores you would bring home to play with when you were a child, much less if you fancied any of them." Tolara spat.

Was it me, or did she sound jealous?

"But then we had a good idea. A great idea…" Kavilla replied, smiling dangerously at me, "We both agreed that we had someone in mind… but…"

"We argued for a bit…" they looked at each other again, "…We couldn't come to an agreement."

"Don't I get a say in this?" I asked confused, "I mean… I guess I want to lose my virginity but with a random girl my sisters picked out for me is a little weird."

"You don't understand, you know these girls very well…" Tolara said quickly, "And I can say for a fact that you love them… we just couldn't agree who would do it."

"Then we decided… we wanted your first time to be just as memorable… so why not split the difference…" At this Kavilla opened her imperial dress jacket revealing her large firm breasts slowly before me, "…and just have us both do it…"

Before me, my sisters stripped and my mind made the connection and unfortunately sent the orders down to my dick as they stood before me in matching sets of black underwear… two completely identical bodies that were practically made to pump desire into any red-blooded man.

"…Are you both fucking insane?" I said flatly, regardless of how painful my boxers were making my hard-on. "Do we look like we were raised on a tattooine moisture farm? Or in an Alderaan court?"

They crawled like prowling cats across the bed. Letting the large breasts hang temptingly in their bras as they approached me. It was super arousing, but my morals won again and I struggled away until I was at the head of the bed but they kept coming.

"We love you Aiden…" Tolara said, the sheer arousing atmosphere of the room making her drunk with lust. "More than any other woman… we want this to happen…"

"Yes…" Kavilla replied as she removed her bra to reveal her breasts to me, "…Nobody deserves our beloved brother but us… you won't need any alien whore when you have us around."

"I can't believe I'm going to fucking say this out loud but…" I began as Tolara gently placed her lips on my neck and kissed me tenderly while her soft, gentle hand caressed my chest. I could hardly resist her she felt so good and smelled distinctly of vanilla it was driving me wild… "What would mother say about this?

…I'm not proud to say this but the next words they said broke me completely along with the waistband of my boxers.

"FUCK MOTHER…" they said firmly together, their deeply ingrained loyalty for her breaking down over their love for me.

My erection forced its way through my boxers as I stared. They had never said anything bad about mother, always 'taking her side' as it were regardless of how she treated me, they were always asking themselves 'What would mother do?'. To hear them disregarded her so easily and with such hatred was…

It was so fucking hot…

"Tolara…" I began, filching as my arousal overloaded my brain. "…I… I want a kiss…"

Regardless of how wrong this was, I couldn't have been happier to see her smile at me. My first kiss was with my oldest sister, she gently pressed against my lips and dug her tongue into my mouth, moaning as they entwined together like she was trying to taste me as much as possible...

"My turn…" Kavilla said firmly but it sounded like it had a bit of a whimper behind it. Tolara reluctantly pulled away, I could see it in her eyes she wanted more… but as always with her sister she had to share. Kavilla kissed just as possessively as Tolara, she tasted and smelled like fresh cinnamon… She groaned into me, pressing her large bare breasts against my chest letting me feel her aroused and firm nipples.

She tried to take as much as possible before Tolara pulled her away, "I got his first kiss as agreed… you can go first…" Kavilla smiled at me as she turned her attention to my erection.

"Let's get you all ready…" she said softly, leaning down and breathing her hot tempting breath on my dick, "…You're going to have a busy night…" she whispered addressing my dick as she took me inside her mouth…

Oh force, it felt like nothing I've ever felt before as she gave me my first blowjob. I screamed out at how good it felt but Tolara quickly dampened my voice as she buried her tongue back into my mouth. "Don't cum in her mouth… that's for later…" she breathed between gasps for air…

…I wanted Kavilla to go faster, harder, I wanted to fuck her throat and touch her hair but I was still bound by the cord and I could only sit there as she slowly and sloppily gave me head. Pulling away agonizingly she began to stroke, "…there we go… he's all ready…" she stood on the bed and let her panties drop to the sheets…

…This was happening, and my dick unrestrained, throbbed in anticipation, it didn't care that she was my sister only that it was about to be inside a tight pussy… she lowered herself down on me, using my dick to spread her pussy lips open as she squatted.

"It'll hurt at first…" Tolara said, I thought she was talking to me but she was looking at Kavilla.

"All of me… is only for Aiden." Kavilla said with firm determination, and dropped…

I felt just a momentum of resistance as I penetrated her, but the implication of that vanished at how amazingly tight she felt. She didn't move once I was all the way inside her, and she sat there on top of me, quivering slightly from a pain I didn't quite understand right away…

But then I quickly realized it as a small amount of blood dripped from her onto me… she had given me her virginity…

"Kavilla…" I breathed in love, lust , and worry. "Kavilla why did you…"

"All of me…" she quivered slightly, from the slowly ceasing pain, "…Is only for you…" she repeated softly, looking me dead in the eyes as she began to gyrate.

"Kavilla you can wait!" I said, seeing the pleasure and pain on her face. I was horrified that I had hurt her in anyway.

"Shhh…" Tolara hissed soothingly, "Just let her please you… this is the highest form of love we can give…"

"Are you…" I looked at her as Kavilla began to yelp with her bouncing on me, "…Are you a virgin too?"

"…No…" she whispered softly, "I foolishly lost it a long time ago before I could give it to you, but don't worry…" she kissed me gently, "…I have an equally personal gift to give you when Kavilla is done with her's…" her hand slipped into her panties and she began to molest herself as she looked at me, and matching with our sisters bounces on me. Tolara licked her lips. "You're taking all of our holes tonight my darling…" she said kissing me again, "…We both wanted to give you a personal first…"

"Ah! he got harder!" Kavilla laughed happily looking at us, "What did you say to him?" she grinned lustfully.

"I told him he was going to fuck my ass…" Tolara replied lustfully, still masturbating and looking enviously at Kavilla as her free hand stroked my cheek lovingly with her fingers.

"Tell it to him again…" she said, hungrily watching me, "… he's so filling, he's a perfect fit for us…"

I couldn't take the teasing, I had to cum. "K-kavilla!" I shouted, thrusting instinctively into her, "I-I'm cuming get off!" But she didn't, she pressed herself against my chest and kept going, watching my face intently for the moment. "Kavilla!" I screamed a warning.

"All of me, is only for you…" she repeated, "My heart, my mind, my body…" she slammed herself down as we both came she quivered on me with a blissful smile as my seed shot up into her taboo womb. "…And especially my womb…" she gently she kissed me, "All of me, my beloved little brother…" she declared.

My mind had blown, she felt so good, and it felt so amazing. I throbbed desperately inside her as my semen rushed up into her… and then I was spent.

"My turn…" Tolara replied, and half a moment after Kavilla reluctantly removed herself from me. the head of my rapidly hardening dick probed Tolara's tight ass hole… "Do not think…" she said, struggling to fit me inside her, "That she is the only one that feels like that…" she croaked loudly to the ceiling as I was fully engulfed inside her, "…I'll love only you my darling… no other man compares…"

"He hasn't even started yet slut…" Kavilla smiled, lying her head on my shoulder and slapping Tolara's ass playfully. "Give him your slutty holes…" I groaned as Tolara started moving grunting in pain and pleasure as she did, Kavilla would smack her ass occasionally… saying. "Harder! Faster!" each word with a respective smack and a lustful grin.

Tolara looked over her shoulder at me, her face contorted in pleasure, "Do you love me Aiden?"she asked longingly.

I could've told her no (I would never) but I don't think it would've mattered. "Yes…" I whimpered as the feeling of her tight warm hole engulfed my brain, "I love you Tolara…" she cackled madly and increased her pace, trying to pull more of my load from me. "Cum my darling! Cum!" she giggled with lust.

"You didn't tell me you loved me…" Kavilla pouted jokingly, as she played lightly with her semen-filled pussy, "…Tell me you love me…" she whimpered, kissing my cheek and neck, licking and sucking a small hickey on it.

"I love you Kavilla…" I said immediately. Always tell the truth they told me once.

She kissed me and our tongues danced briefly before she pulled away, "Good boy… cum inside our sister's ass…" as she said it she smacked Tolara's ass again and came lightly from playing with her pussy.

"My darling!" Tolara suddenly shouted to the ceiling wide-eyed, "I'm cuming!" She slammed down on my dick and quivered while loudly screaming. She fell back, shaking upon me with her orgasm and letting me watch her tits shake from about her… "My darling…" she whimpered softly in her pleasure-filled brain, "My darling Aiden…"

But I hadn't come yet… with a little difficulty but great determination I kept thrusting in her ass, she squeaked and yelped as I thrust relentlessly, desperate to shoot inside. "Cuming!" I finally finished and her mouth gaped open happily as load after load of my seed flooded into her ass…

"My darling…" she whispered, as I finished and Kavilla quickly kissed her, sucking her lolling tongue as if it were my dick. "Did I feel good my darling?" she moaned with her tongue in Kavilla's mouth, it sounded a little silly but I didn't care.

"Yes…" I replied, reflexively I tried to wrap my arms around her; I wanted to hold them, embrace them. My inner desire to cuddle was being restrained.

"Now all that's left is my ass… your pussy…" then looking at me Kavilla added, "And then our mouths…"

"Untie me-go…" I said suddenly, my dick hardening again in Tolara as she finally recovered from her 'mind blown' face. "Let me go please…"

They cooed, worried that maybe they had hurt me… the cord fell away and I tackled Tolara to the bed, she yelped in shock as I began probing her pussy, embracing her tightly as I excitedly searched for her entrance.

"I need to cum in you Tolara…" I said firmly, my mind was blurry and too filled with lust to think clearly. "I got to get in you, quick…"

"Hey it's my turn!" Kavilla laughed but adjusted my dick to find Tolara's hole. "…But I guess I can wait."

"Stay calm, I'm not going anywhere my dar-LING!" she cringe suddenly in pleasure as I penetrated her.

"Get pregnant…" I chanted, my mind too far gone. "Get pregnant like Kavilla and have my babies…"

"Yes of course!" she yelled her promise, as I increased my thrusting relentlessly. "Of course my darling I would never deny you!"

"Hey if you're going to knock her up I demand another load in me…" Kavilla scolded unhappily lying on top of me to get me as deep as I could in our sister. "Just to make sure…"

"You'll both bear my children!" I roared my declaration of possession, "You're both mine! I'm taking you both as my brides!"

"Yes!" Tolara declared as she came hard on my dick, squirming in desire underneath me.

"Of course my beloved…" Kavilla said, kissing me as I shot a fresh hot load into Tolara's womb. "…We love you…"

I kissed Tolara again as I thrust every drop into her. "Mine." I moaned repeatedly with each thrust…

"Yours…" Tolara whispered to me.

"Well..." Kavilla pulled away letting me up, "My turn a-GAIN!" I moved out of the way and shoved her onto Tolara who wrapped herself around her restraining her. "Oh no!" she playfully whined as Tolara spread her ass cheeks, "What are you going to do to me?"

"…Posses you…" I said softly, slamming into her ass.

"For the Empire, yes!" she screamed as I viciously penetrated her. "All of me my beloved!" she shouted, Tolara released her ass cheeks and embraced her face cheeks, before pulling our sister down to kiss her again.

I watched eagerly, "More. Do it more…" on command they immediately tried to devour each other. "Both my brides need to love each other…" I slammed against Kavilla harder and she began to squeal into Tolara's mouth. "Cum!" I groaned slamming against her.

She had a small orgasm, hardly worth noticing but she pulled away from Tolara, "I love you!" she declared to the ceiling as my seed flowed into it. "Aiden!" she screamed my name as if in worship…

It just made me hard again and I slipped into her pussy, granting her request earlier for another round. I grabbed her braided hair and pulled back, "How many children will we have?" I asked her, "How many?"

"…T-two!" she screamed in her lust, "I want two!"

"You will have as many as I want!" I screamed back at her she smiled at me and repeated it back.

"As many as you want beloved! I am only here for you…"

"My darling I will have as many as you want too…" Tolara breathed desperately, slapping her pussy against Kavilla's as I thrust inside her. "Please my darling me too…"

"I'll fill you both up!" I roared, "No rest for either of you!"

They giggled their absolute delight…

…the rest of the night was a blur… I was inside Kavilla, I was inside Tolara, I was between both of their tits, I was cuming on their faces… it wasn't until the early morning when I woke up and heard the shower running that my mind fully returned and the implications of what we had done hit…

Just like last night, Tolara was reading reports on the chair, only now she was nude, but at least she was clean. Last night I remember distinctly near the end cuming a huge amount on their faces… I watched her silently for a moment…

"Good morning…" I said a little awkwardly.

She smiled but didn't look at me, still examining the reports. There was no rest for an admiral. "Good morning… " she repeated, "After Kavilla is done in the shower you can have a turn… we'll go out to eat before we take you back to the dorms…"

How could she be so casual about what we did… what we had said… how much trouble we could be in if mother ever found out.

"…Tolara…" I said, sounding and looking a little afraid.

She looked at me and her imperial officer nature softened immediately as a look of concern stretched across her beautiful face. She threw the reporting holo aside and immediately embraced me, soothing me gently by stroking my head. "Shhh…" she hushed me kindly, "…Everything will be alright my darling… Kavilla and I will make sure of it."

"But Tolara…" I whimpered, "…How am I… how am I supposed to feel?"

"…Do you hate me?" she asked softly.

"No of course not!" I declared immediately, "Even after what we did… no…"

"Do you hate Kavilla?" she asked, stoking my head to keep me calm.


"…Then Aiden, feel how you always feel… and know that no matter what, we will love you." She smiled adoringly at me, "…we will never hate you… what we did. We wanted that… we put that on you but… but know…" she started tearing up, apparently what we did affect her just a little as much if not more than me. "…But know it wasn't to hurt you…"

I let my head rest between her breasts… I felt safe. And warm… and suddenly she wasn't my sister she was my woman… "…If… if I said I wanted to do it again…" I breathed a little nervously as she froze. "Could… could we?"

She was utterly silent at first, processing my question before she squeezed me tighter, "…All of me is for you…" she said softly, "…All of Kavilla as well. We were born first to take care of you as far as I'm concerned. All you have to do is ask me my darling and I will give you everything again…"

…We kissed again as lovers, just as Kavilla came out of the bathroom drying her hair.

"Hey I'm all for another go…" she said bluntly, "But we can't… we got just enough time to eat something and get him back to the academy…"

Tolara pulled away and tapped my face gently, "Go on…" she said and I went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and was about to get in. But then i heard them speak...

"…So? Is he alright?"

"Yes… he wants to do it again sometime."

"Good… I wouldn't be able to live on if he hated us…"

"Yes… but we'll have to consider sterility pills for next time… he's too young to have children quite yet."

"You mean you didn't take one? I knew what I wanted when we agreed but I'm not stupid..."

"It doesn't matter… if I'm with child I will bare it…"

"…All of us, is only for Aiden right?"


They were silent afterward so I got into the shower… my mind and heart were still with them in the other room. And further in the future when they requested more shore leave and we spent more time together, a small piece of me would leave with them and stay with them…

Actually, a lot of me would leave with them… deep inside them.

End of Interval Five.

Told you we'd get some Luke and Leia stuff. Though this was far more romantic then I remember. Don't worry though the next time we have a non-canon incestuous scenario it's FAR more deprave.

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