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100% Spirit Talker / Chapter 1: The Abomination
Spirit Talker Spirit Talker original

Spirit Talker

Author: Moisesupolo

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Abomination

They were in a city, where different kinds of animal shaped spirit fled the skies, some with long crest colourful feathers, some with longer tail, some were a combinations of beasts, and there were also on the ground, on the streets, strange creatures glowing in different colors having different shapes, the citizens were carrying some and some were just floating around, in the middle of the city there was the most prestigious spirit talker school, and there were students of all class, it was the school hall assembly, and the Dean, a man that was 3m tall, with build up physics, and a beard long and locked in dreads, stepped front,

- "welcome to Alpha School, this school is known out there as the most prestigious school for spirit talkers, well, we are known in here to be the most disciplined school, we prioritise results above all, and we expect result from everyone of you, remember, "Dignity, Elegancy, An Power" may the great khadi be with you" after his speech, he left followed by a large applause from the audience

in the audience there was a young boy who had the most bright smile and sparkly eyes, it was Mangui, thntedsss of the Dean of the Alpha school, he wanted to follow on the family footsteps, and be a famous Spirit Talker, he hasn't sensed any spirit yet like in the stories his brothers and sisters used to tell, he'd tried to but no, he'd recited incantations but no effect, and he'd talked to one of the spirits in animal shapes, to no avail, but he was after all a descendant of the Great Khadi, and he would awakens his spiritual energy, there was time, and he committed himself to training till the day of the second entry exam " you will see grandfather, i will be the best Spirit talker" he said almost to himself, but loud enough for khante, his bestfriend, to hear

-"for you to be the best you will have to first achieved your spiritual awakening " answered his friend in an attempt to mock him, khante was a bit shorter than Mangui, and skinnier, he was from a branch family of the Khadi s, but the two of them were always together, and even slept together in nights were both their parents were absent, "dude how com you can't even sense spirits, are you sure you have spiritual energy?," he said while poking at Mangui, and both laugh, the laughter stopped Mangui's gazed was fixed in his grandfather, he had that smile in him of a 5 year old kid, " i will make him proud, you'll see".

the next person that came to the podium was the honor student of the year, she was 13 same age as Khante and Mangui, she had short hair plaited in Macara, she stood with authority, thanked the school authorities for the change she had been given, talked about how prestigious the school was, and announced the second entry exams, when she finished everyone stood up, including Khante and Mangui, the two friends walked pass the crowd to a corridor that was almost as big as a whole street, they walked towards the class when Khante hit Mangui, " hey are you sure you will be ok"

-" i will be okay, it's just sensing right" Mangui said with the most care-free expresion

" beside, how in the world a Khadi descendant no be able to be a spirit talker".

indeed it was an unthinkable scenario, but as the future always surprise us, Mangui was unable to sense Spiritual Energy, he couldn't do anything except from being bullied, laughed, insulted, and by the moment he would say anything, he was already out of the school and family properties, he was labeled an abomination and was sold to slave traders, he was spat on, stoned, a pretty rough setting for a mere 13 year old boy,

He was determined to survive, even thou his eyes looked now as if he'd seen someone dying ten times, and seen himself die countless times, Mangui waited till midnight to make his movement, he couldn't bring himself to take anything from his now owners, he ran, pass the threes, passed the rice fields, he didn't stop, kept running, passed some houses, he kept running scared as if he'd seen a ghost, he then bumped in someone, it was an old man, he didn't look like anyone he'd seen, he had the face of an Asian, but skin color of an African,he wore a monks robe, with all type of native doctor talisman, Mangui fell on the ground, tears almost out in his eyes. he couldn't believe it, i escaped he thought

-"where did you come from young man?" asked the man trying to help him from the ground , but Mangui stood up, looking expressionless, "im hungry" he just answered, the d mand looked at him, and laughed, he invited him to eat, but Mangui stood there looking at him " i don have money, why are you inviting, why?" he asked, while inspecting the house

"because if it was not for a huge wave of evil spirits, i would've been with him" the man explained with a smile on his face " you don't need money, i it has been so lonely lately" the man stood and started walking, then turned "cmon in i will prepare supper", the boy accepted his invitation and wenr in.

while having supper the man asked the boy why was he running away, and to where, the boy told him his story, but the oldman looked puzzled, the boy realised and asked him why was he surprised

" you don't sense spiritual energy in order to use it" the man said taking some little bones " you use spiritual energy, sensing first should be for sensory talkers" he then threw the little bones and the caught on fire, the boy's expression was a mixed of surprise and disbilief "and the spirit talkers that has problems sensing at first are the least compatible with sensory talkers" the boy that looked dead was for once before, now was full of curiosity, and thats how the young boy started his journey to become a spirit talker.

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