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Sign-In To Greatness (Harry Potter AU) Sign-In To Greatness (Harry Potter AU) original

To Greatness (Harry Potter AU)

Author: FallingStarssux

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: {Chapter 1}

The sensation of dizziness is making my head spin as I sat there trying to figure out what has happened to me, the memories are all blurry and fading quickly. By the time I have my bearings set I don't know what is happening, at the moment I am in a room of a child who it is coming apparent has a thing for Superman.

Looking down at my hands I am freaked seeing how small they are I didn't know what to feel, the memories of this body aren't there I have no clue what is happening at the moment. Looking outside I am thankful that it is night time, from the clock on the wall it appears to be around 2am, the date on the calendar is currently April 1, 1989.

Well that answers some things at least since I clearly remember it being the year 2021 so this is something that is weird, sighing I just tried to figure out what was going on. Suddenly a slight pain takes over my head but it isn't enough to actually case any harm, rather it is an uncomfortable feeling, I now have a name and some information.

'My' name is Daniel Sharman which works out since I do look like the actor a lot, it would be hard to notice since I am a child but the features are all there. I am currently 9 years old and live with my aunt Gwen who has raised me ever since my parents died in an explosion accident in downtown.

My Aunt Gwen is a nice woman who is unmarried she can't have kids and doesn't want to make her husband suffer, so she has just taken to adopting and raising me. We live in central London at the moment she works at a law office downtown as a senior partner, it is impressive since not many women have the same amount as power as her.

Anyway I was trying to come to terms with the fact that I am now living in 1989 this was weird for me since I was originally born in 1996, I was never this early in history. Now while there are some good things in this time they aren't what I am use to, hence why I am looking at an old computer, the thing scares me since it was dial-up and it had nothing I was use to.

Sighing I flopped on the bed behind me and rubbed my eyes thinking what I should do next, it seems that I will be living out from a child again. Maybe I should start investing?

[Ding! System Installed! Welcome Host to the Sign-In System this is a system created to let the host sign-in at any point and gain items, bloodlines, or skills depending on where you sign-in.]

[Host is at the current sign-in point that he has been at for five years, would you like to sign-in and gain extra rewards?]

My eyes were wide, I have read a novel and fanfic about this type of system they were both different but hopefully it was like the fanfic version since he got multiple items at once. "Yes sign-in." I said while bouncing on the bed.

[Ding! Sign-In Successful.

Rewards Gain: Bloodline of Le Fay, Magic Increase Potions Minor, £10 Million, x1 Polyjuice Potion (Older Version of Yourself), Knowledge of Occlumency.]

My eyes shined and questions also started to flow around my head, it looked like though I was only getting one item per sign-in which I was fine with I guess. Now the question is what to do with everything, also from the sign ins that I see I am in the Harry Potter world that is from the last item alone.

The others could still be played off, well not the Le Fay thing, but the rest all were kind of normal I could just say that the potions are for something else that could be with this world. But I only knew the Polyjuice from Harry Potter, based off the time too I am going to be in the same year as Harry and them but that is only if I take the potions.

Rocking my head I decided to go ahead and do it, maybe if I sign-in to Hogwarts something great will happen for me also it would just be a waste to not go when I have the chance. Coming to that conclusion I took out the potion and downed it the next second, at first nothing happened then it felt like I was being punched in the gut.

My skin was turning red and everything was burning from this new thing happening inside of me, I could feel my heart which was beating fast start to slow down though. Some information got inside my head and I knew that this is where my magic core was it was at a level 1 which was the standard for a young wizard under the age of eleven.

By eleven I could have a level 2 but no higher since it was something that wasn't heard of, well at least that was what the information I got was telling me at least. The system didn't speak to me when asked the only thing it could do was sign me in places, but that was more then okay I wasn't going to be someone who asked it questions every two seconds and make the story annoying being a stupid MC *Cough* I mean it just wasn't working. (A/N: Like seriously who hasn't read a System novel on here at least once)

After everything was settled my body was full of sweat and the pillow I started biting halfway was destroyed I figured this was better then shouting out loud, don't need my aunt to worry. Huffing I laid back and settled in nicely this was way better, a cool sensation was swirling around my body now, I could feel the magic flowing into me.

Smiling I also went ahead and let the knowledge of Occlumency and the bloodline of Le Fay go into my body, other then some family knowledge and an increased mind nothing happened. The mind arts were interesting I read a fanfic once where the guy could do it as a kid without knowledge he went based off what he read in his past life and it worked... bullshit this was tough stuff.

It wasn't just diving into the mind and boom you could think of something to help you control your memories, no you actually needed to mediate and stay that way for at least an hour. This was for first timers then you had to make sure not to actually get lost in your head, without knowledge of what you are doing then you will end up stuck in your head.

The reason for that was because there were to many memories to drown yourself in if you were someone life me who is living a second life, it would take someone at Dumbledore's level to bring you back. I won't explain it but now my mind was as tough as a prison in the bottom of the deepest trench it would make someone go brain dead being inside.

As for the La Fey bloodline I was now more proficient with the Dark Arts, which in my opinion was something I was going to study along with healing magic. I wanted to be a combination of someone who would kill without mercy but could also heal when needed. Thankfully it also gave me an increase of 80% affinity with controlling magic.

My eyes started to droop as I sat there, it was to much of a mental strain for me for the night, yawning I threw off my clothes and went to sleep. Tomorrow I was going to plan more things out but for now there was nothing else to do but sleep.

The Next Day....

While in a peaceful sleep the covers are yanked off of my body, jerking awake my hazy eyes catch sight of a blonde woman who is standing in front of me with a shocked face. "Daniel!!! Why are you sleeping her naked!! Never mind that wake up you still have to go to school in an hour, I need to make sure you get there before I go to work."

"Ugh did you have to rip the covers away?" I asked while slipping out of bed slowly, I wasn't embarrassed in the slightest cause this was just how I slept so yeah.

"Yes cause knowing you then we would have never gotten you to school on time since you sleep in." She said while moving to my closest to get me some clothes. It seems that the other me was also lazy and liked to sleep in, I wonder what else we had in common shrugging I took the clothes she offered, "Go have a shower, brush you teeth and wash your face. We are on a crunch so I am going to go cook...."

For some reason my body started to tense like something was going to attack me.

"On second thought I will be back soon, I am going to go buy us some breakfast. I expect you to be ready by the time I come here." She said leaving the room with an embarrassed face but she played it off by coughing in her hand, my body also went back to normal. Note to self she can not cook.

After she left I went to take a shower and tried to sign-in but since I did it last night I needed to wait until midnight tonight, it was a once a day thing. Since it seems like I am going to school then I needed to figure out what else to do in my free time, Hogwarts wasn't happening for Two years so it was time to do some other things.

Plans needed to be made for that though, but first I needed to decide on what side I would be on plenty of people went on to be on the light side doing it there own way somehow. Some did the dark thing but it was light darkness not in the level of Voldemort, they controlled things from the shadows which was fine but it was still not my style.

I guess I would figure out after time went on there was no reason for me to choose right at this moment what I wanted to do with my life. Whistling I started to sing popular songs while in the shower washing my hair at the same time, my little butt was swaying back and forth.

Getting out I used the hair dryer and then went down to watch some TV before school, the house was a two story in a developing neighborhood at the moment we only had five neighbors. The living room was loaded with a book shelf, just by eyeballing it the books ranged from every day household to how to get away with murder, it was a book about getting someone off a murder charge.

With an odd expression I went and turned on the TV flipping the channels until something caught my attention, it was a report about Billionaire and playboy Tony Stark. After staring for ten seconds I switched the channel 'NOPE!' was the one word which passed by my head before leaving that all alone, if that was really what I thought then I was saying Nope to it.

I finally found some cartoons about a dog and coyote before watching it, so what if I am a twenty-five year old inside a child's body doesn't mean that I don't like cartoons. In the middle of them my aunt came back but she was running a little late so we took of to Primary School, "Alright Daniel I know you don't like to speak much but can you at least try to make a friend today?" She asked while driving me there.

Well seems like he has my loner qualities too, "I will try auntie Gwen but I make no promises." She sighed but accepted that it might not happen, since it has been nine years and I have never had one.

We pulled up to the school and after a kiss on the cheek she let me go inside, luckily I still had muscle memory of where the classroom was so it didn't take me to long to find. Going inside the class was half full but what caught my eye was a person who was sitting in the room, my eyes went a little wide not believing what I was seeing at the moment.

FallingStarssux FallingStarssux

Sooo undecided but it is between.........................





Honestly I will be doing a lot between them but won't decide until sometime later......this might change though.

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