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80% Something About You (Twilight) / Chapter 4: First Day

Chapter 4: First Day

Carson went home tired that day even though he was immortal and had literally unlimited stamina his food quickly took off and the restaurant went from being half full to busy he didn't have a moments rest it didn't help that his mom stood over him not allowing him to leave. After a quick shower he went on the web and searched any and everything he could he didn't want any surprises about the world because he truly did want a peaceful like to do as he pleased, finding nothing he logged off and went to bed shirtless.

While he slept three pairs of golden glowing eyes watched his house from the tree line but none went near his room since they didn't know exactly if he would welcome them. Carson knew about them but didn't say anything although he didn't need sleep it was his next favorite thing to cooking so he was going to sleep whenever he could.


"CARSON!! IF YOU DONT GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP I SWEAR TO WHATEVER GOD YOU BELIEVE IN I WILL SKIN YOU ALIVE!!" His mother bellowed from his door making him jump from the bed he still had thirty minutes before he needed to be at school but with his mother yelling like that he wasn't taking chances on her coming back.

Sighing he dressed in a red flannel with a black shirt underneath, along with grey fitting skinny jeans and black chucks. He could easily run to school and be there in seconds but he enjoyed ridding in cars or on a motorcycle so he decided he was going to drive today. Going to the kitchen he quickly made a sandwich with the eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast on the table before leaving, he could hear his mothers shouts but he ignored them and kept walking.

His car was a 1970 orange mustang with a black stripe going over the car, cream seats with green dashboard, getting in and turning the key the rumble of the engine made him smile he was going to enjoy driving this around. It was only about a twenty minute ride to the school where his car quickly caught the eye of most of the student body that was standing around the parking lot even the Cullens who were huddled together.

He had a quick look but it seems like their family was changed a little too there were still the original people but there was also another girl with long red hair and golden eyes, she was in Jaspers arms. It didn't bother Carson to much seeing he didn't care as long as it was just the twilight world which it was so he let it go, pulling into a parking space he was right next to Bella's truck who was still sitting in it. Smiling he grabbed his bag from the passenger seat and got out coming to a stop right next to her driver side door.

Smiling he tapped the window startling her from her inner monologue jumping in surprise looking at him, "Were both new so how about we walk in together?"

Bella smiled a little she saw the looks she was getting and decided to wait until the parking lot cleared more but if she was going to walk with him then it would put less attention on her seeing how good looking her was. Carson couldn't read her thoughts but seeing her getting out of the car he smiled more and took her bag from her hands when she tried to put it on, "Let me carry this for you."

Of course with his looks and actions they got more attention especially from a a certain brown haired golden eyed guy who was staring intensely at Bella who only spared him a glance before turning back to Carson, "Am I imagining things or is that guy staring really intently at me." She asked him pointing at Edward who smiled a little since he could hear her.

Carson decided to mess with Edward a little, "Of course not what sort of creep watches someone like that I'm sure he just looked over like everyone else since we are new." After his words finished he could hear a giggle coming from their direction and knew it was Alice but he could also hear a masculine laugh that most likely came from Emmett.

"That's true." She said nodding her head.

Carson just made it a whole lot harder for him to explain why he stands in her room watching her sleep now, he was laughing inside but outside he slung his arm over her shoulder smiling, "Let's go new BFF."

Bella was more than willing not because she liked him or anything but just cause she felt comfortable around him it was his natural aura from nature that drew her close it was the same for animals. After Carson and Bella got their schedules the went to first period together since they had that and last together, seeing them both come in together the way they did out some of the boys off of messing with Bella and girls looked at her with jealousy both Ignored it though and paid attention to the history class.

After the first class the rest of the day was boring Carson was finally about to go to gym but was stopped in the hallway by his favorite little vampire Alice who was standing in front of him, "What do I owe the pleasure of this little stop?" He said pulling her close and slinging his arm around her while walking towards gym class.

"Nothing I just wanted to give you props for what you said about Edward, only me and Emmett knew what he was doing so it was funny seeing his reaction." She said not mind him pulling her along although she had class in the other direction.

"Cool, but that can't be the only reason you are her little pixie." Carson said pinching her nose and laughing when she tried to sway it away.

"True. What are you plans for tonight? Want to do something with me?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

"Ah shucks are you asking me out on a date my dear Alice?" All she did was nod but he still smiled while saying, "Sorry I have to work after school and won't be off until late then I have something to do." It was true though he was going to introduce Bella to the supernatural a little early but had to get her away from prying eyes before he did.

Alice looked sad but she nodded in understanding Carson didn't think much about it though while he was here he still hadn't decided what he was going to do girl wise because while Alice was his #1 he also wanted to check out Jane. Ignoring her look he let her go and walked into gym class and after changing he was put into a team for basketball which was one of his favorite sports he was teamed up with a guy named Dennis for two on two's.

"Hey man your the new kid right? Well I'm Dennis if you need anything just ask I can get it." Dennis said he was a bulky black kid with dreadlocks he looked like someone who could be a body builder but his muscles were more condensed so he had a swimmers body.

"Haha Carson. So what is this prison or something is it going to cost a pack of smokes for info?" Carson said laughing at his introduction but like the guy.

"Haha yeah man it is a form of one. I saw you with that new girl this morning and that sweet ass car. Looks like you already have a lock on her?" Dennis said laughing.

"Nah man we are just friends and yeah I rebuilt the car myself." He said bouncing the ball between his legs.

For the rest of class Carson and Dennis dominated the floor beating every team they faced it also seemed like people didn't like Dennis much for something that happen but that just made Carson like him all the more. After class they went to lunch together both getting a few pizza's then sitting at one of the empty tables, some girls came over every now and then to ask to sit with them but they were all turned away.

The start of the lunch scene started right when Carson took a bite of his third pizza, Bella walked in but instead of going to sit with Mike and the gang she took a seat with them making Dennis and Carson smile. Right then the Cullens walked in all in order with Alice being the last Edward still hadn't showed up but Carson was sure he wanted to make and entrance like the drama queen he was.

"Who are they?" Bella asked now watching Edward who was walking in.

"Them.... their the Cullens, the whole family is adopted which kind of works out since they are like together together....." Dennis said draining his juice.

"And him?" She said pointing at Edward.

"Him.... that's Edward Cullen the brooding one him and Alice are the only two who aren't together and they don't go after people here either since they think they are to good for anyone." Dennis said smirking at Bella who was following Edward with her eyes.

Carson almost laughed but managed to hold it back especially when he saw Alice look over and she was a little upset about hearing what Dennis had to say about her, but when she saw Carson she smiled and got up from her seat. In usual Alice style she skipped over taking the seat right now to him and leaning on his shoulder while smiling at Dennis and his jaw that was hitting the floor, "Hey Carson how is your day going?" She asked.

The rest of her family was watching her but none of them could tell her was a wolf since he was hiding his aura, Carson though didn't mind them and ran his hands through her hair while finishing his meal. "It's fine, classes are boring expect gym where I made this new friend other than that it sucks."

She nodded but didn't say anything else enjoying the feeling of his hands in her hair with his body heat it balanced out her cold and she was feeling warm just like a regular human. By now there were little hushed whispers going through the cafeteria about Alice being with him but everyone just ignored it, and for the rest of lunch Dennis made them laugh with jokes and his antics.

The rest of the day went by fast and Carson was in his last class with Bella right next to him they were solving math equations but he wasn't really trying hard, instead he turned to her. "Hey Bella are you busy tonight?"

She looked at him surprised but answered anyway, "No I'm free why?"

"I want to show you something cool. Want to hang out say around nine?" Carson gave his best smile he was going to show her everything if she agreed to go.

She thought it over but seeing as he was being so nice to her and that she saw him as a friend then she wasn't going to deny, "Sure Umm should I meet you or—"

"Don't worry I will come pick you up just text me you address later." They had already exchanged numbers earlier so now he just had to wait till tonight.

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