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Please believe me

Max wrote and drew about Shark Boy and Lava Girl as he waited for there return. It's been months since he hasn't seen them, but it was time for school to start. "This is Max's new school he needs to make new friends" Max mom said while baking cookies for his classmates. "MOM" Max said with a eager look upon his face. "I can make friends on my own" Max said. " Aww sweetie i'm just trying to help once they taste my cookies you'll have lots of friends." The night of his first day he couldn't sleep, he was having a night mare of lave girl and shark boy. One flash back was Shark boy holding Lava Girl running across a icy path, One was with Shark boy drowning. That's when Max has woken up. He went down stairs as he heard foot steps. He went to the kitchen and saw two pieces of cookies, one with a shark bite and the other that's burnt. As he picked up the burnt one he yelled "OUCH" as the cookie had burned him. His dad came running downstairs along side with his mom thinking something was wrong. His mom pushed his dad out the way and dropped the object she was holding as said " MAX why did you eat the cookies for your first day tomorrow, those were for you classmates" Max tried to explain to her it wasn't him , he said with a disbelief look on his face, " It was Shark Boy and Lava girl." His dad barged in the conversation and said there's no such thing as Shark Girl and Lava Boy." " Please believe me mom" Max said while it looked like he was going to shatter a tear. "It's ok just go back up stairs and get some rest for your first day of school honey." His dad picked up the cookie and said " He wasn't going to make friends with these cookies" jokingly. Maxs mom rolled her eyes.

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