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Shroud and Venom Shroud and Venom original

Shroud and Venom

Author: Tina_Rossman

© WebNovel

The beginning and the end

The earth shook beneath Shroud's feet the oncoming onslaught was thundering towards him they were just beyond the horizon. 500 strong against him alone. The stench of the slaughtered around him staunched his nostrils. This place would decide the fate of his children and by the gods they would see the sun in the morning. With quiet resolve he wiped the blood of fallen enemies from his sword. Inhaling he pulled the hood of his cloak back over his head and waited. With fierce growls and screams of blood lust the horde of demons raced along the scorched earth biting and gnashing teeth tore at one another to be the first to face the enemy to prove their strength. The valley laid before them, but as soon as they reached it all stopped and beheld the carnage with amazement several of their weaker brethren lay in pieces or piles of ash and a lone figure stood stoically with a sword thrust into the earth amongst it all. For a mere breath the legion was silent. Finally, Tesk a very large winged demon spoke. "They were nothing but worthless fotter and deserved death for their weakness I would've devoured them myself eventually if allowed " Without warning Tesk flew at the man with his enormous claws aimed directly at the man's upper body intending on shredding him in two. Just when he would have dealt the final blow Tesk's head and wings fell from his body seemingly without the man even moving. Aghast the horde rumbled nervously not believing what they had just witnessed. An uneasiness began to stir amongst some but surely they were stronger than this creatures in numbers. Suddenly, a dozen or more all had the same thought "ATTACK!" With the same invisible ease, they to met the same fate as Tesk. Again and again they attacked enmass until only a very small handful remained. The ones who didn't attack stared with morbid curiosity and maybe even a little fear of the lone swordsman. "Who are you?" Battered and bloody the swordsman pulled down his hood and inhaled deeply. Suddenly the sky above them grew as dark as night and lightning flashed fiercely striking the ground inches from him. A great fierce wind tore the valley as he bellowed loudly." I AM YOUR DEATH COME FACE ME!"

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