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Sieun Park Sieun Park original

Sieun Park

Author: sieunyu

© WebNovel

~Chapter 1~

I walked down the wet sidewalk of the city of Aresall, my boots getting wet. I was making my way to headquarters when I remembered that I needed to meet Alice there, so I called her.

"Hai Alice," I say in a cheerful voice.

"Ah hi, Sieun. What is it?" She said in a tired voice.

"Um, are you still in bed??"

"Ummm ya why?"

"WE HAVE A MISSION TODAY GIRL! GET UP!" I hurriedly yelled through the phone at my sleepy friend.




"Aish, what am I going to do with you.."


"Hurry up and fly to me. I'll send you my location."

"Okay, I'm coming right now. See you soon!"

I ended the call and sighed.

This girl is one day going to sleep in on a mission...gosh what am I going to do...

I shake my head and let out a small chuckle, and wait for my friend.

I soon see a winged figure flying towards me. I smile and started waving at the figure.

Alice has been my friend my whole life and has always been with me through everything, from when we were kids to now, me being 21 and Alice 20. We both joined The Dawn of Light when we around 18-19 years old and moved from Earth to the magical kingdom of Aresall to train. We both joined The Dawn of Light when we found out we had magic powers.

I learned from Ares, the big boss-lady, that we both possessed very strong magic that are very unique.

My power is the Dragon. I'm the only one of my kind out of all the other Guardians around the world. I can use any type of element that exists, equip any armor or weapons I want to use, and can shape-shift.

But those were nothing compared to the most treasured thing about my powers.

My wings.

My wings were so big and powerful. I always trusted them and they never failed to bring me up, until, they got stolen from my ex-lover Ever since I lost my wings when I was 20, I've been living with a curse. If I don't find a way to get my wings back without the help of a significant lover, I'm done for. I need to also receive something of value and great importance from my future lover or else I am done for again. When a Guardian has something treasured taken away from them, there is an evil that will slowly course through their veins until it corrupts them. Since I lost something of value, my wings, I have a curse placed on me. For some reason, ancient Guardians thought that it would be a good idea to put a curse.

Talk about being dramatic.

Because of the evil and darkness coursing through my veins now, my face has these black, swirling markings around my left eye. Which can attract a lot of attention towards you, so I tend to wear a mask to cover the top half of my face. The markings are slowly going to make it's away onto my neck and body if I don't free myself from this curse. Eventually corrupting me to to succumb to darkness.

I've recently learned that I have until the age of 25 to find my future man.

Alice though, is trying her best to have my curse be lifted. She keeps trying to hook me up with guys in the city, even though I repeatedly told her that I wasn't interested. She always hoped that I could meet someone special once we start going on our missions, which is hopeless because one of the most important rules of being a Guardian is we must not fall in love with the characters from the stories. Apparently it changes the storyline too much.

Anyways, while I'm a Dragon, Alice is a Phoenix. She has these bright, feathered wings, lit up with blazing red, orange, yellow, and blue hues, igniting the sky whenever she flies. She can also shapeshift like me and usually shifts into a big, dark blue wolf while I shift mostly into a black panther.

I never thought a wolf could be dark blue, but hey, you always learn something new.

A great rush of wind blows towards me, almost making me lose my balance. Alice stops in front of me, folding her wings, then making them disappear.

"AHHHH ARE WE LATE! PLEASE DON'T TELL ME WE'RE LATE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!" Alice yells while grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me back and forth.

"I-I-I don-t th-ink- we're-la-a-t-e." I say between the furious shaking Alice is inflicting on me.


"Yes really, now stop shaking me. I see a very bright light coming towards me."

"Oops. Sorry," she says, stopping the shaking and smiling at me.

"Yah yah, now let's hurry up. Ares is waiting for us at headquarters." I say while walking towards the direction HQ was located.

"Ohmygod I can't believe we're finally getting a mission! Now I can matchmake you with the guys we meet on our missions and finally LIFT YOUR CURSE!" She exclaims excitedly.

"Geez Alice, give me a break. First off we aren't allowed to date the people from the stories. Secondly, the reason I have the curse in the first place is because of my stupid ancestors and my stupid asshole of an ex," I grumble, kicking some loose pebbles that were on the ground.

"Ugh, I just want to PUMMEL HIS FACE IN THE GROUND AND DRAG IT ACROSS THE CEMENT RIPPING HIS SKIN OFF," Alice says in a deadly psychotic tone.

"Girl chill...instead let's cut his teeny ass dick off and nail it against the wall. That should torture him for a few hours."

"MMMMMmmm.....I like that," she smiles sinisterly.

I start running down the street, yelling back at Alice. "Come one you psychotic girl, enough talking, let's hurry and get our mission."

"HEY! WAIT UP!" She yells back, running to catch up to me.

sieunyu sieunyu

Hiya guys! This is my first story and I hope you love it. I always had these dreams where my friend and I were Guardians and would go into various stories like dramas, webtoons, fan fictions, books, and etc, and would like go along w the story and such. Now that I have a little bit of free time I can finally write what I've been dreaming about for like 2 years. I will try updating whenever I have the time. I'm a very busy person considering I go to school lol. I hope you guys love it and hope you have a awesome day/night!

안녕 친구들!

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