/ Horror / Sparkles and Blood, and other stories
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Alex McGilvery has been reading since before he can remember, and writing almost that long. He has published 18 books and is author and editor at his imprint Celticfrog Publishing. He lives in Kamloops with his dog and the stories clawing their way out of his head.
Sparkles and Blood is a collection of four horror stories.
Frost and Stone: Siobhan accidentally releases evil into the world, now she must find the strength to defeat it.
The Thing in the Hall: Wolf arrives at Rolph’s Hall to test himself against the Thing which invades and kills Rolph’s men. Yet facing the Thing may be the least of his challenges.
Strange Carnivores: Something was eating the gators in the swamp. Bubba was going to help her get pictures of whatever it was. She didn’t expect vampires or carnivorous frogs.
Sparkles and Blood: Martin is a special effects guy. He’s used to blood, but only when it is fake. Now something is hunting on the set of the newest smash vampire movie.
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