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Chapter 13: chapter 13

"Tch idiots" Ebon said looking up in anger "they will see...when this so-called-hero falls..i will be there to pick up the pieces and show them how TRUE metas should act"

And when the time came he'd show everyone that he was no wannabe but the true king and leader that the metas needed

(One week later-Smithsonian museum)

Llyod Ventrix could said without a doubt that the last 2 weeks of his life have been the weirdest ones.

First of all he got broke out prison by some sort of evil lizard mutant.

being taken to some sort of lab located in a fortress in some kind of island in the middle of nowhere

Then basically hired to work for said lizard to steal things for him.

Now he wasnt a stranger to stealing for others (he had done that before)...but the targets was where he couldnt put his mind on.

after stealing shark blood he was sent to infiltrate and steal material from museums, biological labs, greenhouses and even zoos all over the country.

Of coarse such robberies havent called the attention of the news (being busy with some guy of the west coast wanting to be president ) nor the heroes (because why would they be interested if he stole the entire cacti collection from a museum in Nevada?).

However he wont protest as nothing was too much if at the end he will be able to see his dear Kimmy

yeah at the start he didnt trust much the word of the lizard (or Lord Mesogog as he presented himself)...and still he isn..but he has gain some trust as he has allow him (between jobs) make his own robberies in small locations to build up the money he will need to give his princess the life she deserved.

and after two weeks and basically traveled the whole east coast using portals...he had managed to build up a small fortune for the moment he finish working for the dinosaur.

Speaking of...

Tonight´s job was to enter the museum´s and steal a jar with a preserved...Scolopendra gigantea? Inside it

"A giant centipede." He repeated to himself in slight disbelief, "Shark blood, cacti, and now a giant bug." Lloyd said rolling his eyes, "What the heck does this guy plan to do with all this junk."

He muttered to himself looking across the street from the alley way at the museum, "Make the weirdest collection.." He said aloud even after two weeks working for the freaky lizard he still wasn't sure why the heck he was having him steal certain things that were hardly screaming wealth or usefulness to say the least

"Ah..but a job a job Lloyd." He said to himself turning on his suits invisibility as he started to make his way to the museum, "And the sooner the lizard finishes his little collection the sooner we see Kimberly."

Fortunately one good thing about this jobs it was the security was a joke to pass by (Museums hardly had the best security unless they were the gem/antic types) so enter one..even one as famous or important like the Smithsonian for him it was child´s play.

so it wasnt long until he reached a part of the museum dedicate to insects and the like.

" entire section for bugs?" he said a bit weirded out...still he found a shelved filled with multiple bugs and spiders inside them until he found the one the the centipede.

A giant centipede

A giant centipede the size of his arm.

"Ok...thats...creepy...and i come from Gotham" he said taking the jar from the shelve "ugg im getting the creeps" she shivered "oh well...i suppose another job well done" he said in sarcastic tone as he began making his way out.

"yes..although i dont suppose you can tell me why you are doing it"

until a mechanical-like tone stopped him in his tracks while the armored figure of Black manta stepped out of some shadows.

"in can also tell me what did you do with the Megalodon parts you stole!!!"

Lloyd stared in shock at the figure frozen in slight fear though he also felt two other feelings bubble up, "Arg...come on!" Frustration and anger

He yelled looking up in the air before sighing and sending Black Manta a wary but tired look, "Listen pal i'm just a guy who wants his daughter back okay."

He said with a scowl, "I'm sorry I stopped your score but come on!" He said dragging his hand down his face, "There's plenty of other places you could rob that can get you more cash than that overgrown fish."

"maybe...but i dont take kindly others stealing my preys" said Manta in anger "not to mention you arent the type of guy interested in these kind of things aren't you...Lloyd Ventrix?"

that made the thief froze.

"yes...after that first encounter really set myself to find out who could have not only beat me for the prize but also cause me to lose some of my men to that barbie clone of superman...imagine my surprise when the recording of my helmet showed a door opening by itself" the villain explained "only took a quick search and learn about you being missing from prison yourself that very same day"

Lloyd gave a gulp internally swearing fuck, fuck, FUCK! He just wanted to finish the lizard grocery shopping, find his daughter, and than go somewhere the two of them could live out the rest of their lives together as a proper family without worrying about anymore freaks or wackos.

"Listen.." He held up a hand placating, "You're pissed I get it.." He said slowly inching to the right getting ready to turn on his suits invisibility again and get the hell out of here, "But i'm just a guy following orders.."

He said looking around nervously for any of Manta goons, "And i've got no beef with you, so can't we just let by gones be by gones.''

He said with a slight nervous grin, "I've got money maybe that could make us square." He said disgruntled at having to give up the money he had built up so far with his suit but if meant getting this guy off his back he'd do it....besides he could always steal some more loot

"What a coincidence...i also got hired to get those samples" said Manta pointing his mini-tridents at the thief "and my client wants some words with you"

"Ah I see I would.." Llyod said with a wary nervous grin, "But the thing is.." In the next instant he jumped to the right and pushed the shelf containing all the samples down as hard as he could while activating the suits invisibility and bolting out of there in the next instant, "I fucking hate this job!"

He yelled while taking off

" wont be so easy this time" Manta cried as the lents of his helmet glowed red "this time i took precautions" he said as he followed the heat trail the suit was leaving during its use.

and with that the armored villain ran after the thief

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Lloyd repeated in a low mantra bolting out through the museum trying his best to lose the maniac before heading toward the portal location, "Why the fuck can't that lizard teleport at will!?"

He asked himself with a frantic growl, "What's the use of teleporting if you have to get to the fucking portal first!"

mini trident shot at a close by wall make him yelp in surprise.

"Come on Llyod you think you can beat me?" asked the armored figure "i read your file...what a simply pick pocketing thug like you want with shark blood...or that centipede you now carry?"

"Believe me buddy i'm as clueless as you." Lloyd admitted before narrowing his eyes, "But if means seeing my daughter again i'll steal whatever i have

"And who would need something like those things?" asked Manta again trying to catch up with Lloyd while trying to get any info out of him, although it was obvious the thief was quicker that him to."

"To be frank.." Lloyd gave the man a deadpan look though one that didn't hide the fear in his voice or eyes, "Someone a lot scarier than you." Because as dangerous this guy was something about Mesogog was a lot more terrifying and set him on edge.

And it wasn't just because of the obvious he was a mutant lizard monster something else something deeper about his boss set him on edge. Perhaps more than he had ever been in his life and he grew up in Gotham!

"HE...sounds like a challenge!" said the armored Villain before stopping and charging his laser vision

Llyod was about to reach the entrance of the museum from where he entered when suddenly.


Manta´s laser blast blow the entrance to smithereens sending him flying backwards and to the floor

"Now you are going to tell me everything." Black Manta said moving towards the fallen thief.

"uggg" Llyod looked up feeling dizzy...only to notice 2 things.

one..Black Manta approaching


two...he could see the portal at the other side of the now destroyed door

His eyes narrowed despite the room and his head spinning he saw his ticket out of there. The only problem was getting past Manta...but how?

That's when a idea hit him a idea so crazy so stupid maybe...just maybe it might just work. So He let out a groan lifting up his head and threw manta a smirk, "Sure.." He said before pointing behind Manta, "Right after you tell Batman why you're here first~"

Inside his helmet Manta´s eyes widen and turned shooting immediately.


only to notice there wasnt anyone there

And the moment Manta turned Lloyd scrambled as quickly as he could off the ground running toward the portal as fast as he could with one thought screaming through his head


"you rat!!!" Manta yelled in anger raising his arm and shooting again...only this time it was a trident connected to a cable.

He was going to harpoon that thief like a whale.

all almost went in slow motion.

Manta shoot.

Lloyd extended an arm towards the green light.

the portal opened.

Lloyd slipped a bit which caused his body to fall away from the harpoon trayectory.

both Lloyd and the harpoon touched the portal.

Green energy traveled across the cable until it reached Manta.

a flash of green

and the museum was empty by the time the police arrived.

(Mesogog lair)

A flash of green light and both Llyod and Black manta fell inside the laboratory

Lloyd gave a weak groan before freezing as he heard another voice groaning next to him and saw Manta, "Um..BOSS!" He yelled trying to scramble away as fast as he could while on the ground away from the pissed off mercenary and arch enemy of Aquaman, "WE'VE GOT COMPANY!"

He yelled looking frantically at Manta as he came to his senses and seemed to be examining his surroundings, "AND HE"S NOT HAPPY!"

"You!!!" the Villain turned to Llyod "Where are we? What did you do?!" he asked approaching with all the intentions to kill.


"AHHHHH!!!!" only to cry when an orange blast of energy hit him in the back (sparks flying from his suit) sending him to the ground.

" know" Mesogog said from his position at the door "i didnt think i should have say this but...i DONT LIKE surprise visits" the saurian said in anger as a group of tyranodrones rushed in and pinned down the armored villain

"Hey this was not fault arlight!" Lloyd protested as he weakly got up with a groan, "The bastard was already there waiting for me somehow."

He said looking warily across at his employer, "He managed to work out I was the one to steal those samples from the overgrown tuna."

He than gestured over to the struggling Manta, "And somehow realized that the museum was going to targeted as well to boot." He than threw a slight scowl at the lizard, "So don't try pinning this on me!"

He said with a angry undertone, "Also do I need to remind you I'm just a thief with a suit, you can't expect me to be able to fight a fucking super villain!" He exclaimed throwing his arms up in the air

Mesogog narrowed his eyes at the thief.

"Indeed" he said in angry tone before turning to the captured villain "Black manta...i didnt expect you to be the first of the entire gallery of heroes and villains to have as my guess" he said "is your ego so delicate that you couldnt take the fact you lost the Megalodon samples to someone else?"

Though his face was covered you could just feel the glare Manta was sending at Mesogog, "More like that my benefactors and I don't like a potential wild card in play."

He struggled in the grip of tyranodrones holding, "Especially after they interfere with a job." He said in a dark undertone, "But at least now the pathetic guppy lead me right to the real shark in the water."

"shark in the water...i suppose tyrannosaurus dont have a saying on its own" Mesogog said pacing towards his chair "Although now that you mentioned...who are you working for? it most be someone really obsessed with sharks to taking so many problems to get the samples from the Megalodon" the saurian hummed as he sat "samples that unfortunately im not planning to part away from"

"1 who i'm with is none of your concern." Manta retorted emphasizing the word with in his sentence making clear he was no ones servant, "And two.."

He than spoke in a smirking undertone, "I think you'll find that i'm quite persuasive when it comes to getting what I want~" And at those words the lens of his helmet glowed before sending a blast straight at Mesogog

While Manta jabbed two of the tyranodrones holding his arms as hard as he could in their stomachs

The saurain managed to roll out his chair evading the attack with Manta managed to get out the hold of the drones.

inmediatly more rushed to him but he began defending himself punching, kicking and pulling out a blade to attack.

"SNAR!!!" Mesogog looked in hate before releasing a neouroblast against the villain.


"ahhhhhh!!!" who found his head feeling like it was inside a compactor

"and you will find im not someone you can mess with neither!!!" the saurian said anger as he forced Manta to his knees

"Arg..fucking...bas..tard." Manta grunted out under the pain of Mesogog attack weakly raised his arm and shot out a trident attached to a rope in a desperate attempt to get the attack to stop

In part he managed to make the saurian stop his attack.

But instead Mesogog graved the trident and pulled the rope causing Manta to end up flaying towards him.


ending with a kick that sent him to the ground.

" really are wasting my patience and my time Manta" The mutant called "there are only two people i know you would accept a job for money the other for technology to use against certain king of Atlantis...and we both know Luthor isnt that interested in extinct sea life to try hunt Llyod down which only leaves one option...Ocean Master"

"Urg... congratulations." Manta stated bluntly as he weakly pushed himself up while shaking your head, "You're actually smart enough to add 2 and 2 together and get 4."

He said before sending Lloyd a look, "Unlike your patsy ~" He said before giving a grunt as he tried to stand, "But..." He looked straight at Mesogog, "It'll take more than you being a clever boy to make you extinct!"

He exclaimed shooting another blast from his helmet straight at Mesogog



A neuroblast found Mata laser halfpoint with both fighting for supremacy

Manta beneath his helmet gritted his teeth, "I'm not goimg down to a mutant iguana!" He exclaimed as the power behind his blast increased to it's maximum capacity

Something that was last resort measure do to energy cost, backlash, and potential risk to himself

Mesogog growled in anger also pressing his attack.

not beams struggle trying to ebat each other.

first Manta´s

then Mesogog´s

until they finally blowed in the middle.


the explosion sent both flying...but while Manta crashed against the wall (causing his suit to spark and shock in damage) Mesogog skidded for a moment before standing looking in anger at the other villain.

"are you done with your games?" called the saurian as more Tyrannodrones walked into the room "you cant beat me Manta and although im half a thought ready to end you" he took a deep breath "you actually just gave me a perfect opportunity to test something" he grinned "something i think Ocean Master would be interested IF you and him are open for a deal"

"Arh..urhg." Manta let out pained groan on the floor and as he warily look up at Mesogog realized that this might not be a fight he could win.

So seeing no other options he had no choice but to take the gamble and bite at the fish hook Mesogog had just cast out, ""What kinda deal?" He asked in a cautious tone mixed with slight pained groan

Mesogog gave the reptilian equivalent of a smile before signaling a pair of drones who nodded and left the room.

"First of all let me see if my suspicions are correct" said the saurian walking to one of the shelves and began gazing on the jars on them "knowing him Ocean master was planing to use Atlantean technology or mysticism to bring the Megalodon back to life and use it to attack Aquaman with you getting either money or also your own tech to try hunt the atlantean king" he finally picked one and moved towards the console "am i correct?"

Black Manta shot Mesogog a cautious look while his helmet hid a frown, "More or less.." He admitted with a shrug he said with a grunt as he stood up with a slight groan, "Think he was planning on giving it some kinda of mystical upgrade or something, but otherwise you're right on the money."

"huff...cute but unnecessary" said the dino walking back to the shelf and picking up another jar "here is my proposal for Ocean master that i hope you can deliver..." he walked back to the machine putting the jar next to the first one "I will give him something better that a megalodon...power he can use to take Atlantis easily...if he can meet my price" he added before turning where Llyod was hiding "although i hope that after all this drama you havent lost what i order you to get me"

"Yeah..yeah.." Llyod said with a roll of his eyes before holding up the jar containing the giant centipede specimen he had managed to snag earlier ,'I've got right here none the worse for wear.."

He said before pausing as he noticed the jar slightly cracked, "Well..mostly." He said with a frown though internally breathing a slight sigh of relief when he saw the bug seemed fine even with the jar cracked

Mesogog huffed in anger but took the jar.

"be thankful its salvable" he said taking the jar and setting it in the machine too.

"so what kind of power you talking about?" Manta asked wondering what the dino was doing.

"well why tell you if i can show you" he said with a delight tone "i was actually waiting for a chance to test this, alongside see if Mr Mojo over there actually did a good job"

the door of the lab opened again.

"let me go you freaks!!!"

"ahh and here it is our test subject" Mesogog said in delight as the Tyrannodrones pulled a bounded guard into the room (one of the two that were captured the night Llyod escaped) "put him in the machine"

The drones pushed a struggling guard to the other side of the room where a chamber-like-machine was standing.

"now..i can do this without needing him" confessed the dino "but since i need to proof my worth to you...i think this call for a special touch"

"Eh what kinda special touch." Lloyd asked with a bit of unnerved tone not really giving a damn what happen to this mook but having a bad feeling that this was also serving as a example of what might happen to him if he fails Mesogog.

Before Black Manta spoke up crossing his arms, "Indeed I fail to see how this machine will produce anything of value with centipede sample and helpless civilian." He said with heavy skeptical tone

"A centipede sample, a helpless civilian, concentrate juice of the Peruvian torch cactus and a sample of a petrified tree" said Mesogog as he began pushing levers up causing the samples to ascend into some crystal bells "mix them together and what we get?" energy traveled trhough cables and tubes connecting to the chamber from where both manta and Llyod could hear the screams of the guard...turning into growls.

a shock of electricity more and the doors of the chamber open allowing some smoke out.

"Rahhhhhhhhhh" and a figure came marching out.

"Scorn-o-penta" finished Mesogog.

Llyo gave a step back seeing the creature he suspect was the former guard.

It was like a mummy but instead of bandages it had giant white centipedes warped around his body (with mandibles coming from both writs). the naked skin looked wood like and the head was skelletic like with yellow fangs and a visible red pupiless eye

"Dear god.." He found himself whispering in a low tone while feeling perhaps more sick and terrified he had ever felt in his life. Because he knew that failing or trying to double cross Mesogog was a bad idea...but he didn't think he was at risk of being turned into some kinda freaky monster too!

Though in hindsight considering his boss other goons and the lab it should have been obvious.

Black Manta meanwhile took a cautious step back though steeled himself as he examined the creature that was once the guard this Scorn-o-penta doing his best to show how unnerved he was by what happen as well, "Alright.."

He stated in flat tone before turning his head toward Mesogog, "So you can turn people into monsters..." He crossed his arms, "But just because it looks like a child nightmare come to life doesn't means it's useful."

He tilted his helmet sending the creature another look, "If we really accept this deal than show proof of it's capability.." He turned his gaze over to Mesogog, "That you can live up to your promises and creatures like this can stand against Aquaman and his allies on the Justice League."

He stated in a hard tone because despite Mesogog having the upper hand he was going to show that Black Manta was someone he could simply make bow into submission or scare as easily as his lackey standing mere feet away giving the creature a freaked out disgusted look

" want me to smash somone´s head?" the monster exclaimed (with an australian accent?) "point me in the right direction mate and i will show you what im capable of!"

"Indeed...and i think i have the perfect test for you" said Mesogog before activating his screen "It seems Luthor is starting his presidential campaign in Coast city..." the image showed a high school with plenty of Luthor memorial and decorations "it could be a shame someone would ruin it dont you think?" the saurian said in a laughing tone "but i suppose the green lanterns that live there could try stop that from happening"

"Green lanterns?" Scorn-o-penta said "they will be smash lanterns once i finish with them!!!"

Mesogog turned to Manta

"would that be enough proof for you?"

Manta stood silently for several moments before nodding his head, "I suppose a Lantern would be a good field test.."

He looked over at Mesogog, "Plus I'll admit ruining Luthors day is a bonus in my book~" He said with a tone of amusement since while not having interacted with the man much his arrogance and superiority complex didn't exactly win him fans

the dinosaur smiled a dangerous, predatory smile.

"indeed" he said with delight.

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