Long time a go my grandmother used to tell me stories about the origin of the sky, the sun, the moon and so on. This is the origin of a special typ of cloud. I hope you like it.
"You know the orange cloud you see at dawn or sunrise, it is not just a cloude but a home of a little angel you can´t see it every day because he is busy watching over the world, but most of the time he will follow the sun on her journey over the sky.
It all started when he left the heaven, becouse every angel has to expirience our world for 50 years befor he can be seen as an adult. He found a cloude to lie down on it and started looking down on the earth while the wind moved the cloud slowly over the sky. Under the cloud he could see a beautifull ocean and a little mermaid playing in the waves.After a few days the wind disapperead and the angel became bored of always seeing the same. One day he decended from his cloud to talk with the little mermaid and they soon became friends. At the beginning he didn´t think much about her but like every love they love for eachother grew stronger with time. So when the day came he had to go back to heaven he wanted to take her with him, but she told him that she can´t leave the ocean and she would drie out really fast because she was a mermaid and not a siren. They promised each other that they would find a way to be together in the futur and the angel left to become a adult. In heaven he would always think about his mermaid and he so he asked if he could leave to watch over the earth again. This was the first time in heaven that someone wanted to go back so nobody knew what to do at the end they decided that the little angel could go down to earth but he would could never become an adult. the little angel accepted with out a second thougt andleft for earth to see his little mermaid again. He found his cloud and waited for his mermaid to swim to the surface and play with the waves again, but she didn´t come not the next day and not the day after still he waited for her for over then years. then one day a little mermaid came to play with the waves. He rushed down only to notice that it wasent his mermaid, they did look alike but they eye color was difffrent his mermaid hat a eyes like the rising sun and one like the setting sun, this mermaids eye were green. The little mermaid asked him if he were the lover of her dead grandaunt because her mother would always tell her stories of the time when sche and her aunt came up to play with the waves and to wait for her lover. she would come to the surface with out fail even when she was dnear dead she wanted to see her love again, but she didn´t see him. She wished that they would be abel to meet again that they could have a future but she knew that it wouldn´t happen so she told her niece that when her lover come she should tell him to watch over the earth till she reinaneted, so that they could have a futur togeter. the littel angel did as she told him and waited for her and he followed the sun to see the eyecolor of his love so that would never forget her, he would also die his cloud in the color of the sun so that she would be abel to find him. even if it would only be one second sooner. But who knows maybe they alredy meet again and are lifing on the cloud thogeter and the color of the cloud is to tell everyone in heaven that he found his love again. So even if he won´t become an complett adult and would always stay a little angel he don´t regrett his decision, if you look at the age our little angel has he defenetli is alredy an adult, but a part of his mentality will always stay a child. So why do we want to grow up so fast, can´t we also be happy as children?" my grandmother says when we look at he setting sun, with a tear in the corner of her eye. I never ask why she was sad at the and of her story or why they always end with a question I can´t answer or understand. that was just how it was.