/ Realistic / So unfair

So unfair Original

So unfair

Realistic 1 Chapters 948 Views
Author: Syed_saqs

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1 heart......2 kidneys ..........so unfair
Both located opposite...but still not aware....

1 pocket full of Cash.....2 pockets shred.......so unfair....
All are hand..in.. hand....but still unable to bare...

1 Eye filled with tears....1.. eye. Well contented......so unfair.
Both situated in same position but..still unable to stare

1 arm held by Angel....1 arn held by evil .....so unfair
Both does same functioning..but still unable to pair.

1 cloud contains..rain...1 cloud contains thunder.....so unfair
Both hit each other but Still unable to take...care....

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Author Syed_saqs