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65.51% Silver Dragon / Chapter 19: Chapter 17 - The City Lord’s Mansion

Chapter 19: Chapter 17 - The City Lord’s Mansion

News of Li Fen quickly reached the other powers in the Kingdom, the report of a prodigy was considered big news in the Kingdom.

All of the powers reacted differently, the most notable being the four major Noble Clans who upon hearing that a prodigy joined the Guang Academy became anxious, however discovering that Li Fens strongest attribute was the light element caused them to relax completely.

This was the reaction Zhang Wei aimed for, after snooping around the City for a day it was soon discovered by him that present Mages who majored in the Light Element were now considered non-combatants, and presently are viewed purely as healers.

To Zhang Wei who lived in a time were Light Mages were considered one of their strongest combatants against the Devils feel weird at the present views on Light Mages, but he soon realised that this was instead a great opportunity for Li Fen.

Both of them knew the threat of Li Fen being too talented because as the academies represent different Noble factions, anyone she chooses the opposing faction would then view her as a threat which needed to be removed. Though hiding her talent would also result in her being less valued by the Academies, which means she will receive a smaller amount of resources and opportunities to grow.

To Zhang Wei who wanted Li Fen to grow as quickly as possible, this was unacceptable, so he devised the plan of her primary element being the Light element, this would cause Li Fen to be viewed in the opposite way of a Mage with an offensive element, instead of being looked as a potential enemy in the future, nobody would treat a Light Mage as a dangerous opponent.

Instead the powerful will let down their guards against a Light Mage, as generally, all Light Mages will have weak, to no combat ability at all, so instead of being viewed as a threat, they will only be viewed as an asset and nothing more.

This was the situation which Zhang Wei wanted and achieved, as the enemies of the Wang Clan and Guang Academy who were previously wary when they received news that a prodigy emerged in the Guang Academy became completely at ease upon hearing that Li Fens strongest attribute was the Light Element.

They instead became excited and became even more eager with their plans towards the Wang Clan, because the moment they carry out their plans, then the Light Mage prodigy inside the Academy will also become theirs.

The Royal Family and the Royal Academy felt the same way, to them a Light Mage prodigy will only become valuable in time, only in the future when Li Fen is fully matured will they come forward to rope her into their ranks.

They will let the Guang Academy have their fun in raising the Light Mage in the future because at the end of the day they will be the ones to reap the reward from their efforts into nurturing Li Fen.

Meanwhile, for Li Fen since being accepted into the Guang Academy her days have become hectic.

Shortly, after accepting Li Jie's offer she was led towards the City Lord mansion, accompanied by the shocked faces of Father, Uncle Cheng, Hui Bai and the rest of the group.

Arriving at the City Lord's mansion stunned Li Fen by quite a bit. The mansion was styled very similar to a Chinese palace.

It was big with multiple buildings, where some were surrounded by walls, others by moats. Some of the buildings were one storage, while others were towers and even four pagodas could be seen within the outer wall.

As soon as they passed through the gate, Li Fen noticed that each of the buildings had their courtyard. The buildings resembled small stalls and businesses, seemingly possessing more valuable goods in comparison to the stores located within the market place outside of the Mansion. Between these different kinds of buildings were bright, beautiful gardens and intricate-looking statues.

On the way to their destination, they passed a massive building which stood at the centre of the Palace. Their escort upon noticing the looks of confusion on their faces informed them that the building acted as the City Office of the City. Within the building, everything that was decided in the City was made there.

Quickly nodding in understanding, Li Fen knew that a building of such size was necessary to house all of the scholars and government officials which worked for the city as the land which the Wang Clan has control over is gigantic.

The escorts that were following them were taking them towards another gate, which was heavily guarded by Master Ranked experts.

Behind this gate was the City Lord's living quarters, but even so, it was bigger than what Li Fen could ever have expected.

The city guards which have guided them in the trip were left outside the gate and headed towards the barracks where they have been given a nights rest.

Within the building they were guided to, they were greeted by the presence of an unfamiliar middle-aged man, who stood next to him was Li Jie, the headmaster of the Guang Academy.

Hui Bingweng who was behind her felt astonished upon seeing who the figure was and immediately bowed before saying, "Little Fen hurry up and show your respects to the City Lord!"

Uncle Cheng and the others quickly followed the same etiquette, which Li Fen followed awkwardly because she reacted a bit later to the others.

"There's no need to show this much respect for me now with your child's current status, a prodigy of her level in the future will surely go on to achieve great things in the future!" The middle-aged man said smilingly.

The middle-aged man before them was the City Lord himself, and the leader of the Wang Clan, Wang Gang.

Upon hearing news that the Guang Academy finally has a prodigy level talent, he immediately invited Li Fen to have an audience with him.

Hui Bingweng and Uncle Cheng just nodded nervously to Wang Gang, to Commoners a Noble of such a High Rank in the Kingdom must be greeted in such a way to show their respect for his position.

Wang Gang nobility title within the Kingdom would be the equivalent of a Hou within the Qing Dynasty or a Marquis in European Nobility. This was an immeasurable gap in status in comparison to a commoner such as Hui Bingweng, normally they would be unable to even meet someone of Wang Gang's standing within their entire lives, so it obvious why meeting someone such as this now would mean such a great deal to Hui Bingweng.

"Now getting onto why I want to meet you personally, as my Wang Clan is the sponsor of the Guang Academy, myself and Li Jie has great expectations for you. We hope you will do our Academy proud and from our nurturing help us bring the Academy to greater heights!" Wang Gang declared.

Hearing this from the City Lord, Li Fen nodded in understanding as she knew herself from the efforts in which the Guang Academy used to recruit her, they expected great things from her.

"Our Guang Academy has been the only other Academy outside the ones sponsored by the Royal Family and four great Noble clans to even compete with them. However, we have always had one major shortcoming, and that was a prodigy level talent. Each of the Academies has at least one, and the Royal Academy has even more than that! Our Guang Academy has always been high achieving when it comes to our Warriors, but for Mages, we have always been lacking! This has led to us being unable to compete with the other Academies in the competitions, with you brought into the Academy we hope you can bring us to the next level." Wang Gang straight away announced his intentions, which caused the group to have a mixture of reactions.

Wang Gang particularly paid attention to Li Fens reaction, and seeing on how calm and collected she was despite the situation he couldn't help but praise her inwardly.

'Very composed, her maturity and intelligence are beyond her years without a doubt. Even with the great results of her potential, there is not a hint of arrogance from her, it looks like Li Jie was, after all, she may be the one to allow us to finally replace one of the great academies which haven't been moved from their positions since they have been founded!' Wang Gang thought, to him he initially thought that no matter how mature Li Fen was, she was still a child, who was born as a commoner. For most children upon taking such a gigantic leap in one step, they would always gain a hint of arrogance and pride at their achievement, even those with far less talent than Li Fen developed those traits.

Seeing that Li Fen great mentality for her age has thoroughly impressed the City Lord!

After making clear his intentions with Li Fens role in the Guang Academy, Wang Gang began conversing with her Father, Uncle Cheng and the other men.

It was soon agreed upon that all of her family, alongside the boys Family would be moved from the Small Town to Yueguang City.

This was proposed by the City Lord on concern over the possibilities of harm befalling upon her Family, with potential issue of blackmailing. It also allowed the City Lord to build a closer relationship with Li Fen, and to allow her to develop within the Kingdom without the concern for her parents.

To Hui Bingweng he had no problems with this either, Yueguang City was a clear upgrade in living spaces and at the same time, he couldn't bear for there to be such a great distance between himself and his Daughter. His wife, Hui Ying would feel the same way as himself, to then Li Fen was the most important thing within their lives.

The same was said to Uncle Cheng, Hui Mingyu and the other men. Although to them they had some attachment to the Town, they still felt reluctant to separate from their children with such a great distance, this was an opportunity for them to not only live inside the best area within the Kingdom but also allowed them to not separate from their children.

Therefore, very quickly this plan was put into motion, and the Families of the boys and herself were to be prepared to move into Yueguang City.

After the meeting with the City Lord, Li Fen was soon found by a very eager Wang Jian, who despite being very mature for his age, was still a young kid, who ended up laughing excitedly whilst dragging the young Li Fen around, showing his favourite places within the Mansion to her.

Li Fen ended up being dragged by Wang Jian long past dinner time before they finally reached the main house where the City Lord himself resided and hurried into the dining room where an extravagant feast awaited them.

Hui Bingweng, Uncle Cheng and the others awaited them within the dining room before they were treated to the best meal she has ever had.

After that, they were invited to stay a night in the Mansion, in which despite her Fathers and Uncle Cheng's constant refusal, the City Lord still insisted on them staying the night in the Mansion.

So, they were led to the guests' rooms within the main building. Lying on the bed, Li Fen stared at the ceiling before she began drifting off to sleep, tomorrow will be her first day at the Guang Academy, and the start of Li Fens journey of becoming a Mage to begin!

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