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14.28% Son of Sanguine: Corvinius / Chapter 2: Chapter II

Chapter 2: Chapter II

'Would it actually hurt if they shot my wings?'

Corvinius thought, then reached forward and grabbed a Droid that had gotten close to him. The gate to the city had been, of course, blown open the rest of the way. Despite him having already kicked a hole open.

The man tightened his grip on the Droid and watched as its body became nothing but scrap in less than a second. Turning, he hurled his spear into a tank that had turned its barrel on him. The weapon pierced right through the hovertanks' hull and exited out through the other side. All around him, more than a hundred battledroids laid destroyed, several dozen hovertanks having either been turned over, crippled, or surprisingly enough, missing their main guns.

Without missing a beat, Corvinius rushed forward through the gate, his armored body being a sight behold as his wings came to their full length. What remained of the Trade Federation task force sent to secure the city opened fire immediately upon him. What should have littered him with holes similar impacted or bounced off his armor harmlessly. Although, he made sure to move out of the way when one of the hovertanks fired at him. He was aware that he could take a hit from them, the problem was what would happen if they concentrated fire on him? Corvinius didn't want to find out, nor did he want to test the limits of his armors' durability.

In a matter of seconds, the man rammed right into one of the hovertanks. His fist being used as a battering ram to punch into the hull of the armored vehicle. Then, he ripped his armored fist back out, and immediately used his fist to swat a handful of droids nearby. Corvinius continued to run through the droid's formation, his armored frame a sight to behold. He rushed into another hovertank, then grabbed onto its barrel just as it attempted to fire at him at point blank range. He had pushed the barrel to the side with a backhand, then used his other hand to grab a hold of the barrel and wrenched the entire thing right off. Without hesitating, Corvinius used the barrel of the hovertank as a bat, swatting at the battledroids as he stormed his way through the ranks.

He didn't know how he was able to do all of this, just my muscle memory alone. It was like he didn't really need to necessarily think about his actions. Intent alone was enough for his body to respond.

Corvinius was a beast, a well oil machine that moved without a moment to spare. He didn't stop, he didn't want to stop. He was enjoying the rush of feeling something be crushed in his hand. The strength behind each fist that he sends into a Droid only for their metal frames to quake and bend, the destruction he wrought from simply running into whatever was in his way. It was pleasing, it was exhilarating, it was...human.

Corvinius slew the last Droid, his boot heel coming down and stomping onto their slender tan frame. It was like stepping on a can, except one wouldn't have felt the can caving in under their sole. Glancing around, everything around Corvinius was a battlefield. A silent one for now, but a battlefield regardless. Tanks and droids surrounded him like corpses that were mingled and damaged beyond repair. One couldn't describe the amount of carnage that he brought upon the enemy. It would be beyond anyone had ever seen on this world, in the universe, even.

Turning, Corvinius began to march himself back through the gates. His armored frame passing by all the foes he had slew. His boot heels stomping down on anything that just so happened to be in his way. As he entered, he found his spear, embedded into the road in the gate. He approached the weapon, looking over it, and still found the Acklay's blood coating the tip. Upon closer inspection, he found something both peculiar and shocking. The spear did not resemble any design from Warhammer 40k. In fact, it looked more like a weapon that had been reversed engineered. It looked as if it were made from that of a Necrons'. Before he could ponder more upon the oddness of the weapons' craft, Corvinius could hear two sets of footsteps. His hand moved with a speed that could be described as a snapping vipe, his armored palm grasping at the weapon. Then he turned, and prepared to end the enemy who though to try and sneak up on him. His spear was pointed at two robbed men, his helmet's visor locking onto the both of them.

One looked like Liam Neeson, the other a young Ewan McGregor. At that moment was when he realized that the Jedi "ambassadors" had arrived. Both had their lightsabers at the ready and where wary of this tall mass of meat and steel standing before them.

Corvinius' armor had scorch marks going all over it, yet nothing had punctured it or even gotten close to doing it. The wings that flexed from time to time on his back also had a few scorch marks, though he showed no discomfort or even an ounce of pain.

"I take it...that you dispatched the droids?"

Ewan, or rather, Obi-Wan had questioned. He found Corvinius remaining silent for a moment, before the man lowered his spear. His voice came out in a chillingly calm tone, though held authority and commanded respect.

"I have dispatched with the enemy, yes."

Corvinius said, then sent his attention to Liam, or rather Qui-Gon speaking.

"If that is the case, then we are not enemies."


"Then, I take it that you fight for the Nabooians?"

"For now."

Qui-Gon narrowed his eyes a bit, but placed his lightsaber back onto his belt. The emerald blade having yet to be ignited as he watched the armored warrior before he and his apprentice show no signs of nervousness.

"If you are here for the Queen, then now would be the time for you to move."

Corvinius stated plainly, wasting no breath on the Jedi.

"What do you mean? You've already beaten the droids."

Obi-Wan pointed out.

"The enemy will return, and with a much larger force."

"Then what, you plan to stay here and keep fighting?"

"I intend to, yes."

That response made both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon stare at the man in surprise, not sure if they had just heard him right. They knew from looking upon him, he was strong, VERY strong. Yet they couldn't perceive that one man alone could hold hundreds of droids without help.


Before Qui-Gon could continue speaking, Corvinius interrupted him.

"If you are going to tell me that I must flee, then I will only tell you this. I will not leave from where I stand. Not because I can win, but because it is right."

Corvinius said with a tone of finality. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan glanced at each other, unsure as to what they should do. Unfortunately, they didn't have much time on their hands. After all, the Queen of Naboo needed protectors and her personal bodyguards may not be enough. With an air of reluctance, Qui-Gon spoke.

"Very well, may the Force be with you warrior."

Qui-Gon bid his farewell, with Obi-Wan following after his master.

Corvinius watched them leave, then shifted a bit as the two Jedi continued towards the palace. The only reason that he decided not to go with the Jedi was for three reasons.

The first, he didn't know if he could actually fit inside of the starship that the Queen and the Jedi would be taking. The second, he wanted to get used to his body and learn to fly. The third and last, was that he wanted to see if "faith" worked on him the same way it should in Warhammer 40k. That would make him an even bigger god than the ridiculousness that was the Emperor. The Emperor of the Empire, at least.

'Well, time to make believers.'

Corvinius thought, then began going on a light jog into the city itself. His armored boot heels smacking into the pavement as if it were a runway for a plane taking off. His helmet turned and looked for anything or anyone that was still in the city. Unfortunately, there were people still in the city. As it turns out, the armed uniformed men were still in the process of evacuating civilians. In fact, there were fewer doing it that there were when he had last seen the ones holding him at gunpoint. The moment one of the civilians saw him, a gasp was heard, followed by more gasp or terrified screams. The man watched some run, some point him out, others even fainted.

However, a child stood still, staring up at the towering frame of Corvinius. It was a little girl, one who looked both curious and frightened. She had been singled out by him, for he had an idea of how best to get the people to understand that he was not their enemy. Slowly, Corvinius removed his helmet with one hand, his armored palm twisting it slightly as a soft hiss sounded off. His golden hair flowed out, his face revealed to the people before him. Each stared up at him wide eyed, as if they were shocked to see how human he looked. With slowly but patient steps forward, Corvinius approached the child, the little girl standing still either out of fear or awe.

His majestic wings flexed as the feathers flowed with the wind's breeze blowing at his back. He stood before the girl now, his blue eyes staring down at her dark brown ones. Reaching downwards, Corvinius held a large hand out to her, as if wishing to hold her hand. The little girl stared at his hand, then gazed back up at him before speaking in a trembling voice.

"I-I can't find my mommy..."

She uttered in a hopeful tone, before placing her small hand in his far larger one.

"Then let us find her together. What is your name?"

Corvinius questioned, his armored palm gently closing around the child's hand. He treated her as if she were fragile, and in this case, everyone around him was fragile. Even more gently, he pulled the child into his grasp, holding her against his chest as she placed her hands onto him.

"I-i'm Vivian. What's your name?"

She asked, her small hands reaching up to touch his face. Normally, any other Primarch but Vulkan and Sanguinius wouldn't have held a child in their arms. They would have seen such tasks as beneath them. Corvinius was not those individuals, he was not a Primarch in the true sense, he was but a man.

"I am Corvinius, come, let us find your mother, Vivian."

Corvinius said, then faced forward as he held his helmet under his armpit, whilst walking with Vivian in his hand. All the Nabooians who had been running had stopped and stared up at him. They had assumed him to be some form of Droid, some kind of machine. They weren't expecting flesh and bone, they weren't expecting a man underneath that armor.

"People of Naboo, I know that you are scared. You are right to be, you know not how to fight. I ask that you evacuate this city before it becomes a battleground. I ask that you flee from this place before you lose your lives by remaining here."

Corvinius said, his voice commanding attention and authority. With soft but stomping steps forward, the man marched his way towards the crowd. Each Nabooian who were watching Corvinius took in his appearance. The armor, the weapons, his handsome but chiseled face, and most importantly, his wings. Where there was once fear there was now awe, where there was once wariness there was something akin to hope. Nabooian guards even began to gaze up at this armored man in wonder.

"Mr. Corvi, can you fly?"

Vivian suddenly asked, the question nearly throwing Corvinius off. Partly for two reason, the first was because she called him "Corvi". The second, technically, he could, though he had yet to try. At the moment, he wanted to get everyone within the city out, knowing that they originally had no time to evacuate. That had changed, for he had given them the time necessary to escape from the occupation force that the Trade Federation had sent.

"Come, I will protect you until you are out of the city. You lot who are able to defend yourselves, aid me in guiding the people to safety."

Corvinius ordered, for a moment, the Nabooians guards remained where they were, unsure on if they should take his orders. Yet, one by one, they began doing as he ordered. They rallied to guide every man, woman, and child to follow behind this winged man. His wings, opening outwards as if stretching as he lead the march to the other side of the city.

"To answer your question, child, I can indeed fly."

"I'm Vivian, Mr. Corvi."

"My name is not Corvi."

"Your name is too long!"

Corvinius glanced at the child, finding her gaze upon him. Where there had been curiousity and wariness was now hope and a cheerful attitude. It warmed his heart a bit, in his previous life, Corvinius always liked kids. They could be as cruel as the most sadistic killer without even realizing it, then they could also bear the innocence of all of mankind by just smiling.

Corvinius continued to march forward, then glanced back to see how many people were with him. There were possibly several hundred, roughly five hundred people at least. The Nabooian guards were aiding him of course, but he knew that this couldn't possibly be everyone. Before he could give out orders, Corvinius heard a woman call for Vivian.


A middle-aged woman called, she rushed forward, nearly unbothered by Corvinius towering frame. She had dark brown hair, light brown skin, hazel irises, and a rather slender figure. She came to a halt six feet from Corvinius once he turned his full body to her. Her eyes gazing up at him as she finally took in his figure. He could tell that she wanted to snatch her child away from him, he could see in her eyes that she wanted to be brave. It was a motherly instinct, so very human.


Vivian called with elation, then reached out for her mother. Without hesitation, Corvinius leaned down to hand Vivian to her mother. With slow but trembling hands, Vivian's mother took her child as tears glistened in her eyes. She held her child protectively, caressing the girl's head gently. Then pursed her lips before speaking once more.

"T-thank you...sir."

She stuttered, as if unsure on how to address him.

"Corvinius, I am Corvinius."

The man corrected before giving the woman a warm smile. That was when he turned his attention back to the people behind him, his voice ringing out to address them now.

"Everyone, continue onwards. I will remain here to aid any others who have not evacuated yet."

A voice came from the crowd, their words reaching Corvinius' ears.

"What about the Queen? Can't you save her as well?"

They questioned, their words only causing all eyes to remain affixed upon Corvinius in wonder and curiousity.

"If I am able to reach her, then I will do all that I can. However, my first priority is your safety. I believe that your Queen will understand that. Now go, flee before the enemy returns. But you Guardsmen, you stay, for I have a task for you all to perform."

That last sentence was pointed to the Nabooian guards. He couldn't stop himself, mainly because he didn't exactly know what their jobs were. He just knew that they had weapons, they SHOULD have training, so he saw them as Guardsmen. Despite knowing that even being referred to as Guardsmen would be an honor if they knew what Guardsmen were like. Standing before him were roughly two dozen men, their uniforms in prestine condition and weapons having yet to be removed from their holsters. Corvinius could see it in their eyes, the anxiety, the fear. Not of him, they had gotten past it, but of the situation that they were in.

"Which of you knows the terrain outside of the city?"

Corvinius questioned, his eyes scanning over the guards like a steely eyed hawk. Only one man raised his hand, his arm trembling slightly when he watched Corvinius' gaze land on him.

"Good, guide and escort the civilians. They will require you to make sure that they escape to a safe location. The city will not be safe."

Corvinius ordered, but watched the man stand there as if he hadn't heard what Corvinius said.

"Did you not hear me, Guardsman? Do your duty and safeguard the people!"

That made the man jump and immediately dashed off after the large crowd of Nabooians who were heading for one of the city's exits.

"I will require the rest of you in aiding in my search. There may be some who have taken refuge in their homes or the buildings across the city. Our task will be to get them to flee and escort them out of the city. If the enemy has returned by then, then we will use the palace to house them and hold there."

Corvinius looked across the guards, their eyes staring up at him but none held any confidence in what he had just ordered them to do. With a slight frown brewing upon his face, a light sigh escaped his lips.

"You are scared. I understand, for I once felt the same ounce of fear that festers within you. None of you expected to find yourselves here. None of your have expected to find yourselves in a position where your lives will be at risk. I know that I ask much of you. I know that I ask that you put others before you. If you are not willing to do this, if you believe that you have done your duty enough, then I implore you. Run. Run while you still can, for you go having done all that you can in the service of the people that you have sworn to protect."

As those words leave Corvinius' lips, he felt as if they came natural. As if he didn't even have to think about them. It sort of reminded him of Sanguinius' speech at the Edge of Eternity. He watched as the guards glanced at each other, uncertain of what they should do. Some had guilt in their eyes, others had shame.

"However I will remain, not because I believe that I can win but because it is right. I may not be like any of you, but I am still a man. A man's first duty is to defend those who wish harm upon us. Whether you all stay here with me or not, it does not change that I will still stand here with sword and spear in hand. It does not change that those machines will find me waiting for them. So, if you not prepared to uphold your duty at this time, then run. But if you stay, if you stand with me. Then all I ask is for you to uphold the oaths that you must have sworn. You may have promised to protect your Queen, but I ask that you protect your people first and foremost. You may have sworn to die in service of your government, but I ask that you swear to die for your people. Not just because I ask this of you, but because you are men!"

Corvinius looked over them, their gazes remaining on him with rapt attention. His words mulling in their minds, their hearts becoming inspired.

"We are men, men sworn to protect, sworn to fight, sworn to die! If the enemy that has come knocking at our door comes again, they will find us here, waiting. Fight, run, do what you wish to do. I will not hate you if you flee, I will respect that you have done your duty up to now. Fight and I will still respect you for wishing to die in service of a cause greater than you have ever known. You may have been guards yesterday, but today, you are Guardsmen. Now Guardsmen, will you run?"

Corvinius question went unanswered, but the way that they looked at him now. It was more than enough of an answer for him.



Came the guards' reply, their bodies straightening themselves to stand at attention.

"Then arm yourselves, our enemy will return, and we will be ready for them. No matter what comes our way, we may have met as strangers, but here and now? We are brothers."

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