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68.04% Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn / Chapter 112: Chapter 109

Chapter 112: Chapter 109

All 7 Empresses were felt satisfied after their morning workout. Padme who some of the other Empresses like Yrena and Duchess Satine thought would be passive during Sex had managed to surprise them, throughout the night she acted like a hungry beast and kept asking for more.

As a result she was the first one to succumb to the pleasure and pass out. Then the others came next with Abeloth being the last one.

And now in the morning all 7 of them were up and getting ready for the day. 


Meanwhile on the planet of Ahch-To where the Jedi Order has now established themselves. Master Yoda has started to reach out to those who seek to oppose the Empire and return the Republic back to power.

And it turned out that those who he sought out was also looking for the remnants of the Jedi Order. The first person was the now former Senator Mon Mothma who is now wanted for Treason against the Empire.

She was to meet with Jedi Master Yoda and the Jedi High Council on the world of Chanosant which is a world that is a part of the Terran Ascendency but has a great deal of Autonomy because of it's location.

Attending the meeting with Mon Mothma was Bail Organa, Garm Bel Iblis, and Rahm Kota the Jedi General who went into Hiding following the events of Order 66. Not all Jedi could be saved by Alexander during the initiation of order 66 but that doesn't mean that all of them died as well.

There was a few who managed to escape and survive in the Galaxy after the Fall of the Republic and the Jedi Order.

Once Mon Mothma and her group arrived on Chanosant they were met with a two members of the Jedi Order. Jedi Master Qui-gon and the newly promoted Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi who was granted the rank of Master because of his long commitment to the Jedi Order and his experience from the Clone Wars. His experience and his skills would be needed to continue the training of the next Generation of Jedi.

After meeting with the two Jedi Mon Mothma and the others were taken to a building where the meeting would take place. Inside of this building was a big round table big enough to fit all the people attending this meeting.

Once Mon Mothma walked into the room she was greeted by Master Yoda.

"A Pleasure to see you again it is Senator Mon Mothma" Greeted Master Yoda

"You as well Master Yoda, the last time we spoke I believe you were trying to crack down on the corrupt senators of the Republic before it fell" Replied Mon Mon Mothma

"Difficult times those were. Hrmmm" Said Master Yoda

"But I didn't come here to talk about old times Master Yoda so let's take our seats and get this meeting started" Said Mon Mothma

Master Yoda agreed and the two of them took their seats at the table.

Once everybody was seated Mon Mothma was the first to speak "Today we are gathered here to discuss the future of the Galaxy and the Evil that is the Empire who rule through fear and oppress the masses"

"Indeed it is time that we start to do something about the Empire before it is too late" Replied Bail Organa.

"Master Yoda I have asked to meet with you and the Jedi Order because I want to officially establish an Resistance with all of the people here to stand against the Empire. And that is why I contacted you Master Yoda since I thought that with the Jedi this resistance could be successful" Explained Mon Mothma.

"To form a resistance help you the jedi will for we want the same thing and only together can we hope to restore the republic to power and destroy the Sith who seek to control the Galaxy. Yrsssss.." Replied Master Yoda.

"And what of you General Kota your militia is already fighting the Empire but if we work together than we can defeat them" said Mon Mothma.

"I Agree Senator, So me and my Militia will help you out and join this rebellion against the Empire" Replied General Kota.

"You should already know my answer Mon Mothma since we have long tried to fight the Empire in the Shadows together for the past 2 years but just we are clear the Alderaan resistance will join this resistance" Said Bail Organa

"As the representative of Corellia we too shall join the fight" Said Garm Iblis

"Then I think that this is settled" Said Bail Organa as he pulled out a Document

"This Document will formerly establish our resistance which will be called the Alliance to restore the Republic" Presented Bail Organa

All the member present had signed the Document including all the Members of the Jedi high Council.

Once everybody was done signing it had became official and the Resistance was formed. The Alliance to restore the Republic was created with it's founding members being Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, Garm Iblis, General Rahm Kota and the Entire Jedi high Council.

"Our Alliance is now formed, with my wealth as the Rebellion's source of funding, Garm supplying our fleet, and Mon Mothma providing our soldiers. With the Jedi Order by our side, we have the guidance of the Force to lead us to victory. And Master Yoda, with his centuries of knowledge, will also be a valuable asset in our journey." Said Bail Organa

This day marked the signing of the Chanosant Treaty which established the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Chanosant Treaty also provided a command structure for the Alliance intended to allow each force to govern itself while providing a strong centralized component to coordinate all efforts. It organized the civil aspects such as diplomacy, transport and supply into one tree, bundled all military operations into another, and placed the Commander-in-Chief and Advisory Council at the top.

With the Official signing of the treaty the Resistance which has been split around the Galaxy into small groups has just become a united organization. But there was still work to do as there were other groups out in the Galaxy who didn't know about this Treaty.

Of course the Rebellion planned to reach out to these loose pockets of resistances around the Galaxy and bring them all into the Rebellion in order to put more pressure on the Empire.


Meanwhile Emperor Palpatine has just found himself a new Pawn. He was a boy that was born on Kashyyyk to his father who was a Jedi. But when the Empire invaded the world Emperor Palpatine's new Apprentice whom he gave the name Darth Thess had found a young boy after killing his father a former Jedi. 

She brought the boy back and thought that he could be useful. Emperor Palpatine could feel that the boy had an immense amount of the Force within him. And if raised right he could prove to be a valuable pawn in his plan to take over the Galaxy.

Darth Thess who was a former Nightsister was given this responsibility to train the boy into a Sith and watch over his training.

Meanwhile the Wookies were being captured and turned into Slaves by the Empire. This was a problem since Kashyyyk was considered within the Borders of the Terran Ascendency but Terran forces had yet to establish control over that region of space because of it's distance and location.

But now that something like this has happened Alexander won't be able to overlook this situation.

Dr_Dred Dr_Dred

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