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50% Something Alien in Remnant / Chapter 5: No Right Answers

Chapter 5: No Right Answers

To say that the following days were tense was like saying Nora was a little energetic; Team RWBY and JNPR were concerned for their friends and how they had been acting following the details of Jaune and Jason's "Accident" during their training.

Jason had spent the last few days stuck in a sling; Thanks to Cardin's halted attempt to bash Jaune's head in for defying him, the watch wearing boy had been stuck with a broken arm and had to resort to having people help him with stuff even while the newly awakened Aura slowly healed his body.

Jaune was more proud of himself since he realised what standing up to Cardin had meant and felt like, however the fact that Jason had to once again step in to defend him for that to happen left a sour taste; He was still Cardin's "Friend" out of a worry that Cardin would cut his time short but he felt like with the right moment, he could split himself away from them for good.

But as it stood, the time that would force the two to make their move was coming quicker than any of them would think; with Pyrrha disheartened about Jaune's recent lack of appearances around his own team and the fact that he still put Cardin ahead of them left her feeling a little bitter.

"I hope those two will be okay enough for our field trip…" Nora mused as she was bouncing around on her bed, unable to sit still while Pyrrha was stuck in her thoughts and Ren was tending to his weapons.

"Well, considering that Jaune's been rather scarce since he and Cardin were socialising more…" Ren mused to himself as he polished Stormflower's blades.

"And along with that, Jason can't do much with his broken arm….Despite how much it's healed….But I'm sure that Jaune knows exactly what he's doing…" Pyrrha remarked with no hint of hiding how she felt about Jaune's….recent change of company.

Nora frowned as she saw the look of disdain on Pyrrha's face, sure she could understand how frustrating it was that their leader wasn't around but she hadn't expected the redhead to be taking this quite so personally. "Look, I'm sure if we can get Jaune on his own, we can hear him out…Can't we?"

Jason meanwhile was on his way back towards his dorm; he had been discharged after the nurses took another look at his arm, assuring him that he would be good as new for the field trip. "On one hand, I won't have to worry about bothering Pyrrha for writing, but on the other…Cardin is going to be on mine and Jaune's backs throughout the whole thing…" He thought to himself as he unwrapped his arm from the sling and examined it; noticing that the worst of the damage was gone minus one or two bruises, though he did let out a sigh of relief when he noticed that the Omnitrix was undamaged.


Jason decided to make sure everything was okay; flicking through various familiar silhouettes on the dial; "Looks like no immediate damage…Wait…What's this?" He mused as he made a quick turn on the dial and suddenly he saw a message pop-up on the face briefly before the dial started to spin on it's own.

"Beginning Feedback Cortex Reparations…"

Jason looked at it confused as it whirred and spun in his hand before it started to zap around like it was sending out electric feelers of it's surroundings; "Reparations? Sounds like it got knocked for a loop when Cardin smashed it…" He mentioned to himself though retracted his hand as he felt the volts zap his hand away and found itself getting drawn to Jason's staff that had been placed on a nearby table.

"Foreign Material detected….Now establishing in depth Scan for Omnitrix Archiving and Storage…" The computerised voice chimed out as the electricity zapped more on the staff and even began to attract it towards the watch as if it was being magnetised.

"Archiving? Whoa, heyheyhey Stop that! No! NO Archiving! I need this thing for protection!" Jason began trying to pull his staff away from the watch, gritting his teeth as he felt his hand sting from the voltage trying to prise him away. 

With the watch not listening to him or showing signs of acknowledging his orders; the watch began scanning his staff and turn it into a wireframe version of itself.

Realising that this would bring up questions if he suddenly no longer had his staff, Jason started getting desperate with trying to fight back…That and the Staff cost him quite a bit of money when he was trying to blend in. "DAMN IT, I SAID STOP!" Jason yelled at the watch as he pulled it away with an almighty heave and then used the pommel of the collapsed staff to push down the watch with a rather harsh sounding KHLUNK!

There was no longer any green volts or spinning dials; it looked like the Watch had stopped it's scan but it seemed that Jason's desperation managed to enact something else entirely.

"Organic Scan: 100%, Omnitrix Archiving…100%, Storage….Cancelled, Voice Code Override Accepted: "I need this thing for protection!"…Now Activating Binary Link for…."Carbine Staff Rifle" and Establishing Security Protocol for DNA Fusion." The Omnitrix conceded and went through an alternate pathway following it's voice recognition and dropped the Staff from Jason's grip.

With a sigh of relief, Jason went to pick up the staff and began to examine it in case that the watch may have damaged it; aside from it feeling hot to the touch from the bath it took in the Omnitrix's feedback electricity, it looked like something entirely different; "It looks almost like Upgrade's colours…" He thought as the staff was now a deep black with emerald green streaks along the shaft and culminating in a white ring around the muzzle with a deep green glowing in the mouth of the gun segment. "Well, that's different…" He gripped the staff tightly and was ready to test it out briefly when he heard the door knocking on his dorm.

Ruby wasn't exactly sure why she rushed to Jason's room; all she could remember was hearing a muffled zapping noise while she was walking back to her dorm and the sound of Jason yelling to stop. After that she was knocking on his door, smiling a little in relief when she saw him opening up and looking fine. "Hey J…I heard some weird noises from your room, you doing okay?" She asked him curiously and subtly tried to peek inside.

"Uh…Yeah, it's all good here, nothing weird going on whatsoever!" Jason mentioned with a rather unconvincing look on his face, the fact that he nearly lost his weapon and the watch going nuts kind of threw him off groove.

"Y'know; You're good at a lot of things, Jason…But trying to keep a poker face isn't one of them, so come on…What's going on?" Ruby asked with a more pointed look, she knew that she had to be back with her team but if something was bothering a friend then she would hold on tight until they were better.

Realising that Ruby was in her more fixated moods; he relented and let her in to his room; "Let's keep it quick, we don't want Goodwitch to get the wrong impression." Jason pointed out as he then shut the door.

"What do you mean?" She would ask, giving off the impression that no one had that talk with her yet or she wasn't….interested in that stuff.

"I….Never mind, so you know how my arm broke and I ended up not being able to use my watch…or my staff?" He asked, making sure to be careful not to incriminate Jaune since he felt like the blonde had it rough enough already.

Ruby nodded as she followed his thinking; "Yeah, I remember….Blake said that you looked like you were getting better…and it looks it too." she would say as she noticed that Jason's arm was healed and out of a sling.

"Well, my watch seemed to go nuts and tried to…well…eat my staff…I managed to pull it away but now something's changed about it." Jason explained as he held the mini tube out to her.

"Whoa…what happened to it? it's all multicoloured now…it kinda matches your watch now." Ruby remarked as she turned it over in her hands and got into her more excited state at the prospect of a new weapon in front of her; "So does it do anything different now? Shoot lasers? Spit fire?" 

Jason had to place a finger on her lips to shush her or at least to slow her down; "Easy, literally just happened so I don't have the full story…and even then I don't know what exactly this means, I've never seen it do this before."

"We've got that field trip tomorrow…we can find somewhere to field test that bad boy while we're off doing…whatever Professor Peach is asking for us to do." Ruby suggested, her mind racing at the idea of something really brand new being showcased and even more-so for a new weapon. "Besides that, you gotta at least test it for a little!" She added as she grabbed some nearby books and made several towers with them, placing a cushion on top of each one like targets.

"I guess it can't hurt…" Jason shrugged as he flicked his wrist and made the staff extend; however this thing sprouted outward without a sound; "Huh…it's lighter and a lot less bulky feeling." He thought as he twirled the staff in hand and aimed the glowing muzzle at the middle tower. 

Ruby watched with curiosity and recorded on her scroll for research as Jason brought the staff up and gathered energy; The sound of a low hum reverberating through the room as the staff gathered energy and began to let off little green sparks around the muzzle. "Okay, so far so good…let 'er rip, Jason!" Ruby would announce as she was too excited to leave this hanging.

Jason lifted the staff up with both hands to aim the sparking tip at the tower and with a hearty ZAP! A ball of green electricity zipped forward and blew the "tower" apart, sending the stacked books flying across the room and also sending the shooter backward onto his bed with a heavy THUMP!

"Jason!" Ruby's look of triumph turned to concern when she saw her friend crashed on his bed with the staff slowly powering down.

The lump was quiet initially but after a few seconds, she could hear Jason's feedback about their first test. "Oooooooooooow…." He groaned as he lay there, with a sigh of relief that he was okay; She walked over to try getting some answers.

"That was intense! Are you okay?" She would ask him as she helped lift her fellow captain to his feet.

"Okay, first test of the new staff?" Jason would look to where the "Tower" was and saw it had essentially been blasted to pieces; "Effective…It's pretty sturdy when I use it as a staff, though I think the recoil could use some work…as a staff or a gun." He summarised as he collapsed the staff and started gathering up the books.

"Some work? Jason, that thing sent you flying." Ruby pointed out as she helped him clean up; "Though I don't think it's a destructively powerful weapon…it looks like what you shot with your staff isn't even singed…" She mentioned as she examined the book in her hand; sure it had a few dents in the corners after getting thrown around but there were no burns, impact marks or even a rip in the paper.

"My Watch has a special security measure that stops anyone from removing it without my permission. I think when the two got linked together; The staff must have inherited the same security protocol." Jason explained; "If someone tries taking it off, then they get zapped or thrown back…"

"That's some pretty high end stuff." Ruby raised an eyebrow as she helped shelf the books; "So it looks like you have a taser staff for now….At least once you get a handle on it which I know you can do." She reassured him and then headed for the door; "We should probably wrap things up, You know that Professor Goodwitch won't like the idea of us being in a room together after curfew~" She would giggle and made Jason squirm a little in embarrassment.

"And here I was thinking you were innocent and pure, Ruby Rose." Jason joked as he saw Ruby being smug with herself; "You and Yang really are sisters after all."

"Hey! I'm nowhere near as bad as Yang, I at least have a filter." Ruby retorted with a rather red pout; "Since she watched you in that maze, she's does nothing but talk about how she's gonna whip you into shape, whatever that means." She shrugged as she headed for the door.

Jason chuckled at her pout and trying to play it off but the last part made him think again; "Wait, what? Ruby…What exactly does that mean?" Jason would ask as he knew that Yang could be pretty intense at times and she'd definitely snap him like a toothpick if she got a hold of him if he didn't use his watch.

"Take it from me, it's better to not ask when it comes to Yang training you…Well, good night Jason, hopefully our team and Jaune's team can organise a night here so you don't feel as lonely in here." She promised him as she shut the door and left Jason to wonder what she had in mind…Both Ruby AND Yang.

—The Next Day in Forever Fall Forest—

"This is taking forever!" Nora whined as she was tied up and wiggling about while Ren and Pyrrha gathered their jars of tree sap; Jaune had gone off with Cardin's team and left them to gather the sap for the project that Glynda was overseeing. "Can't you let me out of this…I only had the two jars!" She pouted as she had the pink goo still smeared around her mouth.

"Nora, we told you to stop halfway through the first jar…" Ren pointed out as he tapped a trunk to start spilling sap into a fresh jar; "You kept drinking them so we're doing this until we have enough."

"It is going to take a while, a lot of these trees barely have enough sap for half the jars." Pyrrha mentioned as she watched the syrupy goo trail into the jar she held; "It'd go faster if we had more people but Jaune's off somewhere and the others are busy…"

"You know, you could always ask if you wanted help." Jason would mention as he walked over, he was still clutching a half full jar; "Jaune's not here to help?" He asked as he glanced around; though seeing Pyrrha's somewhat down expression answered that for him. "Well, I still need to fill up my jar so I can always expedite the process."

"That's kind of you but I think we can handle it on our own." Ren mentioned; "Though it would help if a certain someone didn't keep drinking the sap." He added and made a pointed look at Nora who playfully stuck her tongue out at him. 

"Allow me, consider it returning the favour for helping me with my Aura." He mentioned as he placed the jar in his hand down and started to turn the dial on his watch to flick through the various silhouettes on the screen; "Don't worry, with this little number…I can speed it up for you guys!" He grinned and then slammed his hand down to make himself disappear in a green light, making the three shield their eyes out of reflex.

Once the flash died down; they could see Jason or rather what WAS Jason standing in front of them. "Whoa…" Nora would mumble as she took stock of what was there for them.

"Jason" now looked like a walking lizard; He had black orbs on his feet, a long black tail with five dark orange stripes, and his hands had changed to three fingered claws. He looked to be wearing a black cone-like helmet that seemed to partially cover his blue face, dark orange eyes that seemed to have faintly luminescent white pupils to show where he was looking, black lips, and dark stripes running under and in between his eyes. On further looking down; the team could see that he was donning a black bodysuit and turtleneck-like shirt with a green stripe on the center. "So, what do you guys think?" He asked as he did a slow turn around like he was rollerskating.

"It's…What exactly is it?" Pyrrha would ask as the sleek design and minimal build didn't exactly make it obvious what he could do; "I'm assuming it's to do with those orbs."

"Jason" nodded and did a small twirl; "I think rather than tell you, I show you." He said briefly as he vanished in the time that they blinked, all the rest of the team could see was a blur moving around the trees and jars appearing under them faster than they could keep track of. 

"Wow, he's really booking it." Nora would say with a grin as she watched the show of Jason speed-tapping multiple trees without even so much as a stumble.

"I have to admit, it is efficient and a rather impressive way to move." Ren added as he was just happy that this distracted Nora enough to let them do their work.

"So what exactly do you call this form?" Pyrrha asked him as he finally slowed down and stopped once he had filled up around five full jars of sap, one for each of them and an extra in case Nora got to one of them.

"Well, considering that my main thing here is putting the pedal to the metal, I was thinking…."Speed Freak", whatcha think?" He asked as he flicked his tail and zipped away to close the jars once they were full; "Then again, my teacher said that he called his XLR8 so I don't really think it sounds any worse."

"It does fit pretty accurately, I think you should go with it." Ren mentioned as he gathered up the jars while Nora frantically wiggled about in her restraints to try getting her sweet delights.

Pyrrha was about to say something to the group but a loud roar interrupted them followed by the frantic fleeing of Cardin's team screaming about an Ursa attacking Cardin. 

"Yang, you and the others go get Professor Goodwitch, I think Jaune's still up there!" Ruby yelled to the others as her and Pyrrha rounded up the rest of Team CRDL.

"W-Wait, Jaune's up there too! We have to get up there and help him!" Pyrrha remembered and looked to Ren as he untied Nora.

"It's too far away, even if we get to Goodwitch, it's a long trek to get up the hill to where they are!" Nora mentioned though it looked like a lightbulb went off in her head and turned to look at Speed Freak with a grin; "For most of us…."

Jason/Speed Freak grinned back as he slid the visor down to fully cover his face; "I'll go help them out, I can try holding off the Grimm until Glynda shows up as best I can." He decided before vanishing away from them and zipped up towards the hillside.


Cardin was running for his life; Turns out that trying to get the kid he was extorting to throw hornet attracting sap at his own teammate had consequences resulted in the form of an Ursa that was twice his size and several times older. With some hesitation, he drew his mace and readied it to swing into the Grimm's head; "Bring it on, jackass!" 

The Ursa was unfazed however as it effortlessly swiped the mace out of Cardin's hands and sent the team leader stumbling to the ground; with a monstrous roar, the Ursa reared it's arms back and was ready to smash Winchester into a paste….

However this wouldn't come to pass as the Grimm was knocked off of it's feet when a dark blur shot out of the forest with the force of a rocket and landed in front of of Cardin with a sharp halt; "Can you move Winchester? Because if you can, go…now." Speed Freak asked him as he didn't bother turning to look, keeping his gaze squarely on the Ursa as it staggered to it's feet with it's anger at the new prey attacking it.

Cardin stumbled over himself as he got to his feet; out of nowhere, this…thing had zipped out of the trees and barged the Ursa off balance, it gave him a lot to think about when he realised the symbol on this creature's chest looked familiar. "Jason?"

"I said go!" He would yell before vanishing into another streak and began to rush the Ursa from every direction to throw it off balance; landing strike after strike against it's body with the force of a speeding train.

The Ursa slowly got pushed back more and more as it's opponent disappeared as quickly as it hit them faster and faster. However despite the fact that it was hitting them at several times a minute, it barely registered much more then a bee sting to them; though there was another attack from behind and as it turned on a dime, there was Jaune with his sword drawn and his shield up.


"I'm not sure if that's you Jason but I'll help out too!" Jaune announced as he rushed forward to attack the Ursa with a wide swing of his sword.

"We'll do this together, just be careful! This thing's a lot tougher than it looks." Speed Freak warned as he started to rush forward with a rapid-fire barrage of punches into the Ursa's chest while Jaune navigated around to ship over him in a jumping slash towards the Grimm's head, almost hitting Speed Freak in the process if he hadn't moved back.

"It's not going down!" Jaune growled as he gripped his sword tighter; "You get at it with the fast stuff, I'll deal the rest." 

"Cool! Just make sure you keep an eye on yo-beebeebeebeeeeeeeeo!" Speed Freak started but then he got bathed in green light and turned back into Jason once his timer ran out. "Shit!" He would curse as he glanced down at the now red watch; "Alright, let's plan around this and we can team up on it." Jason mentioned to Jaune as he ducked under a claw swipe and extended his staff to fight.

Jaune was partly listening as he formulated a plan to knock the monster on it's head; rushing forward and in front of Jason to smack it's arm away with his shield. "Don't worry Jason, it's my turn to help YOU now." 

Thankfully Jason was aware enough to move away from Jaune during his swing and managed to drive the staff's pommel into the Ursa's stomach with a hearty ZAP! However all it really did was stagger the beast and make it angrier.

"Alright, not down…but I'm not done yet!" Jaune yelled out as he thrust his sword to jab the Ursa's belly but with the monster's lunge forward, it didn't land fully and instead grazed the monster's thick side. "Darn it! Just HIT!" He cried in frustration as he kept trying to swing, however he still lacked the proper training to deal any lethal damage and the hits that did land only served to scratch the Grimm…and make him tire out in the face of it's growing ire.

Jason glanced down at the watch; "Come on….Come on! You're always ready when I don't need you yet when I DO need you, you're not ready! Just. Get. CHARGED!" He mentally ranted as he tried to press the button in the vain hopes that it would make it go faster.

A yelp of pain threw Jason out of his train of thought as Jaune flew backwards to the ground with his sword falling out of his hands and his aura breaking like paper in the rain. His mind swimming with his dogged focus on trying to bring down the Ursa on his own, whether it was to prove to everyone that he could do this or whether it was because he wanted to hold on to the hope that he could be the Hero that people could rely on. "I can't…I won't….Jason gave me all kinds of crap when I wouldn't stand up for myself, so I'm not going to give up now!" Jaune grit his teeth and held on to his shield with the Grimm staring him down with a renewed roar.

The Grimm charged towards Jaune blindly as it could sense the blonde's frustrations and his doubts like a beacon; it's giant claw raised up to strike the now vulnerable Jaune like a bear hunting a salmon.

"At least…At least I can say I tried…" The final thoughts rang through Jaune's head more clearly than anything else going through his head while everything flashed before him.

Jason rushed forward with a mad sprint as he saw the Alpha Grimm bearing down on Jaune with the claw ready to finish him off. "Fine…if I can't rely on the watch…I'll do this the old fashioned way!" He thought to himself as he jumped between the Ursa and Jaune. With his arms in an X position in front of his chest to act as a shield to protect Jaune; the giant Bear's mighty hand slammed down and clawed up Jason's arm before the momentum threw him to the ground with a heavy THUD!

"J-Jason…Why did you…You didn't need to jump in li-"

"Grow up Jaune…" Jason said through grit teeth as he felt the Aura around him fizzling away while he got to his feet; "This isn't about doing things alone and it isn't about being the big hero! Right now, we need to be there to protect our friends when they're in danger…You did it for me earlier so I'm doing it no-….I'm doing it no-!" Jason felt his body throb in pain and collapsed to the ground before he could finish his sentence. Every cell in his body felt like it was burning itself from the inside as he convulsed on the floor at Jaune's feet; Jaune was rooted to the spot out of the fear of what was happening to Jason and mixed with the guilt of putting him in this state while the Grimm could see a number of emotions overwhelming it's senses.

Jason grit his teeth and dug his fingers into the dirt as he felt like he was being both torn apart and stitched together at the same time; With the little focus he could muster, he glanced over to the watch and saw that it was no longer red.

…It was Yellow.

Jason remembered what happened the last time that Omnitrix had done this; Following the training exercise that Port had put them through, he got clawed up his arm by a Beowulf and he noticed the watch turning yellow. With the excuse to see the nurse, Jason had rushed to get as far away from the source material as he could to slow the process of transforming before he collapsed in his dorm…But here he was not so lucky with Jaune blocking the path and the Ursa standing over him.

"Jason? Jason, come on…What's going on?!" Jaune would ask as he was getting progressively more frightened when he saw Jason's body slowly growing in size while black smoke started to emanate from his body. All he got in response was a stifled roar that seemed to warp and distort itself in his quickly morphing throat.

Jason grew claws on the tips of his fingers and quickly followed in growing coats and coats of thick black fur followed by a heavy bone plate that formed on the front of his face; "Jau-Jaune…run…" He could only growl out as he felt himself hunch over under his body's weight.


"I SAID RAAAAAOOOHR!" The Jason Creature barely had a chance to finish as what stood between Jaune and the Alpha was an equally large Ursa; however this Grimm had green markings on it's bone plate where a normal Grimm had red, but the most drastically different were it's eyes: Instead of being a burning red that practically dripped with malice and negativity, these Grimm's eyes were a deep orange and had it's gaze squarely on it's target: The Ursa that attacked him.

The two Ursi rushed each other with a menacing roar as it broke down into a skirmish of claws and teeth trying to rip the other to pieces; Jason-Bear seemed to be getting the upper hand as unlike the Grimm attacking him, each swipe of his claws were more coordinated then his natural counterpart. 

Jaune found his window and tried to go find the others; partly to get help for Jason and partly so he could recover, though that particular search didn't take long as he saw Ruby and the others rushing towards him with their weapons drawn. "GUYS! Over here! You need to watch out, something's going on! Something really dangerous!" He would try to warn them, however the adrenaline in his brain refused to allow his full elaboration leave his lips.

"Mr Arc, please take a deep breath and tell us what happened." Glynda cut through his rambling to try getting him to think on what he was trying to say.

"Where's Ja-Oh my gods…" Yang would ask but saw what was going on in the distance and sure enough, everyone else in the group could too.

Jason-Bear was dominating the Ursa as he crashed through the Bear's lunge with a powerful shoulder tackle and was visibly starting to get more and more primal in his assault; He was clawing and striking the Ursa even after it went down and the black mist started to seep out of the Grimm; "CRUSH. GRIMM! STOP. HURT! PROTECT…FRIEND!" Was all that the transformed Jason could repeat at this point as he finished it by slamming both giant hands down on the collapsed Grimm and then let out a loud, vicious roar as it claimed victory.

—Several Hours Later—

Things were chaotic to say the least following what happened in the forest; Cardin's punishment was decided and underway but despite what they did to try and limit his latest act of hostility, both Jaune AND Jason were placed in front of Ozpin for a more in depth inquisition.

"So, gentlemen…You two have quite a lot of explaining to do." Ozpin decided to start things off as Goodwitch had come back in the room.

The two were equally anxious and rightly so considering what had happened but it was Jaune who spoke up first. "I-It was my fault, sir! I went along with Cardin's plan initially…But when he told me to do what he tried getting me to do, the Grimm attacked." 

"I am aware, Mr. Arc, but I would like for you to explain to me how it was that you were able to get into my school without my permission using these doctored transcripts?" Ozpin cut straight to the point as he saw Jaune shrink under the gaze when he saw the copy of his "approval".

"I…I just wanted to do what my father and his father before him…What my family wanted to do and be heroes! I know that doesn't excuse what I did but this is something I've always dreamed of being…" Jaune confessed as he bowed his head; knowing that there was no reason or point in lying right now. 

"If I may, Professor Ozpin? Jaune's done something bad by faking his way into Beacon…But he's still putting in the effort and doing the most that he can to keep up with the other people here that are trying to do the same thing that he wants to do as well." Jason mentioned; trying to vouch for Jaune, "I know it's not my place to ask but perhaps you can give Jaune another chance? He is one of the team leaders in your squads after all."

"You also have a lot to explain for yourself, Mr Moss! Don't think that I'm going to forget what I saw in the forest!" Glynda snapped at Jason as she kept her focus on him and on Jaune too.

"So you're asking me to allow someone who snuck into a school with no credits, certifications or experience whatsoever to continue their stay here because they "really really" want to?" Ozpin asked Jason with a pointed question; "Not to mention the fact that it is because of Mr. Arc here that you are currently under review as a student too?"

Jaune could feel the knot in his stomach tighten with each question but some small solace kept itself when he listened to Jason trying to vouch for him.

"I accept full responsibility for my actions, Professor…But Jaune's doing this so he can learn how to protect people the same way that everyone else is, would it really be so wrong to allow him to continue learning here?" Jason insisted as he knew that the method wasn't right but the motive was.

"Really? So you yourself would willingly allow someone with no combat training, Aura or even a Semblance to be placed on the front lines to fight monsters? Other warriors who have that knowledge and that same level of dedication but with more years of experience and mastery?" Ozpin decided to try a different method of questioning.

"I…um…" Jason started to hesitate as he realised what Ozpin was hinting at and knew where the headmaster stood, but soon found himself cut off as Jaune spoke.

"Professor Ozpin…Isn't there something I can do to try and make things right, to allow me to stay? I may not have gone to combat school or anything like that but I am still willing to keep trying and learning…no matter how long or how much it takes." Jaune once more tried to plead his case with Glynda looking at him with no hint of change in her expression but Ozpin leaned forward in his chair.

"Mr. Arc…I appreciate your honesty and I respect your dedication to doing what you believe is right, but this school is one that only accepts those who have gone through the appropriate channels and applied themselves from the very beginning…" Ozpin began to explain; "Beacon can only accept the best of the best; the driven, the skilled as well as the capable leaders…all of these have stemmed from Combat school. Beacon does not accept shortcuts or falsehoods in it's halls…But regardless of this; you have lied to your friends, to your teachers…AND to yourself by doing this, I can only hope that you can use this as a motivation for your next step."

"P-Professor Ozpin, Please! I promise if you give me another chance I ca-Jason! Come on, please say something! Anything!" Jaune could feel his heart beat faster and the walls closing in on him. With no answer from one of his first friends at Beacon, he could feel like he was slowly losing everything he worked for at the school; "JASON PLEASE!" Jaune screamed at Jason with a desperate tone in his voice. Despite his pleas and his further bargaining; Both Jason and Ozpin were silent in their positions as Glynda held up her tablet.

"Jaune Arc; For falsifying your entry transcripts, doctoring official testimonies from a professional Huntsman and for deliberately endangering yourself without due care to yourself or your teammates…" Glynda then looked at Jaune with a steely eyed focus and with a quick swipe across his name on the team list, she finalised his fate at the school.

"You are hereby expelled from Beacon Academy."

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