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52% SpiderGwen: I have a system?! / Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Stronger than she realizes

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Stronger than she realizes

Huge thanks to Rezwarrior buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd POV] [Mount Justice]

Time had passed as Gwen watched the group, and slowly but surely she could see the sweat trickle down Martian Manhunters face, before he breathed deeply and looked to Bruce.

"Something has gone wrong...I don't have control over the simulation anymore. Nor can I see entirely what is happening" J'onn said, looking to Batman who frowned at the news.

"How? Did something happen within the simulation?" Batman asked, as Shazam (who was also there) looked to his friends in worry.

"...Artemis has just died within the simulation. But she-" "Should have woken up by now. Meaning something is keeping her inside" Bruce cut him off, moving quickly to look over Artemis.

"She is in a comatose state. I...I believe it may be due to M'gann. Perhaps the shock of her death was too much. I am not entirely sure. But I must go inside to get them out" J'onn said to Bruce, who sighed and nodded. As M'gann began to slowly float, her powers activating subconsciously.

"Get them out as quickly as possible. We have no way of telling the sort of effects this could have on them" Bruce said, as J'onn quickly got to work on fixing the mistake.

As J'onn went under and joined them in the simulation, the previously silent Gwen spoke "I warned you this wouldn't go well"

"...I know" Batman sighed out, realizing his daughter was right, M'gann was far stronger than he anticipated.

"The teams isn't going to be the same, for a while you know" Gwen added, causing Batman to sigh deeper.

"I know. We'll just have to help them when that comes. M'gann especially, which I will leave to you" Bruce said, looking to his daughter who nodded, already having planned on helping.

If the simulation was anything like canon, there was a good chance that there was a fake version of her inside. Which also means she'll die in the simulation, due to it being made to be impossible to defeat. This'll then lead M'gann to have an even worse reaction than in canon...drastically worse.

Sitting and watching as J'onn went under, Gwen was forced to do nothing but wait for her girlfriend to wake up from her training simulation gone wrong.

Another hour had passed, before slowly the team began to stir. First it was Martian Manhunter, then Artemis, then Wally, then Kaldur, then Robin, then Superboy, before finally M'gann awoke.

Soft grunts escaped most of the groups, as M'gann gasped and shot up. She began to look around, finding the team to be completely okay, even after the rather...traumatizing simulation.

Noticing Gwen, she didn't hesitate to sprint to her and hug her close, burying her face against Gwen's chest "I-I thought you died"

"What happened?" Bruce asked, wanting to get the story from J'onn.

"The all went wrong" J'onn replied, while Gwen was keeping M'gann close, feeling the slight wetness against her shirt.

"Exercise?" Dick asked, still a bit out of it. But happy to see his team and sister were still okay and alive.

"Try to remember. What you experienced was a training exercise. Manhunter psychically linked all of you within an artificial reality. You all knew this going in. What you didn't know was that it was a train for failure exercise. No matter what the team accomplished, the scenario was designed to grow worse. Still, you were aware nothing was real including the deaths of the entire Justice League" Bruce explained to the team, as Gwen kept M'gann close, whispering soft, comforting words to her girlfriend.

"That is why you hardly grieved even when wolf was disintegrated before your eyes. But all that changed when Artemis died. Though consciously, Miss Martian knew it was not real, the subconscious mind could not that distinction. She forgot it was only an exercise, and her subconscious took control, making all of you forget, too" J'onn explained to the team, causing them to look at M'gann who had taken her face out of Gwen's chest, shock on her face.

"I-I'm so sorry" M'gann said, the tears that were receding, once again beginning to return.

"Why didn't you try to stop the exercise?!" Superboy asked, angry with the two of them for not doing anything.

"We tried, but M'gann had a death grip on the scenario. Even Artemis, who should have awakened upon her death was so convinced she passed she slipped into a coma. I realized I would have to wrest control from Miss Martian's subconscious from within. But upon entering the reality, I was overwhelmed by your collective emotion. There was too much...noise, to think clearly, to remember why I was there. The deaths of Aqualad and Superboy helped. But only when the mothership exploded and Robin and Kid flash were silenced did my mind clear enough to remember by true shock M'gann out of the exercise before your comas became permanent" J'onn said, explaining exactly what happened, while M'gann openly sobbed against Gwen's chest.

"It's alright my love, it's alright, let it all out" Gwen softly whispered, bringing her close as J'onn continued.

"My Apologies. I had no idea a training exercise could be so damaging" J'onn finished, watching as his "niece" sobbed against Gwen's chest, coating Gwen's shirt in her tears.

"Why don't we go and cuddle in my room, hmm?" Gwen softly whispered, causing M'gann to nod instantly, not wanting to be out here while she was breaking down.

Hearing this, Gwen softly smiled, glanced at the others, before teleporting her and M'gann away, via a simple spell.

The second she landed in her room, she brought M'gann onto her lap, as they lay in her bed.

"I-I'm *sniff* so sorry" M'gann sniffled out, her face buried against Gwen.

"What are you apologizing for? You didn't do it on purpose love, so it is NOT your fault" Gwen said, softly looking M'gann in the eyes, before continuing.

"You are strong M'gann, stronger than you could ever have understood. I've known that for a long long time, and I think it's time for you to understand that as well" Gwen said, a serious look in her eyes.

"Do-do you really think so?" M'gann whispered, causing Gwen to softly smile.

"I know about this. Starting in a few days, you join me in my training? I'll teach you how to control this power of yours, and help you come to terms with the fact that you're stronger than you truly realized"

"H-how are you sure you can help me?" M'gann asked, looking up to her girlfriend, her tears slowly ceasing.

"Because I'm your super awesome girlfriend of course!" Gwen said with a grin, causing M'gann to let out a small giggle.

"...Okay, I'll try it"

"Great! Now, how about we snuggle and watch a movie, would you like that?" Gwen asked, looking to M'gann who nodded rapidly, wanting nothing more than to stay with Gwen, and cuddle.

Hearing this, Gwen smiled fondly and began to turn on a movie, in the form of the first Harry Potter. Leaning back as the movie started, Gwen only had one thought at that moment.

'I really need to get a bigger TV'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Another rather short one, but that's because the next chapter is the beginning of a rather important moment for Gwen. So be ready for that!

Next chapter might be longer, but IDK.

Anyways, see you tomorrow, have a good day!

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

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