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77.45% Speedster in Multi-verse / Chapter 132: Chapter 128: Strange Instincts

Chapter 132: Chapter 128: Strange Instincts

His relationship with Ryukyu may seem rushed, but that's how I handled it in the previous book, and like the previous ones, I don't want to touch their relationship.


Blake and Ryukyu were looking at each other. Ryukyu had already transformed into Dragon form. Despite having the same skin color, hair, and eyes, she had turned into a large, winged dragon with pale gray scales. The hero's costume was visible with her boots and face claws on her right hand. [EN: She has silver Claws on her face]

Her bob-cut hair had become spiky. The bat-wing-like hair ornament in the hero's costume stood very naturally in her spiky blond hair.

Ryukyu bent her body, bringing her tail close to her chest from her right side. She cautiously looked around, shrinking her huge body as much as possible. She was waiting for Blake to attack.

Blake's speed was the only thing she could learn from the girls. Nejire described him as "extremely fast"; Momo referred to him as "the fastest being I've ever seen". She knew that Blake's only weapon was speed, and when their fight began, she instantly went on the defensive, awaiting the next attack.

Unlike her, Blake was watching her calmly. He didn't seem to have any intention of attacking. His hands swayed lazily at his sides, maintaining his monotonous posture.

Although he didn't look like he was going to attack, he was listening to Scathach, who had just been communicating with him once again.

"I told you to subdue her, but for you to impress her completely, I placed something in the Snake Spirit lying within your killing intent. You may act strangely during the fight.''

"Oh, okay." Blake clapped his hands after he spoke. Thinking that an attack was coming, Ryukyu lowered her body to the ground and drew her wings above her body.

''Don't be so nervous. As someone aware of my speed, I will not use my speed to keep our fight fair. Don't think I'm belittling you, but when it comes to speed, I'm a little unfair.''

Ryukyu stuck her head out from between her wings and looked at Blake. She saw him staring at her with no intention of attacking. She looked at the girls before answering. Nejire and Momo held up their thumbs to say she could trust him.

''OK. Then I will be a little more comfortable in our fight." As if to prove her words, he took the initiative and stepped forward. Her harsh step shook the ground, but Blake didn't move.

The girls, especially Fuyumi and Momo, frowned. What Ryukyu did was not a move for her. They had learned from Blake that this was a normal move to measure the strength of the other person.

However, Ryukyu would never do that, she hadn't. It was the first time she had acted to test someone's strength.

Ryukyu herself wasn't quite sure what it was either. She had a desire to test Blake's strength as if she had to fight him for a big choice. She felt the urge to do so, like a law written on her bones, like instinct.

It was the first time Ryukyu had felt something like this and she decided to go after it. She smiled provocatively at Blake as her slit-shaped eyes burned with fighting spirit.

In the name of chasing these feelings, she had to test him. She was burning with the desire to see the limits of his power. Why did she feel this way? That question was cleared from her mind as soon as Blake got serious.

Blake was no different. The moment he got serious, he felt as if something had moved inside him, the "strange feelings" Scathach had mentioned must have been activated.

"Grgg!!!" Blake grit his teeth. The strange feelings were growing stronger, his insides flared at Ryukyu's defiance. The veins on his neck appeared and became more and more prominent. He wanted to subdue her, to smash this daring demeanor, and to make sure that she would never act like that in front of him again.

Ryukyu couldn't hold back her feelings any longer. She pushed the ground with her front legs and threw herself forward. She arrived in front of Blake, turned the body, and intended to hit Blake with her tail.

Blake was calmly looking at the incoming attack, but with a hidden feeling. The huge tail was getting closer and closer, like an ant opposite the big tail. He slowly raised his hand, his movement moving in slow motion in everyone's eyes.

As the tail came closer and closer, he aligned his hand to the tail.


The tail slammed into his hand with a heavy sound. The wind from the tail was blowing Blake's clothes and hair. But Blake was still standing, holding the tail.

Ryukyu didn't stand still, checking her tail and wrapping Blake's arm like a snake with her big tail. Ryukyu gripped the ground with one claw, her sharp claws dug into the ground. She clawed at Blake's face in an unsuitable savage manner.

Blake raised her other hand and grasped her paw. Ryukyu used her hand and tail to lift her into the air.

Blake let the woman do what she wanted. His feet were off the ground, his body gradually rising into the air. Still, he did not take his gaze from her eyes, which shone with arrogant but secret expectation.

Ryukyu growled lightly and clawed at Blake with her free paw. This time, Blake did not stand still, he suddenly lifted his leg and kicked the claw that came to him.


A loud noise was heard, Ryukyu's arm slammed into the ground and sank into a crater that took the shape of her arm. Ryukyu didn't stop, she couldn't stop herself. She continued to attack Blake recklessly, with a secret sense of satisfaction.

She didn't bother to raise her arm. She attacked him with one of her free feet. The result was the same again, Blake buried her leg in the ground. Ryukyu used another one and the result was still the same.

Ryukyu's three limbs were pinned to the ground, holding one arm of Blake's with her last limb. She was lying on her back with her tail grasping his other arm.

Even in this position, Blake and Ryukyu were staring into each other's eyes. Blake's cold, dominating gaze caused Ryukyu to feel a sense of satisfaction she had never felt before. The more authority and power Blake displayed, the more wishful she became.

Between her happy smile, she suddenly reached out for Blake and intended to bite his neck. Blake had a million ways to circumvent this attack. He could use his feet, vibrate, and more.

However, because of his strange feelings, he was contemptuous of escaping Ryukyu's "weak" attack. He could see that this attack was her strongest attack. He would meet her strongest attack and make sure that she would never be so arrogant in front of him again.


Ryukyu opened her mouth and bit Blake's neck. Her large chin covered Blake's neck, shoulder, and entire arm.

Her vertical yellow eyes flickered, and she glanced sideways at Blake to see his reaction. She didn't know why or how, but in a way that didn't fit her personality, she didn't want to see him cry in pain after so much effort.

And it was just as she expected, as if she hadn't bitten Blake, he continued to stare into her eyes with a cold, dominating gaze. A pair of black hole-like black eyes glared at her, his gaze tickling her insides.

Blake tilted his head to the side. His messy hair swayed and smoothed to one side with his movement. Before anyone knew what was happening, he swung to the left and crashed into Ryukyu's head.


The two heads collided with a loud noise, and Ryukyu staggered surprisingly. Her huge body seemed to be unable to take Blake's hit, and it was, the power behind Blake's hit was frightening.

Her jaw loosened, letting go of the neck she had bitten off, and her head involuntarily tilted back with the force behind the blow. Her eyes darkened for a moment. A thin strip of blood ran from her wound and went all the way under her eye as if a red streak had been drawn across her vision.

But despite all that, instead of feeling pain or anything else, she was happy. The more power Blake unleashed, the more eager and happy she was. Her legs involuntarily closed and she began to squirm. She felt an urge to mate and courtship that she had never felt before.

Blake watched the woman's emotionless expression without emotion. Unlike Ryukyu, he wasn't affected in any way other than the teeth marks left from the bite on his clothes.

Ryukyu suddenly moved, her back head suddenly thrown at Blake and bit him again. This time it seemed to give it much more power than before.

"You little..." Blake's expression wrinkled with arrogance. He seemed to belittle Ryukyu's futile efforts, opening his mouth in a way that the girls and even himself could not expect, and bit Ryukyu.

Chomp! Crack!

However, unlike Ryukyu, his bite was stronger. He pierced Ryukyu's hard Dragon scales and directly bit her neck. Even if there was a small area in her huge body, it was still solid enough for him to lift her body.

The taste of flesh and blood filled his mouth. Blake didn't know exactly why he was doing this. His intellect beyond humanity seemed to have been cast aside, he couldn't think of anything else but to brutishly fight Ryukyu because of the "thing" Scathach had given him.

As Ryukyu's smile continued to grow, she felt something. Her lungs were somehow warm, and her breathing was normal, but her lungs felt very hot. She felt something inside of her that she had never felt before. Her breathing was steamy.

Before she knew what was happening, a piece of flame burst out of her mouth. Like a torn piece of paper, it spread through the air and came into view of the two of them. The next moment more came out and Ryukyu started to vomit fire.

Scorching flames engulfed Blake in an instant. Blake burst into flames. The flames that kept coming out of Ryukyu's mouth were shining like a small sun on the training ground.

The girls took a step forward, even Nejire, who trusted Blake so much, involuntarily took a step. The flames had appeared so suddenly, and they were startled and involuntarily worried for the safety of the man they loved.

Startled, Ryukyu loosened her jaw, and her eyes widened. She didn't know that she could do such a thing. Even though she could transform into a Dragon, she couldn't do the other things a Dragon could do, except for the Dragon's body.

She could fly, but that was more a feature of her wings than anything a Dragon could do. She couldn't breathe fire like a dragon, didn't have reverse scales, and didn't have pure physical strength. She had nothing but the strength her growing size gave her and the strength of her claws and teeth.

However, she was now able to magically blow out flames.

She cursed her instincts, hurting Blake just to follow her instincts and explore her strange feelings. She decided to pull her tail back and help Blake by pulling her paw.

"Are you finished?" Her movements stopped, her head turned slowly like a rusted iron and she looked into the flames.

She saw a pair of eyes. A pair of eyes, covered with a suffocating dominating feeling, watched her through the flames, sneering at her futile effort. Contrary to his sharp gaze, his body was like a black silhouette in the flames.

That look and Blake watching him through the flames were etched in her mind.

"From now on, remember not to be so arrogant as you spend the rest of your life being mine." Just like those words. The words were stamped on her heart, and it was closed to all but the figure in flames.


"So you're saying that my embarrassing remarks and unreasonable actions were all because of the little gift you gave me?" Blake closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose as he watched the scene before him.

''Yes. I gave you a bit of Dragon vibes. This is the first time you've encountered something like this, and it turned your senses upside down, and you've started acting like a Dragon." Scathach was staring at the ice crystals that covered the Shadow Realm sky as she spoke to Blake. Contrary to her condition, she was smiling freely.

"Hahh…" Blake took a deep breath. He opened one eye and looked at the state of the woman in front of him.

Ryukyu was staring at him absent-mindedly. Her eyes were cloudy and unfocused. One hand was on the scar he had given her, which was still on her body, and the other was on the ground. She was down on her knees and breathing heavily as her gaze was fixed on Blake.

"Don't be surprised, this woman is still not a Dragon, but she has a Dragon bloodline fragment inside her. Even if it is very, very thin, she still has it and it affects her feelings. You just left an indelible mark on her heart when you subdued her and marked her as yours. You are indeed very lecherous, Hanbun-deshi."

"Shisho, please don't make fun of me. I did not want to do that. I was affected by the feelings you gave me." A helpless expression appeared on Blake's face as he rubbed the head of the incoming Nejire.

"Maybe, but that won't change what you've done. Anyway, I'm going again." Gae Bolg effortlessly smashed the crystal vines surrounding her. A rune appeared on her forehead. The rune formed pure red flames, enveloping Scathach and shielding her from the chill that was beginning to form in the environment.

"Okay," Blake whispered in Nejire's ear to take Ryukyu into a room. Ryukyu wasn't even in a position to think straight, let alone talk.


It took Ryukyu an hour to recover. The girls were talking to each other and Blake the entire time and waiting for the time to pass. Nejire and Momo didn't want to leave Ryukyu alone like that, while Blake didn't want to leave her alone after what he had said.

After an hour, Ryukyu appeared before the girls with her old grace and humble stance. However, there was a difference. The obvious differences were the distinctive bite mark on his neck, and her eyes glowing with mysterious emotion as she stared at Blake.

Ryukyu came to the front of the group, looked at Blake, and bent down with a firm gesture.

"I'm sorry, I didn't just hurt you. I showed you such a bad image."

Blake smiled at the girls before answering. The girls nodded in understanding, and after telling Ryukyu it was okay, they left the room. They had not personally heard Blake and Ryukyu's words, their battle was too loud and they were speaking in very low voices.

Unlike them, Rumi could hear Blake and Ryukyu talking. She was taken aback at first but found Blake's arrogant words strange. Blake wasn't the type to say things like that. Yes, he wanted a harem, but he had never pushed any of them that hard.

Something had to happen, and the girls, knowing it, decided to give the duo some space.

''It does not matter. Don't worry about it." Blake waved his hand, trying to gloss over the subject. What Ryukyu showed him was not shameful at all.

Ryukyu nodded and agreed. After speaking with the woman for a while, Blake headed outside to meet the girls.

"U-Ummm… B-Blake, about your words earlier…" Ryukyu looked at Blake's broad back, placed her hand on her wildly beating heart, and shouted. Her heart was beating with excitement and desire.

She couldn't understand why she felt this way. She had never desired a man before, and her motherly feeling was well received by Nejire and their newcomer, Momo. Therefore, she had no desire to marry.

It wasn't that she didn't want to get married, she wanted to marry like any normal woman, but she hadn't found anyone she could fall in love with until now. She didn't have great desires and she didn't have extreme preferences. Her preferences, like her personality, were modest and humble; A husband with whom she could rest her head on her shoulder and relax was enough for her.

Her movements in the fight were not her, as if she acted on instinct. She felt like "I have to do this" and took action.

Blake's possessive words should have bothered her given their not-so-close relationship, but for some reason, she was overjoyed after the fight. Seeing that Blake had marked her as his, she felt a strange sense of satisfaction and an urge to walk beside Blake.

Unlike her enjoyment of being subjugated, she enjoyed being subjugated by someone like him. Not as an M, but instinctively and emotionally.

However, these feelings and thoughts plunged her mind into chaos. Ryukyu was not that kind of person, even though she was humble and humble, she didn't think she was a simple woman. But why did she want Blake to be serious in his words?

She glanced at Blake after she tried to calm her anxious heart to fail. She brought her trembling hands together, fingers joined together as if to show her nervousness, and tightened. Her gaze was fixed on Blake as if her life depended on it.

"About those words, don't take it seriously…" Ryukyu's legs involuntarily trembled at Blake's words. Had it not been for the words that followed, her weakened legs would have betrayed her and she would have fallen to the ground.

''If you want. If you don't, you can come to me after you've made your feelings clear. But don't take it long, even though I don't want to push you, that doesn't mean I don't want you." Blake's steps stopped, he took one last glance at her before walking out the door.

"M-Mmh…" Ryukyu obediently nodded. Her heart quivered with pleasure at the domination that Blake's gaze had left behind. She lowered her head and was lost in thought.


Blake and the girls left the agency and headed home. Nemuri met them halfway down the road.

As the winner of the claims, Nemuri would not let go of Mt.Lady so easily. If it weren't for Blake's situation, she could have done something very satisfying for herself to Mt Lady, but all she wanted from her was to hide Blake's strength and what she had done in the fight.

Fortunately, Mt. Lady hadn't said anything to the contrary. As said before, she didn't want to complicate things for Nemuri. She would also keep her word as the loser of her claims and do what she wanted.

The girls arrived home. They decided to have dinner as a family. Fuyumi went upstairs to wake Teka.

It didn't take long for it to come down. However, Teka was not with hER. Blake asked what had happened. Fuyumi said she wasn't in her room, probably going to work.

The girls were sympathetic. Teka was the busiest of them all, after two days of vacation she should have gone to her company to become stronger.

But Blake didn't think so. He looked over his shoulder to the top of the stairs, towards Teka's room. He frowned. Today was Sunday, as far as he knew, today was a holiday for Teka.

"Blake come on~~"

Rumi's voice woke Blake from his condition. He took one last look up the stairs before walking over to the girls with a warm smile.

"I'm coming." She must have had an urgent job. It was not unusual for Teka to disappear like this. Since she wasn't one of his girlfriends, he couldn't meddle in her life and couldn't tell her to change that habit. All he could do was prepare dinner for her so that she wouldn't be hungry when the night came.

Blake went back to work after having a satisfying meal with the girls. However, he did not stop there long. After quickly handing over the papers he wrote in a few seconds, he returned home and continued to spend the day with the girls.

Evening Eri came back. She was used to staying with them these days, and House Blake was becoming a place she could call "home" more and more each day. She was even considering leaving her dormitory and moving here.

The biggest support that pushed her to this thought was the girls and Blake's welcoming her with open arms. She loved seeing people who greeted her with warm smiles when she walked in the door. At the end of her first night with the girls, she was addicted to the words "Have a Safe Trip" when she said "I'm going out" in the morning. She loved having people waiting for her to come back.

That's why our little Unicorn took a step forward and was proactive in staying with them.

The only trouble was that when she came the girls pulled her into the room and wanted to sleep together. Didn't have a problem with it. She loved hugging Rumi, which hugged her like a mother rabbit and made her feel warm at night. But because of her, Blake, who likes to sleep with girls, was displaced.

When she told the girls that, they told her not to worry about it. They said Blake would understand and not resent her. However, she insisted and they told her to make up with him and maybe one night they could sleep like a brother-sister.

Starting today, Eri would break the thin wall between her and Blake and become closer to him.

The day went by fast for the girls, Blake and Eri. Smiling, bouncing, and happy all day, Eri rubbed her eyes and walked up the stairs with the girls. She waved to Blake and Momo before leaving.

Blake and Momo continued to watch TV after waving to the sleepy Eri. Today, Momo had an information channel that she followed. New research and inventions made by scientists with Quirks about science and technology were presented on this channel and it was very popular.

Momo wanted to watch this with Blake today. It didn't matter that she was exchanging information with Blake, she was happy to be able to watch it with him.

But unexpectedly, Blake knew every hypothesis, invention, and problem. And none of them were just random words, a clever girl like Momo could tell by the truth. He was telling more precise and accurate information than even the scientists on television.

Momo was intrigued and started talking to him. Wrapping her in one arm, Blake spoke to her with a mild smile until she fell asleep. He patiently answered his questions, satisfied his curiosity, validated his hypotheses, and more.

It has to be said that when it comes to science and Quirk, Momo almost turns into Nejire. She was asking him questions, satisfying her curiosity. All the while she had a pair of starry eyes. And Blake loved watching it.

A few hours passed, and Momo's energy batteries finally ran out, and she fell asleep in Blake's arms. Blake pulled her to his chest, wrapped her in both arms, and watched her fall asleep.

Blake closed his eyes and considered where Teka was before retreating into the white space. She'd probably be back in a few hours. With that thought, he fell asleep with Momo in his arms with a warm smile.

Teka did not come back that night.


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