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100% SHAZAM!THE MIGHTIEST MORTAL(Discontinued) / Chapter 2: CHAPTER 1:Pilot

Chapter 2: CHAPTER 1:Pilot

Zayden now is punching a wooden log which broke after he punching it. He wipes the sweats on his body using a towel.

He is in his personal gymnasium or training place at the outskirt of the city. No one is there so it is a perfect opportunity for him to test and train his power.

"SHAZAM!" He shouted and lighting struck his body. He becomes the Earth Mightiest Mortal form once again.

"Okay. Time to see what I can do. First strength." He pulls his fist back before thrusting it forward sending a shockwave that destroyed half of the building.

"Holy crap." He exclaimed in a shocked tone."I am lucky that I use a little amount of my strength." He said to himself.

"Next.Speed." He said before throwing a ball with his strength which is faster than a bullet before he dashes after it.

He catches the ball perfectly on his hand."Ha. Guess I am fast like The Flash. " He said before running back to the building.

His hand covered in lighting before he shot lighting to a punching bag that destroyed after being hit by that.

He then concentrated the lighting on his hands to make a spear and it is successful. He then throws it to the wall who got destroyed instantly.

He whistled seeing that."Okay. I can do lighting based attacks." He said before many ideas formed in his head.

He spends the whole day practising his powers. He goes back to his home but he first goes to Belly Burger to grab a bite since he is very hungry now.

He entered to see a very familiar face which he hated very much."Ughh. Why the hell is she here?" He thought in his head when he sees his former lover, Dinah Laurel Lance is with her sister Sara Lance lining up at the Belly Burger counter.

"Let's just go ear something else. Maybe some Chinese foods will calm me down." He gets out if the newly burger.

"Catch that burglar!" He heard a woman shouted. He turns his head on his left to see a man who is holding a purse on his right hand is desperately running from a woman and a policeman.

The burglar now runs pass through him and he stuck out his leg causing the robber to fell on the ground.

He then grabs the purse that fell near his leg. He sees the burglar now glared at him."Die!" He said and tried to stab me with his knife.

But sadly my hand move fast and cripple the burglar hand who holds the knife-hand. He did not have the time to scream as I kick his gut very hard breaking it.

It is a bit brutal from other normal perspectives but he deserves it after trying to kill me. "Thank you for catching this burglar sir." The policeman said to me.

"You are welcome," I replied before giving back the purse to the woman."Thank you very much." She said to me.

I just nodded my head hearing that and take my leave.

I arrived at my apartment before I noticed someone is in my room.

My gaze hardened on the upcoming danger. I unlocked my door only to be greeted by 4 Shurikens that aimed at me.

I flick them aside with my hands before tilting my body avoiding a katana thrust and send a palm strike to the intruder's throat.

"Kush" The intruder grunted and I kick his face to the ground while blocking a kick on my rib with my right arm.

"Why the hell are you here Slade?" I ask Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke.

Deathstroke stands up while rubbing his face or should I say mask that has a little crack on it.

"Damn it. Your kick is powerful. Even my face felt like being kicked even though I wear this damn near the mask." He said to me.

"Okay. I am going to ask you one more time. Why the hell are you here Slade?" He asks the dangerous and deadly mercenary.

"I want your help to capture a gorilla." He said ti making me raise my eyebrows."Gorilla. Do not tell me that the very dangerous and super deadly mercenary Deathstroke cannot capture a damn gorilla?" I said to him.

"Not the normal gorilla dumbass. A special one." He replied making me grumble.

"Okay, who is crazy enough to inject something int he gorilla until the gorilla becomes special?" I ask him.

"Amanda Waller," Deathstroke replied making me snorted."Of course, that fat woman will do that. So what can this special gorilla do?" I ask him.

"Do not know. She gives a little bit of the information of the gorilla. Its name is Grodd. Posses super strength and agility. Plus a psionic ability like Martian Manhunter but I did not know the extent of its mental ability." He said to me.

"Great. A super-powered gorilla with mind ability is loose and that fatass Amanda asked you to hunt him which probably she asks for you to ask my help to assist you to capture it." I said to him.

"Yup. You are damn right." He replied. I sigh. Curse you Bang. I know you are a really strong human and catch the attention of some unwanted attentions which caused me to involve in this attention.

Bang is once a soldier and is a really good one before he retired and decided to become a trainer.

He is approached by some secrets organisation like Amanda Waller, who is the director of ARGUS.

He refuses and Amanda Waller ticked him off by sending many agents to capture. The end story is many of her agents are killed by Bang with his unique martial arts.

I also got involved though I only joined the Organizations for 2 years. My achievements in ARGUS are many with me being the best agent they had before I decided to retire as I wanted to take care of Bang who already is at his death state.

As they said, a student will follow his teacher's way. Amanda Waller decides to implant something in me and locked me but I do rampage in ARGUS.

I even threatened her to "retire" me or I will kill her in a single movement. And it is a success and I get to retire.

During the missions, I do with ARGUS, I stumbled against Deathstroke who also is doing his mercenary mission.

We fight many times and I won every single time. And since then, he will challenge me to fight him even though he still loses against me.

"So when will we be doing this mission?" I asked him."Tomorrow. Meet me at this location." He said to me before throwing a paper to me. I catch it before read it.

I then look back at the mercenary only to find he has gone. I shake my head before going back to my bedroom and sleep.

I wake up the next morning and goes to the place where I am supposed to meet Deathstroke.

Already told my secretary that I had some matters to do.

"You are early," Deathstroke said to me."Okay, where did want Amanda to want to meet with us?" I ask him.

"Here though you will be the only one who will stay here. We will act as her bodyguard with some important people will be heading to Star Labs to see the new source energy the place created." He said to me.

"I will guard and inform you if anything approached you from far. I will take out any enemies while you just guard her." He said to me.

"Okay. I understand." I replied. I mean it is easy since I just had to guard Amanda.

"Also, expect for Grodd to attack the Star Kabs. Amanda is being hated very much by that Gorilla." He had to me. I nodded my head.


"Yup. This sucks." He thought in his head seeing many important figures in the STAR Labs.

"And that bastard is here too." He thought while look at Steve Trevor with a really pretty woman beside him wearing a glasses.

Yup. The woman is Diana Prince AKA Wonder Woman. A princess from the sacred island Themyscira. A member of Justice League. And more importantly, the woman who left him for that son of a bitch.

"I liked seeing your angry face right now Zayden." A fat black woman said behind him.

"Shut up Amanda," Zayden said to Amada Waller, the director of ARGUS.

"You could get that position if you decided to stay with me and maybe that princess will not leave you for that man." She said to me while I just keep my mouth sealed.

"What about Grodd? Why do you think that super-powered gorilla will come here?" Zayden asked Amanda.

"This Lab contains a serum that will make him stronger than ever. " Amanda replied.

"How the hell that gorilla knows about the serum?" He asks her."He uses his mind-reading power to look into the mind of a scientist of this lab." Amanda replied.

"The scientist?" He asked."Dead. Get his head smashed on the wall much time by Grodd." Amanda replied.

"Anyone knew about his. The military?" He asks her once more."No. But some of the higher us know about the gorilla even the man you have very much but we decided to keep it secret to let the public not to worry about a loose meta gorilla roaming around their city." Amanda said to him.

"That is convenience." Zayden said before reaching his earcom."Slade. How about the situation from the outside?" He asks the mercenary.

"No sightseeing of the gorilla yet," Slade said.

"Tell me if anything suspicious approaching this lab." He said to the mercenary before focusing on his job guarding director of ARGUS.

"Zayden?" Someone called him and he turned around to see his friend, Lois Lane."Hey Lois." He greeted her.

"It is nice to meet you." She said while hugging him. She then breaks off the hug."So what are you doing here?" She asks him.

"Guarding someone." He replied."The guard who?" She asks before he pointed his hand to Amanda who is busy talking to a scientist.

"Oh. Amanda Waller. That is some woman you have to guard." Lois said to me."So how is your love life?" She asked me.

"Got left by 2 women for 2 jocks." He replied simply."That is terrible." Lois said to me."How about you?" He asked.

"Well there's this reporter named Clark Kent and I often called him " Smallville". He and I tried to get into a relationship but with him being late for our date and whatsoever, I am deciding to break our relationship." Lois said to me.

"Foolish man if I say." Zayden said to her."I mean you are pretty and not a normal woman considering how many time you almost lost your life reporting much dangerous news." Zayden said to her.

"Oh. You flatter me." Lois said to me."So have you hear about this new superhero?" She suddenly asked him.

"New superhero?" He asked."Yeah. You know, the one who best Girder. He wears a red cloth with a white cape. Many people said he is related to Superman considering him just beat Girder with a punch." Lois said to him.

"That is reassuring knowing we have the second Man of Steel." Zayden said to her."The second Man of Steel. That is a lame name. How about we call him the Thu---" He did not hear Lois words anymore as his earcom made a sound.

"Zayden. There are 3 trucks that approach the Lab at a very high speed. And guess what? There are many bombs in the trucks." Deadshot said to him while Zayden can hear many gunshots.

"How about you? Can you just snipe the truck." He asks him."I can if I did not have to fight many mind-controlled people. Fuck!" Deadhsot cursed as a sound of roar can be heard through the earcom.

"Shit. It's the damn gorilla." Slade said to him before the communication is cut off.

Jayden hearing this quickly approach Amanda."Waller. 3 trucks incoming to his plan with explosives and Deadshot is engaging Grodd." He said to her who chuckled called her squads.

"What is happening Zayden?" Lois asked her but he did not answer as his sense feels something wrong.

Then the door of the lab is opened and a scientist entered the lab but he to wear the best with many explosions on it.

Many people had their eyes widened seeing this and the man had his hand on the switch. He is about to press it before a kick is sent to his face making him unconscious.

Zayden is the one who kicks his face. He then takes out a knife and cut off the wire."Everything is alright now." He said to the people in the room making them breathe in relief but then the building shook as an explosion just ignites in the lab.

"Shit. There are already explosives in this Lab." Zayden thought in his head."Everyone get the hell out of here now!" He shouted and all the people started to run. Zayden is running in front of them when he sees 2 soldiers are walking to them.

Zayden then threw his knives towards the 2 solider who already aimed their weapon to them. His knives struck their hand and he quickly knocks them out with punching their faces.

Many scientists also are following them before they stopped as Zayden also stopped.

They see Deathstroke is there and a high gorilla behind him.

"Oh shit." Zayden thought in his head before tilt his head to avoid a bullet that grazes his right cheek.

Then many people fell unconscious as Amanda Waller is still up with Wonder Woman already changed to her hero attire and pointed her sword to Grodd.

"Surrender now." She said to her making Grodd scoff. Then a new figure emerges beside Gorilla.

"Aw man. Now Cheetah is here. Things just got more troublesome." Zayden thought in his head.

"Hey, Princess. Your fight is with me." Cheetah then dashes to Wonder Woman and the 2 women engaged in a fight leaving me to fight Deathstroke and Grodd.

Grodd made a motion with his head and Deathstroke dash to me.

I deflect his slash but a kick already is sent to my stomach sending me backwards. Deathstroke then points his gun to my face and shot but I duck and all thrust his gut sending him back before I dash to him and my hand turn into blurry.

He tried to block my attacks with his katanas but they are useless as my attack managed to land hits on his joints. But Deathstroke shot at me with his guns but I deflected all the bullets.

I take a deep breath before leaping to Deathstroke and send palm push to his stomach sending him backwards followed by many combos of kicks and punches making him injured badly.

I then knock him out with punching his mask very hard making his head to hit the ground very hard.

"One down. A gorilla to go."I then leap aside to avoid being mashed by the gorilla who then backhanded me sending me to hit the wall.

I see it approaches Amanda and looks straight at her eyes. Amanda's eyes rolled back before she passed out. The Gorilla then entered the Lab.

" This is my chance to transform right now." Zayden thought in his head before walking into the Lab.

"Many cameras are destroyed. Nice. " I thought in my head.

"SHAZAM!" I shouted and lightning struck my body.

"Time to give this Gorilla a beating," I said before running to the Gorilla.

He finds the Gorilla in a lab and sees the gorilla is holding a serum.

"Take this you shitty gorilla." He said to the Gorilla who got punched by him making him fly out of the building.

He leaps out of the building and approaches the gorilla. Lighting seems to sparkle on his hands and eyes.

"Ready to get a beating from me Gorilla," Zayden said to Grodd who just ready to fight him.

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