/ 都市 / she's into me

she's into me Original

she's into me

都市 1 Chapters 1.9K Views
Author: Daoistbk3ZFv

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I love her but she doesn’t know about it. She sees me as a random funny guy who is always around her and I really don’t mean anything to her.
She only comes around me when she is depressed and need someone to cheer her up and she knows for sure, I am that person who can make her happy.
Her name is Sandra and she is in the same high school as I but we both are in different classes being that she is art and I am science.
We could only meet each other after school or at brake time or we could even scam classes just to discuss.
Jack my best friend would always call Sandra “Abee’s lover” and the only thing she does is smile back at me.
Nothing in the world would make me believe Sandra is not into me. I love her and she loves me too.
next week is valentine and I really need to get to her before anyone does, I really have to make her mine and I am for sure she would be mine as she is really into me.

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Author Daoistbk3ZFv