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38.88% smut collection / Chapter 7: chapter 7

Chapter 7: chapter 7

Water, Earth, Fire, Air these are the four Elements and in this world their exist people who can control and use the elements known as Benders, and only the Avatar the bridge between the human and spiritual worlds can use all four.

But our tale doesn't start with him no rather our tale starts with a lost soul who through circumstances he doesn't understand found himself in a unfamiliar body, in a very familiar world.

Our tales starts in the capital of the Earth Kingdom, Ba Sing Se. A vast city that stretched for miles and miles and was in fact the largest city in the world encompassing a large portion of the Earth Kingdom northeastern corner territory.

And in this vast city laid the Earth Kingdom Royal Palace standing proud and tall like it's Kingdom and capital still standing even after a 100 years of war with the fire nation.

It is inside the royal place we start our tale more specifically the throne room. Where a man with light green eyes, black hair, and pale skin wearing small spectacles and royal green and yellow colored robes this Kuei the 52nd Earth King who had ascended to the throne at four years old after the death of his father.

Leaving minister Long Feng to act as a regent for a number of years, allowing the man to turn Kuei into his puppet as he took control of Ba Sing Se. Recently however this status quo had changed.

Which lead to the current scene of Kuei glaring down at the gathered uniformed men of the Dai Li Ba Sing Sea elite secret police forced founded by none other than the past Avatar Kyoshi

The throne room stood silent for several tense moments before Kuei spoke out, "Tell me something.."

He asked with a dark frown and a even darker gleam in his eyes, "Do I look like a fool to you?"

"No wait don't answer that.." He said holding up his hand shaking his head, "Because it's obvious to me the answer is YES!" He roared out in utter rage as he stood up from his throne walking down the steps to the floor where the Dai Li stood

"After all why else would you all think I would stand by and be nothing but your former masters puppet for the rest of my days!"

He snapped with a dark glare staring hard at the silent Dai Li, "A master who I might remind you is not here today."

He said as he began to pace back and forth in front of the gathered lines of Dai Li, "And why is that?" Kuei asked in mocked rhetorically before snapping his fingers, "Oh that's right!"

He said with a smile he sent at the Dai Li, "He's dead!" He exclaimed with a bright tone as he turned his head toward the Dai Li, "Do to coming down with a bad case of treason and poison."

He said in mock sorrow shaking his head with a sigh, "Long Feng, Long Feng." He stared hard at the Dai Li, "His arrogance was perhaps his great flaw."

He told them before snorting, "Surpassed only by his shortsightedness.."

He narrowed his eyes with a dark gleam, "Faults I assure you I shall do my best not to imitate."

He folded his arms behind his back, "Which brings us to you all." He stared hard at the gathered Dai Li, "What should I do with the Dai Li?"

He asked aloud, "On one hand your organization has served and played a important role for my family and kingdom since the days of Kyoshi."

He said while rubbing his chin, "But on the other.." He glared at the gathered secret police, "Your treason by following Long Feng over your rightful king puts your loyalty into quite a tricky position don't you agree?"

"So tell me everyone.." He stepped forward inches away from one of the Dai Li glaring straight into their eyes, "What would you do in my position?"

At this question the Dai Li remained silent but tension built up in the throne room until the Earth King spoke again.

"A part of me thinks I should dissolve your organization and have you all executed." Kuei bluntly admitted with narrowed eyes staring hard at the man

And with that statement the tension of the room shot up higher with many shuffling in place or doing their best not to sweat, "However.."

Kuei than broke the silence as the turned back and started to walk to this throne, "Fortunately for you the Dai Li could still prove themselves useful to me."

He remarked staring hard, "So though it's tempting to at least cut your organization in half by pairing you all up and fighting to the death.."

He explained with a shrug and nonchalant tone causing the Dai Li to freeze, "I've decided to give you all one last chance and have Long Feng serve as a example."

He glared with a dark frown, "A example and reminder to what may happen if you don't remember that your loyalty is to the Earth Kingdom and above all else me and my family..."

"Am I understood?" He asked leaning forward with a dark dangerous tone and several tense moments passed before the Dai Li all got on their knees and bowed much to the pleased smirk of Kuei, "Good.."

"Now than.." He remarked rubbing his chin, "I want to not only be informed of any and all operations Long Feng and the Dai Li did without my order.."

He narrowed his eyes, "But I also want you all to prepare.." A dark grin soon grew on his face, "After all we're at war and I do believe that the Avatar and his friends will eventually arrive to our grand city."

He leaned back into his chair and let out a dark laugh, "So I want you all to make sure that they receive the finest example of Ba Sing Se hospitality ~"

He said staring down at the bowing Dai Li who were quite unaware that the man before them wasn't King Kuei at least not in spirit

No while this was Kuei body a new soul was controlling it, and while this soul wasn't sure how the heck he had ended up in this mess as the textbook definition of useless king or puppet leader no less.

He was determined to turn things around to his advantage which started by reigning in the Dai Li after dealing with Long Feng.

The latter was simple with a bit of private dinner and bit of poison he managed to acquire without Long Feng knowledge. Though he was on pins and needles throughout the whole thing worried his gambit was blown before he could put it into action

Only for it to be easier than he realized with the man choking and dying mere minute into the meal really it was no wonder Azula stole control of the Dai Li from him so easily

Which..he thought staring hard down at the Dai Li it was imperative to make sure history didn't repeat or rather didn't get a chance to happen with him taking Long Feng place

No the Dai Li would stay under his control one way or another and through them

His mind flashed to what he remembered of the series concerning the dai li methods particularly the Joo Dees and than his mind went to the Avatar girls who would soon be heading to his city

Putting him in a prime position to not only take control of the course of the series to his own benefit but claim some delicious bonues along the way

Speaking of he thought as he remembered another girl that resided in the city already, "You!"

He said pointing down at one Dai Li he narrowed his eyes as a wicked gleam entered them, 'There is a citizen by the name of the Jin living the lower rings I want her brought to me."

He ordered giving a description of what he remembered from the show before dismissing the Dai Li as he sat in his throne plotting of how to not only to make sure the city stayed out of Fire Nation control but also how to win the war and make sure the Earth Kingdom and more importantly himself became more powerful than ever~

(Hours later)

The doors of the throne room opened again and two figures walked in.

The first one was the Dai Li agent.

The other was a girl; she was a young girl (not old that 16-17 at max) with untamed black hair (fixed in two brides). she was dressed in a modest green work kimono and pants and light green shoes

The girl looked around in awe...and a bit of fear...after all what did the king of the entire nation wanted with her?

"My king" the agent fell to his keens "i have brought the girl you asked for"

"Excellent.." Kuei said smiling down at Jin recognizing her well from the series and seeing her in person she was even more desirable in person. Her clothes while of low quality you'd expect of a citizen of the lower ring did little to hide her beauty or her figure from his eyes when looked for it.

"You may all leave us." Kuei said with a wave dismissing the Dai Li agents and the guards than adding in a hard tone, "Now!" With the guards sending the king questioning looks but giving a conceding nod as the Dai Li had already turned and made their way out of the throne room

And Kuei got up from his throne smiling down at Jun, "Ah it a pleasure to meet you in person my dear Jun." He said revealing he already knew her name, "I do hope the Dai Li escorted you with respect as I instructed them' He said walking down the steps at the foot of his throne and approaching her

"I...ummm...yes my king" she said falling into her knees "They had your majesty"

"Excellent~" Kuei said with a smirk at this and her show of submission (Ending up as Kuei certainly had it's good side what can he say it was good to be king~) as he started to circle her, "Tell me Jin do you know why you're here?" He asked with a arched brow

" your highness...i was...only told you were calling for me" she answered still confused as why she was called...and how is it that the king knew her name

Kuei gave a little chuckle and also a lick of his lips as his eyes went to her ass, "You are here my dear.." He began before stopping in place in front of her, "Because i've realized that after dealing with the treason of my formerly most trusted advisor Long Feng."

He looked down into eyes as she kept her bow, "A lot about myself and the Earth King needs to change." He raised his fist clenching, "Not only do I need to extend a firmer hand and show the people that I am truly the Earth King not just a puppet...but."

He shot her a grin, "I need to start addressing the matter of my legacy.." He said giving another chuckle as he placed his arms behind his back shooting her a sharp grin, "I have a beautiful vision for our nations for our worlds future and i'd like you to be part of it Jin~"

"M-me?" asked the girl her confusion growing " just...a worker girl from the low ring...i...what can i do?"

"For starters.." Kuei shot her a smile as he offered her his hand, "You could stand up and tell me how does the idea of moving out of the lower ring and into my palace sound~" He asked with a coy smirk

"My lord?!" she asked in shock...did she heard well? moving out the lower the PALACE?!!

"Hehe allow me to explain my dear." Kuei said with a chuckle before getting a serious look, "As I mentioned earlier Long Feng my former Grand Secretariat betrayed me.."

He gave a slight growl clenching his fists, "He was my regent after my father died when I was a child.." He glared at the ground, "And during that time he used the chance to build a powerbase and seize power while turning me into a figure head."

He than shot her a smirk, " I let him believe." He placed his hands behind his back, "Eventually I realized his treason but choose to bide my time and play the puppet while letting Long Feng grow overconfident and than.."

He gave a mocking shake of his head as he sighed, "Well let's just say during a private supper together he had a bad allergic reaction~" He explained with a slight undertone of a laugh before smiling back at her, "Once he was dealt with I wasted no time in bringing the city and my kingdom back to heel"

He said with a bright grin and smug feeling of pride partial still surprised at how easy doing so was so far but he wasn't complaining while cautiously being on guard, "However.."

His smile fell as he stared into her eyes, "Besides giving me the chance to be my true self and the Earth king our people need it's also lead to me realizing something.."

He stepped up and cupped her Jin's cheek, "That I must plan for the future as well as my legacy.." He looked into Jin's eyes, "Starting by rebuilding my family so our kingdom isn't left leaderless."

He brought his face closer to Jin's face as he whispered out, "Jin...I want you to become my first concubine and mother of my children." He explained before giving her lips a kiss to exploit her shock

"Ummmm!!!!!" The girl was...well shocked didnt even cover it...the king wanted her?!!! Wait...the king was kissing her?!!!!!!

she didnt knew what to do...should he kiss back...should he slap him? Wait she cant do that he is the king!!!"

Kuei himself found himself savoring the kiss as he moved his right hand and laid it down on Jin ass with a hard SMACK! Giving it a nice good squeeze in the next instant~

"ummmm!!!!" the girl was worry...was he wanted to do what she thinks he wants to do? with effort she tried to push the man away from her "wait...your majesty...ahhhh wait please!!"

Kuei at Jin cries stopped and pulled himself back giving a sheepish chuckle, "Apologies my dear I got carried away."

He said doing his best to look sheepish and adjust his spectacles (Which he realized after taking over Kuei's body were mostly there for show really they didn't even cover his eyes he was honestly thinking about ditching them.) he than sighed, "It's just.."

He gestured at Jin, "You're so beautiful I found it hard to resist after explaining the reasoning behind your summoning~" He explained staring into her eyes

" touched really but" she couldnt think much...she couldnt even believe what just happened " just a peasant girl...i....i couldnt be of use for you..and an..."

Kuei at those protests merely snorted as he gave a wave of his hand, "Nonsense my dear." He said smiling at her as he stepped back up to her, "Peasant you might be..but." He brought his hand back to her left cheek gently rubbing it with his thumb, "you are something special~"

He said with a chuckle sending her a smirk, "And perfect for what I need~" He said with a undertone of desire with his gaze going to her bust as he continued with a lick of his lips, "Think of what i'm offering my dear."

With his free hand he gestured to the surrounding throne room, "Not only a life of luxury you've only dreamed of.." He gave her a leer as he brought his right hand onto her right breast squeezing it while keeping his left hand on her cheek, "As well as a life of pleasure~"

He said with a laugh before adding with another smirk, "But also a life for our children as part of nobility.." He than smirked as he gave her breast another squeeze, "As any child of mine you bear concubine or not shall automatically have nobility status."

He said with a smug smirk before pausing as he added, "Well unless I choose you over the other girls of course~"

"Ahhh ahhh your...your majesty ahhh" she moaned at her actions.

she didnt knew what to do..should she tell him to stop? But he was the king...and he wanted her...but was that enough reason to do this?

You see my dear." Kuei began to explain while moving his hand from her cheek to her other breast where he started to knead and squeeze them through her work kimono, "This isn't just for my sexual pleasure."

He said staring into her eyes enjoying her moans, "Though believe me plenty of that will be involved~" He said with a sneer and laugh, "Nor is it just a way to vent away years of stress of dealing with Long Feng."

He added with a growl and rough squeeze before sighing and adding in a low sad tone, "It isn't even a way to once again have a family..and." He trailed off for a moment before looking away, "Having people in my life I can truly fully open to and trust."

Kuei said in his best vulnerable tone while internally crowing at his performance before he shook his head as he stared into her eyes, "It's also about securing the Earth Kingdom future by not only making sure a incident like Long Feng doesn't happen again.."

He said with narrowed eyes, "But also so I have plenty of children and heirs to rebuild the Royal family." Than he let out a laugh, "Which is where you and my other future concubine come in my dear~"

He said with a wide dark smirk never once stopping kneading and squeezing her breasts through her kimono

"Ahhhhhh!!!" she moaned "but...but...why me ahhhhh I ahhhhh im no body ahhh important ahhhhh" she cried slowly enjoying his touch

"Why not you~" Kuei replied back with a smirk staring at her with desire, "You'll find as the king i have many eyes my dear."

He leaned in and whispered huskily, "And every single one of them can only stare at you with desire~" He grinned, "You are wasted in the lower ring or on a future where you might have a tea shop worker as a husband."

He said giving a snort before looking at her with desire, "Become mine and I give you not only luxury and pleasure..but love~" He said giving her lips a sweet kiss

"Ummmmm" could it be? was he spying on her so this was just the culmination of that? does he really wanted her?

Kuei held the kiss for several moments before pulling back, "And.." He smirked arching a brow, "Did I mention a chance to become queen~"

He added and than explained, "Because eventually I will choose among you and your future sister concubines and the one I choose will become queen and their first born child my heir."

He explained before pausing as he added on, "Unless the child proves unsuitable to be the next ruler or just has no interest in ruling later on." He said as he rather avoid the disaster that was canon Kuei daughter in the Korra era thank you very much

While also leaving out that Jin herself might not become queen with the competition but he was rather curious at what she would do at this opportunity or if she even desire it

"Me? A queen?" she asked with a small blush on her face

"Or at least chance to be one." Kuei said with a shrug while squeezing her breasts, "Have to be fair and give the other girls a shot after all~"

He said with a smirk before giving her a serious look, "But let me make this clear.." He stared deep into her eyes, "Even if you don't become Queen..'

He leaned in and huskily whispered, "I will never stop loving you or the other girls any less." He said with a tone of desire and conviction and than adding in a steel of tone, "And heirs or not I will raise and love all my children equally."

He said with a determined tone and this was a promise he meant not only out of desire to be a good dad but also make sure to avert any sibling rivalries and such and install family loyalty and love into his children

He'd rather avoid what happen to the fire nation royal family

"I ummm that is...grateful of your part my king" she blushed slowly feeling her cloths turning warmer

"Think nothing of it my dear~" Kuei said before giving her breasts a squeeze, "So than.." He leered at her, "Why don't you get out of those clothes and pledge your heart and body to your king~"

"ummm my clothes?...umm here?" she asked looking around the throne room

"Indeed~" Kuei said with a smirk and took a step back releasing her breasts, "And there's no need to be shy."

He gestured to the surrounding throne room, "I assure you we're quite alone~" He said before shooting her a smirk, "After all I'd rather not let anybody see your gorgeous naked body but me~"

"Ummmm" she blushed "if...if thats what my king...wishes" she said as her hands moved to undo the sash of her kimono

Kuei couldn't stop the leer as he watched Jin undo her sasha and than drop her kimono to her feet and all he could say once he saw the sight of her body, "Beautiful..simply beautiful~"

"Ummmm" Jin blushed wanting to cover her now naked chest.

her boss had joked (when drunk) about her breast´s sizes and how even the king would fell for them

Now it wasnt as funny as that time.

"Ummm thank king" she said with nervous tone

"Oh i'm just speaking the truth my dear~" Kuei said with a chuckle, "Truly claiming you is my fortune and the loss of all the peasant boys in the lower ring~"

He said with another laugh and mean sneer, "But i'm a little over dress now aren't i~" He remarked before he started to pull off his own royal robes and clothes

"Umm..your highness!!!" she cried in embarrassment trying to look away

"Oh no need to look away my dear~" Kuei said with a smile unclasping the green tunic from around his neck than throwing aside his spectacles and bead necklace while also pulling off his upper robe, "After all.."

He smirked as he exposed his upper body to Jin, "I'm about to become not just your king.." He gave a leer as he chuckled and kicked off his shoes while unbuckling his pant robes, "But also your lover and eventual father of your children~"

He said dropping his lower clothes to the ground

"Ummm your highness" she said not believing her king had just disrobe in front of her...and that he...welll...was quite well endowed there

"Hehe do you like what you see my dear~" Kuei added with a smug grin because whether it was Kuei natural body or a side effect of his soul taking it over the king not only had some muscle from exercise but had quite a large cock...perhaps it was the earth bending gene~

"Because believe me the feeling is very mutual~" He said his eyes roaming over her naked body with only her arms blocking her breasts and all Jin had on was her shoes and pants

"Ummm look ummm" she blushed feeling a tingle between her legs seeing the naked king

"Like a royal who's about to make a sexy peasant girl scream and beg for more~" Kuei asked with a teasing smirk his eyes roaming over her body with her kimono removed all she still had on were her pants and shoes and those would be out of the way soon enough

"Ummmm" the girl blushed...was she really going to have sex with the king? was she dreaming or what?

well at this point she knew what was the answer to that...but still was hard to believe

"Now than my dear~" Kuei smirked as he took of his hat throwing his spectacles in them before tossing the hat aside, "Why don't you take off those pants and perhaps.." He gave a thoughtful hum as his hand went to his hard cock, "Entertain your king with a dance~"

"Umm a dance? i ummmm" she took a deep breath letting her hands fall revealing her breats "i can try..." she finished kicking off her shoes and taking a dancer position

"HEhe excellent~" Kuei said with a eager smirk as he took several steps back before sitting down on the steps leading up to his throne his hand remaining on his cock, "Now my sexy concubine."

He shot her a smirk, "Entertain and arouse your king, your master~" He commanded with a wide grin and laugh

" king" she said as she began dancing, moving her body in a way to call his attention.

her hands moved to massage her hair, down to her breasts, turning around to shake her covered ass towards him

"Hmm such a sexy ass you have there my dear~" Kuei said with a lustful smirk while softly pumping his cock

"Ummmm" she shivered as she untied the knock of her pants and slowly began peeling them down showing her light green fundoshi

"Hmm yes that's it my dear~" Kuei said with a purr, "Reveal your gorgeous body to your king." He said in slight command before adding with a smirk, "you know that this is your fantasy come true after all~"

He said with a slight laugh after all who wouldn't want a chance like this to be with a king and live in a palace~

er pants fell off and she kick them away leaving herself with only her underwear.

"Ummm am i...of your liking my king?" she asked trying to pose for him

"Oh you are very much to my liking my dear~" Kuei said with a wide grin licking his lips, "Like I said you are wasted on the boys squalling in the lower ring."

He said with a smirk shaking his head, "No a body like yours is worthy and begging to be bred by a king~"

"Umm t-thanks my king" she said with a blush

"Hehe as I said i'm only speaking the truth my dear~" Kuei said before giving a wave of his hand, 'Now carry on with that sensual dancing of yours~"

"umm king" she said continue dancing...slowly approaching the sitting king

"Hmm yes shake those hips my dear." Kuei said softly pumping his cock, "Don't forget to emphasize those delicious breasts of yours along with your ass~"

He told her adding with a smirk, "Those tits were made to be shown off after all~"

"Ummmm" she hummed turning to shake her ass and then back front to cup her own breasts making her moan

"Such a beautiful sound~" Kuei said with a slight grunt than with a order, "Play with yourself more my dear as you dance~" He leered, "your king wants to hear how much his concubine is enjoying this~"

"Umm yes sir" she said starting to massage her breasts. a blush began growing in her as she began feeling good by doing this "ummm ah...its ahhh like this? ahh"

"Yes that's it my dear~" Kuei said with his smirk widening, "Though don't forget to give your pussy attention too~" He chided with amusement

" pussy?" she blushed moving a hand towards her still covered pussy "like..ahhh like this? Ahhhh" she moaned as she began touching herself over her underwear

"Yes, yes like that!" Kuei exclaimed with a wide eager grin of lust, "Tell your king how you feel!" He ordered with a leer, "Tell him all your darkest most depraved desires and fantasies~"

"I...ahh..i feel..ahhh this feels...ahhhh" she moaned "so good" she couldnt help but said as she pinched her nipple with one hand and the other sunk her cloth into her entrance

"Of course you feel good~" Kuei agreed with a smirk, "Because serving your king and bringing him joy gives you pleasure does it not~" Feeling so aroused at the sight before him and the power he was feeling commanding Jin

"I...i do...I ahhhhh" she cried using her fingers to move her underwear aside and touch herself directly

"Yes you want to serve me~" Kuei said with a excited smirk, "You want to debase yourself at my ever whim no matter how depraved~"

He gave a evil grin, "You want me to fuck you on my throne in front of the entire royal court.." He let loose a laugh, "Or better yet in front of all of Ba Sing Se so the entire city can see that you are the kings property and eager slutty concubine~"

"ah ah ah hat ah ah ah ahhhh!!!" she moaned as her fingers went inside her

"Hmm yes you dirty slut~" Kuei said as he rose up from the steps pumping his cock, "Look at you debasing yourself in front of your king, in his throne room no less~"

He chided shaking his head, "You really were born to be a royals pet slut weren't you~"

"I...I...ahhhhh ummm ahhhhhh" she fell on her knees as she hit her climax cumming on the floor

Kuei himself st the sight of this felt his own release peak as he started to cum onto the floor as well with a grunt, "Oh my sexy peasant slut!' He exclaimed with a wide grin as he cummed

"Ah ah ah ah" the girl patted trying to recover...part of her couldnt believe she just did THAT in front of the king...while another was quite excited wanting more

"Hmm you did very well." Kuei said with a grunt and pleased smirk, "Wve only just started and I'm already quite entertained ~" He said with a smirk as he hesdex back to his throne, "Though it seems we've made a mess of the floor my pet~"

He said gesturing toward the cum puddle from his and Jin's juices as he sat down, "Why don't you be a good girl and clean it up with your tongue."

He said with a dark smirk, "Than crawl over here and pay tribute to your king~"

"Crawl? king" she said falling in four her mind filled with lust as she crawled towards her king

Kuei smirked at this while choosing to be lenient to her not cleaning up the mess on the ground....for now~

"Ah look at you crawling like a possum dog toward your master~" He said with a dark smirk, "I wonder how many boys in the lower ring would have given anything to see you like this~"

"I...ummm...i never...they never" she said with a blush "I dont want them"

"Of course you don't ~" Kuei said with a smirk as he arched a brow on his throne, "Why settle for being a peasant housewife when you can be a kings slut~" He said laughing with a wide grin

"Ummmm" she blushed away...was she really a slut? For doing this with the king?

"And that's a good thing my dear." Kuei said seeing her blush and potential worry, "As long as you aren't offering your body to any men you can."

He gave a shrug before shooting her a smirk, "But only to one man who you'll love and worship being a slut is a good thing ~"

He arch a brow, "After all don't you feel so free and happy right now crawling to your master ~"

The girl looked down with a did...feel..nice

"Now come pet." Kuei said using his finger in come closer gesture, "Come and beg for the right to pay tribute to your King ~"

"Ummmm" the girl crawled until she was inched from the king. "What...what would your majesty would like me to do?"

Kuei smirked down at her, "Quite simple my pet " He said as he leaned back into the throne and took his cock in his right hand, "I want to hear you beg for the honor of pleasuring your king cock~" He shot her a leer, "I want to hear how much you desire to wrap your tits around it while worshiping it with your mouth."

I...ummmm you...ummm" she blushed harder at the idea of using that language in front of the king "i..."

"Come on now dont be shy~" Kuei said with a laugh as he softly pumped his cock, "Don't you want to wrap your lips around my cock?" .

He asked with a amused smirk, "Don't you want those fat tits wrapped around it as you beg for my seed?~"

"I...i do...i" she blushed "i offer my...ummm...fat tits...for your...enjoyment and...pleasure"

"And what else do you want?" Kuei asked with a leer, "Tell me your most depraved fantasies~"

"I...ummm I want..." she blushed "i want to be fucked....on the royal throne..." she said

"Oh such a dirty girl~" Kuei said with a chuckle at this and was actually planning to do just that but to hear Jin share and express the desire stirred his loins for sure, "Willing to desecrate the symbol of the royal family just to feel your kings cock fill your slutty pussy~"

He said with a leer chuckling, "Perhaps I should have you ride me and suck me off during any royal audiences too~"

"I ummm..." her face warmed up again as the idea hit her mind..and made her shiver in delight "if...if your majesty orders it

"Hehe I very well might~" Kuei said with a dark grin, "I want everyone to watch enviously as their king has his way with one of the most beautiful women in all of Ba Sing Se if not the Earth Kingdom~"

He said sending her a wink and smile before adding on, "Perhaps i'll even fuck you in front of the Avatar himself~"

"The...the avatar?" the girl asked confused

Kuei gave a blink at the confused response causing him to ideally wonder how deep Long Feng silencing of the war and any knowledge of it extended...did he actually destroy any knowledge of the Avatar existence for the people born and raised in the lower rings?

"Yes the Avatar." Kuei said with a slight frown, "You know master of the four elements, who's spirit reincarnates after the death of the previous avatar."

"ummm yeah i know but...why would he be coming here?" she asked again

"Ah of course~." Kuei said with a mutter shaking his head with a frown taking his mind temporarily off their fun but still gazing at the naked girl on her hands and feet only few feet from his throne with desire, "If you recall my earlier explanation of Long Feng treason."

He said with a dark frown, "Part of his treason included silencing any mention of a war that's been going on beyond our city's walls with the Fire Nation for almost a century." He gave a slight annoyed growl clenching his thrones arm rests, "The short sighted fool could have eventually caused our kingdom to lose this war if i hadn't dealt with him."

He said and he was actually speaking the truth in a way before he shook his head with a sigh, "But as to the Avatar I believe he'll eventually come here to seek a audience with me to discuss the war effort."

That made the girl look up in shock.

rumors about a war have been going in the lower ring (rumors going by a sudden affluent of people oIn the ring) yet she has never payed that much attention to them...until now.

"The avatar..will be coming...ummm" she blushed "your highness you want be with you by then?"

"Of course I do~" Kuei said with a smirk, "After all you are to be my concubine, a future mother of some of my children...and." He arched a brow, "If you prove yourself over your future harem sisters potentially my queen."

He than gestured over at her, "Why wouldn't I want you by my side when meeting the Avatar?"

He asked tilting his head before adding with a smirk, "After all it's not every day you get the chance to make the Avatar himself jealous at your good fortune is it~" He asked with a slight laugh

"Ummm...thank you my king i" she took a breath "i...i will like to do so" she added with a blush

"Hehe good~" Kuei said with a smirk, "Now crawl over here pet~" He ordered her wanting to get back on track before telling her with a smirk, "Besides I also want you to meet your potential harem sisters too when the Avatar arrives~"

He said with a slight laugh as his mind went to Toph and more particularly Katara eagerly waiting the chance to feel their bodies against his own and break them into his loving sluts.

" king" she said crawling up to the throne and at his feet

"That's a good girl~" Kuei said with a smirk as he pat her head, "You know the Avatar water bending teacher is someone I also have my eye on~"

He said deciding to inform her about one of her potential harem sisters to see her reaction, "Apparently she's quite a example of water tribe beauty~" He said with a smirk than added with a leer, "And the Avatar is supposedly quite sweet on her."

He said running his hand through Jin hair, "Just imagine how delicious it would be to cuck the Avatar himself and steal her away for myself~"

He looked down at a arched brow, "And i'm sure you're eager to meet your future harem sisters and competition for being Queen~"

"Ummm" she wasnt...for some reason she didnt like the idea of having another woman around who could receive her king´s sweet words "if...if thats what my king wishes...but..i...i will more worthy of...ummm" she blushed

"Being my queen and top slut ~" Kuei finished her sentence with a smirk, "Well you'll have to prove you want it, and outperform your harem sisters after I claim them."

He said with a smirking leer, "Perhaps even dominate them and show them their place ~"

"I...i will prove to you umm" she blushed bringing up her breasts and putting his cock between them

"Hmm." Kuei let a pleased grunt st this smirking down at her, "And how far are you willing to go to do so?" He asked while running his hand through her hair

"I...whatever you order...whatever you need my king" she said moving her breasts up and down caressing his cock

Kuei gave a grunt as he started to come up with scenarios, "Would you crawl naked through out the entire lower ring." He smirked down at her, "With nothing but a collar and writing on your body saying King Kuei property~"

"I...ummm if thats...." she blushed "if thats what my king wants" she said "but my body is only yours to see"

"Hehe true~" Kuei said with a smirk, "After all you are mine to enjoy in both touch and sight~" He said rubbing the top of her head before asking with a smirk, "How about say.."

Here he paused in mock thought before giving a dark leer, "Holding down the Avatar water bending teacher as I have my way with her~" He looked down into her eyes with a dark gleam, "Would you do that for your king if I gave the order?"

The girl frowned a bit.

"if...if my king wants...but...i will make pleasure you so you dont have too"

"Oh is my pet jealous~" Kuei said with a smirk looking down at her, "Don't you want harem sister to keep you company?"

"ummmm...i...i dont know" she said "im not sure...what to feel" she added while moving her breasts faster

"Hmmm." Kuei grunted loving the feel of her luscious tits rubbing against his cock at such a fast pace, "Ah but just picture other beautiful women sucking my seed out from your pussy~"

He leered licking his lips, "Or sucking your breasts while you're bouncing from my cock~" He said rubbing her head, "Or all of you just bathing and sleeping together enjoying each others company while i'm busy~"

He gave a lecherous chuckle, "in more ways than one i'm sure~"

"The girl shivered a bit...not totally on with the idea...but if her king wanted that...she only will need to make it better

"But enough about that." Kuei said with a smirk, "Focus on your king and future not only as his concubine..." He shot her a smirk, "But also one of the most powerful women in the city~".

"umm to serve my king" she answered

"And you will but as my concubine.." Kuei let out a pleased groan at her breasts ministration, "I've decided along with the duty of serving my needs..." He gave her a smirk, "To also grant you a deal of authority and power in the city "

He admitted to her before giving a shrug, "Within reason of course and so long as you remember your place as my servant ~"

"Yes my king...i will" she said adding more speed and force to her movements

"Hmm yes I know you will such a good loyal slut~" Kuei said with a groaning smirk, "Hmm do you have anyone you hate in the lower ring?"

He suddenly asked out of the blue, "Because if you do consider them imprisoned for life or executed.y beautiful concubine ~" He remarked enjoying her tits, "That's the kind of power and privilege you have now~"

"ummmmm" she blushed as she rubbed her tits harder...there wasnt exactly someone but still the fact that the man was asking was enough to warm her up

"But enough chatting.." Kuei said shooting her a smirk, "Why dont you suck my cock and tell what you think of how your king tastes ~"

"Yes my king..." she said and moved her face to take his tip inside her mouth

Kuei gave a grunt smiling wide at the feel of her mouth around the tip of his cock while her breasts pressed against the rest

Jin sucked the tip of his cock, her tongue caressing it as she massaged the length with her breasts

"Hmm yes that's it." Kuei said with a groan, "Oh you really know what you're doing my dear~" He added smirking down at her enjoying the thrill and power of doing this on the throne, "How many peasant boys have had this privilege I wonder?" He wondered aloud with a arched brow and groan

"Ummm ummm ahhh none my king...i just...umm" she blushed "sometime i found scrolls with stories on them and ummm learn from them"

"Hmm and did those scrolls give you any fantasies my dear?" Kuei asked with a smirk, "Perhaps being arrested by the dai li and brought before the king who punished you for treason with his mighty cock~" He said with a laugh

"Ummm i well...there was one where the characters...umm do it behind a a party...without anyone finding" she blushed

"Ohh you dirty minx~" Kuei said with a chuckle before smirking, "Fortunately for you we'll be throwing a little soiree soon~"

He said patting her head, "So i'd be happy to make that fantasy come true." He added with a leer before giving a snort, "Or even fuck you in front of all my guests if you want~"

"Ummm!!! she blushed with her pussy tingling and dripping at the idea

"Hmm yes~" Kuei said with a smirk, "Perhaps we should cook a giant cake than have you pop out naked surprising the guests..than." He leered, "You do a sexy dance before you proceed to ride my cock for all to see~"

"Ummmm" her blush intensified and she quickly resume sucking his cock (trying to not think of that) bumping her head up and down

"Ohhh..yes~" Kuei said with a grunt, "I'll take that as a yes~" He said before saying with a chuckle, "Than I shall make sure to do that to you and more once my birthday arrives~"

He said half joking half seriously considering it but wanted to tease and play with Jin head

"Umm umm ummm" she only sucked and sucked making sure to taste him fully "Hmm that's it suck my cock you slut~" Kuei said with a grunt, "Suck it harder~"

"umm umm ummm!!!!" she did so using her tongue to caress his tip

"Oh yes that's it worship your king~" Kuei said with a groan.

"Ugg uggg ugg" she sucked as hard a she could adding movement to her breasts

"Hmm oh yes don't forget my balls slut~" Kuei ordered and reminded Jin enjoying her ministrations. "Ahhh yes my king" she said pulling his cock out for a moment before resuming sucking; one hand going to massage his balls

"Ahh yes!" Kuei yelled out with a groan, "Oh Jin you were born to be my slut slave~" He said with a groan feeling his release but trying to hold back a bit longer

"Ugg ugg uggg" her pussy began dripping as she continuing pleasing the king

Kuei himself gave a grunt as he grabbed and clenched Jin's hair tightly, "I'm going to..." He grunted out before he started to shoot his seed down Jin throat

"Ugggggg!!!!!" she felt the warm liquid hit her throat...for a moment she was ready to puke..but then she remember the story and began drinking

"Ahhhh." Kuei himself gave a sigh of contentment before sending her a pleased smirk, "oh excellent work my dear."

He said as noticed her drinking in his seed, "Make sure to get ever last drop~"

she nodded as she kept drinking making sure to get it all

Kuei himself just gave another groan loving this entire situation and the sensation of her mouth as she sucked and drinked up the seed

she finally pulled him out with a POP as she panted trying to recover her breath

"Hmm..." Kuei sighed in a bliss before smiling at her, "Very well done my dear~" He said with a chuckle before asking with a smirk, "Tell me.."

He leaned forward, "How did it feel to suck your kings cock while he sat on his throne?"

"Ah ah king" she answered with a lustful smile

"Hehe glad to hear it my dear~" Kuei said with a pleased smirk before bending forward and cupping her cheek, "Now than.." He shot her leer, "What say we make that desire of me fucking you on my throne come true~"

"Ummm will do it?" she couldnt help but ask

"Of course~" Kuei said like it was obvious, "I was already planning to do that the moment I sent the Dai Li to collect you~" Than gave a amused snort, "After all what's the good in being king if you can't enjoy"

He leered looking into Jin's eyes, "fucking your sexy concubines on your throne~"

"Ummm...i...i will love king" she said in embarrassment but also some eagerness

"Hehe than come here my pet~" Kuei said softly pumping his cock which was already hardening again despite cumming twice, "Your throne of pleasure awaits~"

The girl blushed as she stood up and set herself at the sides of the throne before lowering until his tip touched her pussy.

"Ummm" she blushed.

She really was about to have her first...with the king?! In the throne room?!!!

Kuei himself gave a eager lustful grin as he placed his hands on her hips while savoring the sensation of her pussy against his cock, "Are you ready for your new life to begin?" He ask her with a smirk

" king" she said taking a deep breath as she began lowering more and allowing his tip in "ugggg!!"

At the feel of her tight wet pussy Kuei gave a grunt of pleasure as he closed his eyes, "Hmm that's it so tight~" He said with a wide grin as he open his eyes and gave her hips a squeeze on both sides, "You really are a virgin?" He asked with obvious note of surprise as considering Jin's looks he was surprised at the idea of her being untouched

"I...ah..y-yes...i wanna ummm" she tremble as she kept lowering slowly taking him member in "give it to my..ahhh someone...special ah!"

"And who's more special than your king~" Kuei stated with a smirking grunt before raising his right hand and letting it fall down hard onto her ass cheek with a loud SMACK!

"Kyaaa!!!" the sudden move distracted her causing her to fall fully on him "ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!" causing his cock to impale her breaking though her barrier and all the way to her womb

And as this happen Kuei threw his own head back with a groan as his cock was taken fully into her pussy, ' tight~" He said squeezing her ass for all it was worth, "And it's all mine~" He said with a greedy lustful tone before kissing her hard on the lips to silence her cries.

"Ummm!!! ummm!!!" the girl cried into the kiss

Kuei kissed her hard deepening the kiss as he squeezed her ass with his right hand while lifting up and rubbing her back with his left and bucking his hips up a bit at the same time

"Umm umm ummmm" slowly the girl began moaning over the pain of being deflowered as his cock began hitting her womb with each buck

Kuei himself grunted enjoying the feel of the girl against his body as he bucked up while feeling out her ass and back with his hands before breaking the kiss and letting his mouth fly straight to her neck biting down on it

"Ahhhh!!!!" the girl moaned "your...your highness!!!! ah ah ah ah ah!"

At the girls cries Kuei bucked harder as he bit down and sucked at her neck and at the same moment let his hand fly up before bringing it back down to her ASS!

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" her cries echoed in the throne room

"Who does this ass belong to?!" Kuei asked/demanded after removing his lips from her neck emphasizing the question with another hit on said sexy ass SMACK

"AHHHHHH you your highness!!!!!!"

"That's right~" Kuei smirked hitting her ass SMACK! Before looking up at her as he bucked his hips moving his hand from her back to her bouncing breasts giving them a squeeze, "And what will you do if any other man tries to touch you?"

"I..ahhh..I..i will kill them!" she moaned " body is yours my king!!"

"That's right~" Kuei said with a wide evil grin as he twisted her right nipple while giving her ass a squeeze before giving her tits a good hard SMACK! While he exclaimed out in laughing groan, "YOU'RE MY SLUT!"

"Ahhhh!!!! Yessss!!!! Im your slut!!!!" she cried in delight

"And don't you ever forget it~" Kuei said in a growl moving his hand from her ass to her chest while grabbing her breasts with both of his hands and bucked his hips hard with her bouncing

"Ah ah ah no your highness...aha ha ah ah ah ah im..ah ah ah yours forever!!!"

Kuei grunted on the verge of his release but held it back as he bucked his hips, "Will you live for me~" He stared up into her eyes as he twisted her nipples, "Kill for me~" He leaned in and asked in husky whisper, "Be bred for me~"

"Ahhhhh YEEEESSSS!!!!!"

Kuei gave a grunt as he could no longer hold back his release, "Than welcome to your new...LIFE!" He exclaimed as he started to cum and feel her with his seed

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" the girl cried so loud that it was only because the king´s orders the guards didnt rushed in to investigate

"Hmm..YES!" The king shouted in euphoric pleasure from his cumming and feeling Jin pussy tighten around his cock, "Scream for your king SLUT!" He ordered giving her breasts a good hard SMACK! And than watching them bounce with a smirk

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" the girl cried releasing her own load of juices on his lap

And as the King filled the peasant girl with his seed and the sexy peasant cummed hard on his cock and lap the king eventually groaned and leaned into his throne as he gathered his breath, "Ah.ah.h..oh." He shot Jin a smirk, "You really are something special my dear~"

"Ah ah thanks..ah king" said the girl also out of breath "im happy..ah ah of been..ah ah of your liking"

"Hehe you were and than some my dear~" Kuei said with a smirk as he cupped her cheek in his right hand, "Truly you've proven that I was right to choose you as my first concubine~" He said with a smirk giving her lips a short, quick, yet sweet peck

"Ummm" the girl leaned to the kiss in delight

Kuei of course had no trouble deepening and returning the kiss with gusto loving the feel of power and thrill he was feeling from fucking a girl on a actual royal throne~

"Umm my yours to breed" she said with her mind filled with lust

Kuei grinned, "And command and breed I shall~" He told her gripping and squeezing her breasts, "For the rest of your days you'll live to do my ever depraved desire~"

He said with a giggle before adding with a smirk, "In fact.." The smirk widen, "Why don't you get on your hands and knees so I can fuck you like a polar bear dog~"

"Yes my king" she said making an effort to rise up (pulling his cock out her and dripping his seed off) "As you desire" she added falling in four presenting her ass towards him

At the seed dripping out of her pussy Kuei smirked in pride and satisfaction and at her words he gave a chuckle as he pumped his already harden cock as he got up from the throne, "That's right my dear my desire is your pleasure~"

He told her as he walked forward and started to rub his cock between her ass cheeks

"Ah ah and your orders...are my command" she moaned

SMACK! Kuei hit her ass with a smirk, "Good girl and your king orders you to beg~" He said with a leer while hitting her ass again SMACK!

"Ahhhhh!!!! please my lord!!!! Ahhhh please fuck...ahhh this dirty bitch ahhh with your royal cock!!!"

Kuei chuckled, "Your lord hears your pleas my delicious servant.." He said as he rubbed his cock alongside the entrance of her ass hole, "And he grants your desire!" He exclaimed thrusting his cock inside her asshole and wasted no time fucking it hard

"KYAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" her eyes widen in both pain and pleasure

"Arrrgoooooh YES!" Kuei grinned out exclaiming as he grabbed her ass cheeks as leverage and bucked his hips like crazy, "Hmm it's even tighter than your pussy slut!"

"Ahhhh yes yes my king ahhh take my ass ahhhhh!""

SMACK! "Scream louder Jin!" Kuei ordered with a smirk before grabbing the back of her hair, "I want all of Ba Sing Se to hear you scream!"


SMACK! "FUCK YES!" Kuei screamed out himself in pleasure as the throne echoed with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh



SMACK! "AND WHOS COCK DO YOU WANT?!" Kuei demanded with another SMACK! While fucking her ass as hard he could



SMACK! "YOU WANT MORE SLUT!?" Kuei demanded giving her ass another spank before grabbing and pulling hard on the back of her hair, "YOU GOT MORE!"

He said as he increased his pace and tempo fucking her even harder, PLAP!, PLAP!, PLAP!, PLAP!, PLAP!, PLAP!, PLAP!, PLAP!, PLAP!, PLAP!, PLAP!, PLAP!, "THIS ASS BELONGS TO ME!" He roared out as he fucked her asshole jerking hard on her hair, "JUST LIKE EVER OTHER PART OF YOU!"

"AH AH AH AH AH AH AH!" the girl cried enjoying the pain she was feeling. her hair being pulled...his cock burning inside her ass...all of it was delicious for her

SMACK! "FUCK YOU LOVE THIS DON'T YOU FILTHY WHORE!" Kuei roared as he hit her ass and jerk her hair back again with a wide grin of pleasure and a grunt feeling his release was impending


"AH AH AH YES AH AH AH HA YEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!" she cried cumming again

And as Jin started cumming on the throne room floor Kuei wasn't far behind as he felt her asshole clenched tightly around his dick he gave a groan as he started to release and shoot his seed deep inside it, "FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK!"

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" she cried in delight as her ass was being filled with his seed

"AAAHHHHH..YES!" Kuei said with a groan as he felt the last of his load shoot into Jins ass before spending the next several moments catching his breath using her ass for leverage before withdrawing his cock from her hole watching pleased as his seed leaked out, "Excellent work my slutty concubine~"

He told her while giving her ass a little more gentle smack~ "You've truly proven yourself worthy of being mine~"

"Ah ah thanks ah ah my king" she said falling flat on the floor...exhausted by the actions of her ruler and master

Kuei himself smirked down at her feeling quite pleased and invigorated Long Feng was dead, the Dai Li for all intents purposes were being brought in line, he had wonderful plans for his new kingdom and how to expand it and by extension his own power.

And of course he thought with a gleam of his eyes as he looked down at Jin he had claimed one of the Avatar girls and made her into his eager whore quite easily~ And it was only a matter of time before the rest of his targets joined her and through them he'd change the course of the war and canon and become the most powerful Earth King the Elemental Nations had ever known.

At this thought he gave a laugh smirking down at her, "What say we move this to somewhere more comfortable." He told Jin with a faint smirk, "Like my royal chambers~" He licked his lips, "Because i've only yet just begun to make you squeal and moan for your kings cock~"

" my king...commands" she said in weak tone trying to muster the strength to follow his orders

Kuei seeing her slight struggle smiled gently as he bent down, 'Allow me my dear concubine~" He said as he reached underneath her and with a slight grunt picked her bridal style shooting her a smirk, "Now to the royal chambers~"

He said as he started to walk out of the throne room uncaring of being spotted naked as he shot Jin a smirk, "So we can really start to celebrate your new life as my property~" He said giving her sweet lips a peck.

" king" the girl said half tired...but eager to fulfill her new role

And the Earth King himself or rather the soul that had become the Earth King Kuei was all to eager to not only help her fulfill her role.

But also continue his plans to change the world of the Elemental Nations and the course of events for Avatar forever~

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