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30% Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Peter's Plan

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Peter's Plan


Peter Parker had been in Japan for a few weeks now, trying to find peace and clarity away from the chaos of New York and the burden of being Spider-Man. Despite the beautiful surroundings and the temporary relief, he knew he couldn't run from his problems forever. His internal dialogue with the seven voices and Persona Nexus, his system , had become a constant in his life, and he had finally accepted their presence.

Sitting in his modest room, Peter mulled over his situation. "I've accepted you all, but I still can't go back to New York as Spider-Man," he said aloud, addressing the voices in his head. "With your power and support, Spider-Man benefits, but the main issue is much different. It's Peter that's powerless, and because of that, Spider-Man is lacking and will continue to lack."

[ Host before you start about the plan please let me analyse your information for you and personalities to take look at it ]

[Analyzing... Analyzing.. 1..2...3..Done]


Subject Name:Peter Benjamin Parker aka Spider-man/ The Brightest Super hero/The Charming Genius

Age: 18


1. **Superhuman Strength**:

- Spider-Man possesses the proportional strength of a spider, enabling him to lift and press weights far beyond that of a normal human.

****Spider Strength Amplification:

Temporary amplification of his superhuman strength, allowing him to lift and press much heavier objects and deliver more powerful strikes.

2. **Enhanced Superhuman Agility**:

- He had enhanced agility, balance, and bodily coordination, allowing him to perform incredible acrobatic maneuvers.But now due to integration of personalities. He has

Even greater agility and reflexes, enabling more fluid and dynamic movements in combat and web-swinging.

3. Enhanced Spider-Sense:

His spider-sense evolves to not only detect immediate danger but also predict and perceive threats from greater distances and with greater accuracy, giving him a strategic edge.

4. **Increased Wall-Crawling Versatility:

Ability to crawl on any surface regardless of its texture, including extremely slick or slippery surfaces, and even through barriers like glass and plastic.

5. *Hyper Reflexes:

Reflexes so enhanced that they border on precognitive, allowing him to react to threats and attacks with almost supernatural speed in fluid manner.

6. **Enhanced Durability**:

- Spider-Man can withstand impacts and injuries that would incapacitate or kill a normal person.

7. **Superhuman Stamina**:

- His musculature generates less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human, granting him greater endurance.

8. Enhanced Regenerative Healing:

More rapid healing abilities, enabling him to recover from severe injuries, such as broken bones and deep cuts, within minutes or hours instead of days. **This ability has further increased after integration of personalities**

Now Peter Parker regeneration is second only to wolverine.

9. **Genius-Level Intellect**:

- Peter Parker is a brilliant scientist and inventor. He created his own web-shooters and synthetic web fluid, which he uses to swing between buildings, create web traps, and more.

10. *Organic Webbing:

Natural webbing generated from his forearms, providing a limitless supply of webbing without the need for web-shooters,Faster web generation from fingertips, Spider-Man can shoot webbing to swing through the city, create web-based weapons and tools, and immobilize opponents.


Ability to sense vibrations and movements through his webbing, allowing him to detect approaching enemies or monitor activities at a distance by laying webs as tripwires.

12.Web Cocoon Creation:

Capability to create large, durable cocoons using his webbing to trap enemies, provide protection for himself and others, or store items safely.

13.Web Wings:

Spider-Man can develop web-like wings between his arms and torso, granting him the ability to glide short distances and make controlled aerial maneuvers.

14.Night Vision:

Enhanced vision that allows him to see clearly in complete darkness, giving him an advantage in nighttime operations and dark environments. **After integration of personalities**Enhanced Vision:Peter has enhanced vision, including the ability to see in complete darkness and perceive a broader spectrum of light, which could be integrated to further enhance Peter's night vision capabilities.

15.Venomous Bite:

Spider-Man gains the ability to deliver a venomous bite, which can incapacitate or paralyze his enemies for a certain period of time.

16. **Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant**:

- He has received combat training and has developed his own fighting style, which he complements with his spider-related powers.

17.Poison Immunity:

Immunity to all forms of poisons and toxins, allowing him to withstand biochemical attacks and hazardous environments.


The power to turn himself completely invisible, blending into his surroundings for stealth operations and surprise attacks. This ability also helps him evade detection by enemies and security systems.

19.Camouflage Enhancement:

In addition to invisibility, he can change the color and pattern of his costume to blend in with various environments more effectively, akin to an octopus or chameleon.

20.Energy Discharge:

The ability to discharge a powerful burst of energy from his body, creating a shockwave that can knock back multiple enemies or destroy obstacles in his path.

21.Energy Threading:

The ability to create energy-based webbing that can conduct his bio-electricity, delivering shocks through his web attacks or traps.

22.Retractable Talons:

Sharp, retractable talons on fingers and toes that can be used in combat to slash enemies and cling to surfaces with greater ease and stability.


Ability to produce small, bio-organic "spider-tracers" that can be used to track enemies or objects over long distances.

24.Adhesive Mastery :

Superior control over adhesive properties, allowing for more precise and creative uses of wall-crawling and sticking abilities.

25.Sound Manipulation :

Use of sound waves as offensive weapons and for crowd control.

Creation of sound barriers for protection.

26.Pheromone Manipulation: Ability to exude pheromones that influence others' emotions and actions.

27.Musical Talent:

Peter is a great singer and guitarist although he hides it, and his rhythm and timing skills enhance his combat abilities, allowing her to move and strike with precision and flow.

28.Spider Totem Power:

Tapping into mystical "spider totem" powers, granting him enhanced durability, speed, and strength beyond his usual limits, and potentially unlocking additional mystical abilities.


Peter Parker, an intelligent and introverted teenager, was bitten by a radioactive spider during a school field trip, gaining extraordinary powers. Balancing high school life with crime-fighting, he took on the mantle of Spider-Man. Despite personal losses, including the death of his Uncle Ben, whose words "With great power comes great responsibility" became his guiding principle, Peter continued to protect New York. His dual life strained relationships, especially with his Aunt May, who eventually abandoned him, leaving Peter in a deep emotional turmoil. Struggling with his identity, Peter's dedication to heroism wavered as he battled both supervillains and inner demons.

But on a eventually night Peter Parker Got surrounded by his enemies sinister six and was almost beaten death he somehow escaped. And this trauma led him to awaken his system Persona Nexus,And 7 different personalities Jason Todd, Ben Tennyson, Garou,Togi Fushigorou, Natsu dragneel, Issei Hyoudou, Son Goku. ]

Peter looked at his information shocked.

His personalities are shocked too.

"Hey just how fucking strong are those sinister six guys."Garou said.

" Yeah man, do you even need our help you are fucking killing machine "Togi said.

" Although some of my transformation are God like but they have their limitations, but if you were my transformation you would be my favorite although azmuth said not to say such stuff. "Ben said.

" Thank God, that Bruce is not over here otherwise he had started thinking to create, contingency plans for you"Jason said

"Quite cool, I must say" Natsu said

"You are like beast my bro" Issei said.

(Pheromone ability huh son I like it👍👍)

" You sing?? "Goku said.

"Fuck I didn't know about most of these ablities energy whatwhatwhat? ,web what? ,sound manipulation?,invisibility?, fucking pheromones, and how fuck do you know about my singing and guitar skills"

[Host most of your abilities were sleeping not awaken but due to your personalities and me they awakened let tell skme of your abilities are not awakened yet like,x-gene and inhuman gene, and yes I know about musical talent of course I would know I am your personal system if I don't who will, As for your questions personalities he was ambushed with proper planning and excellent excecution him surviving that is great feat in itself also he conserve most of his strength like he was confused by energy,sound, pheromone abilities but not by talon and other abilities that means he had them but didn't used them to not hurt others and yes Goku he sings. ]

"Ok we will talk about everything later let's think about plan" Peter diverted the topic.

After some time He began pacing to and fro in his room,Suddenly, an idea struck him. "Who among you knows magic the best?" he asked.

Natsu Dragneel stepped forward in his mind. "I do," Natsu said confidently.

Issei Hyoudou added, "Although we both are dragons, when it comes to magic, Natsu is on another level."

Peter nodded thoughtfully. "How long would it take for you to learn a new spell?"

Natsu grinned. "Just tell me what you need."

Peter could only smile at the response. Turning to the rest, he asked, "Who among you can be considered the smartest?"

Ben Tennyson stepped up. "Well, being praised by a Galvan for my intelligence is quite an accomplishment, especially when it's Azmuth himself."

Peter's smile widened. "Alright, Ben, we're going to create a device that can scan books without opening them and analyze artifacts."

"Sounds like a plan," Ben replied, already thinking of the logistics.

[What are you planning, Peter]

Peter took a deep breath. "I'm going to make everyone who knows my identity forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man."

Garou retorted, "Are you trying to run away again?"

Peter shook his head, smiling. "Only for six months."

Everyone, including Nexus, was shocked. They didn't know what Peter was planning. "I'll explain the plan later," Peter assured them. "Just do what I say."

Peter and Ben got to work, utilizing Ben's advanced knowledge and Peter's ingenuity to create the device. After hours of meticulous work, the device was ready. It was a sleek handheld scanner, capable of reading the contents of books and artifacts without physically opening or touching them.

Peter looked at the device with satisfaction. "Now, we're going to raid a magic sanctuary."

[Where exactly? ] Nexus asked.

Peter grinned mischievously. "We're going to raid Kamar-Taj."

Peter had visited Kamar-Taj briefly with Doctor Strange, so he had a rough idea of its location and appearance. Using Goku's Instantaneous Movement technique, Peter teleported to the outskirts of Kamar-Taj. As expected, a magical barrier blocked their entry.

"Of course, you couldn't enter a sacred ground for magicians / mages that easily," Peter mused.

Natsu stepped in, using his magic to tamper with the barrier. "If you were alone, that is."

With Natsu's help, they managed to slip past the barrier. "Awesome," Peter said, his excitement barely contained.

To be extra cautious, Peter activated his invisibility ability and Natsu cast a spell of quietness on him. Togi Fushigoru added his cursed energy to further conceal Peter's presence. Giving a mental thumbs-up to his team, Peter proceeded to enter the library undetected.

The library was vast and filled with ancient tomes and mystical artifacts. Peter started scanning every book, scroll, and artifact, irrespective of their apparent importance. They even scanned the book that Wong, the librarian, was reading. Just as they were finishing, Peter's eyes fell on an object he was quite familiar with: The Eye of Agamotto.

"Guess Strange isn't wearing it right now,Maybe he doesn't like to wear it all the time well who cares" Peter shrugging his shoulders thought to himself.

Goku's voice echoed in his mind. "Peter, this eye is quite strange."

Ddraig confirmed, (Yes, quite strange indeed.)

"Well anythings that belongs to strange seems strange even an eye is strange" Peter said jokingly.

{Author /Bruh that was lame, joke}

Peter suddenly said "Shut up you"

Jason strictly said "Quiet & Focus"

Peter helplessly replyed, "Sorry big bro. "


Ben suddenly said, "Well it was quite strangely funny"

Peter happily said, "Thanks big bro"

Peter decided to scan the Eye of Agamotto. As the scan reached 10%, the Eye began to emit a strange noise, alerting Wong.

"Time to go," Peter thought urgently. He quickly exited the library and teleported back to his room in Japan.

Wong looked inside the area near eye of agamotto only to find a cat he checked it using magic and found it be a normal cat relaxing he took it in his arms.

"Why are you even here little guy? "

Cat's stomach grumbled.

"So you are hungry I guess let's get you some thing to eat"

Tokyo, Japan

Back in his room, Peter breathed heavily, his face covered in sweat. "That was close," Jason said.

Peter calmed himself down and addressed Natsu. "Analyze the spell we need and proceed with our plan."

Natsu got to work, learning and deciphering the spell to extremes to avoid any complications in the future. After hours of intense concentration, Natsu incanted the spell. "It's done. All beings and any information available to prove that Spider-Man is Peter Parker will forget that truth. But Peter, I'm sorry. I could only make it last for 4-5 months more specifically I think 4 months, not the six you wanted. If I tried to tamper with the spell more, it could have made people forget that you even existed, both as Peter and as Spider-Man."

Peter thought for a moment and then said, "It's all right. There will be a slight change of plans."

Using Instantaneous Movement, Peter teleported back to his apartment in New York. He took all the important stuff he considered essential but left most of his clothing and less significant belongings and some stuff that people in general think as important behind. Taking a deep breath, he started a fire with the help of Goku's fire release ninjutsu and Natsu's fire magic, making sure nobody was hurt and letting the fire spread to nearby apartments to make it look more natural.

"Now we need to cover our tracks," Peter said. Peter together with Ben used his advanced hacking skills to erase all records of Peter's departure and his possession of plane tickets from New York to Japan.

As they finished, Nexus asked, "Now what?"

Peter smiled. "Now, let the fun begin."

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