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She Bit Me: Webnovelist To Vampire She Bit Me: Webnovelist To Vampire original

She Bit Me: Webnovelist To Vampire

Author: WangShu

© WebNovel

I Am A Webnovelist

Hello. Pleased to meet you; please call me Wang. I'm about to commit a flagrant indulgence, for which I hope you'll forgive me; I'm of the opinion that a lot of Webnovel writers & readers would appreciate both the sentiments and the encouragement.

I've been a semi-professional writer, fiction and non-fiction both, for ten years now. A few months back I joined Webnovel. I have books published on kindle as well. And, I get paid for my stuff...well, most of the time, anyway...but it's not my main source of income, and if I weren't paid at all, I'd probably still write. More, I'd probably still write exactly the stories, and more pertinent, the kinds of stories, that I've been writing for a decade now. I love to write stories with an erotic flavor.

I write for two reasons above all others. The first and less important one is to illustrate something about the way people think, feel, and behave. The second, and by far the more important, is to make myself and others feel good.

The odds are high that the Webnovel readers, who are bothering to read this -- the first chapter of 'my feelings' as a writer, might want to skip. It is totally your wish.

Now the question - Why do I do this?

While you're pondering that, allow me a few observations about so-called erotica, with specific application to what appears here.

Most of what's styled "erotica" is really just pornography. Pornography is the depiction of raw sexual behavior, independent of what reaction it elicits from the reader. Erotica is about the evocation of desire; it's written to elicit the urge to union with a beloved, including sexual union. It's not "whacking material," as quite a lot of the stuff submitted on Webnovel so obviously is. It celebrates eros, the desire to bond with one's beloved, of which sex is the fleshly expression.

You want proof? Ask any woman. We men tend to suppress such notions; they strike us as somehow unmanly. All the same, ponder why men desire sexual intercourse as fervently as we do. As Lord Chesterfield once observed, "The pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous, and the expense damnable." But a man whose wife or Significant Other "cuts him off" will feel he's lost far more than just an outlet for the pressure in his testicles. Some will seek relief elsewhere, but believe it or not, the overwhelming majority of us won't and don't -- and not because we don't think we'd get away with it.

If I'm to go by what I've read at Webnovel, most of the submitters here don't agree with that formulation. What they write appears directed at "working it:" stiffening Irving or lubricating Wendy in preparation for a bit of self-exercise.

A mature adult, however much he might need to do so, doesn't feel all that good after masturbating. It relieves the biological pressure, but it does little for the emotional yearning indissolubly connected to the sex drive in any healthy human being.

I'm here to encourage you to think about making your readers feel good in more ways than just "the tickle in the pickle."

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