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8.49% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 22: Aggressor Arc Part 4: Aggression on the Aggressor

Chapter 22: Aggressor Arc Part 4: Aggression on the Aggressor

I don't own star wars

"This plan was not well thought out…" Yura's voice crackled over the com, "Seriously Aiden do you really think they're just going to let a random freighter onto the ship?"

I just let my ears listen to the dark silence, everything but my breathing which was supplied by an air mask was still. My body was weightless in the massive cargo crate that my ship hauled towards the Aggressor.

"…These guys are pirates, and thugs with delusions of grandeur." I said softly, "They could in fact shoot us."

"Not if you have something they will want…" came the voice of Cipher 10.

"What the…? How did you-…" began Yura but she caught herself, "Where are you?"

"I'm cloaked on the other side of the ship just outside hanger 2." She said softly, "And I've hacked into your frequency it really wasn't hard you should ask your jawa to enforce that."

"Are you here to help?" I asked calmly, getting to the point as I slowed my breathing while my body floated slightly in the weightlessness.

"Well against my better judgment yes. I assume you have something of a surprise in that crate?" she asked casually.

"Yes." I replied firmly.

"Then tell them you have a delivery of weapons for the Aggressor." She said knowingly, "Havin is a weapons-addicted fiend, he's suicidal on getting as many as he can to kill Imperials with. That'll get you in the ship but you'll have to take it from there…"

"I only need to get on." I replied, "What about you?"

"I can get in easily enough but I'm alone." She replied, "If you can draw as many as you can towards you that would be great."

"It'll be easy."

"What is in that crate anyway?" she asked as if making conversation. "A bomb or something?"

"Me." I replied coolly.

She was quiet for a long time as if processing it. "…Well now I can't wait for an explanation about that..."

"Attention approaching vessel." A new voice rose over Yura's com. "State your business!"

Yura, with some coaching from Milky brought out her huttese voice and accent. "We have a delivery. A cache of weapons from Tuuba the Hutt." She replied it was easy enough to swing we did 'borrow' one of Tuuba's crates. Let's just say the contents of expensive food and wine originally bound for his casino are now littering the slums of Nar Shaddaa.

"The fuck you say?" the voice asked confused, apparently he didn't speak huttese. "Speak basic."

I could practically feel Yura's eyes rolling at the bigot, "Weapon Delivery." She said, with a tone that told the voice that she didn't often speak basic. Those acting lessons with Milky really were working out. Whoever could've imagined we'd use them for things other than sex?

"…Hold on. Don't move any closer." Said the voice, after a long pause he came back. "Alright General says your good. Get on the ship."

I felt the stabilizers on the crate activate as we hit the artificial gravity of the ship, and the crate shook as it landed. It was almost time.

I heard their voices even through the crate. "I wonder what the Imperial trash sent us…" there was some laughter as the crate opened to reveal three of the extremists. The laughter ceased and their mouths dropped as my weapon primed…

I tore them apart, the blaster on my arm ripping through them like a razor. I walked out of the crate and stood in front of the horrified soldiers.

Short-round was a fucking Savant.

He had taken the Imperial Destroyer Droid and hollowed it out, removed the A.I., added armor, retrofitted new legs and a massive shield on the missing arm, and made the thing into a heavy jury-rigged powersuit. The Gatling blaster on my arm primed up again as a soldier screamed into the com he held…

"General it's a trap! It's a Trap general!! AGHH!" my blaster ripped him to shreds as the other soldiers opened fire. The physical shield was there to prevent as much fire from hitting the torso as possible. And while I could move forward I could only do it slowly, like an AT-AT on Hoth. Short-round's junker legs were not designed for speed just stability and movement. The torso and the right arm and the head that held the camera were the strongest parts of the suit, the rest was essentially scrap Short-round cobbled together.

"WHERE'S MY SISTER!?" I roared over the speaker as I stomped on the remainder of the corpse of the recently killed soldier. "WHERE IS SHE!?

"Fire! Fire everything!" a soldier replied as blaster fire rained down on me like a Dromund Kaas thunderstorm. But it hardly did anything; they'd need a rocket launcher or some other heavy weapon to dent the torso where I was safely secured inside.

But as I began slaughtering them with my Gatling blaster The Scarlet Rebel's turrets whirled to life as Milky and Yura began firing on mass at them.

"Fall Back!" another soldier shouted terrified as a dozen of his comrades fell to the ambush assault. Many of them began running deeper into the ship but all they did was make it easier for me to cut them down. Using the hallway as a chokepoint I just let the gatling blaster loose on them. Only a few at the head of the retreating soldiers made it to the safety of a sharp turn…

"Short-round!" I shouted, exiting the powersuit from its back, "Take over and keep them away from the ship!"

"Got it boss!" Short-round replied and easily made his way into the suit.

"Yura prep the ship for takeoff we'll want to move quickly when I get back, and Milky stay on the guns and give Short-round cover fire!" I shot the cable that held the crate to our ship, we weren't going to need it anymore and it was dead weight.

"Got it!" they shouted over the coms as I primed my rifle and made my way deeper into the Aggressor.

"Tolara!" I shouted, I didn't know where she was, she's probably the holding cells. "Cipher-10 can you hear me?!"

A loud thunder crack rose over the com followed by a scream of pain, "Yes. Calm down. They have her in the holding cells… wait one second…" there was another thunder crack followed by another scream. "Take your next right and follow it until some assholes try to blast you around the third corner to your left."

"Not comforting!" as I obeyed and seconds before the third corner I pulled one of Short-rounds flash bangs from my pocket and quickly glanced around the corner. Three soldiers, one in imperial trooper armor had set up a very small blockade. I tossed the flashbang around the corner it bounced towards them.

Grenade!" one shouted but it was too late as the pop and boom of the flashbang echoed on the ship. Rounding the corner quickly I fired my rifle into the chests of the soldiers, and tackled the trooper to the ground and ramming my knife into his throat before quickly moving on. Inch by inch, yard by yard I followed Cipher-10's instructions as her rifle continued to fire over the com. I roared and screamed my vengeance as the extremists tried desperately to hold me back, half a dozen flashbangs crackled and popped in brief intervals as I cut them down with my modded rifle.

The Devils of Dromund Kaas didn't just refer to my sisters today.

"You're close, watch your sides…" Cipher-10 said encouragingly, "I'm close too, we should meet up soon." She added.

I turned the corner and saw two guards outside a holding cell, immediately I knew why they were there, I raised my blaster and pulled the trigger. Nothing.

"Shit!" I hissed, I needed a charge… fuck I didn't bring a spare!

"There! Kill him!" the spotted me and I just managed to get behind a corner as the bolts hissed violently and passed me.

"What are the fucking odds that I'd run out of charge here!?" I angrily roared.

"Oh ease up handsome we all make mistakes…" Cipher-10 replied as the thunder crack of her rifle echoed in the hall and the sound of a body hitting the floor reached my ears.

"Shit!" the remaining guard replied turning around to fire at the location of the shot and I made my move.

"MOTHER FUCKER!!!" I roared out my rage as the guard began screaming in horror as I jumped him, ramming my knife into him, "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. WAY!"

"What is with you and running at things with a knife!?" Cipher-10 shouted rather exasperatedly as she approached me.

"Is very cathartic!" he replied, still stabbing the guard, "Where's Tolara!?"

"In here!" I heard her shout, "You stupid bastard, in here…"

I slammed my shoulder unrestrained against the door trying to break it down, 'Hang on Tolara I'll get you out!"

"Let me open the door, you idiot!" Cipher-10 shouted at me and attached a cable from her wrist to the door getting it to almost instantly open. I dove into the room. Quickly approaching my bound-to-the-chair sister and caressing her face,

I held my forehead to hers… Milky and Yura once asked me why I did that, and I told them it was because I loved them. But my sisters first introduced me to it when mother discouraged their verbal affection for me. This was how we said 'I love you', it was a very deep gesture for us.

"Are you okay? Did they violate you? Do I have to shoot that Havin guy in the dick?" I asked so that's what it felt like, being on the other side of the questions.

"No, no, and if you wouldn't mind, please…" She whispered back softly, feeling her forehead against mine.


A voice I hadn't heard in almost a year suddenly pierced into mine and I froze. It couldn't be, but I would recognize her voice anywhere. I turned to see her, utterly shocked at her presence. She looked just as beautiful as the first time I saw her.

"…Scarlet?" I breathed out amazed; I couldn't believe she was on this ship with these assholes.

Cipher-10 entered the room and upon spotting her, instantly aimed her rifle at Scarlet's chest.

"No!" I shouted pointing the barrel up as the round slammed against the ceiling, heating the barrel and burning my hands. "Shit!" I hissed in pain and anger.

"Aiden!" they all shouted, my sister, struggling against her bounds while Cipher-10 and Scarlet dropped all pretenses and tried to grab my singed hands to inspect the damage.

Cipher-10 glared at Scarlet as she held one of my hands trying to sooth the pain. "Back off!" she shouted possessively at her.

"You back off!" Scarlet replied equally possessive.

…Honestly… I was happy to see her. You never forget your first love. But I couldn't help but find this situation funny.

"Enough!" Tolara shouted exasperated at the sight, "Cipher-10 get me out of these bindings." She added angrily. Cipher-10 glared daggers at Scarlet but she obeyed, as she cut away my Sister's bonds my sister started at Cipher-10 a little pointedly, "…I'm sorry…" she said. I looked at her surprised as Cipher-10 nodded her head. "I'm sorry we fought."

"You two were fighting?" I asked calmly, "What about?"

"I'll tell you later." Tolara replied, trying to walk but suddenly dropping to the floor.

'Tolara?!" I pulled my hands reluctantly from Scarlet and went to catch her, "Hang on okay, I'll carry you."

"Aiden I need your blaster arm." Cipher-10 replied as she pulled bandages from a pouch on her suit and carefully wrapped my hands. "Tolara, I'm sorry but you're going to have to walk on your own."

"…Scarlet will help me." Tolara said suddenly and we all looked at her. "She's different, she's not really with them. We're taking her too."

Cipher-10 glared at Scarlet as if she had just insulted her mother, "…I'm not giving her a blaster." She said coldly, silently holding a staring contest with the beautiful SIS Agent.

"She doesn't need one, but I need a Knife." Tolara said, holding her arm out to Scarlet. "…You are coming right?"

Scarlet looked at me. She had a look on her face that honestly just confused me further. I thought she'd be unhappy with me, angry even once the heat of the moment had passed so long ago. But she had a look that Milky often wore… it excited me and concerned me.

"…Yes." She said finally helping Tolara to her feet. "…If you'll take me." she said staring at me intently.

Cipher-10 groaned and handed Tolara her knife, Tolara feebly held it to Scarlet's throat, but not nearly close enough to be a threat. "There…" Tolara said firmly, "Now it just looks like we've taken her hostage and forced her to go along with us."

I took one of the soldier's rifles and quickly checked up the halls, "Come on we've already wasted enough time. "What's the quickest way back to our ships?"

Cipher-10 viewing her data on her wrist frowned. "…Mine is in hanger two but there are dozens of soldiers on the way there. They're regrouping." She looked at me, giving me a small smile, "Could I bum a ride?"

"Sure." I smiled back, "So what's the quickest way back to my ship?"

"Pretty much the way you…" she paused slightly as her wrist flashed, with a message. "…Shit."

"What?" Tolara asked concerned as Cipher-10 quickly tried to move us along.

"We have 20 minutes. Kavilla is about to arrive, she just told me. We need to leave right now." We moved as quickly as we could.

We were almost there, right before we turned a corner it erupted in blaster fire as the gatling laser peppered a group of screaming extremists. "Short-round we're about to turn the corner!" I shouted into the com before looking up the hall and letting off some suppressing fire to keep their heads down. "Get up here to give us cover down to the ship!"

"Got it boss!" he stomped the massive powersuit up to use and kept firing as he slowly moved backward with us behind him as the shield of the suit was peppered with blaster fire.

We had just left the tunnel, Tolara and Scarlet in the lead as they made their way up the ramp to my ship when an explosion of force smashed into the left side of the power suit. Sending it sideways, I dove at Newt reflexively getting her to the floor as blaster fire singed my shoulder painfully.

"You alright!?" she asked concerned, taking aim with her rifle at the heavy trooper above us and easily painting the walls with his brain.

"I'm fine." I hissed painfully, sending blaster bolts up the hall, "Short-round are you okay?"

"Suits out…" he replied a little concerned over the com, "…and the doors are stuck but otherwise I'm fine."

The suit was a mess, the junker arms and legs were completely wrecked and the gatling arm was pinned almost uselessly under the torso which was heavily dented, trapping the doors stuck. "Milky we need you to eject Short-round!"

"Coming! Hold on!" Milky descended the ramp as Cipher-10 and I gave her cover. Her muscled hands clenched around the suit's back and she ripped the doors off, allowing Short-round to scramble towards the ship.

"Short-round I need a rifle reload!" I shouted as he retreated.

A blaster charge suddenly flew at me as he pulled it from his pouch. Milky using the powersuit's doors as a shield while they fell back. "There you go boss!"

"You're dead! You're all fucking dead!" General Havin's voice echoed down the hall at us. "You'll pay for every patriot you killed today!"

I tossed the carbine I had been using aside and reloaded my rifle, "Hey! Are you the fucker who hit my sister!?"

"Go to hell you Imperial scumbag!" her roared back.

"I'm going to shoot you in the dick!" I roared angrily at him. "And leave you dickless for the rest of your life!" However long that would be.

"But Aiden how can you hit something so small!?" laughed Cipher-10 mockingly as she picked up repeaters from dead soldiers and joined me in suppressing fire as we fell back.

"Fuck you!" Havin roared, his own rotary blaster cannon firing down at us. "God damn you both!" I had to give it to him, he had some balls…

I adjusted my rifle for accuracy, took aim, and fired. He released an undignified high pitch scream and fell to the floor, now he didn't have balls. "That was for my sister you eunuch fuck!"

"Holy shit you actually did it!" laughed Cipher-10 as she dragged me up the ship ramp. "Yura we're good! Go!"

The Scarlet Rebel slowly floated in the air, turned in place and shot from the hanger.

We fucking won. And the sudden appearance of the Deterrent confirmed it. Cipher-10 quickly sent out a hailing.

"This is Cipher-10, we are friendlies and we have Tolara! I repeat we have Admiral Tolara! Do not fire on us!"

The com briefly cackled, then we heard a voice that sounded like Tolara's "…Then move your ship…" she said with a cold command. Yura swerved just in time as the Deterrent fired all of its guns on the Aggressor.

It was a strangely beautiful thing to watch; plums of fire and smoke sucked out the air as it was deprived of oxygen and slowly the ship fell apart and began to descend towards the planet erupting in fire as it hit the atmosphere.

Now all that was left was to drop off Tolara and Cipher-10 to Kavilla's ship.

"What do we do about you?" Cipher-10 glared at Scarlet who equally glared back at her.

"…What do you mean?" Tolara said suddenly, "…Scarlet here came with Aiden didn't she?" we all looked at her a little surprise. She glanced at me, "You do know her, don't you Aiden?"

We had a very brief silent conversation, and I nodded, "Oh yeah…" I said simply to Cipher-10, "She's a part of the crew." Then with a faint blush I added, "…Who did you think the Scarlet Rebel was named after?"

Scarlet suddenly blushed; obviously flattered that the ship was named after her. Cipher-10 didn't look amused, "Fuck." She grumbled quietly as she looked between us, acting like schoolyard crushes. "Fucking fine… but you forgive me now right?" she turned to Tolara and asked, "Are we okay?"

"… We are okay." Tolara replied with a nod. "I'm sorry…" she said again, "I overreacted…"

"…Well I can't say your heart wasn't in the right place." Cipher-10 replied, "You did tell me not to."

"What were you two even fighting about?" I asked, placing an arm around my sister as she leaned against me for support.

They were quiet for a moment then Tolara glared at me, "That reminds me Aiden…" her voice cold and unpleasant, "…Do you sleep with every alien woman you meet?"

"No!" I said indignantly, legitimately horrified that she had even asked me that. "Only the ones I like!" Cipher-10 and Scarlet looked away, not meeting my eyes as they blushed. And I then realized why Tolara was slightly unhappy with me, even after I saved her, "…You both told her didn't you?"

It was a very awkward ten-minute flight to the Deterrent

"Stay here!" I heard Kavilla tell her soldiers after my ship had landed on the Deterrent.

"But Admiral it's an unknown vessel claiming to hold you sister." came another voice, probably a trooper.

"Stay!" she barked, like an owner giving a command to a dog.

"Y-yes ma'am…" they replied meekly.

To prevent awkward questions the only ones allowed to meet with Kavilla were me, Tolara, and Cipher10. Everyone else decided to watch from the cockpit. Kavilla stomped angrily up the ramp, the second she saw us she rushed to meet us as we embraced each other. Our heads pressing together in our silent 'I love you'

"Are you okay?" she asked Tolara. "Did they do anything uncouth to you?"

"Other than beating me relentlessly and killing all my people? No." She replied, "Thanks to Aiden and his suicidal devotion to his favorite older sister I'm just fine."

Kavilla chuckled at the long-running joke between them but she looked at me a little mysteriously, "That reminds me." pulling out of the embrace, she punched me hard in the jaw and sent me crashing to the floor.

"Kavilla!" Tolara hissed angrily at her, "Was that really necessary?"

"Don't you ever run off without telling us again!" she screamed at me, tears in her eyes as I got back to my feet. "Do you understand me?!"

"…Yes Kavilla." I groaned on the floor, taking the punch in stride. I kind of expected it.

"Now that that's out of the way…" Cipher-10 began slowly, "…How are we going to pitch this?"

"What do you mean?" Kavilla asked, rubbing her sore wrist and looking at Cipher-10's concerned face.

"…We can't let the Empire know… we can't let your mother know that Aiden saved his sister…" she looked at all of us; we all knew she was right. Mother had declared me dead after all, she wouldn't want to be proven wrong even if I saved Tolara. "So… we all agreed that I led a team of handpicked experts?" she said softly, looking at me apologetically as if it hurt her to take the credit. "…A bunch of disposable outlaws and mercenaries?"

Kavilla nodded, agreeing instantly, "Fine. Whatever." She looked at me, a bit of pride in her voice. "We all know the truth anyway right? He didn't get in the bounty hunting business to get famous."

"No just to get laid…" Tolara grumbled glaring at me, "…Behave yourself." She said to me as Kavilla shouldered her. "Cipher-10 let's go."

"…Oh, I'm not leaving" Cipher-10 said suddenly with an air of unconcern, causing my sisters to hesitate and me to look upwards at the ceiling in disbelief. She could've phrased it just a bit better.

"What?" they hissed together, glaring at her with a double shot of angry sister.

"Now hear me out." She began soothingly, "Somebody, and I'm not naming any Kavillas, blew up my ship on the Aggressor…"Kavilla's eyes narrowed warningly at her but she continued. "I'm just saying that until my ship is replaced I spend just a little more time on this ship… keeping an eye on the crew." She said with a soft smile, "It won't be permanent."

Tolara however rolled her eyes as Kavilla opened her mouth to say something. Tolara covered Kavilla's mouth to stop her, "…Not permanent?" she asked with a warning look.

"No." Cipher-10 repeated looking a little dejected at me and added a little forlornly "Not permanent."

"And you'll keep an eye on him?" she asked and both my sisters looked at me.

"If you haven't realized it, that's twice now he ran at something with just a vibro-knife." She said pointedly, and giving me a half smile, "Somebody has to make sure he comes out alive."

"Ha ha…" I mumbled dryly.

Tolara turned back to Cipher-10, "I want regular reports." She said firmly.

"Of course."

"You will tell the watchers to keep this out of the official records? You will pull some strings?" the way she said that last part was a little unnerving, and Cipher-10 looked a little annoyed but finally she nodded.

"Yeah… I was planning to anyway just to make sure nothing leaked."

"And I expect the majority of your time here will be with your clothes on?" Tolara finished and Cipher-10 sighed.

"Yes Tolara…" she mumbled, it was an awful lot like watching a mother lay down the law to her daughter when it came to dating.

Tolara slowly nodded, "Fine. I expect your first report in a week." Cipher-10 grinned at her and my sister looked at me again, "…We'll call soon."

"We love you." Kavilla added with a smile.

I smiled back, "…I know."

Soon the Deterrent was a distant dot in our rearview (we didn't have one but you get it) as we headed off to Coruscant. We needed to safely deliver Scarlet. And things quickly adjusted on the ship, Cipher-10 made herself comfortable in one of the bunks, Milky was cooking a wonderful victory feast, Yura was piloting the ship and having a humorous conversation (for her) with Scarlet, of whom she apparently was friends with. Who knew? And Short-round…

Well, he was actually the most disappointed at the events, what with leaving his 'masterpiece' on the Aggressor. But I told him he could make himself a real droid, and he seemed to take it in stride and got to work. I however was exhausted. I trudged to my room and dropped onto my bed… only now letting the fact that I raided the ship with a handful of people in a jury rigged powersuit and only came out of it with a small shoulder wound that Cipher-10 patched up… I closed my eyes and let the weariness take over.

However I was only asleep for a moment when I was shaken awake. "Aiden."

I opened my eyes and stared into Scarlet's concerned face. For half a moment we just stared into each other's eyes before I opened my mouth. "…Hey…"

"…Hello." She said, giving me a faint smile. "…We… Yura says we should talk."

"Oh…" I said suddenly very nervous, "…Okay…" I glanced at the camera and grabbing the remote, I turned it off. This was private "What do you want to talk about?"

"Do you…" she stopped herself, watching me slightly. She got off the bed and began to pace, her hands nervously stroking her lekku as she thought about the words. "…Do you even… think about me?"

I blinked at her surprised, "Like… what I did to you?" I asked hesitantly, "…Sometimes. I'm sorry about that, I was a little confused about a lot of things and I put that on-"

"No, I'm not asking for an apology." She said suddenly still pacing, "It's just… I know you're in a relationship with Yura, and Milky, and that Cipher…" she wouldn't meet my eyes, she sounded hurt. "We… we didn't really do anything as personal as they have." She said, stopping and clenching her hands, "…But that night. That night meant something to me, it was all I could think about for a long time…" she looked at me, her eyes watering slightly, "…I was worried about you… I was worried I might shoot you if we ever met again…"

I just watched her, mouth opened in shock. Was she saying what I thought she was saying?

"I… I want to know why we didn't go further…" she said, "You obviously don't care about "imperial morals' when it comes to cross-species… so why didn't we?"

I shook my head at the question; it wouldn't really hurt to tell her. "…I was upset at a lot of things I didn't want to admit to at the time." I said, getting up and giving her my full attention."I know it wasn't that long ago but I was young, I was lonely, and I saw a beautiful woman in a desperate situation…" she blushed heavily at my compliment, "And all I could think of was 'gee I wonder if I could have some fun with her'… I didn't go further because at the end of the day…" I took a deep breath, "-and I know this sounds stupid. But I didn't want to force you…"

She watched me carefully for a moment, then she started chuckling, "…Tolara said you were a romantic. But you do realize you made me strip for you?"

"…But only to your underwear." I replied a little sheepish as if that made it better. "…Actually if anything, you seduced me."

"Excuse me?" she laughed with mock indignation.

"Uh yeah." I said sarcastically, "I didn't tell you to start masturbating, that was all on you." I smiled as she began laughing at the sheer stupidity of it. "So again I didn't really force you to do anything then, and I'm not forcing you to do anything now."

"…Why not?" she asked suddenly, and I stopped and gaped at her, a distant look and a mysterious smile on her face, "We got time until Coruscant." She said softly, approaching me and placing a hand on my chest. "As of right now, I'm the only woman on this ship who hasn't slept with you."

"It's not a competition." I said, not pulling away from her, taking in her Scarlet red skin, her smooth lekku, her beautiful face, her erotic fetish-fueled body, "I told my sisters, I don't just go around sleeping with woman I don't like. I don't love."

"…Do you love me?" she asked breathlessly, her eyes nervously quivering as if dreading the answer.

"…Do you?" I asked softly, "After one night? After what I did? Scarlet, I don't want you to do anything you're going to regret, or think you have to, or-"

She kissed me, and I fell backward onto the bed with her on top of me. burying herself into my mouth, desperately trying to impress me with her skill and she pulled away, her soft body lying fully on top of me as she looked me in the eyes, "…Shut up and love me." she said firmly, giving me a joking grin.

My hand caressed her lekku and she shivered on top of me, apparently, they were just as sensitive as Yura's. "I can work with that." I pulled her back down and kissed her again, letting my other hand flow down her body to her generously firm ass, squeezing it as she moaned delightedly against me.

"I wanted to do that forever…" I breathed.

"Don't stop now!" she hissed, sitting up and tossing her bomber jacket aside before stripping off her shirt and revealing her wondrous breasts. She was about the size of Yura, and Yura was a good helping. "I've been craving you forever!" she forced herself back on me taking in my mouth once more as her hands and my hands tried desperately to strip each other.

Soon and with some effort we were fully naked, I rolled her onto her back and caressed her pussy. She was like silk to my touch as she moaned underneath my hands, her body moving as if she was thrusting up to meet me.

"I loved watching you move." I said softly, "I still do. I want to watch you dance for me again…"

"If your hands can do this all the time." she groaned erotically, gripping her lekku and stroking them as if they were my cock, "I'll dance whenever you want…" I nibbled her lekku, it was too much for her and she quickly came. Her whole body quivered, she was so beautiful, I loved watching women orgasm, but instead of halting, I sped up, trying to get her to go again.

"A-aiden!" she hissed as I continued to nibble her lekku, her hands dropped to her breasts and squeezed as her eyes opened wide at my molesting. "Aiden I just came!"

"Do it again!" I whispered demanding in her ear, "Do it again, you look amazing when you do."

"F-FUCK!" she groaned, staring at the ceiling, "Fuck I'm cuming!" she hissed and once more her body moved to her increasingly uncontrolled desire. I held her down and kissed her as she spasmed erotically.

"Oh Force…" she breathed as I pulled away, "Oh force…" I gently caressed her lekku with my wet hand, "…You…" she watched me breathlessly, "You are just full of talents aren't you?"

"I just love my work." I said softly, still stroking her, "Want to cum again?" I asked, almost hopeful.

"Not without you…" she said smiling, and getting up from the bed, I was about to join her but she shoved me back down. "… I do believe I said I'll dance whenever you want…" she said, seeing a small music player that was hardly ever used except when Milky wanted some mood music. She pressed play…

Oh force she had clearly been practicing...

Her wondrously full ass slowly gyrated left and right as she felt the steady beat of music flow through her letting her hands stroke her hips upwards and caressing her lekku she turned to face me like a professional. It was like she was my own personal harem girl. Her arms and legs flowed erotically as drawing my gaze to her breasts and ass as her lekku shook before me…

I didn't last long, once she was close enough I pulled her laughing to the bed, "Someone's been practicing…" I noted, stroking her body, "…Hoping for a do over?"

"Hoping for a lot." She replied softly, staring at me. "…Please?" she began, placing my hand on her pussy. "…let me?"

…I pressed my hardened length to her, and pushed…

She felt amazing, better than I ever imagined she could have felt so long ago as if waiting all that time only enhanced the feeling. It was as if her vagina was alive, desperately clinging to my length as if unwilling to let me go now that she caught me. As I pulled out of her and she gasped her pleasure I thrust back in, she screamed in joy as I filled her.

I held her legs over her head, presenting her pussy upwards as I thrust down. The 'mating press' position, she had to just lie there and take me inside her, she gasped and yelped in delight as she stared up at me, we couldn't look away. this was it, months of unknowingly waiting for this moment…

She came and I soon followed.

I shook my hips inside her, as if trying to paint the walls of her tunnel white with my seed. She laughed in satisfied delight as she felt me fill her. "Oh Force!" she roared, "It… it was worth it!"

I collapsed on top of her, if she was uncomfortable holding this position she didn't show it. She seemed more than happy to maintain the position. In fact so happy, she looked at me with a lustful smile. "More." She half demanded half pleaded and giggled as she felt me twitch back into hardness inside her. "Give me more." She repeated as if it was a magic word that sent men into erections.

And she was right…

I began thrusting into her again, steadily, firmly, like a mechanical pump, "I'll give you more…" I hissed happily, "Ten months of loads worth…" I slammed hard against her.

"We'll be at Coruscant soon!" she whimpered sadly, crying out as I fucked her "You won't be able to give me that much!"

"Then you'll just have to keep coming back!" I demanded, and she watched me adoringly with a smile slowly spreading across her face. "And I'll have to come to you! So your tight wonderful pussy doesn't forget my shape!"

"Can I?" she asked happily as my thrusting continued, "Can I come back and see you?"

"You and this pussy are always… welcome!" I groaned my release and shot inside her, she quivered as she came once more. "…Whenever you want…" I breathed into her , and to seal the promise, I placed my forehead against hers, she quivered again suddenly as I did. She knew what this meant; she had seen it so many times before. At the party with Yura, and with my sisters… she knew that this was the highest form of 'I love you' I could give her.

"…I love you…" she said softly, looking up at me. Instantly knowing how deeply this expression meant to me.

I chuckled and rolled off her, gripping her hand tightly, "…I know…" we laughed, and she looked at me.

"So whenever I want?" she asked softly.

"Yeah. I'll have Short-round set you up a personal com, you can call me anytime…" but then seriously I looked sternly at her, "…I'll even help you on jobs sometimes… but if you ever endanger my sisters again Scarlet." I let the rest of my statement hang and watched her face turn serious as she nodded. She knew; I didn't have to say it. "Let me know though if you want me to shoot my mother I'd do that for free…"

She chuckled and watched my exhausted face for a moment, "…Aiden do you… have one more in you?" she asked shyly.

I whimpered pitifully, I really wanted to but I just didn't have the energy. "Scarlet I am literally exhausted, I couldn't move if I did."

"…That's fine… I wanted to do it myself anyway."

"What are you-oh force!"

She took me in her mouth and sucked lovingly on my length. Her tongue was just magnificently talented, I quickly hardened inside her, "Oh force Scarlet! Who the hell did you practice on for this? And where can I send him a thank you card?!

But she wasn't listening; she seemed off in her own little world as she desperately tried to pull one more load from my exhausted, overworked balls. Finally, I had had enough, "Scarlet! Cumming!"

She pulled all the way to the tip and let me fire off into her mouth, it was a few seconds before I finished, but before I could do anything else she swallowed. She looked like she just finished her favorite meal, she stared blissfully off into the wall as she licked her lips. "You still taste like dantooine pears…" she whispered adoringly to no one in particular…

But at least that answered one question I had about myself.

"I fucking love that taste now because of you…" she breathed and dropped next to me, caressing my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and just held her close, "…This is nice…" she said softly.

"…I do like to cuddle." I replied letting my eyes close. "I'm sorry but I'm so tired…" I mumbled dreamily, "I can't stay awake anymore." I yawned widely, "Milky's going to be pissed… she's cooking all that food."

"I think she'll understand, you did just-" she began but I didn't hear her finish, I was quickly off to sleep, unable to stay awake.

I was very warm as I awoke but didn't open my eyes, as I slowly did I saw a patch of white Milky hair in front of me as she lied on top of me. Cipher-10 was pressed firmly in my other arm still dressed in her suit a blissfully happy expression on her face, and Yura surprisingly had her arms wrapped tightly around Scarlet, spooning her. I chuckled to myself, Milky giggled softly as my chest moved.

…I knew I was going to need a bigger bed. But being so close to them now was making me seriously rethink it.

Bonus Scene.

I watched them take off from Coruscant and all I could think of was I needed to talk to someone. So naturally, I headed to Pali.

I kicked the door to her office open and found her talking to a weequay.

"Pali! I need to talk!"

"Can it wait ten minutes?!" she replied surprised at my bluntness, "Seriously Scarlet?"

"You out! I need girl talk!" the weequay scrambled out and I slammed the door behind him.

"Okay… what couldn't possibly wait for me to finish ten minutes with a gender-confused weequay?"

"I met Aiden again…" I said quickly and nervously.

"…Okay tell me more. But don't go into detail!" she added quickly, "I just got over the last wet dreams…"

"He's unbelievable." I began pacing, nervously fidgeting, "He's brave, he's nice… he's amazing in bed."

"Scarlet, spare the details."

"But… he sort of has like three other girlfriends." I blinked at her confused, "Is that a problem?"

Pali shrugged, "I don't know."

"What do you mean 'you don't know!?' you're supposed to know!"

"Sweetie it's a personal choice." She replied, "There are dozens of sentients that practice polygamous relationships. Like cereans, they do it all the time. Do you have a problem with it?"

"…Only with one of them…." I replied, frowning at the memory of Cipher 10. "…So what should I do? I mean I can call and talk to him and…"

"Okay stop…" Pali said suddenly, "Breath…" we both took deep breaths and she smiled at me, "How about you and I get dinner while we discuss personal boundaries during office hours…"

"Okay… I'm sorry it's just I don't really have other girls to have girl talk with…"

"Well you know what if we talk to the future Ms. Casuva you kicked out of my office maybe we could fix that."

End of Chapter.

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