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Silent Moon Silent Moon original

Silent Moon

Author: DaughterOfLilith

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Someone once asked me what I considered odd. I, of course, responded and said my life. Let me tell you

why. I live in my truck. I'm a drifter. My parents died when I was young and I grew up in the foster

system. I work random bar jobs all over the United States and am currently 28 years of age. I've been out of the system for a while and have been moving ever since so when I got out of bed, by which I mean the bed of my truck, I didn't expect anything out of the ordinary to happen; For me at least. I went into the truck stop and got a quick shower. Life was fantastic. . . For that moment at least.


I was driving down a two-lane road in the backwoods of Vermont when it happened, when my life, my world, was destroyed and replaced by horror and magick. I glanced at the clock on my dash and the time was 4:45pm and Spring in Vermont meant nightfall wasn't far on the horizon. The road was mostly empty and a car might have passed every 20-30 miles. The road was surrounded by wildlife seeing as there were woods covering nearly every square mile of this place. Typically, I just daze out during long drives like this but today was different. I felt this need to be alert and watched everything as it zoomed by. I noticed movement off the left side of the road and slowed, figuring a herd of deer was about to bound across the road in front of me. . . Looking back I wish it had just been deer. A massive black creature emerged; I slammed hard on my brakes, screeching to a halt. The creature was a wolf that shimmered with silver and looked like something out of twilight it was so huge. (Don't sneer at the page, dude, I read the twilight series and liked it so shut it. . . and I know you did too.) I blinked and rubbed my eyes for a second, I must be imagining this shit. . . I opened my eyes and caught a glimpse as it disappeared. The massive creature just

disappeared and not into the woods. Nothing rustled like it jumped into bushes or anything. A honking

noise sounded behind me alerting me that I was still stopped in the middle of a two-lane road. I pulled to the side as the jerk behind me revved their engine and sped past. For a moment I sat in my truck but soon my insanity got to me and I jumped out of the truck and stared into the woods. Oh dear. . . I'm going to die was all I could think as my feet carried me into the woods without my say so. I've never been an explorer. I stay in hotels and never do anything more than the bare minimum. I'm a klutz that manages to trip on ladybugs and here I am trampling through a forest. Granted it was beautiful and by some amazing feat I did not fall. The forest was covered in lush moss and winding ivy covered the trees. It was a picture of pure tranquility and the sounds of active wildlife were everywhere. These pretty little purple wildflowers were everywhere and I lost myself in the serenity of it all. A peaceful forest in a bottle, perfect harmony. . . The forest had fallen silent when I heard the thumping of hooves on the ground. I jumped behind a huge tree trunk and waited. The sound was fast and panicked as if the animal was attempting to flee a predator. I took a moment to find the sun as it hung lower on the horizon telling me I had spent an hour or more wandering aimlessly through the woods looking for a ghost dog. Soon a doe dashed past and then nothing. An eerie silence had fallen over what had been a picture of serenity. Now the woods seemed as though they themselves were predatory. I walked quickly, desperately hoping that whatever had been after the doe would not suddenly jump upon me. I watched every bush and listened for any further signs of danger. Everything made me cringe or jump. I hate to admit it but a tiny bunny jumped out from a bush and I screamed like a school girl in a horror movie. . . Don't laugh, dammit!! I'd just lie but I'm too honest. A tragic flaw of mine, I'm afraid. I could hear faint sounds of a river. And the woods seemed to grow dark even as the sun still hung in the sky for another hour or two. I saw an opening up ahead and ran for it, only now stumbling over every branch and dip in the ground. I bounded out of the forest to find myself in a large circular field that seemed as though it was alive. The wind now blew with such fierceness that it sounded like roaring. I turned round and round looking for any sign of, well anything. I felt like there were eyes watching me from every angle and the hairs on the back of my neck prickled and tingled. Everything was silent besides the roaring winds. A noise on the other side of the field made me jump and turn to face it. Bounding out from the woods was the ghost wolf except it was very real and was coming right at me! Oh God, I knew I was going to die! I yelped and tried to run for it, my clumsiness suddenly returning I tripped on my shoelace and landed on my ass and before I could scramble up the wolf was on me and snarling in my face. I couldn't think anything other than I'm going to die, here in the middle of the woods and no one's ever going to care. The wolf bit at my face and I screamed, very loud and very long, hoping that my girlish screams would make it run away. It didn't work, soon my vision blurred and stars danced across my vision, at least I won't suffer much was my last waking thought before the darkness closed in.


I looked at the strange boy and wondered what had just happened. I mean I know he passed out but jeez what a feminine way to do so.

*I think we attracted a girl not a guy!* I thought to my friend who jumped down from the tree.

*What I do is not an exact science. He's just a pussy. Let's eat now.* I watched her trot around him licking

her lips. I thought to myself for a moment.

*How about we eat later. Let's fuck with him first!* I thought to her excitedly. Her eyes brighten.

*What a magnificent idea, Soror!* She quickly hopped back into the tree and situated herself in for the wait. I lopped into the nearby bushes and lowered myself in to wait for the human boy to awaken once more.


I blinked my eyes open and found myself still alive and surprisingly unharmed. The wolf had disappeared again and this time I knew I wasn't hallucinating. I yelled out for help.

"Hello! Is anyone out here?!" I felt stupid because I knew I was alone out here and I simply knew that

animal was going to come back for me. I started to run when the loud crunching made me whirl around

just in time to be knocked backwards by the great black mass. My head hit the ground with a crack and stars danced across my vision again. I blinked them away and stared at the wolf. It's eyes were bright gold and they held a sort of . . . No, that can't be right, there was amusement dancing in it's eyes. It growled and then barked but the bark did not seem as though it was directed toward me even though it was very close to my face. My breathing was fast and I seriously hoped the great animal would kill me quick so I could be put out of my misery. 28 years of misery finally ended by a wild animal, oh the horror! I saw something fly from the tree above me and then heard the crunching of a branch as it landed not to far from my left side, I tried to look at it but the wolf literally stepped on my face with its paw, which covered half my face. A feline growl came from my left and a big tan and spotted cat was winding her way to me and the wolf. I expected a fight between the two but they just glanced at each other and then looked back at me. I struggled now, I didn't want to die as a tug a war toy between the two. I squirmed and grabbed for anything to pull myself from the wolf. It snarled and bit at my chest, a stinging under my right nipple told me it had actually grazed me. I shrieked and struggled more, This time I was able to get away from the wolf but she grabbed my shirt. I jerked away and my shirt fell victim as she tore at it and then toss it to the side. I heard a huff and suddenly the feline was coming after me now. A wolf and wild cat working together! How was that possible?? Shouldn't they be tearing at each other?! Jeez, maybe I should have watched the news. I bet their headlining story would've read "Wild animals escape from zoo, AVOID WILDERNESS UNTIL THREAT PASSES!" Yeah, maybe next time . . . If I get a next time. The cat swatted my left leg and

pain exploded through it. I limped forward as she stood on her hind legs and pushed me forward. I got a mouth full of dirt as she hopped onto my back and dug wicked sharp claws into my mid back. I let out a pained yelp and tried to push myself up but her claws dug deeper and I felt blood run down my sides. I heard the heavy padding of the wolf trotting to us and cringed inwardly, they were going to carry this out for a long time and my death was going to be agony. The wolf stuck its wet nose in my face and huffed at me making me cringe away which didn't help as the cat on my back pushed into my back more. The cat began to growl and hiss and I thought they were finally going to act like normal animals and attack each other. No, not in my favor . . . At all. . . I felt the light breathing of the cat on my other side and she did this sort of screech that echoed around the circle and made my ears hurt. I, myself, starting screaming again. Terror gripping my heart in iron cuffs, I rolled myself onto my back which thankfully the cat was no longer on but the dirt made the cuts burn. The wolf looked at me and I could tell in her gaze she was telling me don't run or else. I knew I should but then again maybe I shouldn't but I tried anyway. I scrambled to my feet and was able to get a good ten or fifteen feet away before a crushing weight landed on me. This time my head hit a root making my head spin. The world now cloaked in darkness, from above me I heard a snarling bark and then a piercing howl from the wolf and cat sounded through the now dark forest. My mind blacked out.


I stepped off the human and just sneered in his direction.

*How could something be so weak?*

*It is a trait common to their kind, Soror, and you know this.* I groaned to myself. How disgusting that I once considered myself one of these pathetic things. I pushed the boy over to look at his face which before now I had only noticed his eyes. He was pale and had freckles with reddish brown hair. His features were plain yet unique. His lips were kissable and if I had been in the same body as he I would have kissed his sleeping form. Deep in him I sensed a strong soul with amazing emotion. If he wasn't so weak he'd make a fine mate and intelligent friend for what lied within him was greater than his appearance. I noticed a twitch in his lip and back away.

*He is coming too, this will be our last play.* My sister sneered and crouched down.

*A grand dinner he will make!* My sister seemed to salivate just thinking about it. A gasp came from the boy and I looked to see a bewildered look upon his face. I knew what he saw, a great cat and wolf

communicating. I sneered at him and wondered if I should just rip his throat out now but his next move

surprised me.


Yip, howl, bark. Meow, yowl, purr. These are the sounds I woke up too. They appeared to be

communicating while I was passed out! I was both confused and amazed. These animals were clearly

evolved from typical wildlife and for whatever reason they weren't eating me yet either. It made no sense

and I wondered if I should be even more afraid because of that aspect. For whatever idiotic reason I raised my hand to the wolf, only now seeing something more than a predator but a hunter with compassion and beauty beyond this world. Her fur shimmered and her eyes danced with intelligence that did not belong to a wild animal but more to a human. She stared at my outstretched hand with confusion. Her eyes were wide and her mouth seemed to drop a little. Something must have clicked because she snapped at my hand

and I unknowingly pissed myself in fear. I didn't even need to pee! The smell wafted up and the wolf and

cat both stepped back a little, both appeared to have very disgusted looks. I felt embarrassed because clearly these were no ordinary animals and I just wet myself in front of them. I wonder how many died before me in this kind of embarrassment? The wolf cocked her head at me and seemed to contemplate something. Something showed in her eyes but what I couldn't pinpoint. Her eyes narrowed and she lowered her head. And if you're wondering how I know their genders its called I looked and on animals it's pretty easy to tell! The wolf walked to me very slowly. I was half sitting up and kind of squirmed back just trying to avoid what I knew was coming. Now was the time of my death. I closed my eyes and cringed back, I wanted to looked my death in the face and die with what little dignity I had left. A puff of hot breath was blew in my face and I slowly opened my eyes. Looking your death in the face is very hard even when you have nothing to live for. I could feel the tears slip out and trying to attempt to be a man I quickly wiped them away. The wolf was looking me in the eyes when I finally opened them. Her eyes danced and seemed truly amused at my misfortune. What a twisted animal! I tried to act calm but I felt the sweat break out on my forehead. I'm weak and I know it, but honestly . . . put yourself in my shoes right now. I wasn't sure what was happening until it happened. She licked me. She licked me! Yuck! I frantically wiped at my face as I shrieked and fell backwards trying desperately to get away before she decided to do it again. Her barking

laughter echoed around the clearing and even seemed to reverberate off the trees. It was cute and if the situation wasn't so dire I would have laughed with her. I wiped the last of the saliva off of my face and glared at the big wolf who was now sitting back on her hackles smiling at me. A truly horrifying image. I glanced at the cat and realized she was now plotting some horrible feat as well and I felt a shiver go down my spine. Would my torture never be over? She scoffed and just plopped down as though she understood my thoughts. I didn't understand her but instead focused on the wolf, who captivated me even as she terrified me. She walked to me and just stretched out across my lap. A giant lap dog. I stroked her coat, below her ears on the back of her neck. What a strange turn of events. I kept waiting for them to maul me but they seemed pretty chill and no longer evil hungry things. I kept silent and still. The wolf jumped up from my lap and looked me in the eye. She tossed her head to the other side of the clearing where the sounds of the river were still faintly drifting to us. My eyes widened as fear ripped through me, was she going to drown me? I freaked out a little and shook my head frantically. The wolf growled at me and a threat was voiced in her gaze. She narrowed her eyes and tossed her head in the direction of the river again, this time seeming more like a command than an offer. I shook my head again, only this time she got in my face and snarled, baring all of her teeth in a show of intimidation. She barked and the cat jumped up. From the corner of my eye I saw her looked at the wolf and understanding passed through her eyes. A piercing yowl came from the cat and my ears felt as though they may bleed. My head spun and a white blur took over my vision. I lost control of my muscles and crashed to the ground where my head met the same root as last time. . .


*What are you doing, Soror?! I thought we were going to eat him! Now your begging to keep this pathetic

lump of flesh?! I'd rather keep a magikarp than this.* Umbra was ranting as I drug the boy towards the river, of course she failed to realize in her ranting I was struggling a little.

*Umbra, silence yourself, please, and help me carry him? I understand you're hungry and once we get him to the caves, I will go fetch some food.* She sneered at him then me. Huffing, she got under his other side and slowly we drug him to our den.

*I do not understand you, Lux. This human is inferior to us and you know it! Why can't we just kill him?

He's out cold now, it would be humane.* She was irritated and hungry by this point, making her herself irritating and irrational. I stopped and snapped at her.

*I wish to have a pet, Umbra! Now will you accept or must I return him to his truck?* Umbra snarled back at me but did not protest further which was her way of accepting.

*Thank you, Soror.* We continued walking on slowly. The woods were pleasant as the calm night rolled in. Wildlife had resumed its normal course and you could hear the chitters of all the small fuzzy things and the songs of night birds. I felt a nudge as the boy began to regain consciousness. I hoped he would not be too much problem this go around.


I felt the ground beneath me moving, I looked to either side of me to see that the wolf and cat were

carrying me. I took a moment to listen and heard the river moving closer. Shit, they were going to drown

me now! I jumped to my feet, rather wobbly and if the wolf had not stepped to my side and then the cat to

my other I would have fallen. They walked forward but I did not follow. The cat made an annoyed sound and the wolf growled back at her. I swear the cat rolled her eyes at the black wolf. The wolf walked back to me and nudged me forward.

"No!" I yelled at her but it only made it worse because she shoved me forward and I lost my balance, luckily the cat was standing in front of me and I was able to catch myself before I hit the ground. The wolf barked at me and tossed her head to the right, telling me to go that way. I shook my head and she growled at me as if to say now. I hung my head and walked. She came to my side as well as the cat and they guided me up the side of the river.

"I must be insane . . ." I muttered to myself as we walked in silence. The cat huffed at me and the wolf did the weird laughter that she does. Well, they understand me. . . now if only I understood them.

Soon we came to a mountain which they directed me up the left side of and then we stopped in front of a

large gap in the mountain. This must be their home. The wolf directed me to a large rock where she sat

beside it and looked from me to the rock. I walked to it and sat down, I wonder what I'll do next for these

creatures . . . I watched the cat walk in and then out. She rubbed her face all over the entrance as a territory mark and then walked in. From within a yowl flowed out and the wolf hunched down and barked back. She sighed deeply and got up tugging my hand for me to follow. Were these two together? Or something? It seemed like the cat may have been the command but then again I couldn't really see the wolf being bossed by anyone. The wolf grumbled and I looked down at her. She tossed her head toward all the twigs and pine straw on the ground. I guess I'm collecting nesting things for her. I began picking small twigs, branches, and pine straw up until I was loaded with as much as I could carry. I saw the wolf had gone and found a

bag and had filled it with other nesting things as well.

"That's not fair." I muttered to her and she snickered. I got the feeling she was the kind of person that

would say life's not fair. We walked back with the nest stuff and walked into the cave. The scent of iron hit my nose and I dropped the things I had been carrying when I saw the outline of a huge dead animal. I gagged, stumbling I collapsed onto the stone floor. My stomach rolled, making me want to vomit. The wolf brought wood, small slabs of stone, and lint over to me. Fire makings! I looked at her with wonder in my eyes, how did she know how to make a fire? She sat on her hunches and waited. I stacked the wood and lint on top of each other and began striking the stones together to create the spark to start the fire. I heard the tearing of flesh and crunch of bones. A moist thud near the wolf told me she had gotten herself some dinner and my stomach churned again. I burped up bile this time but swollowed it down. I was sure I'd puke before I laid down for sleep if I could sleep. A spark caught the lint and began spreading to the wood and I tossed more lint and wood onto it to make sure it caught well. The tearing of flesh drew my gaze to the cat as she ripped a chunk of meat off the now illuminated animal, which was a deer, she brought it to me and the wolf dropped a thick stick by me as well. They were sharing their food with me? My eyes got big as I stared at them. Strange and stranger. The wolf looked meaningfully at me and looked from the food to the fire I had just started. I understood what she meant but I was still feeling rather sick. She narrowed

her eyes and it seemed she was offended by my rejection, quick to correct the mistake I started cooking the meat. I really hope I don't give myself food poisoning. . .

Some time passed as I cooked the food and finally deemed it eatable. I took small bites and did my best to ignore the two watching me. I hated being watched. They began to "communicate" and their woof meows were drifting out the cave. My stomach churned and the hairs on my arms raised up. I got a very bad feeling as the two fell silent, seemingly abruptly. Suddenly a voice nearly screamed in my mind. A young feminine voice. I jerked my head up and looked at the two animals then outside the cave. Had someoneactually heard my cries earlier???

*HUMAN! Can you hear me?!*

I am sure I turned green as my head spun and my food came up in a burp.

*Speak you moronic pile of flesh!*

*HEY! Shut it before it spews bile everywhere. Human, try to speak, please?*

The cat began to growl and snarl at me.

*Take a chill pill, Umbra! Hey, human, move your right hand and we'll understand.*

The wolf gazed at me with eyes filled with concern. I tried to tug my right arm but as I moved I face

planted and could not find the will to move anymore. I felt the wolf and cat begin to work in sync to move me to one of the piles of "bedding".

*Perhaps he will be well enough to speak tomorrow.*

*For his sake, I hope so.*

The wolf lie at my side and her warmth was a welcomed comfort as I slipped into sleep.

DaughterOfLilith DaughterOfLilith

This is the first chapter to a story very dear to me, hope y'all enjoy!

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