In a frozen, post-apocalyptic world where power is everything, young Alex must navigate the dangerous streets of the Rust Quarter, a crumbling settlement where survival hinges on scavenging and trade. Alongside his adoptive sister Elara, he scrapes by in a world dominated by old-world technology and mysterious energy manipulation—an ability few can master, but one that holds immense potential.
Unknown to everyone, Alex harbors a powerful secret: an AI embedded in his very soul. With the AI’s help, Alex begins to uncover fragments of lost knowledge, relics of a time long before the collapse. As he pieces together the mysteries of the past, he is drawn into a dangerous game—one where knowledge, energy, and survival are all tightly intertwined.
With secrets hiding in every shadow and power held only by the elite, Alex must tread carefully. What he discovers could change everything, but it might also bring more danger than he ever imagined.
#Post-apocalyptic#Survival#Sci-fi#Energy manipulation#Reincarnation#AI companion#Advanced technology#Dystopia#Scavenging#Self-sustaining technology#Power generation#Tech-enhanced protagonist#Sibling bond#Wasteland exploration#Old-world tech#Crafting and innovation#Underground economy#Secret abilities.
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