North of Northon Kingdom, Norman Kingdom...
"It's the first snowfall of the year," Klon Midgard whispered as he gazed up at the sky.
Currently, Klon was in the middle of a forest with a massive backpack slung over his shoulder. His journey took him through the mountains as he aimed to reach the border between Norman and Northon Kingdoms.
"I'm finally getting close," Klon mumbled as he shifted his gaze toward the horizon. There, he spotted a towering wall stretching from west to east.
This wall served as the boundary between the two kingdoms. Since the northern plains of Norman were only habitable for part of the year, many of its citizens sought to migrate south.
With this situation, it had caused tension between the two countries. Norman wanted to keep its citizens from leaving, while Northon was reluctant to accept them. Thus, the wall was constructed to separate the two.