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32.35% Solo Leveling In MHA / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Family Problems and Exams

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Family Problems and Exams

Izuku wakes up to his alarm going off. He rolls out of bed only to see Inko waiting at the door. "yes, mom?" Izuku kicks his destroyed hoodie under the bed, not realizing he still had his hand and arm wrapped tightly in bandages. 

"Where were you out last night?" She crosses her arms, giving a stern look. "I had to call the Bakugo's to see if you were at their place. Luckily Mitsuki kept me from calling the cops." Her tone was snappy and annoying to Izuku, but he just sighs. 

"I lost track of time at the Library. Fell asleep at the table. I have the exam coming up." Izuku lies flawlessly, at least what he thought. 

"Hero course or General Izuku… wait, never mind, Katsuki told me you didn't sign up for General Education, but the hero course." Inko ever, the soft woman had a mean streak when she wanted too. She glares at her son. "Why are you lying? Why are you still trying to be a hero? Sorry, I wasn't clear when you were five, Izuku, but you can't be a hero! You tried to be a hero 9 months ago and then spent 2 weeks in a hospital Izuku! Also, did you get hurt again?" Her eyes zeros in on the bandaged arm.

"No I'm not hurt, I'm training. And I don't tell you things because I knew you would get like this," Izuku groans while grabbing his jeans as wasn't going to stay half-naked in front of his mother. "You don't need to worry about me anymore, mom." Izuku grabs his hoodie once he gets his jeans on. "Also, I gave Katsuki enough time to breath when those heroes did nothing but watch as he choked on that slimeball." Izuku marches towards his mother. "One more week, and the exam is here. There is nothing you or anyone can do to stop me from taking that exam." Izuku slips past his mother to get to the kitchen. She follows, still looking him over for any damage. 'I'm going kill Katsuki when I see him.' 

He starts cooking breakfast, even if it was 2 pm. "Izuku, Izuku… IZUKU?!" 

"Yes?" Izuku bit his tongue as he cracks the 6th egg into the pan, deciding to try an American breakfast he saw online. 

"What happened to you? Where is my sweet little boy?" Inko was standing farther away from him as she watches him cook. 

"Mom… maybe I just realized I needed to start fighting back?" Izuku states firmly before turning to her. "The world is so set on breaking me, I'm tired of it. I'm tired of people telling me I can't do it. I'm tired of people betraying me. I'm tired of being overlooked. So, I'm done just being a timid little boy, I'm 17 years old. I'm finally living my life," Izuku turns back to finish cooking. "I woke up, and the world isn't as beautiful and nice as you once said it would be." Izuku throws his eggs on a plate before turning off the stove. He saw the tears in his mother's eyes and felt slightly bad about it, but was the truth… 'I can't be your little boy forever.' Izuku grabs a fork before going to his room. "I have exams to study for mom. Be safe going to work." 

Inko sat down at the table as Izuku left. 'I can't let him take that exam…' She thought about him lying deathly still in the hospital bed. It scared her to death, and she couldn't handle going through that again. 

Day of the exam. 

Izuku just finishes his daily quest. He walks into the apartment, pulling his earbuds before pausing the music. He was about to walk past the kitchen when he came to a stop. He turns back, seeing his mom just finishing breakfast. "Uh…" Izuku was confused. 'I mean we haven't really talked since last week… but maybe she finally taking my side?' Izuku's darker side laughs at him. "Mom, what are you doing?" 

"Cooking breakfast. If you really want to take the h… hero exam, I'll allow it… I won't try to stop you anymore." Inko places the food down. 

"Thanks, mom… I need to jump in the shower really quick." Izuku watches her nod, and he heads to his room. He grabs what he was planning on wearing for the exam since he didn't need to wear his uniform. That was more of a tradition to 'show pride' of your high school. "yeah, right," Izuku would burn his old suit if he could. 

Izuku takes a shower before getting dressed in a black shirt and jeans before throwing his green jacket on. He brushes his hair some before just letting it be. 'never fixing that.' Izuku chuckles while staring at himself in the mirror. He strolls out before sitting down at the table. 

"Oh, you're not wearing your uniform?" Inko was half done with her food when he sits down. 

"Nope, that school did me no favors." Izuku starts to eat, and Inko just nods along. He picks up his tea and sips it slowly. Izuku already watched his mother tense up slightly every time he either looked at the cup or moves close to it. All the hope Izuku had towards his mother supporting him disappears. He keeps drinking it as a message came up, blocking his mother's face as he reads it.

! Alarm

[A harmful substance has been detected.]

[Buff: Cure Poison's effect is healing you.]

Izuku felt his rage building in his chest, but his face stays neutral. 'sleeping meds or a tranquilizer.' Izuku acts normal as he finished his food. 'does she seriously want me to be miserable for the rest of my life? I personally rather try and fail as someone who was quirkless than never try and never find out…' Izuku closes his eyes, trying to rationalize why his mother would drug him. He couldn't find or make up a good excuse for her. Not anymore. 

3, 2, 1…. Cure Poison has been completed.

Izuku gets up, placing his cup and plate inside the sink. He takes a deep breath before looking into the window. His eyes flash blue before going back to green. "well, I'm off, mom. Love you." Izuku grabs his bag before heading out the door. Missing the confused look on Inko's face. 

Once the door was shut, he takes off jumping off the banister before landing in the street. He runs from his house as fast as he could while gritting his teeth. He only stops outside the gates of UA and presses his back against the massive walls they had for security. He slides down it before burying his face in his hands. Izuku was not out of breath or panicking. He was in between pissed off and broken. 'I can't go back home… not after that.' 

"hey… you okay?" A soft voice comes from the side of him. He sighs and looks up, seeing a familiar face. 

"Oh, hey, Uraraka." Izuku tries to smile, but his mind was stuck on being pissed off. "How are you?" 

"I'm good, slightly nervous, but good!" She smiles, which helped Izuku relax some. Since her personality was so bubbly."So, I see you made it home in one piece." Izuku gets up and whipping his cheek before laughing. 

"Yeah, got home around 4 am, I think? I was too tired to do anything the next day." They both walk through the gates while talking. "So, ready to take our first steps to become heroes?" Izuku asks in a deeper voice since he was mimicking All Might. It gets a giggle from the girl next to him. 

"yeah! I studied really hard, but I'm nervous about the practical, though." Uraraka states, while pressing her fingers together. 

"You have an awesome quirk," Izuku exclaims with a genuine smile. "If you couldn't get in, then I am screwed," Izuku jokes. Uraraka seems to calm down. "let's get inside before we are late." 

"Oh, right!" Uraraka bounces forward some. Full of excitement. 

'I'm going to have to get her a gift for calming me down,' Izuku thought before following Uraraka. They say a quick goodbye before finding their seats. Izuku plops down next to Katsuki, who side-eyed him. He opens his mouth to say something, but Izuku was saved by Present Mic. 

"WELCOME TO TODAY'S LIVE PERFORMANCE!!!!" Mic yells, using quirk and all. "EVERYBODY SAY, "HEY"!!!" Mic turns his head waiting for someone to say anything. Izuku leans back in his chair while his brain was running through the information he had on Present Mic. 

Mic starts to inform the hero hopefuls about the exam. Izuku reads through the information packet while listening carefully to anything that sounds like a hint. Izuku picks up his card, seeing he was B. Katsuki was in site A. 

"That's so kids from the same school can't help each other, yeah?" Katsuki questions under his breath. 

"Yeah, but you don't need help destroying some stupid robots, just watch for collateral Katsuki" Izuku rolls his neck, feeling it pop. Katsuki was about to talk back before actually thinking about it and just grunts.

"I'll crush 'em all." Katsuki and Izuku turn their attention back to Mic, who was talking about video games. 

'ha, I'm amazing at video games… I wonder if I could get a quest for this… eh, who knows. Testing out Igris in the forest along with some other attacks if things get too hectic. This test should be easier than the job change quest… at least the robots won't be going for the kill.' Izuku rubs his chin while thinking, as a student stands quickly. 

"Attacking other examinees is prohibited!!!" Mic continues only to get interrupted. 

"MAY I ASK A QUESTION?!" Many students look over at the robot of a man. 

"There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of the faux villain on this handout!" The square of a student points out on the packet. 

"Does he not know how a presentation works or is it in his code to jump to conclusions?" Izuku leans over to Katsuki, who snorts before turning away. 

"AND YOU, With the curly hair! You have been muttering this whole time and talking! It is distracting. If this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!" Izuku leans forward and yawns, acting like he was talking to someone else. 

"Was I muttering?" Izuku asks Katsuki, who shook his head. 

"Maybe or I finally learned to block it out." Katsuki keeps his hands in his pockets. 

"Hm, I've been trying to work on it," Izuku shrugs. 

"Alright, Alright! Examinee 7111 nice catch!" Mic continues his explanation even if he was rudely interrupted.

Izuku tunes out the rest. 

"PLUS ULTRA!! BREAK A LEG EVERYONE!" Students get up, and Izuku waits for a little, so he didn't get caught in the bottleneck. Soon he and Katsuki get up in sync. 

"Good luck, nerd." Katsuki walks off. Izuku raises an eyebrow. 

'what a change of heart' Izuku walks to his bus while flipping up his hoodie. He sits at the back of the bus putting his music on while students got dressed. Soon enough everyone was on, Uraraka seems to be concentrating in the front of the bus while others were talking or doing the same. 

Soon the bus pulls up to the cityscape. Izuku exits after everyone. He quickly finds Uraraka trying to stay calm. He smirks and walks over, making sure to use people to block the robot boy from seeing him. 'I really hope no one confuses him with one of the faux villains.' Izuku thought before tapping Uraraka on the shoulder, causing her to jump ready to punch whoever touched her.

"You know attacking other examinees is prohibited, right?" Izuku smirks down at the girl. 

"Midroiya! We got the same site!" She smiles and seems to completely forget her nervousness. 

"Yep, oh. Something I learned from personal experience" Izuku watches the gates start to open. "Just go as soon as you can," Izuku starts running. 

"START!" Mic yells right as Izuku's foot crosses the threshold before disappearing in a blur of green and blue. "WHAT'S WRONG?"

Uraraka was already running after Izuku grinning ear to ear. Her nerves where steeled after Izuku distracted her. 

Mic chastises the groups of people just standing around. 'he got faster,' She thought, seeing a robot lying dead in the street. 

"THE TEST'S STARTED!!! RUN! RUN!!!" Mic screams from the tower. 

Izuku, on the other hand, was already on his 18th robot, grabbing its head before throwing it through another one. 'god this is… boring?' Izuku looks around, seeing the cameras on every corner of the city. Izuku only destroyed the robots that target him or cornering a different examinee. Izuku hasn't even used another skill since his first sprint at the gate. He tsked softly, dodging a robot's swing before jumping backward, almost getting blasted with a laser. 

"Merci! I appreciate the assist!" The blond French guy runs past him. "But I doubt we'll meet again." The blond winks. 

Izuku grabs the scraps of metal before throwing it at a two-pointer that was behind the French blond, ready to attack him. The blond yelps. "Your welcome." Izuku glares before walking away. Izuku observes his surroundings, seeing people's quirks in action. It was impressive, amazing even, students who have had their quirks their entire life using them to turn robots into scrap metal. Izuku just kept doing what he was doing, attacking robots that went after him or helped people out. He was waiting for the Zero Pointers. 'maybe that would be more fun since I didn't get a quest for this.' Izuku sighs. 

Inside the observation tower, teachers watch the screens as they judge the actions of each examinee. 

"Wow, every year, these students get better," Midnight smiles while watching the young men. 

"Midnight focus, please…" Thirteen begs in a quiet voice. 

"What? These young men and women getting all dirty" Midnight wiggles her eyebrows before getting slapped upside the head with a white cloth. She turns around only to get red eyes glaring at her instead. She turns back around and shuts up. 

"Thank you, Aizawa." Nezu chirps from his seat. "Now, back to the students. Intelligence gatherers, mobility experts, decision-makers. Call them," Nezu messes with his tablet to keep tally of his teachers' observations. 

"Mezo Shoji, multiple arms. He's good for intelligence gathering, but his unique look would be difficult for Underground work as he would get spotted easily." Vlad states in a deep yet soft voice. 

"Tenya Iida, good at mobility like his brother. A little stiff, but we can work that out," Ectoplasm crosses his arms, watching as Iida kicks through a robot. 

"Yuga Aoyama… flashy and needs to be more careful… but he makes good decisions for the most part," Cementoss sighs while watching all the damage happen and the damage he must fix after the tests were done. 

"Natural born warriors… and Natural born heroes," All Might states, his set next to the principle. "The blond and green-haired students are walking around, destroying robots without care. The greenie was more helpful to his fellow examine, but the blond did distract some Robots with his explosive personality." All Might explains proudly. 

"Bakugo and Midoriya," Aizawa's tired voice comes from the back of the room. Aizawa already having an eye on both of them from the beginning as they were the first two inside their respective testing area. Bakugo was relentless while Midoriya looks bored out of his mind. Aizawa wants to smack both. "I want them in my class…" Aizawa knew they had the points to pass already but if they were going to carry those personalities over to heroics. 'maybe kick them out if they don't fix their personalities' 

"Very good, all of you," Nezu smiles. "The abilities needed to preserve peace in our cities. Now let the real test begin" Nezu slams his paw on the button as some cameras shut off as the Zero pointer destroys the buildings they were attached too. 

Izuku sits on the top of a building, watching people below. He felt the ground shake before hearing the ground-braking for the Zero Pointers to come up. "Finally!" Izuku cheers and watches as the Zero Pointer crushes the side of an 8-story building. Izuku watches as examinees run away as he pushes himself off the building, landing on the street. He took a little damage from the height but quickly shakes it off. He strolls past people running away. His sense was turned up high while his eyes search the ground for any stragglers just in case. 

"oww!" Izuku spots Uraraka, who was stuck in rubble after helping people getaway. 

" Come out, Igris, " Shadows seep from Izuku's coat before the giant knight rising behind him.

" Go, " Izuku runs forward as Igris manifests a black sword before running towards the giant robot. He passes Izuku in seconds with his speed while Izuku stays to help Uraraka. 

"W-what are you doing here? The zero point-" Uraraka got cut off by the sound of metal being sliced, and then something being launched into the walls that surround the city. 

"Don't worry, my friend got it." Izuku smiles softly to keep her calm. Izuku one hands the concrete slab and throwing it off the brunette's Ankle. "Is your ankle okay?" 

"I-I think I broke it," She hisses when Izuku touches it. 

"Hm, possible. Would you mind if I picked you up?" Izuku hears Igris walking back to him. 

"Ah, you don't have too!" she waves her hands franticly with a red face.

"It's the least I could do," Izuku reaches under her knees and behind her back before picking her up. He turns to find Igris kneeling with his head down, sword off to the side, and behind him, the robot's body was slumped over. Its head missing. "You've done well." Izuku couldn't help the smile on his face as everyone was staring at the headless Zero Pointer. The shadow fell back into the ground before finding its home in Izuku's skin. 'he's a lot stronger than me,' Izuku thinks while looking at the headless Zero Pointer. 

"Wow…" A soft voice comes from Uraraka, but she was looking at Izuku and not the Zero Pointer. 

"Hm?" Izuku walks back to the gates as Present Mic calls the exam to an end. 

"N-nothing!" she squeaks and hides her face behind her hands. People quickly get out of Izuku's way while he walked. 

Iida stares at the boy he tried to call out earlier with his jaw slightly open. 'he was already walking towards the Zero Pointer before she called out… was he already planning on killing it?' 

"Well done. Good work." A much older voice comes from the gate. 

"Recovery girl," Izuku lowers himself down, still holding Uraraka. "She got trapped by the Zero Pointer." 

Recovery girl inspects the bruise on Uraraka's ankle and kisses it softly. "You will be fine, dearie. Just eat some candy before you leave" Recovery girl hands over some of her recovery candy as Izuku lets Uraraka up. "Is anyone else hurt?" Recovery girl looks around seeing no one else was injured. 'interesting, guess I have to watch the tapes later.' she thought and heads off to the other sites. 

Izuku and Uraraka walk back to the bus together. "Thank you… by the way," Uraraka speaks softly. 

"eh, no problem. It wasn't your fault, plus you were helping people out before you got caught." Izuku sits down, and she sits next to him. 

"Yeah, but you wasted your time on me" Uraraka does not whine, but she does pout. 

"I had already headed that way to kill it." Izuku yawns as she looks shocked. 


"Yep," Izuku leans back and sighs, remembering he needed a place to stay. 'I wonder if a hotel is open,' Izuku mumbles. 

"You can stay at my place," She offers quickly, before backtracking. "I mean if you want. I have a couch you can crash on," she promptly explains while looking away. 

"Are you sure?" Izuku asks. "I wouldn't want to intrude." 

"It's the lease I can do! You practically saved my life!" Uraraka smiles brightly, and Izuku smile back. 

"Sure, thank you." Izuku watches people as they get on the bus. Some giving him side looks. 

"Well, meet me at the front gate, and we will go once I get dressed!" Uraraka explains. 

"Sounds good." The bus pulls away from the testing site. 

Izuku stands at the gate with his eyes closed. His sense stat was useful as he could feel all the nervousness or relief from the student's around him. He felt anger and pride walking towards him. "Katsuki," Izuku opens his eyes, slowly letting the blue glow fade. "Could you tell my mother, I'm staying with a friend until the start of U.A if she calls." 

"What? Why and who would friend a loser like you." Katsuki snarks but without the usual bite to it. 

"Personal reasons and screw you," Izuku smirks at the blond. "So, how did it go?" 

"Well enough, it's fun to let loose finally," Katsuki admits. "What about you?" 

"I found it kinda boring. The robots were easy." Izuku shrugs as Katsuki looks puzzled at Izuku's admission.

"We will see who gets first." Katsuki grins, thinking he might finally have a rivel. 

"Midoriya!" The soft voice of Uraraka comes from behind Katsuki. He turns around and stares at a girl that was his height and has a very athletic body. 

"Hey, Uraraka, ready to go? I know a good café that has Mochi," Izuku points his thump down the street as he swears he could see stars in her eyes. 'guess she likes mochi.' "My treat," Izuku states before they walk away from Katsuki. 

'what the fuckkkkk!' Katsuki stares at Izuku's back as the pair chats happily while walking away. 

With the teachers

"well, this year was very," Nezu tries to find the words for what they all saw in testing site B. 

"Interesting?" All Might states

"Insane?" Vlad saw the zero pointers' head embedded in the wall.

"Psychotic?" Power Loader was tearing up after seeing one of his babies destroyed. 

"Who the hell is that kid, and what did he do!?" Mic was white from seeing it from the tower. The rest of the teachers who were sitting in the tower didn't feel the pure unadulterated darkness like he did. 

"Midoriya Izuku…" Aizawa was looking at the tablet he had. "His quirk came in a few months ago, forced manifestation." Teachers turn to the dark-haired underground hero. 

"Wait, he just got his quirk and can do that!?" Midnight points at the screen. 

"Apparently, no wonder he seemed bored with the robots. He wasn't even using his quirk tell the zero-pointer showed up," Aizawa continues. 'the kid's strong.' 

"What's his quirk?" All Might watches the replay of students moving around the sight. 

"He named it Solo leveling. The only description is, like a video game character. That's it... Midoriya registered it 8 months ago. The report states he got it after the sludge villain attack," Nezu flicking through the files. All Might jerks and looks over the report. 'is that the same kid?' All Might feeling sweat roll down his cheek. 

"To have a student with such a powerful quirk on top of that level of control in a short time. I have no doubt he will be a mighty hero in the future," Vlad rubs his neck.

The teachers all look at Aizawa, who just brushes off the looks. "Like I said before, I'll take him." 

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