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Chapter 2- Skill's Introduction, Evilous Thinking

Xu Hao slowly walk towards his home, it was not that far away much, it only took him almost 2 hours to walk by himself alone.

He didn't care about the people's strange looks, and the ones that saw him crying were snickering at his state.

After all, he still has some dried blood stain, which people mistaken for a red paint, while some just couldn't care.

Xu Hao while walking was thinking of the sudden phenomenon, an hour ago he was just an ordinary young man, who lick Lin Muyan's thighs.

But now, even a single name of hers did not make his heart palpitate.

'The aftermath was too overboard, almost likely my personality was tainted by the Immortals Memory.' Xu Hao thought.

He sighed, it was fortunate that he was not emotionless, he can still feel something, after all, he didn't want that.

He wouldn't be the Xu Hao he used to be!

Thinking of Lin Muyan, and Xu Hao instead of making a Doki–Doki expression, there's none.

Putting a hand on his chest, where his heart resides, he contemplated.

Does this mean that he was incapable of loving someone?

Heart was the most needed when loving someone after all.

His heart beats but it was like not beating for her, or anyone's existence.

As Xu Hao walk, he heard the people whispering, as he cast a look and sees them still looking at him strangely.

"Lowly ants..." He sighed helplessly, why is it that even his way of speaking was like almost from the Immortal Cultivator? "Inferior people laugh at their fellow inferior human."

Instead of wasting time, he focused on his way towards his house.





Opening the door of his rental apartment, Xu Hao walks inside with still a stoic expression.

Looking around the inside of his house, he abruptly chuckles, 'Compared to the Immortal Palace, this house is more likely a familiar's pet house.'

To be correct, some familiar pet house even has a more glamorous mansion, than him.

Inside the room, only a minimum space was seen to the naked eye of him, a simple single-person bed, two white cushions, and a mini table on the side, as a waist-heightened drawer was displayed, inside were his properly folded clothes.

Atop of the table, was a family picture of him and his mother, he didn't have a father, as he was long gone from meeting Yama probably.

On the right side, there was a kitchen with light things.

A mini fridge was also there.

But, on the wall many stolen pictures of Lin Muyan were posted, seeing such a thing and remembering his obsession, Xu Hao felt weirded out.

Xu Hao walks and goes to the edge of his bed, as he silently gazes at the beautiful stolen pictures of Lin Muyan.

The Goddess of his life.

However, he unpredictably tore it off from where it was all placed, and rolled it, and immediately throw it in the plastic trash.

He was so broke that even a trash can was unaffordable to him.

"I should try to reflect and change myself, it's known that Lin Muyan did not like me, it's obvious that I know it, even after chasing her for years... If it isn't for the Immortal's memories goodly affecting me, I would still probably turn a blind eye to her disgusted eyes casting on me." Xu Hao's stoic expression changes, as he felt anger, anger for himself.

He tried to reach the sky, but he wasn't destined to even stare at it.

He wasted his time chasing after a woman, who completely dislike him from the very beginning.

Xu Hao clench his fists, as he felt like wanting to change his position in life.

Heaving a deep breath to calm himself, he sat on the bed cross-legged, as he closed his eyes and started to meditate.

Immediately, a text appears in his close vision.

[Spiritual Qi]: +0.5

[Spiritual Qi]: +0.5

Seeing this, he stopped cultivating, absorbing the Spiritual Qi energy in his surroundings.

[Spiritual Qi]: 1/20

Indicating that he understood it, he didn't care about it anymore, he started to focus on absorbing the Spiritual Qi around and notice that the Energy in his area was too thin.

He was absorbing Qi too slowly.

"It's completely different from the Immortal World, where Qi is vast and endless."

Uncountable hours have passed, and as he cultivated, it was already morning, and suddenly he noticed his Spiritual Energy was already full.

[Spiritual Energy]: 20/20

Reading this, Xu Hao was not arrogant about such a thing, it was too little compared to the Immortal Dual Cultivator that he has seen.

It's like the very thin edge of the ice.

Grabbing his old smartphone, Xu Hao takes a note of the time.

"7:58 in the morning..... I thought it was just seconds have passed." He wasn't going to school now, he was already too late.

Xu Hao then stood up, as he immediately goes to the bathroom, and took a shower.

Damn, even the water in this place was warm.

He didn't complain, as he change into an ordinary white clothes and grey pants.

Combing his deep black hair, as his red bloody eyes beamed.

Quickly, he sat on the floor, his buttocks rested on it.

He then open the 'Introduction Page' of the Manual, and his eyes landed on the skills that were on it.

He clicked on the 'Peircing Devil's Eyes' and immediately the skill's introduction was read by him, "Piercing Devil's Eyes- A Heavenly or Should I say the Devil's Eyes, an Eye Power that can even make the Immortal on Kunlun greed over it, such an eyes exist? This can only help me trace a Spiritual Energy in my surrounding, see a Person's Qi, I can identify if someone is a Cultivator or not? Then... Identifying Jade rocks and Treasure will be a lot easier this way..."

Xu Hao pondered, as he couldn't help but grin lightly at this skill.

After all, he was just a poor broke student, his mother surely couldn't afford his college fees in the future.

Remembering his mother's affectionate warm smile, Xu Hao will not forget such a scene, the deadbeat body just because of fatigue, just to give money to him.

"It won't be long... Mother." Xu Hao muttered.

Then, immediately he read the context of the second skill.

"Nirvana's Touch?"

"Perverted Immortal Skill, that based on massaged on this World, a pleasure skill that can make someone soar to sky feeling the heavenly time of their life. Warm jade soft hands, slender finger poking on a woman's..."

Xu Hao has blank eyes, reading such a skills context. This skill was suggested to be used on a woman's private part!


Remembering that the manual is a Dual Cultivation, he wouldn't be surprised anymore.

Stretching his hands on his legs, he then started to use the Nirvana's Touch on his own.

"Ugh!... F-Fuck!" Xu Hao jolted, he couldn't believe it, he heard himself moan! He sighed fortunately there was no one to hear him.

(A/N: R.I.P; Readers...)

He pulled his hands away, the skill when used on himself was like giving a tingling pleasure, a heaven's touch.


[Spiritual Qi]: -15/20

"It consumed and almost emptied the Spiritual Qi that I have gathered... overnight." Xu Hao has a new discovery. He never taught that his Spiritual Qi would be almost emptied by using one skill.

But, he wasn't that bothered after all he still has Yang Qi to use as the Skill's fuel.

He could only use it one time though.

With a shaking head, he stand up and make himself a hot coffee, as he took a sip and look outside of the window, viewing his neighborhood's houses.

His bloody red eye was a gem-like as it glinted, seeing the bitchy landlady's place.

[Human Cauldron]: Empty

Viewing this, Xu Hao was thinking of something...


Barfk Barfk

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