It was already 9 am when Nipur woke up. He peeped in his brother's room and found him sleeping. He has to pay his electricity bill before going to class. Nipur rushes outside. Nipur finds Tareq leaning on a wall on the sidewalk near school, He waves his hand toward Tareq."Let's see a movie after school?" Tareq says. Nipur often goes back and forth with Tarek. But today he has to return home a little early, his brother's birthday today. When Nipur was young, their father used to go somewhere with them on their birthdays. After the death of his father, Nipur's brother doesn't care about his birthday. But in the evening, at the insistence of Nipur, the two brothers cuts cake and buys food from the restaurant to celebrate the birthday. "Some other day, today I have to do something else; let's go" Nipur goes to class with Tarek. The school where Nipur goes, has a large compound. His brother also attended the same school. Earlier, during the off-period, one could roam around the compound, but after the arrival of the new principal, new rules have been introduced. Nipur has to spend five hours in the academic building. Nipur's teacher is talking about the thermal death of the universe, Nipur finds it hard to believe that the whole universe will suddenly stop one day and become completely numb. He likes to think that a big black hole will swallow the universe and again a new world will be created through the Big Bang, maybe in that resurrected world he will be a tree or maybe a rock. All these thoughts makes him tired. "Nah, I can't concentrate in class today" ."Let's run away after this class, let's watch the movie you were talking about", he whispered to Tareq. Tareq doesn't care about classes either, the two of them sneak out before the next class starts. In their way out through the second floor balcony, Nipur saw Raka looking at them. Raka is new to the school. Nipur tried to talk to her a few times. Raka's mother usually escorts her to school and home every day so Nipur never gets a chance. Maybe she's too beautiful to be friends with. What might she be thinking seeing them sneaking out like this. Nipur leaves the school are blaming his luck. Tareq's regular commute to the cinema. The people at the ticket counter know him very well. So they manage to cut some time while getting tickets. The movie is about a person with a different identities. That would not be bad Nipur says to himself. Tomorrow he could have appeared in front of Raka in a different form. Nipur looks at the other spectators, a couple at the back is busy with themselves; they don't really care about what is happening on the screen. Nipur has noticed that more single people tend to come to romantic movies than people who're in a relationship. Maybe it's horror movies that couples like the most. Two friends get on the road again after the movie reached it's end. Nipur remembered to pay the electricity bill. He gives the coupons for the cake he has ordered for his brother to Tarek so that he can fetch it for them. The bank is at the top end of the building. Nipur does not like to take the elevator at all, he feels dizzy and out of breath when he's riding an elevator. He also heard a story that, a man pressed the elevator button to get down from the 9th floor, the elevator door opened but the elevator did not come. That man fell from the 9th floor to his death when he stepped in the elevator. Anyhow, he went to the bank and finished paying the bill. Who knows if his brother has returned home or not. Tareq may have brought the cake till now. 6th, 5th, 4th... Nipur feels a jolt.
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