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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Professors and Spellbooks

Chapter 2: Professors and Spellbooks

Professor and Headmistress Minerva McGonagall sat in her Animagus form of a grey tabby cat as she watched the large Eastern mansion, if not palace, before her with scrutinizing eyes, the green orbs laced with suspicion. Albus had informed her the status of the newly accepted and very first transfer to their school, the Headmaster himself too soon to arrive. It was nearing twilight in the foreign country of Japan, the castle itself unseen by mortals and Muggles alike as far as Minerva had observed, as the castle was front of an invisible lake.

"Have you gathered much from your observations, Professor McGonagall?" A warm and kindly aged voice of the Headmaster sounded in the night he smiled through half-moon spectacles, twinkling in the moonlight. "I trust you have observed to your heart's content?"

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore." Professor McGonagall replied just as kindly, a small smile spread on her usually strict and stern expression. "Albus, these people are strange, they do not step a single step from this gate, instead sending out servants to establish their meals, cleaning, and miscellaneous activities. I have yet to see much, even not at all of the child in which we are to take to Hogwarts with us."

"We must tread carefully, Minerva. Our Eastern counterparts are strange to us just as we are strange to them, we are just as susceptible to offend them as young Mr. Hitsugaya is to us. But I trust that from what I have heard of the young boy from his grandfather that he is a good boy and a bright one at that." The purple robed professor reassured the green robed witch who watched the large mansion with doubt through her square spectacles.

Trailing behind Dumbledore, Minerva reached the wooden gate of the traditionally built home of the new transfer to their school, the wood solid and varnished to shine in the reflecting moonlight. A hearty and echoing knock sounded upon the grounds, as the Headmaster rapped his knuckles upon the gate, opening slightly to meet with the low gaze of a servant, donning a black shihakusho and sheathed blade at the hip.

"May I help you?" The servant asked, resisting his urge to draw his zanpakuto at the sight of the oddly dressed woman and man, the latter who looked like the Head Captain's age appearance wise.

"You are fluent in English?" The old man remarked at the 'servant', his eyes twinkling with amazement and amusement as the woman by his side merely rose an eyebrow in her surprise.

"Yes, sir. As ordered by our Master, all servants within our grounds are to be able to converse in many languages to lead visitors and guests into our grounds." The 'servant' explained, having rehearsed such lines a mere few hours ago. "However, I must repeat my previous question. May I help you?"

"I have business your master, by dear boy." The old man smiled warmly, as the 'servant' resisted his urge to correct the man upon his age. "Is Mr. Juushiro Ukitake currently in this residence?"

Making his eyes widen in faux realization, the Fifth Seat of the Tenth Division nodded, and gestured for the pair to enter the grounds. After a series of turns and twists down several halls, the three had finally made their way to a pair of paper and wood doors, leading into an inner chamber.

"Please await here for a moment." The 'servant' bowed to the pair as he stood in front of the doors.

"Master and Master Urahara, professors for Young Master's new education in the foreign land are here to see you. Shall I present them to you?"

A warm, kind yet sickly voice sounded in reply. "If you would be so kind. And send for Hitsugaya to join us in tea."

Bending his neck in obedience and acknowledgement of the order, the 'servant' turned to the pair of professors who watched with a silent fascination upon the workings in the Eastern country, gesturing for them to enter. With a push of the doors, the professors were met with a sight to two men that were a rare sight for the Eastern nations, as such hair colors were near the side of sheer impossibility.

Seated at the head of the low ebony table was a white-haired man, no older than forty but no less than thirty, his expression kind and warm to the professors' arrival. He wore golden trimmed burgundy robes, embellished with golden beads over a soft brown inner robe, all held up by rich maroon sash at his waist. Gesturing for the professors to be seated across from him, where two black pillows were placed, the Headmaster smiled and seated himself as Minerva followed in suit.

"I presume you must be Mr. Juushiro Ukitake." Dumbledore smiled as he bowed his head with a slight nod. "I am Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And this is Minerva McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress and Transfiguration Professor, Head of Gryffindor."

"You are correct in your statement, Headmaster." The man by Ukitake's side smiled behind an embellished pale green fan, turning the attention of the professors to the man. He appeared to be of equal status of Ukitake, as his gold and black trimmed white and green robes over a black undergarment was just as expensive as the former's, his finished with an embroidered dark green sash. The man had pale blonde locks upon his head, mischief and sly cunning twinkling in his grey eyes when he spoke. "I am Urahara Kisuke, adopted brother of Ukitake and step-uncle to young Hitsugaya, who stands behind you."

Turning, the professors were met with even odder sights as they took the boy in. The said child appeared no older than the age of ten or twelve at the most, his hair a snowy white that it had to be a natural, bangs falling over on side of his face, obscuring his eyes slightly which were a brilliantly glowing teal, cold and calculative as the child took in just as much and more from the two magic users before him.

The boy was dressed just as elegantly as his guardians, his robes a midnight blue trimmed with silver and navy dragons upon the edges, over a white inner robe like his 'step-father'. Wrapped around his neck loosely, was an embroidered teal scarf, matching his eyes, as he bowed in ninety degrees in a sign of respect to the professors as he seated himself by Ukitake.

"I see." Dumbledore smiled as he turned his attention to Ukitake, who too smiled in response.

"Now that introductions have been made, may I ask what business that the professors of Hogwarts have with us?"

Before Dumbledore could explain, Toshiro slipped out a familiar envelope from his sleeve placing it on the cleared table, as the child turned to the headmaster with expectant eyes. "I believe, I can explain such Ukitake. It seems as if Grandfather had requested for me to attend this academy, having given me this letter when I had gone to visit him. He instructed me only to keep such papers upon my person at all times, and to not speak of it until the time was due. Which I believe has presented itself."

"How clever of your grandfather, my boy." Dumbledore remarked as he nodded at the ice captain's words. "Yes, it was your grandfather who had addressed me to enroll you, Mr. Hitsugaya."

"May I open it?" Toshiro inquired as he met gazes with each adult, all responding with approval to do so as they watched the child slip out two sheets of parchment.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Hitsugaya,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"I have been accepted." Toshiro stated bluntly as he scanned the list upon the second page, quirking an eyebrow at the extensively long list of spell books and articles of clothing.

"A wand, you say?" Ukitake questioned as he turned to Dumbledore with a glance of skepticism.

"Yes, Mr. Ukitake. In the west, wizards perform magic through spells and incantations that are assisted by our wands." The old man explained as he slipped out his own, a fifteen long wand carved with clusters of elderberries. And with a flick of the wrist, the table levitated. Urahara and Ukitake placed rather convincing shocked looks as Toshiro merely rose an eyebrow at the action, his cold eyes darting from the wand to the table.

A faint glow was emitted from the wand as Toshiro watched the wand, a presence of death and dark reiatsu that seemed to be suppressed to an extent as the Headmaster ended the spell with a flick of his wrist before the ice captain could inquire more.

Narrowing his eyes in the fraction of a second that neither of the two captains had missed, the ice captain spoke up his voice, innocent yet wistfully intellectual. "I apologize to have to ask you to explain. We, in the east, are unaccustomed to this type of magic. In the stead of this magic, we perform what you would call wandless magic."

"How interesting." Dumbledore commented as Professor McGonagall failed to suppress her surprise, as the Headmaster's twinkled with curiosity. "We, as two sides of the world have much to learn from one another."

Nodding his agreement, Toshiro waited as the Headmaster addressed him once again. "Has anything ever happened that was unusual, Mr. Hitsugaya?"

Raising an eyebrow at the odd question, Toshiro regarded the question for a moment, looking away in faux embarrassment as he blushed in the memory. "Considering that the circumstances of my origin are unclear, I have always been deemed odd, adding to the act of my appearance. However, there are several times when I am upset or angry that my room is covered in ice or that I find my surroundings below a temperature deemed normal."

Sympathetic smiles colored the professors' expressions as they regarded the boy before them as Professor McGonagall spoke up. "It is understandable, Mr. Hitsugaya. It is called accidental magic that young wizards and witches result in acting upon unintentionally, due to being unable to control your power. You do not have to embarrassed, you just you have yet to control and harness them is all."

Nodding but still not meeting their eyes to keep up his act, Toshiro held his tongue as Ukitake spoke, turning to Toshiro who looked up to 'father' with an unsure gleam in his cold teal eyes.

"It is your decision, Histugaya-kun. I am concerned for your safety being so far from my reach; however, as it is your grandfather's wish for you to attend, I am afraid that his word is absolute." The white-haired man said as the ice captain nodded, turning his determined gaze to the professors, silently accepting their invitation into the school.

"Yes," Urahara began as he smiled wider behind his fan. "Father can be rather imposing in wishing the best for his successor; however," The blonde paused as his playful eyes grew serious. "At the second we hear that our young Hitsugaya has been harmed or in danger of which he reports to us is deemed threatening, we will not hesitate to storm your school."

Smiling at the prospect of the by the no means of an empty threat, Dumbledore merely nodded his consensus as McGonagall glared at the blonde through her square glasses. Surprisingly, Dumbledore broke the tension that grew at the prospect of the threat, the two robed men merely smiling as if such threats were daily and Toshiro closing his eyes in indifference as Dumbledore smiled in suit with McGonagall glaring by his side.

"As a transfer, we have supplied Mr. Hitsugaya with his things in concerning his first and second year studies, assured that Mr. Hitsugaya will be proficient in these topics when the year begins. Along with the texts that he shall study in the upcoming year as a courtesy." Dumbledore said pleasantly as he conjured a numerous number of spellbooks to Toshiro's right, who only quirked an eyebrow at the trinkets by the books. "However, for the equipment of his wand and clothing, Mr. Hitsugaya would need to come with us to have them collected."

"For my third-year spellbooks, I have all of them seeing as I will be taking all the courses offered? Will that not interfere with other courses?"

"Yes, Mr. Hitsugaya. You will be taking such courses, along with another student; through the assistance of a magical item which we will speak to you in a later time of."

"We shall send for you in the next month or so, with a teacher to guide you through the process of acquiring your other materials." Dumbledore said lastly as he and Professor McGonagall stood to leave as the three shinigami stood as well.

"Thank you, Headmaster and Professor McGonagall." Toshiro nodded as he bowed once again as he met his cold gaze with Dumbledore's warm one. "I look forward to meet you once again in Hogwarts."

"As do I, Mr. Hitsugaya." The headmaster said as he followed the Fifth Seat of the Tenth Division out the palace.

"Albus. Are you sure to allow Mr. Hitsugaya into Hogwarts at this time?" Professor McGonagall questioned as the two exited the mansion. "If Mr. Urahara and Mr. Ukitake are true to their word, then perhaps we should accept him when Hogwarts is deemed safe?"

"Minerva, we have no choice. In either case, the Ministry has already approved to Mr. Hitsugaya and Miss Granger's usage of the Time Turners and his transfer into Hogwarts." Dumbledore replied, his voice still warmed and boding a sense of safety.

"And of Black? What of Potter once he finds out who Black truly is? And if Black were to harm any of the students for that matter?" The green robed witch voiced out worriedly, her eyes concerned and filled with anxiety. "And of Remus?"

"All shall play out as it should, Minerva. It is not till the following month that we should be playing with predictions. We must take all things one by one, or else we will never see the end."

And with that, the professors disappeared with a loud crack, evidence of their presence being only the footfalls of a grey tabby.

Hitsugaya sat with Urahara and Ukitake, none speaking until the reiatsu of the professors had disappeared, Hitsugaya opening his teal orbs as Ukitake turned to address him, his eyes gleaming with concern.

"It seems that these wizards are more than what meets the eye, Hitsugaya-taicho." Ukitake noted as the ice captain nodded his agreement. "The headmaster had a concealed reiatsu just as the witch professor did; however, I suspect that neither at more powerful than a lieutenant with a limiter, much less than one without one considering they do not have a zanpakuto."

"Yes, alone perhaps." Toshiro noted with narrowed eyes as the man awaited his cohort's suspicions, even though that within itself was unlikely. "We shall hold judgement for now seeing as we have little and close to nothing regarding these wizards and witches; however, I have a feeling that this world is more complicated than they had let on."

"Of course." Urahara exclaimed as he was already looking through one of the spellbooks in fascination as he included himself into the conversation. "Our world is complicated as well, so they too are treading carefully just as we are. Only in our case, we are better informed, seeing they will now be careful whenever it concerns Hitsu-chan."

"It was a good move on your part, Kisuke. As the headmaster will now hesitate in considering Hitsugaya-taicho to do more than observe and attend with leisure as we hope."

Although the ice captain added nothing to conversation no longer, he was by no means silenced in his suspicions. It was not that he had trusted his comrades, but rather the ice captain did not divulge his thoughts to others. It was simply not in his nature to seek others. However, the only exception to that was the being that he had trusted above all others.

Sighing at the aspect of the long night as it was, the ice captain dismissed his subordinates who served well as pseudo servants to the palace in which the captains had constructed as a part of the elaborate plan established by Urahara, entering his private chambers with a tired breath. Slipping off the elaborate robes from his faux body, the ice captain sat cross-legged on his futon, entering his Inner World almost immediately as he closed his teal orbs.

Only to open them in a bleak valley of blanketed snow, frosted peaks surrounding the bed of ice and blizzard sleet as a large, ice blue serpentine dragon appeared before the captain, wings outstretched behind the dragon as blood red eyes greeted his master.

Something troubles you, Master. The zanpakuto stated as the dragon curled over his master protectively, as if in attempt to mask the child from his nightmares. Does the aspect of being tied to such beings unnerve you?

No. My past is history in which I have no wish to indulge in seeing how it would not make much difference, seeing how I am technically considered dead. Toshiro reasoned as he seated himself in the snow, the cold relaxing the captain rather than causing discomfort. It is the matter of the headmaster's wand, I am suspicious over. It seems as wizards channel the surrounding reiatsu and their own in order to conduct spells, using so little however, that it goes off as unnoticed.

I, too, have concluded as much, seeing these beings. But that is not what concerns you, Master. It is something else. The dragon pressed slowly, well aware that if pressed too hard, his master would hold his tongue even to him. However, being a part of boy's soul, the dragon was also well aware of being able to read his master. Well?

An instinct tells me that we have yet to witness much of else in the aspect of the wizarding world, Hyorinmaru. That we have yet to see the true chaos of which this world truly is just as Soul Society once was to us.

As a dragon, I am one not to ignore my instincts, Master; as neither shall you in that aspect. However, just as you and I have bonded as a shinigami and zanpakuto, we shall rise and conquer all those in our way. The zanpakuto declared in determination as his master smiled a ghost of such an expression as the captain fell into a peaceful slumber, both in his Inner World and gigai as the ice captain was placed gently under his covers, by his materialized zanpakuto.

Sleep and rest well, Master. You have been working much too hard physically and mentally for your limited body as it was. I shall guard you as you rest.

With a contented sigh and thankful gleam upon his master's eyes, the ice dragon curled over his master protectively as his master drifted into dreams and visions of flying upon the frosted heavens.

Over the course of the following month, the ice captain indulged himself in his studies, often needing to wrench the books from his rather annoying 'uncle' who was too damn curious for his own good. After freezing the man for a near fortnight, the ice captain relented as the mad scientist began to more subtly take his books, not that it had no longer mattered to the ice captain having finished with the all of the spellbooks in the end of the first week of embarking.

The Standard Book of Spells from Grade 1 through 3 were simple enough, having only required a few odd incantations and a sliver of the ice captain's concentration to execute, kido having being long sentences of incantation in comparison. Magical Theory, being a quaint text within itself, the captain not as interested in the workings of the spells; however, such information could be vital, therefore, required his attention. A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration was interesting to say in the least as it was continued in Intermediate Transfiguration, the thought of transforming and creating objects from interchanging the reiatsu from living to nonliving or vice versa, without affecting the soul within the transformation. One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi were of little interest of the ice captain, the aspect of potions and plants unable to harm him, seeing how all water and ice obeyed his command; but none the less was a required reading as was Magical Drafts and Potions was. If Toshiro was to point the subject he had dreaded to be taught at this school, it was Magical Creatures, seeing how the wizarding world was by no means lacking in such a field; the fact being that the ice captain and animals of any realm or world did not enter within five feet, much less in interaction.

There was even a law in Soul Society not to bring animals and pets into Seireitei due to the potential of the ice captain killing it whether being freezing it or sending it a glare so terrifying that it fell over in shock, that the Fourth Division could not do anything for the poor animal. It was one of the more embarrassing moments of his captaincy; however, was sympathized as the Head Captain too had the same reputation.

Therefore, once the captain had reached The Monster Book of Monsters, the said book growling and shaking in the midst of the ice captain's rest. A single icy glare and the commanding voice of "enough" froze the book for the rest of the following year, as it dared not to move.

In the opposite side of the spectrum, however, was the Dark Forces which piqued the ice captain's interest. The subjects of dark curses, creatures, and charms; the topic followed by The Essential Defense Against the Dark Arts. The child-appearing captain would be lying if he were to say he was not anxious to attend this school.

However, the ice captain still doubted the powers of these so called 'powerful wizards' seeing as how he tossed eight spellbooks of the second year, all by the same obnoxious wizard who seemed to be self-revolving. Snarled his lips in a rare sign of utter disgust, the ice captain quickly composed himself as he disposed of the books, shattering them with his ice; that being the moment Urahara was seen shunpoing with the third-year Defence Against the Dark Arts spell book.

His extra classes of Divination, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies (which the wizards coined non-magical humans), and Ancient Runes were easily read and mastered enough, the subjects not dull but not too impressive to ice captain's expectations.

Having finished in the first week, Toshiro by no means wasted his time. The youngest captain was a workaholic if anything else, requesting from Yoruichi Shihoin to assist him in his weakness in hakuda and advancing shunpo, Tessai Tsukabishi in kido, and once everyone had had their fill of seeing the blond incased in ice, Kisuke Urahara in his swordsmanship and Ukitake in assisting him with tactics and strategies. It was after one of the sessions with Tessai, a tall, muscular tan-skinned man who was the former captain of the Kido Corps, his knowledge of the art masterful as it was his barrier that sealed the castle from intruders and wizards alike unless needed; that as his instructor healed his broken arm in the underground training ground much like the one under the Urahara Shop, was when the ice captain's Fifth Seat had informed them that a pair of wizards had arrived and was meeting with Ukitake, Urahara, and Yoruichi; the latter posing as the captain's aunt.

Healing his minor wounds, Hitsugaya entered the inner chambers of the master room, his deep azul robes billowing behind him as he silently entered, his steps inaudible and eyes gleaming with cold indifference. The guests was seated in front of Ukitake who held an apologetic smile with Yoruichi smirking by the captain's right and Urahara at the opposite side, grinning cunningly behind his fan as the significantly taller guest held an air of irritation as the much shorter even than that of Toshiro, held an air of forced politeness.

Deciding to relieve the poor men of his 'family's' antics, the ice captain spoke up, turning the attention of the room upon himself and silencing all conversation as Tessai materialized behind Urahara in the midst of the attention turn.

"You summoned my presence, Ukitake?" The ice captain feigned ignorance smoothly as he merely rose an eyebrow at the two guests externally, his demeanor rather indifferent. However, the captain-class shinigami knew better, that the child in front of them was anything but.

The taller guest, Hitsugaya observed, was a thin man with sallow skin, his hooked nose and with a seemingly permanent scowl upon his dark lips. A mop of greasy ebony locks brushed the wizard's shoulders as he took in just as much from the child standing behind him, his dark eyes rivaling in cold and penetration, his black ragged robes adding in it's effect. The much smaller man was a round man with an air of intellect behind his gold rimmed spectacles, his robes attire prim and neat, as he wore a dark green robe over a pale vest and white shirt, embellished with a simple black yet worn bowtie. The short man's eyes gleamed with a friendly twinkle and kindness as he turned to the new transfer.

"Yes, Hitsugaya-kun." Ukitake smiled as his 'son' entered. "This is Professor Snape, the Head of Slytherin House and the Potions Master of Hogwarts." The white haired captain explained gesturing to the taller man, before gesturing to follow with the shorter man. "And Professor Filius Flitwick, the Head of Ravenclaw House and the Charms Master of Hogwarts. They are here to escort you to what I believe is Diagon Alley to retrieve the last of your things for your term at the school your grandfather has requested you to partake."

"I see." Hitsugaya giving a slight nod in the fraction of a second at the subtle approval from the Head Captain, the older captain having informed him, before the ice captain turned to the pair of wizards who held their tongues at the exchange, the ice captain groaning internally before introducing himself, noting himself as a pureblood and heir to the 'clan' to the professors who merely nodded at his mannerisms.

Snapping his fingers with a loud crack, his Fifth Seat materialized in the room, startling the wizards with a flinch as the pair unconsciously reached their pockets containing their wands.

"Escort the professors out the main gate, but not out the barrier." The ice captain commanded his voice cold and calling for absolute authority, as the new transfer disappeared with a turn out of the chambers, not bothering to see to it that his orders were carried out, well aware that they would be.

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