/ Urban / Shattered Castle

Shattered Castle Original

Shattered Castle

Urban 46 Chapters 24.4K Views
Author: Chima_Ugokwe

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The war ended with its many unlearnt lessons. Strange things were happening. Many systems of government have been experimented on. On the verge of recovery came another blow. The death of a reformer. Suddenly, Mr. Zack a strong fighter of moral piracy of political code and doctrines died on a plane crash .Investigators examining the wreckage ruled political sabotage. The elimination was inconsistence with the time-tested democratic system in practice in the country and elsewhere in the world. It became a tragedy and wound that never healed so fast. Things would never be the same again. History was forgotten and mistakes are to be repeated. Mr. President who headed the saddest chapter of the nation’s political history was fingered as directly responsible. Then came Mr. Ribadau who was dropped after along service at the altar of the ordained thin god Mr. President .He too died of political assassination. The double tragedy marked the genesis of a legal Ping-Pong that saw Mr. President behind the bar in just three years afterward.

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Author Chima_Ugokwe